Publisher 3 PROJECT PUBLISHERS Tel: +27 11 346 5053 Fax: +27 86 601 9195 Email: [email protected] Website: 62, 2nd Avenue, Houghton. P.O. Box 92744, Norwood, 2117 South Africa Writers Briget Wangeci Editor Florence Nyaguthii Designer/Writer Moses Contributions The editors welcome news items, press releases, articles and photographs relating to the Construction Industry. These will be considered and, if accepted, published. No responsibility will be accepted should contributions be lost, damaged or incorrectly printed. Disclaimer we publishes projects Magazine and several special Stand Alone Publications in different sector industries, mainly in South Africa. We aim at high standards of quality of the services we offer advertisers as well as readers. The Publisher does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or authenticity of the contributions contained in the Magazine and advertisements. Views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of the Publishers © All rights reservedPROJECTS MAGAZINE
BRT System in TshwaneThe City of Tshwane on Wednesday and impact for residents,” said The BRT system would operatestarted the construction of South Ramokgopa. between 05:00 and 20:30 from MondayAfrica’s latest bus rapid transit (BRT) to Saturday, and 07:00 and 19:00 onsystem in Arcadia, Hatfield. He commented that the system was Sundays and public holidays. based on the model used by the Rea The city said the BRT would provide aThe R2.6-billion Tshwane BRT system, Vaya BRT in Johannesburg. The “rapid, frequent, high-quality,which formed part of the city’s Tshwane system would also implement affordable and convenient” publicrevitalisation project, would comprise an ownership model, where current transport service that would improvethree depots and 51 stations on an 80 licensed bus and taxi operators on urban mobility and route stretching through, besidesothers, the Pretoria central business the affected routes would eventually “Currently, 66% of peak-hour trips aredistrict (CBD); Hatfield; Menlyn; own, operate and manage the BRT. made using private vehicles, leading toSunnyside; Akasia; Kopanong, in traffic congestion. Many economicallySoshanguve; Mamelodi and Pretoria Johannesburg’s Rea Vaya opened its deprived areas are entirely dependentNorth. doors in August 2009 and Cape Town’s on public transport,” he explained. MyCiTi network was officially openedSpeaking at the construction site of the in 2011. Rustenburg is also planning a The system would be named through aArcadia street station, executive mayor BRT system, with construction public voting competition ending onKgosientso Ramokgopa said that the scheduled to start this month. July 31. The proposed names forsystem would go live in April 2014 with Tshwane’s BRT system were Maleka,the completion of the first phase of the The City of Tshwane aimed to operate meaning ‘roundabout’, A Re Veng,project. the bus services along BRT trunk routes which means ‘let’s go’, Tsumaya, for every three to five minutes during peak ‘go’ and Dumela, which means ‘hello’.Phase 1 would extend from Akasia to hours, with feeder services at theMenlyn, through Sunnyside and stations and terminals every 15 minutesHatfield, while Phase 2 would run from to enable greater efficiency and ease ofRainbow Junction to Menlyn, through use for passengers.Pretoria North, the CBD and Hatfield.The mayor noted that the entire system,which was yet to be named, would beoperational by October 2015.The BRT system would require about340 buses, some of which would bepowered by gas, at a cost of about R1-billion.Ramokgopa expected over 10 000 jobsto be created during the constructionphase, and about 1 000 sustainable jobsonce the system was live. Theseincluded 529 bus operators and relatedpersonnel, 94 employees for theproposed call centre and about 300workers managing and maintaining theticketing system.“Tshwane's bus rapid transit system willbe integrated in partnership withexisting public transport facilities,which will ferry passengers to and fromBRT stations, improving efficiencies4 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Condition Monitoring SystemsSystems or machines are by all means in timely detection of possible which include one-hand operation that isvital in the daily undertaken activities that breakdown. manageable, powerful reporting tool,could not be easily done by human upgradability to vibration analyzer, 1 andstrength. These activities are especially in With the latest technology, there are 2 plane field balancing as well as machinethe industrial fields and the mining special portable condition monitoring diagnostic and integrated vibrationsectors to name just but a few. Unlike systems that play multiple roles in, who can harmoniously detect a ensuring conditions of machines. Such abreakdown of his own body system and system is the VIBXPERT II, which is an Online condition monitoring systems areact by himself without hurting others, all-in-one data collector, field balancer as fast, reliable and powerful to protectsystems break instantly and man, who well as a vibration analyzer. A number of assets such as machines with very higheffectively controls the systems cannot its special features include; user end technology. VIBGUARD is aneasily escape the dangers the come with a friendliness and intuitive operation, example of advanced online conditionsystem's breakdown; fatal injuries and automatic switchbox support, fast monitoring system, which has 20 paralleleven immediate deaths are not easily measurements by use of trending spectra, channels, intelligent data reduction, DINgotten away with. However, such fatal long-lived battery as well as powerful rail mountable, various configurations,emergencies can be avoided in advance. diagnostic tools for troubleshooting continuous monitoring and seamlessThis is only via implementation of machines. Abnormal vibrations produced integration to control systems. It is mostcondition monitoring systems. Condition by rotating machines as a result of compatible to offer parallel andmonitoring systems are available in unbalancing, misalignment, defective synchronous data acquisition, protectsdifferent versions; they can either be bearings, looseness and gear damage. assets from unplanned shutdown andportable or online. Portable systems for Though the vibrations are experienced at carries out high diagnostics to ensure highcondition monitoring are ultimate for intervals, VIBXPERT II is well inbuilt rate of productivity and measures timeinspections and appropriate diagnosis in with tools to curb and to eradicate the signals for all kinds of signal inputs. Inthe machine park. Examples of them problem. order to perform in high depth of analysisinclude data collectors plus vibration and monitoring of turbo machinery, theanalyzers. Online condition monitoring VIBXPERT II Balancer as a portable VIBGAUARD is connected to thesystems on the other hand are ideal for condition monitoring system that is buffered outputs of real time protectionautomatic detection of changes in the portable, fault of unbalancing especially systems. It is also swift in dataconditions of a machine; they work with the rotors equipment can easily and processing, thus, it is suitable for powerfully be handled. The balancer protecting assets with much shorter autonomously thereby helps detect unbalances effectively running cycles like the machining tools making them thereby correcting the fault in advance. and cranes. VIBGAUARD It is effective accurate VIBXPERT II has with it special features and offers high level of troubleshooting as it is also available in the portable that have shaped its outstanding version. performance,6 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Wood, Wild Olive and White Stinkwood) have been determined deliberately to strengthen the main axes, facades and building entrances. These trees represent of both deciduous and evergreen indigenous species. Planting has been used to screen service yards. Starjasmin grows on Clear Vu fence creating green flowering structures and contributing largely to softening and greening of facades. Building Entrances (5 Entrances) are announced by linear planting of different clipped heights and textures, ornamental gravel and rock design.The Main Entrance road from Jacob Street framed with tree axes, with trees extended to Extra large trees in luxury green focal areasallows a moment's bird's eye view on the parking boundaries. This creates unity of lead the eye towards the Entrances.linear design concept leading the visitor in. different spaces in the overall design. All elements are repeated throughout theLocal rock from site (sandstone type of a The same design principles have been applied landscape areas and intertwine a strongdeeper colour) were used in linear formation to the South Elevation and parking areas. landscape concept that can be identified withto form the focal element in the planting lines the Heidelberg Mall.flanking the entrance road, with the planting Large expanses of gravel areas are interceptedin varying foliage texture and shades of green. through strong repetitive rock lines cutting into the gravel areas, creating depth inDiagonal lines are extended from the main complementing stone texture and colour.traffic circle to the adjacent Northern Façadelandscape. Ornamental gravel has been The planting palette consist of strong hedgeintroduced to these areas as an additional planting varied with grass textures and spikyelement to the linear rock design and planting leaved plants – the contrast complimentinglayers. both types of plants.Main roads and Pedestrian Boulevards are The minimal tree species (Outiniqua Yellow8 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Fall Protection SystemFall protection systems refers to canopies, ladder cages, and the guardrail all , connectors must poses theequipments designed for workers who systems. Guardrail system is a vertical following features: ability to lock withare vulnerable to lose their balance at barrier consisting of top rail, mid rail ease, must have a corrosion resistantheight and elevated areas causing fatal and posts that prevents workers from finish, must be made of robust materialsinjuries, the main role is to prevent and falling to lower levels, hand rails and smooth edges so as to preventcontrol fall from occurring. Employers provides handhold for the employees to damages to the connecting parts of theare mandated to develop fall protection grasp preventing them from falling, toe system.program that complies with the set board is a low protective barrierrules, employees and employers should designed to prevent workers from Anchorage is a designed point ofwork together in identifying fall hazards slipping over the edge of a surface. attachment for lifelines used to suspendwhich in return helps them in and support platform and should be ableidentifying the appropriate protection Body harness are gadgets that are made to offer support of at least 5000 poundssolutions against them, employees of straps secured on employees thighs, per attached employee, anchors may beshould undergo training on how to waist, shoulders, pelvis, waist and chest mounted permanently or temporary andoperate these systems so as to achieve they are designed to minimize stress examples are D-ring anchors, anchorsmaximum efficiency. There are various forces on a person's body in the event of straps, beam anchors, friction bolts andfall protection system deployed in a fall in addition to provision of the D- bolt anchors. Fall protectionmodern world and their selection is adequate movement while working, a D systems needs proper maintenance anddone based on the identified health ring is connected in the centre of back manufacturer's instructions must behazard, they include: Fall arrest system, providing connections points for fall followed to the later; this is achievablepositioning systems, body harnesses, arrest devices. Lanyards are flexible through inspection and checking forlanyards, connectors, D-rings, straps that connects body harness to an defects before use. Good maintenanceanchorages, snap hooks and guardrail anchorage point, there are vertical, entails keeping of equipments in drysystems. horizontal and self retracting lanyards areas, avoiding dropping of equipments also known as lifelines. Connectors are on the ground and keeping them out ofThe most preferred method of providing devices used to connect parts of fall corrosive materials in addition to properprotection against fall is installation of arrest together, it can be a single cleaning and drying.built in controls, they entail handrails, component for example carabineer orstair rails, toe boards, over head integral components such as snap hook10 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Hardware DecorativeHardware decorative is one of the The decorative nails come in different The furniture handles and knobs madefinishing touches that define a room's styles, color, shape and design. To of zinc alloy create a new and amazingstyle and personality. It is an coordinate with the nails are buttons of look to the furniture. Zinc alloy isinstrumental and a vital element used in different shapes and sizes to add beauty composed of a mixture of 95% zinc, 4%architecture and interior design to create .Decorative nails are used to join things. aluminum and 1% copper. The mixturea vision and essence of a given space. It The decorative is processed under pressure in a part of style and design that doo r pulls This material can additionally becomplements and enhances the look and alloyed with chrome, nickel or bronzebeauty of a given room, a home or a and to bring out different range of colors,space. looks and surfaces in the handles and coa knobs.Hardware decorative comes in t hooksdifferent varieties which include are being Hinges on doors and windows alsodecorative nails, decorative door refreshed from the old classics to new come in different decorative. Suchhardware, cabinet hardware, table models with elegant finishes, also the decoratives include the cast iron steeplehardware, shower rods, lid doorknobs are being designed to fit any tip hinge with a decorative vine patternsupporters, back plates, locks, style or design. The decorative door which is highly decorative; the solidlatches, door knob, door pulls, pulls and knobs establish new and brass Eastlake ball tip hinge inhinges ,screws and many more. The unique look on residential and unlacquered brass is a delightful hingehardware decorative also comes in commercial doors. with aesthetic movement which is adifferent sizes, shapes, color tones and favorite to many. There is also thetexture. They also have different types premium brass aesthetic pattern hingeof finishes such as bronze, nickel, with decorative steeple tips which ischrome, metal, steel, copper, zinc or strikingly beautiful among others.wood. The door hardware decorative includeThe decorative hardware either modern the door set hardware, door hinges,or traditional is being designed in door accessories, push and kick platesunique way in order to suit the high and the door set plates. The doordemand in the market. Elegance, hardware completes your home whetheruniqueness and sophistication of a it is door locksets, hinges or knobsdecorative hardware increase its depending on your choice of styles anddemand in the market. finishes.12 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
HeatersThere is a wide variety of heaters being heater that fits your interest, style and is this fan heaters is that they can be usedsupplied in the market. Heaters vary in cost friendly to make your home or either for residential or industrialsize, shape and quality depending on office comfortable at any given purposes such as ware houses andheater type, heater by power type, weather condition. shipping containers and they are lessheater by room size and heater by expensive in comparison with other fansheating system. Types of heaters include Heaters such as the elegance gas heaters due to their simplified construction.electric, infrared, water heaters, space or the electric heaters are effective in allheaters, outdoor heaters, portable the seasons of the year winter The water heaters include the piezoheaters, garage and baseboard heaters inclusively .Other all season heaters electric ignition which once ignited theamong others. Power types include include the elegance oil heater, the apil water heater fires up automatically,kerosene, propane, natural gas and and capil electric heaters. These home there is also the multipoint hot waterelectric. Room size can be small, appliances and appliances seasonal system and the single point hot watermedium, large or extra large. Heating winter heaters are not only durable but system in which separate gassystem include baseboard, wall heaters, are affordable. instantaneous water heaters are installedfurnaces, heat pumps, boilers and directly at a single hot water point overinstallation solutions. The fan heater is a unique type of fan the sink or bath. The water heaters are that uses a fan to pass heat over a heat absolutely amazing because they are notHeaters such as the space and the source that heats up the air in the only economical but are also user andportable heaters carry a large selection room.There are three types of fan environmental friendly in that they doof humidifiers, dehumidifiers and air heaters; the portable fan heater, the not use batteries or oil for energy.purifiers to make the air conducive for Japanese kerosene fan heater and theyour stay in your space. There is a right electric fan heater. The best part about16 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
The infrared heater a product of infrared source. These radiant heaters aretechnology uses quartz halogen emitters intended for use in large open areaswith a tungsten filament, provides because they emit large amount ofinstant comfort. The heating efficiency carbon monoxide which is hazardous inis 92%, one infrared installation of poorly ventilated spaces. These heaters3.6kilowatts has the same efficiency as have a high energy output hence theytwo gas heaters of 11kilowatts.The are favorable in very cold seasons.infrared heater is absolutely incrediblein that it is suitable for outdoor use, The heaters are manufactured for theeven in the rain and its lamp life is sole purpose of benefiting the user;more than five thousand hours. however, if they are not well handled or are mismanaged, they can be veryThe wall mounting heater with a harmful and dangerous to the user. Thebacklight radiant heater creates a new electric fan heater, for example, is anexperience in heating providing a soft unsealed appliance with live electricexpanding heat with a discreet presence. parts inside, so it is not to be used inThis is the best heater choice for home, wet condition due to risk of short circuitoffice, public place or restaurant. It is that can lead to fire or electrocutionsuitable for both indoor outdoor usage. which can cause death. Therefore, all heaters should be used at the right timeThe portable propane radiant heaters use and place and for the right purposes.a disposable bottle of propane as fuel18 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Electrical machinery and installationElectrical installation is a process in tolerances as well as composition. and it plays role of rectifying thewhich electricity is transmitted from Direct Current electric machinery are induced voltage. Electric machines areone point of control to a point of classified into permanent magnet and applicable in some of these areas:consumption anywhere on the premises; wound field, the Alternating Current on Gasoline engine drives, compressors, airinstallation works entails the following the other hand are classified into handling equipment, electronicactivities connection of machinery at the synchronous and induction, the A.C are locomotives, wind energy turbines,supply terminals, extension and repair used in large numbers in modern blowers and fans, conveyors andof an electrical installation, testing and industry due to their advantages which crushers.inspection of electrical installation and includes: cost effectiveness, robust,testing and verification of installation. It higher speed, simplicity, ease of Electrical machines are subjected tois mandatory for installation electrician maintenance and simplicity. defects which include mechanicalto have registered with electrical failure of rotor, vibration and noiseregulatory body in accordance with the Electrical machines have got the bearings and mechanical faults of theterms of regulation and must have a following features: Rigid frame, slot stator, but the good news is that thiscertified copy of accreditation from the whose purpose is to offer mechanical problem are reversible upon earlyaccreditation authority. Electrical support and protection from abrasion, detection through extensive testing.machines are the equipment used in brushes which acts as an interface Routine test program entail: Bearingtransmission of electricity; they are between external circuit and the control, short circuit test, insulationclassified into Direct Current (D.C) and armature winding, armature winding control, voltage test, vibrationAlternating Current (A.C). which refers to continuous winding measurements, resistance measurements which has neither beginning nor the end and it is important to identify problemClassification of electric machines is and it is composed of a number of coils by performing generator functional test.based on electric power supply, stator in a series, rotor which is cylindrical inand rotor construction and National shape and it carries the armatureElectric Manufacturers Association winding, stator which is a hollowStandards whereby their products are cylinder made of magnetic circuit andclassified based on their operating its function is to carry the field winding,features, quality, rating, testing, the Commutator which rotates the rotor22 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
InstitutesHardware decorative is one of the out different range of colors, looks and education .The emergence of institutesfinishing touches that define a room's surfaces in the handles and knobs. has played a great role in the expansionstyle and personality. It is an of the postsecondary education duringinstrumental and a vital element used in Hinges on doors and windows also come the last three or four decades. However,architecture and interior design to create in different decorative. Such decoratives institutes partly reflect a reaction againsta vision and essence of a given space. It include the cast iron steeple tip hinge universities which has been seen inis a part of style and design that with a decorative vine pattern which is different countries as too rigid, toocomplements and enhances the look and highly decorative; the solid brass academic and often too expensive. Inbeauty of a given room, a home or a Eastlake ball tip hinge in unlacquered some countries, institutes have beenspace. brass is a delightful hinge with aesthetic instituted in order to upgrade the status movement which is a favorite to many. of older vocational programs.Hardware decorative comes in different There is also the premium brass aestheticvarieties which include decorative nails, pattern hinge with decorative steeple tips Institutes have caused a majordecorative door hardware, cabinet which is strikingly beautiful among transformation in many advancedhardware, table hardware, shower rods, others. nations due to the emergence oflid supporters, back plates, locks, The door hardware decorative include knowledge revolution. Thislatches, door knob, door pulls, hinges the door set hardware, door hinges, door transformation has increased the skills,screws and many more. The hardware accessories, push and kick plates and the required for new occupations anddecorative also comes in different sizes, door set plates. The door hardware increased international competitionshapes, color tones and texture. They completes your home whether it is door because no developed country wouldalso have different types of finishes such locksets, hinges or knobs depending on want to fall in the category ofas bronze, nickel, chrome, metal, steel, your choice of styles and finishes. undeveloped countries due to the need ofcopper, zinc or wood. greater levels of education and training.The decorative hardware either modern Institutes are often research andor traditional is being designed in unique educational organizations which are The hierarchy of institutes is establishedway in order to suit the high demand in created to research on specific topics. In by the kind of degrees offered, by thethe market. Elegance, uniqueness and different countries, institutes are part of selectivity of institute and by thesophistication of a decorative hardware the universities or other institutions of resources per student. Institutes offerincrease its demand in the market. higher education. There are various academic programs and occupational types of institutes with different faculties programs and some of these institutesThe decorative nails come in different such as the institute of Science, institute have been created by consolidatingstyles, color, shape and design. To of fine art, institute of architecture many smaller specialized vocationalcoordinate with the nails are buttons of among others. programs to make a big institute.different shapes and sizes to add beauty.Decorative nails are used to join things. In many developed countries, institutes One of the clear purposes of institutes in serve as alternatives to the traditional every country that has them, is that theyThe decorative door pulls and coat universities. Institutes vary both within are smaller and more numerous thanhooks are being refreshed from the old countries and among countries and this universities. They are therefore spreadclassics to new models with elegant make it difficult to describe them as a throughout country and provide a closerfinishes, also the doorknobs are being group or to classify them. They offer a access to much of the population than dodesigned to fit any style or design. The greater flexibility, greater access, more universities. They create regionaldecorative door pulls and knobs equity and more economic and educational centers, including thoseestablish new and unique look on occupational goals than universities. located in remote and rural areas. Theyresidential and commercial doors. also easier to access and cheaper,The furniture handles and knobs made of Institutes seem to have taken shape in therefore are favorable to lower incomezinc alloy create a new and amazing distinct groupings partly because of students. In addition, the research andlook to the furniture. Zinc alloy is sharing practices among countries. They public service carried out in the institutescomposed of a mixture of 95% zinc, 4% are not always comparable due to their is generally focused on local economicaluminum and 1% copper. The mixture different roles and responsibilities with processed under pressure in moulds. respect to countries. They are developedThis material can additionally be alloyed in different ways in different countrieswith chrome, nickel or bronze to bring depending on the need to expand tertiary24 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Plastic Taking Nampak's business from strength to strengthFundamental to our success are the Conveniently situated near our technologically advanced, we are almostvalues we believe in and Pinetown plant, our Origination Centre completely self-sufficient. We alwayspractise—Packaging Excellence in services our customers requirements deliver on time and strive to maintaineverything we do. from concept and design through to the highest levels of service excellence. printing process by utilizing the inWe acknowledge the benefits of house art studio, digital orgination Nampak Closurescorporate driven strategic initiatives, facilities, short run digital printing, We’ve aligned ourselves with majorsystems and best practices to strengthen digital proofing and gravure cylinder international players including Bericapour leading market position. We believe manufacturing for absolute accuracy. and Portola, to enhance and diversifyin a culture that actively recruits, our offerings to meet the highestdevelops and retains talent and diversity. NOC has the unique capability of international standards whilst enhancing offering customers digital solutions the value of our customers’ brands.We value mutually beneficial long-term ideal for samples, new product launchespartnerships with both our suppliers and and promotional activities that require Our comprehensive range of specialisedcustomers, built on a foundation of short runs but excellent printing quality. closures including plastic bottle capssuperior quality, innovation and service. and lids, as well as plastic twist caps,We continuously drive sustainable Nampak Liquid are designed and engineered to achievebusiness excellence through profitable We offer our customers ongoing design, maximum product integrity and fillingoperations, sound asset management development, assembly and support for line efficiencies, crucial to the marketsand satisfied stakeholders. filling machinery and handling systems, we serve. ensuring that our packaging solutionsWe uphold the principles of integrity comply with the stringent quality We have strategically located salesand employ the services of an hygiene standards set by the food and offices in Cape Town, Durban andindependent, confidential whistle- beverage industries in Southern Africa. Johannesburg. Nampak Closures is ablowing hotline service as a means of HACCP and an ISO 9001:2000reporting and investigating dishonesty, Total packaging solutions, coupled with accredited company offering customersfraud and other inappropriate behavior the highest service levels, technical a diverse range of plastic the workplace. support and competitive filling systems are the hallmark of our operations Nampak PetpakNampak Flexible located in the Eastern and Western We have been producing PET bottles forOur main areas of focus are consistent Cape, Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. local and international brands sincewith good manufacturing practices, 1979. Our track record, expertincluding On Time In Full (OTIF), Our plastic products are supplied to the knowledge, cutting edge capability, in-costs, lead-times and quality. As a result alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverage house design service and qualityof our unique capabilities, we are able to markets as well as the chemical products in the carbonated and still softcreate a culture of MORE in everything industry, household detergents and food drink markets have made us a leadingwe do. sectors. supplier in the Southern African region.We have three strategically-located We pioneered the concept of in-plant We are a licensee of Graham Packagingplants throughout Southern Africa. blow moulding in South Africa—an for the manufacture of multi-trip bottlesThese plants specialise in their option ideal for customers with and have close associations with leadingparticular packaging technologies and sufficiently large volumes to warrant international machine suppliersoperate according to world-class blowing bottles directly on their including KHS, Krones, Sidel and ASBstandards. premises. Nissei. We have two commercial plants located in Cape Town andOur KwaZulu-Natal and Western Cape Nampak Megapak Johannesburg.plants are ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14001 At our strategically situated plants inaccredited and have American Institute Johannesburg, Durban and Cape Town Nampak Tubesof Bakers (AIB) and British Retail we manufacture world-class drums, Nampak Tubes is a global supplier ofConsortium (BRC) certifications as well IBC’s and crates. We are the sole aluminium barrier laminated (ABL) &as HACCP certification (incorporating licensee for Mauser technology in South plastic barrier laminated (PBL) tubes.the Occupational Health and Safety and Africa for Drums and IBC’s.Waste Management programmes). Our purpose built facility in South We are an innovative, forward thinking Africa produces tubes to world classOur plant in Port Elizabeth uses the organisation, using leading-edge standards. Tubes are produced with theFlexible Best manufacturing practices technology. Whatever your latest printing and tube formingwhere the key focus is on manufacturing requirements, we will provide you with equipment sourced by internationalembossed film for the tyre and rubber an innovative solution that caters to technology your needs. We are home to the largest support tool room in our industry.Nampak Origination Centre (NOC) Because our facility is so26 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
InteriorsThere are various types of interiors that The modern minimalist style is a form forms which take over traditionalinclude the custom, shop and home of extreme accuracy without heavy furniture and with fewer decorations.interiors. The custom interiors range backgrounds .It emphasizes onfrom classic, contemporally, traditional simplicity with light, dull or flashy Commercial interior translate onesto modern. Home interiors include colors, it requires simplified forms. The culture into an environment that createskitchen, bedroom units, bathroom classic style is a refined style richly a lasting impression. It covers allvanities, television cabinets as well as developed in details which are applied aspects from residential to industrial,studies while as shop interiors include on materials such as furniture, lighting offices to retail outlets, hotels to healthcustomized shop counters, desks and or in sets and prints. spas and everything in between.kitchenettes. The rustic style is a style with crude, Interior architecture is the design of aThere are other types of interiors such rough details on structure elements such space which has been created by theas the interior design, interior as furniture. It is mainly in form of tree structural boundaries and the humanarchitecture and commercial interior. trunks, logs, branches or jutes. This interaction within these boundaries. ItInteriors vary in terms of space, type of style is mainly applicable in upcountry can also involve the redesigning of anlayout, quality of material used, and rural homes. Classic reinterpreted initial design to accommodate aquantity of material used, type of style is an elegantly refined style with changed purpose of a structure orfinishes and the customer's budget. the classic form details. This style aims building. It is simply the design of an at preserving the old style forms or interior in architectural terms. InInterior design is the art or process of upgrading them. Sometimes this style is architectural design, space planning,designing the interior or decoration of a achieved by combining the old style architectural detailing, budget androom or a building. There are basic forms and the modern style forms to renovation plans should be considered.styles of interior design, sometimes create that fusion of old and new.people are faced with a challenge when High-tech style is an innovative modernchoosing the type of style that suits their style that emphasizes on being oninterior home in order to make their furniture structure where every detail ofenvironment comfortable. These basic combination is not random. The finishesstyles include; modern minimalist style, are often metallic, glass, plastic andclassic style, rustic style, classic wood in small proportions. The countryreinterpreted style, retro style, maverick elegant style is a rural elegant style withstyle, co temporally style, high-tech an English style. Its finishes are nice,style and the country elegant style. bright colors white, pastel colors and28 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
PartitioningPelican Systems is a leading supplier Accessories in the development, Pelican Systemsand distributor of commercial and Suspended Ceilings & Accessories will gladly be the partner you areresidential interior building solutions, Drywall Partitions and Accessories looking for, and can offer a wide rangeincluding ceiling, partitioning, opening Operable Acoustic Partitions of products, and a reliable team toand flooring systems. Operable Glasswalls service and deliver the product to site. Toilet PartitionsA family business which was founded Fire Doors For the Contractors, who are ourby Rodney Gould, Pelican Systems has Architectural Timber Doors customers we provide a source ofbeen operating successfully for over Aluminium Doors for Partitions quality products, reliable supply andthree decades and has experienced role Laminate Wood Flooring delivery, as well as technical on-sitemodels with an extensive knowledge of support.the building industry both from a Our role in the Industrycontracting and a supply point of view. Pelican Systems is a company that We are an ISO9001 company, and prideFrom 2004 until February 2012 Pelican focuses on interior system solutions. We ourselves on service and quality. WeSystems was in a 50/50 Joint Venture are a supply only company that will always support our range ofwith Lafarge Gypsum. supports the trade known to us as products and have more than 30 years specialist ceiling and partitioning of experience in the interior systemsAs a business we value the roles and erectors, builders, contractors, flooring industry.responsibilities of all those who are installers and the sophisticated DIYinvolved in the building process and expert. For the Project Manager we would likecan offer a product and service solution to make your life easier and will assistbased on years of dealing with the trade We can be involved in and called on at where we can with on-time delivery,and a genuine understanding of the any stage from planning, tender and technical information,building industry. building to discuss our product offering, recommendations and other industry system solutions and technical advice. information as required.With its comprehensive range of We work closely with the followingproducts, Pelican Systems is able to industry professionals and experts to Our goal is to assist in the specifyingsupply superior interior solutions for find the best interior solutions for process during the planning stage, makeboth the residential and commercial client’s particular needs. available costing estimates for themarkets. Pelican Systems takes great costing process, provide pricing to ourpride in its ability to serve both large For the Architect our role is to call, and customers that are involved in theand small scale projects without provide information on the products we tender process and ensure a qualitycompromising on the level of detail, offer. At times we assist with detailed product is delivered on site at thecommitment and passion. technical information where there are required time. Pelican Systems has specific sound or fire ratings which developed out of a contracting business,As an ethical and reliable supplier and need to be achieved. so we believe that we have a goodcontributor to the building industry we All of our product brochures have the insight into the conditions on site, andcontinuously strive to maintain and detailed specification as required for the the particular problems that ouruphold the standards of the industry we Bill of Materials, and our products and customers face during buildingserve with our every intention being the specifications are available on Autospec contracts. Servicing the finishing trades,continual improvement and & CCN. We have an extensive website we are well prepared to handle theenhancement of our product offering to where specifications and technical pressure, deadlines and delays thatthe benefit of the building industry in detail can be researched and present themselves on many projects.South Africa. downloaded.Pelican Systems is ISO 9001 accredited For the Quantity Surveyor we provideand is a BBBEE Level 6 company. pricing information on the various system solutions which have beenOur Mission is to be responsible role specified, and can assist withplayers in the building industry and to alternatives when there are budgetplay a valuable role in eco-innovation, constraints.combining technology and productimprovement in a way that allows for a For the Interior Designers andsustainable future. Decorators we showcase our product range, and facilitate the creative processOur Values and corporate culture reflect of design to bring the interior of aintegrity, reliability, flexibility, building to life.creativity and resilience. For the Property Developer who isProduct offering includes: looking for a quality product and a reliable and ethical supplier to support Flush Plastered Ceilings & their investment and the risk involved30 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Lifts and EscalatorsLifts and escalators are a modern anddeveloping invention that is used forcarrying people and goods in betweenfloors. The escalator is a conveyortransport device or a transport devicemade of a motor driven chain that islinked with steps that move up or downon tracks allowing the step treads toremain horizontal while the lift is a cabinlike device that is used to carry goods orpeople from one floor of a building toanother.Escalators are universally used in parallel that has up and down escalators moving on one direction .shopping malls, transit systems, side by side or separated by a distancedepartment stores, and some stadiums, they are used in metro stations, the Lifts include the electric lifts, hydraulichotels, in many airports, convention crisscross which minimizes space lifts and home lifts. Electric lifts makecenters and public buildings to move requirements by installing escalators that several trips per day; their componentspeople around. They are installed like the move towards the same direction in one such as the magnetic switch, the cabin,staircase; an escalator that is not in service area, mainly used in department stores cabin door among other things offercan be used as a staircase. The first model and the multiple parallel configuration maximum reliability, robustness andof escalator was made in 1859 by Nathan that has two or more escalators together accuracy. They have a high commutationAmes; however, this model was made of speed that allows detection of all floorsrevolving stairs rather than on a motor even when the cabin is in a high speed.driven chain. Hydraulic lifts have a hydraulic ram and a fluid driven piston that is mounted insideToday, escalators are often powered by a cylinder. They are fitted with twoconstant alternating current motors with monostable magnetic switches mountedsteps made of stainless steel or aluminum on the cabin and connected to a safetythat move on a system of tracks in a module to enhance the safety of the lift.continuous motion. There are different The home lift is a special kind of lift thattypes of configuration which are; the does not have a cabin door. There are other types of lifts that include; car lift, passenger lift, residential lift, dumb waiter lift and platform lift among others. Both escalators and lifts are very important in the modern society as they help in reducing passengers' traffic in urban areas; they also ease access to tall buildings. The high technology, high level education and ability among personnel and engineers has led to the designing and manufacturing of highly specialized lifts and escalators that provide the highest quality of vertical and horizontal transport of people and goods in between buildings. They are engineered to offer comfort and safety, they provide true reliability and efficient transport to passengers worldwide, however, they are prone to damage and break down if they are mismanaged and can lead to accidents. Therefore, lifts and escalators should be handled with care and managed well.32 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
KitchensThere are thousands of beautiful modern inventions because their in their homes and these kitchens werekitchens with designed furniture and existence is linked to the invention of divided based on the type of foodartistic flooring that suits everyone's fire many centuries ago, though they prepared in them. In ancient Greece,choice and taste. In the market today, were in an open place and in an open rooms in a house were arranged aroundthere is hardware such as doors, frames, fire unlike today, when they are well a central courtyard with an open patiohinges and everything all designed to furnished rooms. The modern kitchens left to serve as kitchen. The commongive everyone the freedom to create the have been redesigned and refurnished folk in the Roman Empire did theirkitchens of their dreams which have a from the middle age type of kitchens, cooking in large public kitchens as theycomfortable price. Kitchen renovations they have been equipped with stoves, did not have kitchens of their own butand kitchen makeover services are also cold and hot water running sinks, the wealthy folk had well equippedavailable to make your dream kitchen refrigerators, kitchen cabinets, kitchens operated by their slaves.morph into reality.Kitchens, when microwaves, ovens, dishwashers andsomebody speaks about them we find other electric appliances. A new change in kitchens was broughtourselves thinking about cooking, food by technology. The 16th century ironpreparation, dining, food storage and Did you know that in the middle ages stove was transformed into the moderndishwashing. It is a room or part of a kitchens were used as a measure of gas stove and electric stove. During theroom used for food preparation and wealth? In the middle age, only the era of industrialization, the kitchencooking. Kitchens are not part of the wealthy people built up several kitchens floors were tiled and the kitchenware34 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
was neatly arranged in a cupboard to different forms of kitchens depending There are various types of kitchensprotect them from dirt and steam. A on the arrangement of kitchen cabinets, which include the canteen kitchen,large workbench was set with several sink, stove and refrigerator. This forms restaurant, hotel and hospital kitchens.chairs around it and this served as the include; the double file kitchen, the G There are also other types of kitchensdining table. When rationalization, the kitchen, the single file kitchen, the block with respect to geographical positioningincrease in gasification and kitchen, the U kitchen and the A or region such as China kitchens, Japanelectrification, came to be, fitted kitchen. In the double file kitchen, there kitchens, the African allure, Englishkitchens were made whose aim was to are two rows of cabinets at opposite style, French flair and the Swedish styleoptimize kitchen work to reduce walls one having the stove and the sink among time. The Frankfurt Kitchen and the other with the refrigerator.was the first standardized kitchen and it Single file kitchen has the stove, sinkhad fitting or unit. This fitting was and refrigerator along one wall. Urefined in the Swedish kitchen which kitchen has cabinets along three wallshad wooden cabinets forming a U with the sink at the base. GToday, kitchens have been redesigned, kitchen is like the U kitchen but with arefined and refurnished with respect to partial fourth wall with a double basinnew technology, resources, abilities and sink. L kitchen has the cabinetseducation. This has resulted into occupying two adjacent walls.36 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
Concrete Equipments way that makes the equipment operate effectively and hence well versed for good service delivery and maintenance. CA 1300 single drum roller's engine is in such a way that it is perpendicularly to the frames while the hydraulic pumps are in line with the engine. Thus, the users of the equipment can easily reach the required components from both the engine and the hydraulic pump. In respect to the arrangement of the engine, the entire roller is able to distribute the weight at an optimal level. CA 1300 roller comes with a special feature known as ejector exhaust outlet that helps minimize engine noise and also puts off the dust from penetrating into the engine section.Construction work could have been a knowledgeably controlled by man and For activities such as operation ofdifficult and tiresome job if it happened hence making all the project's work pneumatic tools and sandblasting,that only man should perform it unproblematic and faultless. These construction contractors are providedmanually. Any given construction concrete equipments are available in a with a reliable amount of air by a XASproject would be taking ages to no wide range and are each designed to 185 portable compressor. Thiscompletion since its commencement. perform diverse number of construction compressor has added benefits likeTherefore, it is a big thanks to the tasks in a special manner. being economical, compact andancient innovators whom by their efficient. XAS 185 portable compressorintelligence and great knowledge of art CA 1300 single-drum soil roller is has several features that make it betterand design that they innovated the so- equipment that is designed to operate on equipment. One is a 49-horsepowercalled concrete equipments, which have parking lot, road, street as well as utility Kubota diesel engine, which compliesalways made the construction projects a pipe projects. The roller's engine and the with the acceptable emission standards.simple exercise when they are hydraulic pumps are mounted on it in a The engine speed is constantly monitored by a fully automatic regulator as per the air demand thereby38 PROJECTS MAGAZINE
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