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06th The Monthly Newsletter Mussafah, Sector 9, Shabiya, P.B. No: 39972 Abu Dhabi – UAE Issue Volume - VIII Tel: +971 25591777 November - 2019 [email protected] Total Pages 4 Editor : Geetha Chandran Design - L Liju M lal PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SCHOOL BHARATIYA VIDYA BHAVAN - ABU DHABI PAGE 01 Proudly Pink PAGE 01 Saluting the Sons of the Land 01 Constitution Day 2019 01 02 Rashtriya Ekta Divas PAGE 02 Doodling for a Divine Deed PAGE 02 International French Day PAGE 02 PAGE PAGE PAGE Sports National Day 2019 Events-Hindi PAGE 03 Character Week 03PAGE Bhavans Radio PAGE 03 Mathletics 2019-2020 PAGE 04 Maths Expo 2019 PAGE 04 School Assembly PAGE 04 Guidance to Grow 04 PAGE Sports Jaisankar(11A), Hebah Rahim(12C), Afreen Saheed(12A), Abinaya Sri Senthil Report by Ajitha Kumari Kumar(12A), Bhavya Ushasree(9B), Riddhi Purvaja Venkatesh(9A), Leena Vengades- Bhavans Abu Dhabi proudly witnessed a sane(9B), participated in the Inter-school series of events this academic year, where Throwball Championship conducted in St. our students excelled. In sports too, the Joseph’s School, Abu Dhabi, qualifying to Department of Physical Education stands the Quarter Finals. proud to have trained students to believe in the statement ‘true sportsmanship is The Under-14 Football team of Bhavans excellence in motion’. Abu Dhabi - Adithya Sathyanath, Ankith Surendran, Akshath Surendran, Shafin CBSE Aerobics Nationals Sajim, Indrajith Thazhathel Lalmon, Bennett Bhavans Abu Dhabi stands proud to be the Varghese Tony, Vraj Paresh Patel, Darshan only participant from the Middle East, to Kamal Chand of Grade 10 and Adithya take part in the 8th CBSE Aerobics National Jayakrishnan & Allan Wilson Thaliath of Championship, Kopargaon, Mumbai, India. Grade 9, with their hard work, relentless The team members were Rishika Rajeevan e ort and the able support of Team Physi- Maroli (6A), Ahana Padmanabha Acharya cal Education, e ortlessly bagged the (7A), Vrinda Umesh Poojari (7A), Manasa championship in the Dunes Cup Football Rajesh Nair (7C), Alvin Varughese (7E), Yaksh Tournament conducted in Dunes School, Kalpeshbhai Thakkar (7F), Swayam Manish Abu Dhabi. Pulekar (7G) & Sahil Sandeep (5D). Interschool Throwball Tournament The Department of Physical Education is Our girls, Arshpreet Kaur Sohi (9B), Nita gallantly geared up to train more young- Murugan(10A), Safa Gousia Moham- sters to facilitate excellence in the field of med(10A), Emma Mariam Sam(9A), Megha- sports. vardini Jothikannan(11A), Prajaa Vaiyamalai Proudly Pink Saluting the Sons of the Land Constitution Day Report by Janarajani Malalagama Report by Jojo Martin (SAMVIDHAN DIVAS) The Department of Humanities organized the UAE Commemo- Report by Vanitha Walter The auditorium literally reverberated ration Day, on 26th November 2019, in a grand manner. The pro- with the applause of appreciation gramme started with the patriotic song which praised the brav- Constitution Day is an opportunity for students to when the Principal welcomed the 9 ery with which the great heroes of the land sacrificed their lives broaden their knowledge of the constitution. Bhavans ideal and exemplary Bhavanites viz. to save the nation. Abu Dhabi celebrated Constitution Day on 26th Afreen Saheed, Anushree Appandai November 2019 in all its solemnity. It began with a Rajan, Varunika, Zia Sainab Seera Speeches by Abhijeet and Zaheen of Grade – 9 provided us a ‘Special Assembly’ organized by our students with the Valappil and Smiruti Rajesh of 12 A, better insight on the importance of Martyr’s Day as well as the guidance of the teachers from the Department of Hebah Rahim of 12C, Sana Seera sacrifice made by the great sons of UAE in the field of battle Social Science. A skit, specially designed to enhance Valappil of 11 A, Noureen Rahima of 8A and rescue operations. the awareness on constitution, was staged, followed and Sanjana Rajesh of 8B who elevat- by the culmination of the ceremony – a speech and ed the fame of PIES by donating their A tableau was done by the students of Grade- 5 and 7 to pay the oath-taking on the preamble. hair to Pink Caravan, a UAE-based respect to such great legends who laid down their life to safe- initiative to support breast cancer guard the nation. Overall, this celebration was a brief journey from the patients. history of the constitution until its present form that also provided a better insight on its vital role which brought out the feeling of ‘being an Indian’. Issue - 05 Volume 08 October 2019 Copyright @ Private International English School - Abu Dhabi Page 01

The Monthly Newsletter Issue - 06 Volume 08 November 2019 Page 02 National Day 2019 Rashtriya Ekta Divas Report by Ms. Etedal Abu Nemeih Report by Parvathi. K ‫ حول اليوم الوط‬/ ‫تقرير‬ To mark the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai ‫لقد قامت المدرسة ا نجل ية الدولية الخاصة مصفح با حتفال باليوم الوط‬ Patel, the ‘Iron Man of India’, Bhavans Abu Dhabi con- ‫تمام الساعة العا ة‬ ‫ م يوم ا ربعاء‬٢٠١٩/١١/٧٢ ‫ بتاريخ‬، ‫الثامن وا ربع‬ ducted 'Rashtriya Ekta Diwas' on 31st October 2019. ً‫صباحا‬ The Department of Humanities conducted a special ‫ولقد شاركنا احتفالنا قسم طة ب ياس‬ assembly where, Shreya Iyer and Gargi of Grade 7B ‫الم زم ا ول سهيل محمد الراشدي‬ presented a Power Point Template on Sardar Vallabh- ‫المساعد ا ول راشد عبد الحسا‬ bhai Patel, to help our students understand the integral ‫ال طي أحمد عبد ا شخري‬ role played by the prominent Indian leader. ‫وتم افتتاح اليوم الوط برفع علم دولة ا مارات العربية المتحدة مرافقاً للنشيد‬ Doodling For A Divine Deed ‫وتم رفعه من قبل الم زم ا ول سهيل محمد الراشدي‬، ‫الوط‬ ‫وت ه عرض عسكري من قبل ط ب المدرسة بمجموعات مختلفة بألوان العلم‬ Report by Mini Ramesh ‫و نهاية العرض قام الم زم ا ول سهيل محمد الراشدي بإلقاء كلمة هذه‬ ‫المناسبة الغالية ع قلوبنا‬ “The simplest acts of kindness are by far more powerful than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.” - Mahatma Gandhi ‫و الم ح ح الجميع مع طلبة المدرسة لحضور الحفل الذي استهل بقراءة‬ ‫ وت ه النشيد الوط لدولة ا مارات العربية المتحدة‬، ‫القرآن الكريم‬ Each new year ushers in hopes and dreams galore. Our students of Bhavans Abu Dhabi were resolute ‫وتضمن الحفل فقرات متعددة ومتنوعة تح قصة شعب مكافح ع سنوات‬ to act di erently by coupling art with charity. Eight students from Grades 12-A and 12-C, along with ‫ وتح قيم وعادات وتقاليد دولة ا مارات العربية المتحدة من خ ل‬، ‫مضت‬ their friends, set their hands, hearts and souls together to bring out ‘Doodle Calendar 2020’ with the ، ً‫ وا دوات ال كانت تستخدم قديما‬، ‫ والطعام الشع‬، ‫عرض للزي الشع‬ sole motive to reach out to the needy. This calendar will go on sale in India and the proceeds will be ‫سواء الصيد وا وا الم لية‬ donated to di erent NGOs and crowdfunding platforms such as Milaap, Akshaya Patra Foundation, ‫وتضمن أيضاً رقصات مختلفة بالشعر واليو من جميع الصفوف وألقى الطلبة‬ Letters of Love, Happy Feet Home Foundation, You and I, and the like. ‫ وعن عام التسامح ويوم الشهيد‬- ‫ رحمه‬- ‫كلمات متنوعة عن الشيخ زايد‬ The creative doodlers are Afreen Saheed, Anushree A. Rajan, Gopika Santhosh, Hebah Rahim, Laksh- ‫وإكسبو ع ين ع ين‬ mi Nandita, Maanisha Murugan, Violet Sarah Prince, and Ziya Zainab. ‫و كانت هناك فقرات حول تاريخ ا مارات من خ ل الم حيات القص ة ال تح‬ ‫التاريخ العر وا س مي وكيف تطورت الدولة خ ل هذه السنوات من العمل‬ With this tiny step to help those in need, our students are sure to set an example for everyone and inspire more people to reach out to the underprivileged. ‫والجد وا جتهاد‬ ‫قسم اللغة العربية وال بية ا س مية‬ ‫ أمل الجبور‬/ ‫ا ستاذة‬ in all the four sections of Grade 4, by introducing the new language with the help of posters and many other visual aids, keeping in mind the principles of Blooms Taxonomy. Our students of French were exuberant to experience the moments of being teachers. International French Day We thank the Management, Teachers and Ms. Ritaanshi.S (Section Supervisor of Grade 4) for the cooperation and JOUR DE PROFESSEURS INTERNATIONAL CÉLÉBRÉ PAR LES support. ÉTUDIANTS DE FRANÇAIS DE CATÉGORIE 10 – 13th Octo- bre 2019 (INTERNATIONAL TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATED BY THE STUDENTS OF FRENCH FROM GRADE 10) Report by Fidele Furtado International French Day is celebrated on October 5th. Bhavans Abu Dhabi celebrated the day when the students of Grade 10 played the role of teachers. Our students opted for Grade 4 where they taught five basic greetings in French. A Lesson Plan was framed and the students of French e ciently delivered the sessions. Our girls of G 10 A and boys of G 10 D and E, skillfully conducted classes Issue - 06 Volume 08 November 2019 Copyright @ Private International English School - Abu Dhabi Page 02

The Monthly Newsletter Issue - 06 Volume 08 November 2019 Page 03 तक-िवतक मं च ि तीय अतं व ालय िश क सं घो ी Reports by Indu मयरू ाइवटे ू ल ारा ि तीय अतं व ालय िश क सं घो ी का आयोजन िदनाकँ २४.१०.२०१९ को िकया गया िजसम अबधू ाबी के भारतीय िव ा भवन के ागं ण म िहदं ी मा िमक िवभाग ारा (क ा ६ से ९)तक के सभी िव ा थयों के िलए िव ालयों को िनमं ण िमला I िजनम से भारतीय िव ा भवन भी एक था I भारतीय िव ा भवन के िह ी िवभाग िक दो अ ािपकाओं वाद-िववाद ितयोिगता का आयोजन िकया गया िजसका िवषय–मके इन इंिडया / िडिजटल इंिडया था I (इंदु और दी ी ताकात)े को यह सं घो ी म भाग लेने का सुनहरा अवसर िव ालय की धानाचाया ारा िदया गया I यह सं घो ी िहदं ी ितयोिगता का उ े छा ों म भाषा के ित ची व छा ों म मंच को लके र होने वाली घबराहट को दूर करना थाI िवभाग के िलए एक ऐसा मं च था जहाँ अबधू ाबी म ि त सभी सी.बी.एस.ई िव ालयों के िश कगण िहदं ी िवषय िक िश ण पि ित के िवभाग के सभी िश कों ारा िव ा थयों को ो ािहत कर ितयोिगता म भाग लने े के िलए पथ दशन िकया गया नवीनीकरण पर एकमत होकर चचा कर रहे थे I िजस चचा का िवषय छा ों म िहदं ी भाषा के ित ची कै से बढ़ाई जाए भी रहा I सभी िजसके कारण अिधकतर िव ा थयों ने वाद-िववाद ितयोिगता म भाग लके र मंच की शोभा बढ़ाई I ितयोिगता िश कगणों म िवचारों का आदान- दान आ िजसम सभी िव ालाओं ारा िव ालय म िकये जाने वाले नवीनीकरण को तु िकया के प ात् सभी छा ों के अ र छु पे ए व ा को देख सभी िश कगण ब त ही स ए I छा ों को ो ािहत गया I भारतीय िव ा भवन के िहदं ी िवभाग म होने वाले सभी ि याकलापों व नवीनीकरण को िव ालय की ओर से ीमती दी ी व इंदु करने के िलए िवभाग के िवभागा पु षो म शमा ारा ितभािगयोंको माणप देकर उनकी कला की सरहाना ारा तु िकया गया I भारतीय िव ा भवन म होने वाले ि याकलापों व नवीनीकरण की सभी िव ालाओं ने सराहना की जो की करने के िलए कहा गया I ितयोिगता म थम,ि त् व ततृ ीय ान ा करने वाले िवजते ाओं को ो ािहत करने िव ालय के िहदं ी िवभाग के िलए ब त ही गवाि त ण था I के िलए िवभाग की ओर से माणप देते ए जीवन म ऐसी ही अनके उपलि यों को ा करने की मनोकामना की गई I Celebrating Character and Being Caring. िहदं ी िदवस आयोजन 14 Sep. 2019 शु वार को िकया गयाI Report by Soumya Soman Apart from value-based short films played for our children to watch, we also इस काय म म अितिथ के प म चेयरमनै - ी रामचं न मने न Every problem is an opportunity to shape had special assembly to reiterate the उपचेयरमनै - ी सरू ज मने न myself to a better human being. importance of building values. Teachers ं िसपल-िगिरजा बजै ू too enthusiastically took turns to deliver उप ं िसपल- सुरेश वी. बालकृ न As an institution that firmly believes in the speech on the same. िवभागा -पु षो म शमा, ते ल ताकर fact that values form a considerable part इस काय म म िहदं ी भाषा को रा भाषा के प म ान देने के िलए भारत सरकार से िनवेदन प आ ह िकया of teaching-learning process, Bhavans Bhavans Abu Dhabi was elated to गया है िजससे भारत रा एक ब मुखी देश बन सके तथा इस अवसर पर िव थयो को िविभ रानसु ार माण Abu Dhabi celebrated ‘Character Week’ witness our children donate plants and प िवतरण िकए गयेI from 20th to 25th October 2019, focusing books to PIES, as a gesture to promote जसै े- on some of the important pillars that ‘care for nature’ and inculcate strong भारतीय िव ा भवन की ओर से सभी िहदं ी अ ापक एवं अ ािपकाओं को िह ी िदवस की ब त ब त shape an individual, such as Trustworthi- reading skills. शभु कामनाएँ। ness, Respect, Responsibility, Being Fair िह ी के ऐितहािसक अवसर को याद करने के िलये हर साल 14 िसतंबर को पूरे देश म िह ी िदवस मनाया जाता ह।ै इसको िह ी िदवस के प म मनाना शु आ था ोिं क वष 1949 म 14 िसतंबर को सं वधै ािनक सभा के Bhavatharangini and there is always a lot to talk about. ारा आिधकािरक भाषा के प म देवनागरी िलपी म िलखी िह ी को ीकृ त िकया गया था। The grade that has been given the िह ी िदवस 2019-2020 Report by Margaret.J responsibility of preparing the pro- 14 िसतंबर बधु वार को िह ी िदवस मनाया जा रहा है I gramme can decide on the content िह ी िदवस ों मनाया जाता है Bhavans Radio has successfully complet- which not only includes musical but quiz देश म िह ी भाषा की मह ा को द शत करने के िलये पूरे भारत म िह ी िदवस मनाया जाता ह।ै भारत म िह ी ed two years since its inception in Octo- and interview presentations as well. Sing- भाषा का बड़ा इितहास है जो इंडो-ं यरू ोिपयन भाषा पिरवार के इंडो-ं आयन शाखा से सं ब रखता ह।ै भारत की ber 2017. It has been a journey of growth ers and musicians in the class can show- सरकार ने देश की आजादी के बाद मातभृ ाषा को आदश के अनु प बनाने के िलये एक ल बनाया अथात िह ी and discovery for both the mentors and case their capabilities after receiving भाषा को ाकरण और वतनीयु करने का ल । इसे भारत के अलावा मॉरीशस, पािक ान, सरु ीनाम, the RJs. Technical support has acquired instructions from Mr. Charith. The Depart- ि िनदाद और new flair and flamboyance under the ment of English is actively involved in the कु छ दूसरे देशों म भी बोली जाता ह।ै इसे 258 िमलीयन लोगों ारा मातभृ ाषा के प म बोली जाती है और ये able guidance of Mr. Liju and Mr. Shaiju. process of preparation and execution of दिु नया की 5 वीं लंबी भाषा है।14 िसतंबर ेक वष एक काय म के प म मनाया जाता ह,ै ोिं क भारत की Our student RJs have grown more confi- programmes on Bhavans Radio, special सं िवधान सभा ारा 14 िसतंबर 1949 को िहदं ी भाषा (देवनागरी िलिप म िलिखत) भारत गणरा की dent and shrugged o their initial thanks to Ms. Soumya Soman. आिधकािरक भाषा के प म अपनाई गई थी। िहदं ी भाषा को भारत की आिधकािरक भाषा के प म उपयोग nervousness to pick up a more diverse करने का िनणय भारत के सं िवधान ारा (जो 1950 म 26 जनवरी को भाव म आया ह)ै वधै िकया गया था। and innovative style. They can now script Future plans include ‘live’ broadcasts that भारतीय सं िवधान के अनुसार, देवनागरी िलिप म िलिखत िह ी भाषा को पहले भारत की आिधकािरक भाषा के and direct their own sessions requiring will be the responsibility of the Radio प म अनु ेद 343 के तहत अपनाया गया था। minimal guidance from the mentors. The Club. We also hope to have more inter- िह ी िदवस के अवसर पर भारतीय िव ा भवन के ागं ण मे िहदं ी िवभाग ने िहदं ी िदवस समारोह का आयोजन inclusion of Arabic, Hindi and French active radio sessions where students can ब त ही हष उ ास के साथ िकया गया I समारोह की अ ता ानीय महािव ालय के िहदं ी िवभागा along with English has meant that partic- comment and participate in ‘live’ broad- पु षो म शमा तथा ते ल सावतकर अ ता म सं प िकया गया I ipation and interest has no inhibition. cast. काय म की शु आत िहदं ी गीत से ई I ीमती हमे लता न िहदं ी भाषा के ित ब ों का लगाव, िच देखकर उ बधाई दी तथा अ छा ों से भाषा म िच लेने तथा शु भाषा का उ ारण करने पर बल िदया I िहदं ी पिरषद् Broadcast, pre-recorded, once every Bhavans Abu Dhabi anxiously awaits ि याकलाप म उ वल यश ा करने वाले ब ों को पु ार तथा माण प भी िदए गएI fortnight the programme content now more exciting news from the studio of अतः अतं म कु छ ब ों न किवता,कहानी,गीत,सां ृ ितक नृ ारा िहदं ी िदवस काय म म चार चादँ लगा िदए consists of more than two thirds of Bhavans Radio! तथा पल-पल िहदं ी भाषा के िवकास म अपना योगदान देने का ण िलया I student performances and less of ‘mp3’ िह ी है भारत की शान आगे इसे बढ़ाना है titles. Campus news takes precedence हर िदन,हर पल,हमको िह ी िदवस मनाना है I Issue - 06 Volume 08 November 2019 Copyright @ Private International English School - Abu Dhabi Page 03

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