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Home Explore KG May Newsletter

KG May Newsletter

Published by ict, 2020-06-09 00:53:36

Description: KG May Newsletter


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INDEX Literacy Numeracy EVS Mother’s Day Ramadan Activity Fruit Salad Day Activity KG 1 Portion KG 2 Portion Parent corner Birthday wishes

Dear Parents, Is it because I started my teaching career in the Kindergarten that my heart still beats a little more while engaging in activities per- taining to Kinderwise? The innocence and affection of the 4 to 6 year old draws one to this land of fun and frolic where love is unconditional and smiles genuine. The new academic year and the performance of our tiny tots in the virtual classrooms have further enhanced my admiration for this extremely adorable batch. The manner in which they have adapted to the distance learning shows us how adept they are to change. The confidence they impart during class is owing to the constant encouragement and continuous supervision of our parents. My tributes now to the most hardworking and creative band of teachers who continue to work relentlessly as they aspire to deliver quality classes to the tiny tots. They have risen above numerous challenges in the past few weeks. Their grit, creativity and IT skills have never ceased to amaze me. Well done team Kinderwise. Proud of you!!!!! Congratulations to the team for bringing out the first edition of the Newsletter for the academic year 2020-2021 inspite of your grueling schedule during school hours and numerous after- school cloud meetings. My best wishes to the Kinderwise team for the months ahead and I hope the new term commencing in September will bring along fresh ideas to this happy kingdom. Principal‘s desk.

―Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.‖ - Frederick Douglass Our kindergartners are exposed to language and stories daily. Our KG 1 students are introduced to letters and letter sounds through a kinaesthetic phonics Program. The idea is that body movements help students to remember how to produce each sound, and what sound a letter makes. The speech sounds and corresponding movements are intro- duced in each session to help students to remember the sound. This month our kids were introduced to letters ‗S‘ and ‗A‘ through activities along with the sight-words. Sight words helps kids to read and write. Letter ‗S‘ was introduced by teaching them the jolly phonic song ―Snake is in the grass…‖ followed by a letter S story and the paper crumpling activity for forming the letter ―S‖. Similarly, letter ―A‖ was introduced through the jolly phonic song ―A a a…ants on my arms…‖ followed by the story and the finger printing activity for forming the letter ―A‖. Introducing the letters through activities like these improve the motor skills, phonemic awareness and creativity of the children.

Our KG 2 students are exposed to numerous literacy activities to enable them to become better readers. Sight words are introduced to them with flash cards and presentations. Sight words cannot be sounded out easily, therefore we teach the children how to say, recognize and use these words in a sentence, so that they can become confident readers. They are then encouraged to read sentences that include the sight words and CVC words. This month the children were introduced to the sight words ―to, do, go, so, no, of, by, you, he, she, me and my‖. A lot of emphasis is given on speaking in complete sentences and children are encouraged to do so in a positive way. Once you master the letter sounds, the next step is to blend and read. This month we emphasize on blending CVC words with vowel ―a, e & i‖. Blending activities using letter cards enabled the children to blend and build any word of their choice. This reinforced what they learnt in class. Blending is an acquired skill and mastering it makes the child a confident reader. Rhymes and songs are an integral part of our programme which enhances literacy skills. Children who listen to music and sing regularly have an easier time learning to speak well. Every week the children are introduced to a new rhyme or song which is sung everyday in class. Through literacy activities, kids also develop their oral skills and vocabulary that enhance their communication.

Numeracy plays a major role in a child‘s development and helps children make sense of the world around them. Math is an important part of learning for chil- dren in the kindergarten because it provides vital life skills. It helps children in problem solving, measure and develop their own spatial awareness, and teach them how to use and understand shapes. The tiny tots of KG1 had fun with numbers. They were introduced to rote counting of numbers from 1 to 5 and writing of numbers 1,2,3 which was done through various activities like, scavenger hunt of objects associated to the number, each time a number was introduced. They enjoyed forming the numbers using play dough and forming print of numbers using paint. Learning shapes not only helps children identify and organize visual information, it also helps them learn skills in other curriculum areas including reading and science. They were introduced to the shape – Circle. They enjoyed the activity tearing and sticking to form the circle. Tearing paper is an amazing fine motor activity for kids. Tearing paper requires strength and endurance of the small muscles in the hand and sticking them inside the circle enhance the problem-solving skills and develop the spatial awareness.

The KG2 children were introduced to rote counting from 1 to 70. They were taught how to recognize and write the numbers with fun activities using picture cards. By encouraging children to observe numbers and concepts in the world around them, they can make early connections and build a math foundation that will last a lifetime. Concepts like Up-Down, Day-Night, One-Many, Backward counting from 10-0, 10‘s and 1‘s, what number comes after, was introduced to them during the month of May with the help of activities and examples.

Our KG1 children were introduced to the theme ―All about me ―, in various segments ie; Myself, My family and My body parts. They were excited to learn and talk about themselves. They loved describing their family to their friends virtually. They also enjoyed creating their own family tree. Introduction to the topic - ―My body parts‖, helped the kids to explore and learn about their bodies. The kids relished this topic by creating a self- portrait using their creative hands and a few cut-outs. EVS enable children to live as informed and caring members of the Community.

The KG2 children were introduced to topics such as ―Living and Non-Living Things‖, ―Pet, farm and wild animals‖, ―Animals and their homes‖. It is essential that they learn the characteristics that distinguish living things from non-living things. They learnt about habitats, homes and food they eat. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning these topics. Children learn to be sensitive and caring towards the environment.

Mother’s Day

―All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe it to my angel mother” – Abraham Lincoln. Mother‘s Day is celebrated to honour the unconditional love that mothers shower on us. Our little ones celebrated Mother‘s Day on 10th May 2020. The day was celebrated by making a greeting card and singing fun songs.

Ramadan Activity

“Ramadan is like the rain; it nourishes the seeds of good deeds.‖ The significance of the Holy month of Ramadan was explained to our kindergartners, followed by a card making activity. The children made colourful cards to celebrate this joyful moment.

Fruit salad Day Fruit salad is a creative way to get your kids to eat fruits. The KG2 children celebrated Fruit Salad Day on 28th May 2020. The kids were ready with precut fruits and other ingredients to make their fruit salad. It was really amazing to watch the little ones come up with creative ways to make their fruit salad in class. We thank enthusiasm and support of our parents.

Activity Fun with Numbers 1&2 Children from KG 1 actively participated to make numbers 1 and 2 with colourful paints and cotton swabs to enhance their pre-writing skills. My Body and Hygiene Children enthusiastically involved themselves to identify the pictures of different hygiene items, and they pasted them to the picture in the activity sheet, as per the body parts. Let‘s Paint Children joyfully dipped the bottle caps and bottles in vibrant colours and printed their white sheets with a splish-splash to make colourful bunch of grapes, cute caterpillars and luminous flowers.

All About Living and Non-Living Things Children from KG 2 participated to explore more on the theme. They spotted living and non-living things around them. They also made a turtle and a chair using different shapes. My Animal World Children were dressed in different animal costumes (pet, wild and farm animals). They spoke about the animals they were dressed up as. They made lovely pictures of cats, pandas and hens with the word cat, number 8 and palm tracing respectively. Animal Homes and Habitats Children engaged themselves in dressing up with different animal costumes and sketches/models of different animal homes and habitats. They made a beautiful beehive too.

Portion For KG 1 MAY 2020 LITERACY Pattern: Left curve and Right Curve Letters: Oral: Ss & Aa. Sight Words: I, My, Me & We Story : Olivia goes to School. Rhyme: Together we are a Family Hop a little jump a little NUMERACY Numbers: Oral— 1 - 5 Written - 1—3 Shape: Circle & Square Concept: Happy and Sad Big and Small Tall and Short

EVS 1. My School 2. My Family 3. Body parts CONVERSATION 1. My School 2. My Family 3. Body parts SPECIAL DAYS 1. Mother‘s Day 2. Nurse‘s Day 3. Ramadan

Portion For KG 2 MAY 2020 LITERACY Vowel Words: /a/ vowel word, /e/ vowel word, /i/ vowel word Cursive letters: j, i, b, h, a, e, o, p, c, d, g, q Sight Words: My, Me, We, Be, Go, So, To, Do, No, Of, By, You. Story : Caterpillar looks For a shoe. Ronald the Rhino Unity is strength Rhyme: Wise man built the house upon the rock. Little peter rabbit There are nests for birds.

NUMERACY Numbers: Oral— 1 - 80 Written - 1-70 Concept: Day and Night Up and Down One and Many What comes after (11 – 30) Backward Counting (10— 0) EVS 1. Living and Non living things 2. Pet and Farm and Wild Animals 3. Animals and their Habitat CONVERSATION 1. Living And Non Living Things 2. Pet, Farm and Wild Animals 3. Fruit salad day SPECIAL DAYS 1. Mother‘s Day 2. Nurse‘s Day 3. Ramadan 4. Fruit Salad day



Parent corner Good habits need to be started early in our life. These are very important for a healthy life. Developing good habits takes a significant amount of work. It doesn‘t happen overnight However what I‘ve discovered is the micro changes approach is the best way to implement any habit into your life. Here are some good habits we need to follow in our daily life. Use Magic words Eat healthy food Table Manners Greet Each other Sleep & Wake up on time Pray Ms. Rinu Mathew ( Mother of Bezaleel V. Jomon )

A Newsletter of Wise Kindergarten May 2020

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