APRIL 2018 VOLUME IV ISSUE I A monthly Newsletter of Kindergarten First day of Kindergarten Orientation Programme Mom in School PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SCHOOL
Message from Section SupervisorLearning is the process of constantly reinventing oneself in an ever-changing world. In the firstfive years the child experiences the most rapid changes in all aspects, physically, intellectually,emotionally and socially. Also, the earliest years of a child’s life are the formative years,predicting ultimate success in their school and personal life. All children should be given theopportunity to experience the very best possible start to their education.Learning at our school is based on the fundamental principles of life; teaching the children tobe courageous, confident, disciplined, responsible and loyal. All of it in the most enjoyable waypossible.Teaching at PIES is a two way process; where the teachers first try and understand each individ-ual child so as to adapt the most amiable techniques in a conducive ambience. We believe inteaching by following the child. We strive to keep our toddlers busy with learning activities.Today the role of a school is not only to pursue academic excellence but also to empower itsstudents to be lifelong learners. We try to provide the best possible environment for healthydevelopment of young children by providing a carefully planned and structured environmentin which the child grows and learns in a natural way.I also take this opportunity to thank the parents of our students for having bestowed their faithand confidence in us. Your faith in us is our driving force. Priyanka Nair Section Supervisor - KG Page 01
Orientation Programme The School organised an orientation programme for the KG parents on 9th &11th April 2018 . Our Principal, Mrs. Girija Baiju, welcomed the parents on the occasion. She also shared a few guidelines on effective parenting. Ms Arifa Fathima provided an insight into the teaching methodology, pattern of assessments and school rules through a brief presentation. One of the objectives of the orientation programme was to demonstrate how the curriculum involves self-directed, hands-on learning activities which not only give vent to the child’s creative talents and energies but also help in the holistic development of the child. The orientation helped outline and reaffirm the teachers’ and parents’ role as partners in the progress of their child. Parents were invited to play a vital role in the educational system while co-operating with the school, honouring its rules and procedures, working together with the teachers for the optimum development of their wards.Page 02
First day of KindergartenThe kids of Senior KG started their new academic year on 10th April 2018. Senior kg studentswere eager to see their friends, new classrooms and to meet their new Teachers. To make thefirst day memorable, the teachers had planned a lot of activities like Myself Card, WelcomeCard, Palm Printing, Playing with Toys and Clay etc. The children were thrilled and activelyparticipated in all the activities. It was wonderful to see how quickly and happily all the childrensettled into school life. Page 03
First day of Kindergarten Senior KGPage 04
In these words we find our feelings best expressed. Kindergarten Teachers Page 05
Watch out JR. Kindergarten…. Here I come! Kindergarten started off with much anticipation and excitement this April. The newest members of Junior KG stepped into school along with their new friends for a whole new experience. Some were bubbling with excitement, while others were sad to leave their parents.Page 06
The teachers were all set with various activities like Fun Games, Paper Tearing, Crushing,Playing with Toys and Puzzles, Colouring, Drawing and Making Crowns on Your Own. Thechildren enthusiastically participated in all the activities and carried back sweet experiencesto share with their parents. The first few days were spent reviewing the school and ourschedule, and not a tear was shed. Old friendships were renewed, and new friendships wereformed. Page 07
Umm Fee Madarasa (Mom in School) Kindergarten Moms were cordially invited to be with our Tiny Tots on 26th April 2018 Registration of the event was done online, and we received an overwhelming response. Moms were enthusiastic and eager to know about the activities planned as no clue was forthcoming. The secret was revealed as they were guided to participate in a class with our students. The visitors were very excited when they got to know they would be taking up the Teachers role. They exhibited their hidden talents through singing, storytelling and dancing. Our students were amazed to see the lovely Moms as dynamic Teachers. Students and teachers had the best time together. MOM IN SCHOOLPage 08
Kinder Korner A monthly Newsletter of Kindergarten PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SCHOOL Mussafah, Sector 9, Shabiya, Post Box No: 39972 Abu Dhabi – UAE Editor : Yogita karmarkarAPRIL 2018 VOLUME IV ISSUE I
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