OCT 2021 | VOL.7 PREVENT NEWSLETTER Quarterly Newsletter of the PREVENT Study Prevention of Epilepsy by reducing Neonatal Encephalopathy (PREVENT) is the world's largest study on newborns with brain injuries. Led by Professor Sudhin Thayyil at Imperial College London in collaboration with experts and institutions from around the world, we aim to prevent epilepsy caused by neonatal encephalopathy through the implementation of a pragmatic intrapartum care bundle in India. To learn more, visit us at our website Follow us on Twitter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 PREVENT Study Update! It's time to launch our second phase!! On account of this, we hired more research nurses at all three study sites in July 2021., who will execute the OBG care bundle components in the labour room. Their continuous hands-on training are going on, both in-person and virtually. In August 2021, we started the trial run of the e-partogam care bundle component through involving the trained research nurses. The other components were also tested to assess their feasibility. Specifically, our research nurses enthusiastically took up the dignity game champion and birth companion champion roles, who conducted training and audit, respectively across all the sites. And meanwhile the checkpoint we achieved were that we initiated the 1-year follow up of the PREVENT recruited babies and the neonatal neurology research fellows in coordination with the site supervisors of neonatology conducted the training on neonatal resuscitation among the research nurses and the clinical team. Currently, the study is in the transition phase. We therefore plan to begin the second year implementation of the care bundle in the month of January 2022. 2 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Recruits So Far .. Until 31 Oct 2021 Total Mothers Recruited = 36,916 Total Neonates Recruited = 655 Announcement.. We are delighted to announce that by the month of October 2021, our target of recruitment of 30,000 mothers to the PREVENT study was successfully achieved. 3 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Spotlight Quality Monitoring An independent process evaluation was undertaken in collaboration with the International Institute for Health Management Research (IIHMR) in New Delhi by Dr Sutapa B Neogi, Director IIHMR, and Dr Rupsa Banerjee, Assistant Professor at IIHMR in order to provide an insight into the operations and functioning of the trial. The purpose of the quality monitoring visits is to document the process flow of the activities of the trial, to assess the extent to which the trial's activities are operational, to identify any issues in the trial's implementation, and to prescribe solutions to any challenges identified. For this regular evaluation, the further step of the process evaluation is planned to be made in the next quarter. 4 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 What's new??.. Journal Club PREVENT organizes monthly journal clubs which is coordinated by Dr Mini Jayan, the Senior Biostatistician, PREVENT and presented by the Fellows and other early career researchers in the PREVENT team. We have eminent researchers of neonatology, obstetrics and gynecology, health services, statistics and so on to facilitate the journal club discussion. The objective of the journal club is to ensure that the team is up-to-date with the current advancements and progress in the branch of medicine, particularly in the field of neonatal neurology. It also makes the team capable to critically appraise a research study thereby enhancing their research competence. 5 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 What's new??.. Qualitative Research Workshop In collaboration with IIHMR, New Delhi The workshop was delivered through and Liverpool School of Tropical a combination of lectures, Medicine,UK we organised a discussions, group activities and workshop on \"Qualitative Research demonstrations. The resource and Data Analysis\" in September 2021 persons from The PREVENT were in which delegates who have an interest in qualitative research Ms Stuti Pant(Senior Project methods, including students, health Manager) and Ms Pallavi professionals, academicians and Muraleedharan(Project Manager); researchers across the globe from The Liverpool School of Tropical participated. The main objective of Medicine were Prof Dame Tina this online workshop was to equip the Lavender, Dr Tracey A Mills and participants with the required Dr Carol Bedwell; and from knowledge and skills to design, The IIHMR, New Delhi were conduct, analyze and interpret Dr Sutapa B Neogi (Director, IIHMR qualitative research in health field New Delhi), Dr Vinay Tripathi and with the larger aim of building the Dr Rupsa Banerjee. foundation for more advanced learnings in this area. 6 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 What's new??.. NIHR GHR Training Task and Finish group The PREVENT research scholars are now a part of the NIHR GHR Training Task and Finish group, which is formed to take forward the issues raised at the NIHR GHR Training fora in the year 2019 & 2020; prepare recommendations and proposed solutions for strengthening research capacity in Mentorship, Leadership, GHR Allied Health Professional Research Careers, and GHR Postdoctoral Research Careers. In particular, they work towards identifying the gaps, needs and areas of best practice and consider whether a regional or a cross-regional implementation approach will be appropriate for its recommendations. 7 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Success Stories of PRE..VENT Members.. The NIHR - GHR -PTTA award (4020 pounds) Dr Vaisakh Krishnan PA was a special achievement in my academic career. My visit happened virtually, owing to the Neonatal Neurology Research Fellow, Calicut special circumstances posed by the pandemic. However, I had a fantastic learning experience through the virtual sessions conducted by experts and training leads from the Kenya medical research institute (KEMRI), the Liverpool school of tropical medicine(LSTM) and the Oxford University. I highly recommend early career researchers from our team apply for the award at the next opportunity. Since the time of joining PREVENT team, under the guidance of Prof Sudhin Thayyil, I could gain numerous opportunities for my career growth. Importantly, I was privileged to interact with some of the most renowned researchers in Pediatric Medicine. I could deliver talks in seminars of fetal and neonatal medicine on the need for more evidence in neonatal encephalopathy in the low- and middle- income countries, based on my recently published paper and also deliver sessions on identification of different seizure semiologies to a set of international audience at the IEC ILAE 2021 Conference. Those were some of the significant breakthroughs in my profession that I was able to attain throughout my career journey so far. I feel proud to be a part of the PREVENT study. 8 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Success Stories of PREVENT Members.. The NIHR Global Health Research Short Placement Ms Pallavi Muraleedharan Award for Research Collaboration (NIHR GHR SPARC) was an excellent opportunity for me to Project Manager, Bengaluru carefully build and maintain a strong academic and professional network. I was able to work with senior academicians during the placement from various institutions such as LSHTM, the different units at Imperial College London, International Institute of Health Management Research (New Delhi) and Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine with an opportunity for ongoing collaborations. The courses I completed as part of this award has directly helped me in enhancing my knowledge in quantitative and qualitative research, health systems research and grant writing. The award also provided me with the opportunity to co-facilitate a session at the NIHR Global Health Research Training Forum on ‘The Future of Academic Global Health Research Leadership (Asia)’ which was held in September 2020. Apart from my research skills, I was able to work more on developing my communication skills, networking skills and training skills through this placement. In short, this placement provided me with a rich learning experience, and an opportunity to reflect and build upon the gaps in my academic and research skills to evolve into a global health researcher. 9 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Success Stories of PREVENT Members.. I, Deepika Vayankarappadam, could secure the Ms Deepika V Ph.D. studentship in NIHR Global Health Unit on Stillbirth and Neonatal Death in Sub Saharan Africa Project Manager, Bengaluru and South Asia under the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine(LSTM), which will commence in January 2022. I acquired a Bachelor Degree in Nursing in 2011 and went on to do a Master Degree in Social Work (Clinical and Community Practice) in 2016. Upon completion of my postgraduation degree, I entered into the research profession as Junior Research Fellow in a King's College London collaborative project at Department of Psychiatric Social Work, NIMHANS Bengaluru and then as Project coordinator in various WHO projects at Centre for Public Health, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, through which I could gain in-depth exposure to health services research. These background gave me a foundation to take up the role of project manager at PREVENT. Since my areas of interest are maternal and child health, evidence based nursing practice, stigma & discrimination and health advocacy, I found that PREVENT PROJECT aligns well with my career interest and becoming a member of PREVENT team made the biggest turning point in my life, i.e., I attained my dream of Ph.D. opportunity under the guidance of global experts and researchers, such as Prof Sudhin Thayyil, Prof Dame Tina Lavender and Dr Tracey A Mills. My Ph.D. topic will be broadly on the area of Parental Involvement in the Care of Sick Neonates. Through this learning opportunity, I would like to enhance my research competence and my organizational skills which will allow me to contribute efficiently towards the maternal and neonatal care discipline of medicine through the guidance of global health experts and renowned researchers of the field. My passion is to become an academician and global health researcher and I believe the this studentship opportunity will pave the direction for my passion. 10 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 From our New Team Members... Dr Shana Rahman I did my undergraduate (MBBS) and postgraduate(MS OBG) training at Calicut Medical College, Kerala. I joined the OBG Clinical PREVENT study in 2021 as a OBG Clinical Research Fellow. Research Fellow Through this research program I aim to explore various PREVENT Calicut strategies and research methodologies to gain a deeper understanding of conducting trials and research in providing qualitative intrapartum care addressing the well being of both mother and baby. By this study, what strikes me the most is that the team attempts to provide respectful maternity care in developing countries like India, through challenging the barriers associated with it. I have completed MBBS from Dr. B R Ambedkar Medical Dr Manjesh KA College, Bengaluru and MD Pediatrics and Neonatology from ESI Post Graduate Institute of Medical Science and Neonatal Neurology Research, Bengaluru. Throughout my postgraduate medical Research Fellow education, I have come across many babies who have suffered Birth Asphyxia and later developed poor PREVENT Bengaluru neurodevelopmental outcomes including Epilepsy. Being part of the PREVENT study, I got introduced to highly qualified researchers and clinicians working in the area of birth-related brain injury in India and across the globe and can contribute effectively towards the field. Following my research fellowship, I intend to do Doctorate of Medicine in field of Neonatology and to manage sick babies requiring NICU care. 11 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 From our New Team Members... Dr Pooja Wali KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, BUT LEARNING IS SUPERPOWER… PREVENT PROJECT is an opportunity for me to enhance my Neonatal Neurology learning horizon with professionals from UK and India. Research Fellow Research being a new concept to me, I was always PREVENT Hubli enthralled to explore it. PREVENT project was a guide towards this new learning and exploration. My primary motive of life and profession is “Be or Bring a change for a good cause”. In country like India, were illiteracy and poverty are a big bane, lot of changes and hands need to come forward for it to develop. Being a part of PREVENT project and contribute, though minimally from my end towards a bigger change that PREVENT is going to bring in the field of medicine, which will help many families live with smile is a - feeling of pride . I am grateful to be a part of PREVENT team. “GROWTH ONLY HAPPENS THROUGH CHANGE\" PREVENT SHALL BE THAT CHANGE... I am a pediatrician, pursued MBBS from Government Dr Anjali K Medical College Kannur and postgraduation (MD) from Government Medical College Kottayam. Joining PREVENT Neonatal Neurology was a breakthrough in my academic career. I am much Research Fellow delighted to be a part of PREVENT which is world’s largest PREVENT Calicut study in newborns. I would like to contribute my hardwork and skills for the successful completion of our study. I wish to deliver the knowledge and experience gained as Neonatal Neurology Research Fellow to serve the most deserved and underprivileged groups in the society. 12 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 New Team Members! OBG Research Nurses Ms. Jasmeen Ms. Vijaya Hubli Hubli 13 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 New Team Members! Intrapartum Fetal Monitoring Fellows Ms. Vijayta Ms. Nancy Bengaluru Hubli Ms. Shanifa Calicut 14 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Next Quarter.. The next quarter (November 2021 - January 2022) will mark the transition phase for the commencement of care bundle implementation phase of the PREVENT study, during which we will pretest the feasibility of implementing the care bundles in the real setting. We have recruited more research nurses who will be the key members involved in the implementation of the care bundle in labour rooms across the sites. Continued hands-on training will be offered to the research nurses in order to enhance their competencies in care bundle interventions and thereby will increase the monitoring of women in labour. We are actively in touch with the senior investigators and advisors to launch the second year of the PREVENT study. Prior to the implementation, all the principal investigators will gather for an official meetup at Hubli site, which will be followed by the PREVENT team meetup. 15 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Arts & Designs Creative Corner Art by Vidya OBG Research Nurse PREVENT, Calicut 16 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 Nature Photography Creative Corner By: Anju M OBG Research Nurse PREVENT, Calicut 17 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
Oct 2021, Vol. 7 \"Imagination is the highest form of research. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.\" Albert Einstein 18 PREVENT Quarterly Newsletter
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