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Home Explore Fashion Most Magazine - MAR'15 ISSUE NO.7

Fashion Most Magazine - MAR'15 ISSUE NO.7

Published by MOST Magazine, 2015-02-19 16:07:36

Description: Celebrity, Fashion & Lifestyle Magazine | Katrina Law, Anastasiya Petryshak, Amadeus, Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Daphne Wayans, James Blakeley III, Denzel Whitaker, Taylor Jones, Hands Up for Haiti, Eric Ouaknine, Jennifer Avello, Viktorija Pashuta, Susi Belianska, Rudy Shoushany, Michael Grecco, Alee Hassan, Pascal Latil, Shari Ruzzi, Marla Weaver, Celine Charpentier, Badgley Mischka & Michael Costello Spring Summer 2015 Collection, Linda Veloz, Alessandra Velia, Celine Antunes

Keywords: fashion,most magazine,mostmag,celebrity,lifestyle


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There is also a great need for medical supplies. Haiti needs everything including, vitamins, office and medical equipment, clothing, stethoscopes, file cabinets, and Epi-pens. Donations help to organize and facilitate medical missions, support ongoing projects, provide funds for the partner clinics, obtain medical supplies, and support educational programs in Haiti.Most trips range between twelve and sixteen Since Hands Up for Haiti is a non-profit organization every dollarpeople, although specialized trips such as donated goes to helping the most impoverished areas of Cappsych-neuro or ophthalmology, can have as Haitien. Donations go to funding clinics in some of the mostfew as three team members. While the majority disadvantaged areas, such as Shada, the most impoverised areaof volunteers are medical personnel, a term of Cap Haitien. The Shada clinic, which Hands Up for Haiti supportsthat includes doctors, nurses, social workers, financially and by sending volunteer teams, serves an area ofphysical and occupational therapists, and approximately 25,000 people, and sees about 400-500 patients eachEMTs, at least one non-medical volunteer month. Without the help of Hands Up for Haiti and the Shada clinic,is part of each volunteer team. these patients would otherwise have no access to medical care. Haiti has one of the worst child nutrition and infant and maternal mortalityThe Hands Up for Haiti website includes rates in the world. Any donation can help fund Hands Up for Haiti childa schedule of upcoming trips, together with nutrition and prenatal programs.frequently asked questions. One requirementto volunteer is a preliminary application for Hands Up for Haiti started as a small group of committed individuals.those who have not previously volunteeredwith Hands Up for Haiti, and another is These people had personally witnessed the poverty and infrastructureto be interview each by a seasoned volunteer.Participation with a Hands Up for Haiti trip is problems that Haiti faced and problems related to the severe lack oflife-changing for a volunteer, resulting in verypersonal and meaningful changes. We often access to health care. All of these problems were exacerbated by thehear the following from volunteers: “You canleave Haiti, but Haiti will never leave you.” devastating earthquake. The founders planned to facilitate two or threeHands Up for Haiti cannot survive without medical trips a year. However, since its inception Hands Up for Haitithe support of generous individuals. HUFHreceives the majority of its funding from has matured into a humanitarian medical organization that sends tenindividual donations, better volunteer-ledand fundraising, and grants. HUFH gratefully to twelve medical missions to Haiti each year. The organization hasaccepts monetary donations. established multiple programs with Haitian medical colleagues that they can continue themselves. Hands Up for Haiti is an established non-profit in the United States and is getting government recognition in Haiti as well. They have sent hundreds of volunteers to Haiti and have volunteers constantly working here at home. || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 151

TV Personality/Relationship Expert/Mom: Daphne Wayans Photo Credit: Michael Grecco152 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 153

By: Denise Smith hen describing motherhood, fashion is akin to her like paint is to an artist, family one could use words such as would become her true calling. selfless, nurturing, unconditionaland unwavering. Daphne Wayans, a television She met and married actor, comedian, directorpersonality and relationship expert, embodies and screenwriter, Keenen Ivory Wayans. Togetherthese ideas to a fault. A self-described “career they have, Jolie, Nala, Keenen Jr, Bella, andmom,” she measures success as happy, able Daphne. When discussing her children, Daphnechildren who are in a safe and loving environment transforms, Jolie, her oldest is a sweet, kind,both physically and emotionally. Children who ethereal artist. Nala is an insouciant maverick wholaugh more often than not, who feel free to loves fashion and is showing signs of a successfulcommunicate anything and everything, yet who “goal digger.” Keenen is an imaginative youngare kind and have lovely manners. It is clear to see man who is a chip off the old block, 100%. Hewhat motivates this mother of five. loves to draw, act, produce, voice over, anything >>> Born and raised by working class parents inInglewood California, Daphne’s fondest childhoodmemories are of feeling safe. An only child, shegrew up feeling a great sense of security andthat everyone had each other’s backs. She nevereven felt racism in her close-knit community. Shehas always found comfort in the sounds of aircraftflying overhead, as Inglewood is the home of LAXinternational airport. When asked about her personal parentingstyle, she mentions rules…lots of them. “I like tothink of it as a mini community where some order isneeded.” She goes on to say, “I want my childrento feel that they have the freedom to communicateand learn a great deal from traveling.” Feeling encouraged by her parents, sheattended Otis Parsons for art and design as well asthe Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising.Fond of the history of fashion, she finds the mindsetof women is reflected in their clothes. Although154 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015

that allows him to be creative. Bella is quick-witted Pharrell. Her vice is hands down, LOVE. “I alwayswith a love for painting and drawing. Daphne, her say love is my drug of choice.” The art of cookingyoungest and namesake, is affectionately referred is yet another way of expressing herself. “I amto as persnickety, and just started dancing. She has only looking to create harmony and wellness whilealways hoped her children would be artists of some keeping the beneficiary’s well-being and personalsort. “It goes without saying, a sense of humor and a taste in mind; by which I extend a pleasurablethick skin are very much encouraged.” experience that truly is a gift offering of love from me to another.” We’ll have some of that, yes, peaking of their famous father, married from please and thank you. 2001 to 2005, Keenen and Daphne are co-parenting and maintain a close friendship. She When the conversation turns to currentfeels that a family is the most intimate population events, we touch on the recent injustices plaguingof humanity. It is the subgroup that organizes young black America and Daphne becomesby blood – intentions held close to the chest fervid. Adamant that there is nothing recent orand hearts. Divorce speaks to the dissolution of current about these issues, “This country is builtmarriage. It says nothing about a family not still on ‘race relations’ and hence the backbone ofbeing a family. The same way a death in the family black peoples’ blood, sweat and tears.” “Thesedoes not mean that person was never your family, crimes are nothing new to my children.” “I justso it is with divorce. “A family is about what is in allow them to see for themselves and have theiryour heart.” own experiences and viewpoints.” She will not hide things from them but rather help explain any If you stumbled on Daphne at home, you aspects that they may question. “There is nothingmight find her listening to Niki Minaj’s Only, or confusing about this (referring to recent police >>>Divine Sorrow by Wyclef & Avicii, or anything by || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 155

shootings of young black men in America) to anyfeeling person.” Ms. Wayans is currently writing a blog forthe Huffington Post and was previously featuredon VH1’s Hollywood Exes. She was able to workwith some of her closest friends on the show. Shespeaks of the genuine friendships and sisterhoodthat was real and true that extend beyond thecamera and the show itself. She feels that sisterhoodis “women connected by hearts, with shared goalsin and on purpose and a mutual reverence.” True toform, she has been involved with charities such asKeep A Child Alive with her dear friend Alicia Keys,whom she supports in all things. ords to live by, “There is nothing like doing work that enables you to see adirect relation to the future generations.” When weasked Daphne what her contributions to the futurethink of her, she is bashful but relents and asksthem their thoughts. Here is what they said, “Anawesome Gemini loving the extremes of things,who is annoying yet lovely.” Our sentimentsexactly, well maybe not so much annoying, butquite lovely indeed. If you find yourself as enchanted with thebeautiful and insightful Daphne Wayans as weare, you can find her words of inspiration andencouragement on the Huffington Post. Hers is asisterhood we should all aspire to be a part of.156 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 157

Celebrity Interior Designer:James Blakeley IIIhttp://www.jamesblakeley.com158 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015

By Denise Smith he principal designer at Blakeley-Bazeley appreciates European-contemporary and Japanese Ltd, James Blakeley III, has been creating looks, where you have a lot of yin and yang. contemporary, classic designs with a hintof antique for a compelling 25 years. The son of a As if creating beautiful spaces isn’t enough, Mr.Vice President for 20th Century Fox, he spent time Blakeley is a Commissioner of the Beverly Hillstraveling the world gathering what would become Architectural Review Board. Each member bringshis signature style. From exotic locales, such as something different to the table, yet they all striveThailand, China, South Korea and Hawaii, to trendy for the same result. “A great project helps keepSan Francisco and New York City, he finally settled our city beautiful and exciting for its citizens.”in Los Angeles. Here he enjoys being close to the The objective is to create a design that will fit intosea, snow, and desert. the overall look of the city, regardless of board members’ tastes. A project he’s most proud of is Blakeley compiles his target client-base mostly the new culture center called the Wallis. “I think thefrom referrals and real estate agents. To determine two elevator structures are just wonderful since itthe possibilities of a house and the associated really appears as if they were always there.”costs, often he views the property with the potentialclient/buyer. “I let the house tell me what I can do Taking into account all that he sees in his travels,to it,“ he says. “I like to use solids and textures be it foreign or right here in the United States,for a timeless look, as prints tend to look dated one thing is clear, he will never do anything thateasily.” One past client remarked, “James he does not like. “I will work around a project andreally understands the aesthetic and pragmatic make it come out the way that I want.” When askedaspects of design; he’s reliable, honest and on about retirement he simply states, “There are sotop of everything.” many things I want to do in design and in life as well.” Retirement is not in any of his plans. Blakeley prefers not to accessorize a home he isdesigning; he feels that would not allow the owners’ For more information on James Blakeleypersonality to come through. “It’s not something I and Blakeley-Bazeley Ltd, please visit: www.try to do with my clients, I just do what their taste for and then add my own little twist.” Usuallyhis little twist is a black design element. Mr. Blakeley’s home is an eclectic work-in-progress, where nothing is in its place and neverwill be. “My house is my lab.” He reads and enjoyshis tea in his sunroom that overlooks the backyard;he takes solace in his oversized club chairs. When we discussed what personal style hefavors, he’s quick to mention mid-century modern.“I like how things were being pushed and re-looked at for the lifestyle at that time.” Blakeley also || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 159

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Photo credit: Dustin Lewis (Mr. Clandestine)Actor/Director:Denzel Whitaker164 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 165

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enzel Whitaker is best known for his she becomes good friends with her popular and award-winning role as James Farmer charming “peer tutor”, who turns out to be the son Jr. in Harpo Films and The Weinstein she gave up 20 years earlier.Company’s The Great Debaters, where heperformed opposite two of his namesakes, Denzel Other notable film credits include Lionsgate’sWashington and Forest Whitaker. Abduction with Taylor Lautner, Alfred Molina, and Lily Collins, Warrior with Joel Edgerton and Tom On February 14th, Denzel will star in Lifetime’s Hardy as well as Wes Craven’s My Soul to Take.drama movie Back to School Mom. KimberlyElise, Rick Fox, and Garcelle Beauvais also star. In 2013, Denzel created BlackmoufShot on location in Capetown, South Africa, it’s Entertainment, a multi-talented productionthe inspirational story of a 41-year-old free-spirited company specializing in the production of film,musician who decides to go back to college television, and web-content globally. The companyto finish her degree. Back at her old university, recently produced the action-crime short film Criminal; written and directed by Whitaker. || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 167

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Photographer: Joshua Shultz172 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015

TaylorCelebrity: || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 173

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By: Elizabeth Price TJ is the singer of the new hit song I was in the studio co-producing it and doing‘Emergency’ which was released on November additional writing on the record too.” TJ says18th, 2014. TJ tells Most, ’Emergency’“is a fun that collaborating on such a hit song was a greatelectro-pop record that really portrays who I experience, but one his mom might have enjoyedam as an artist.” TJ wrote ‘Emergency’ in 2013 more. He explains, “When I told my mum I was onwhile on tour in Belgium. TJ sings about the the official release by Lasgo she could not believefeeling of being unappreciated in a relationship, it. ‘Something’ was one of her favorite songs 14later acknowledging the difficulty of ending a years ago!” However, this collaboration is just therelationship once your heart has already committed beginning for TJ, as he envisions working withitself to that person. TJ hopes ‘Emergency’ is a different artists in the future. TJ tells Most that hesong that others will relate to. would love to collaborate with groups like Owl City. “Owl City produces and writes their music, and it is aylor began his career at the age of always something different from the usual, which I 16 when he recorded a song using a love. They are one of my biggest influences.” homemade microphone and a Windowslaptop. He then posted the new creation to Taylor was able to finance his music video forYouTube. TJ’s self-creation, ‘Fallen Out’ reached ‘Fallen Out’, by MCing in clubs in his hometown of#2 on the Top Urban Charts in the UK and Swindon, UK. TJ has completed music videos forremained in the Top 5 for the following eight weeks. both ‘Rock This Party’ and ‘Something’. Many of hisIt was not long after that TJ’s online following music videos feature various scenic locales. “Mygave notice to record labels in the UK. TJ’s first most memorable music video was to a record thatprofessional release came in 2012, with ‘Rock This was released under a synonym of mine. The recordParty’. The song soared to #6 in Poland, #16 in is called ‘Understand’ – Symon Alexander and IAustralia, and #25 on the German Dance Charts. blew up a caravan, had a helicopter, and a crew ofThe success of this hit song catapulted Taylor into 45 people; it was such a memorable day.”performing in large stadiums in front of audiencesnumbering in the thousands. Taylor’s most recent TJ is not only a singer and songwriter, butappearances include performances at award a host and presenter as well! In Belgium, TJceremonies and on national radio stations, as well conducted inter-views with celebrities Selenaas his tour across Europe. Gomez and Chloe Grace Moretz. He envisions himself branching out into other areas of show In 2013, Taylor released a version of business and hopes to do more presenting in the‘Something’ with the Belgian dance band Lasgo. “I future. “I have always wanted to branch out intoloved working on the new version of ‘Something.’ other areas of the industry.” TJ goes further to explain that music is his passion, but it has always been his dream to shoot a movie. >>>>> || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 175

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Photographer: Joshua Shultz || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 177

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TJ’s musical talent began long before the However, TJ encourages new artists to beage of 16. As a child, Taylor played the guitar confident and have a goal, and if they have aand trumpet, which fostered his love for music. reason for being there then there is no reasonHowever, he admits that he prefers vocal melodies to panic.rather than playing live instruments. “I love thewhole digital electronic sound and composing TJ acknowledges that whenever he has a bitmusic can be done in many different ways in this of down time he likes to pop in a movie and snagday and age.” But that has not stopped Taylor a bag of popcorn, saying “I am a huge moviefrom branching out to improve his talents in other freak!” With such a busy schedule, filled with travelareas, as he says that he is learning how to play and engagements, “It’s not possible to see mythe piano. family and friends always in my down time as I’m usually in another country, and so a movie in bed ot only has Taylor taken the time to branch is the perfect way for me to let loose and relax.” out into other industries, but he has also Traveling as much as he does, TJ admits that developed his sense of style as an he cannot leave without his laptop, “the perfectartist. Taylor describes his style as mostly travel companion.” TJ explains, “I always haveurban. “I like to wear patterned jumpsuits and my MacBook Pro with me, and I’m always workingsnapbacks, and I love high-tops. I really like on the go. It’s a way of communicating, working,to wear things that stand out: studded clothes, charging my phone, showcasing what I do, andleather, and lots of accessories.” watching movies.” TJ has seen successes in a span of only four aylor is currently working on promotion foryears. He has come a long way from his hometown his new hit single Emergency. You can alsoof Swindon, UK. TJ can never know what to expect look forward to the release of his new hiton any given day. There is no ‘typical’ day for single early this year. NOW magazine named TJhim anymore. “Every day is different, and that is the “Artist to Watch” and Most concludes that youwhat I love about being an artist.” One day TJ can should keep your eyes on TJ. With this amount ofbe off to a red carpet event, or in the office with success at age 20, who knows where he will behis manager, planning his promotional tour and popping up next!campaign. Other days he will box himself in thestudio pouring out his feeling into a new melody. TJhas learned lessons from his hard work and offersadvice for other aspiring teens and musicians.TJ says, “You need to believe in yourself beforeothers believe in you.” He recognizes that movingto a new place can be extremely daunting andfrightening, especially when you are alone. || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 179

Photographer: Joshua Shultz180 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015

Photographer: Duke Morse20% off for Most Mag Readers with coupon (MOSTMAG) M A G A Z I N E || 181 Etsy shop: Instagram: Facebook:|/| FAS HI O N Email: [email protected]

CelineHair Stylist: AntunesPhotographer: Eric Ouaknine182 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 183

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Candy RoseHairdresser : Celine Antunes Schwarzkopf Professional AmbassadorAssisted : Yoel GeorgesPhotographer : Eric OuaknineStyllist : Laura De VillebonneSalon : 52Eme AvenueMake Up : Stephane DussartModels : Sergent Camille and Eva Biechy || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 187

AMoldeel:ssandra Velia AlessandraVeliaModel.wix.com188 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 189

Photographer: Alexandre Behtashwww.alexandre-Behtash.comRetoucher: George BuczkoMake Up And Hair: Léa ToussaintStylist: Pedro Vignon Hanhausen190 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015


Model: Linda Veloz Photographer: DMS Graphix192 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 193

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inda Veloz first started modeling at the age of fourteen in Ukraine and later in various locations across the globe. At the age of seventeen she was one of the finalists of the beauty contest “Miss Odessa Ukraine,” winning the special award of “Miss Photo.” Linda has been featured in various magazines world-wide including: Moda Style, Collezioni, Zélé magazine, Colette, Bond magazine, Turka magazine, Fleur d’Orange, and many others. She has done runway shows for such internationally acclaimed designers as Walid Atallah, Jorge Diep, Ruben Campos, Nedret Taciroglu, Edward Arsouni, Nina Gleyzer, Jenerations, Anna Bublik, Alina Assi, and Olga Brovkina. Believing that beauty comes from inside, Linda leads a healthy life style going to the gym, swimming, and practicing yoga. Already speaking six languages, she enjoys experiencing foreign cultures through travel, history, languages, and cuisines. Outside of modeling her passions include singing, psychology, and international development.196 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015 || F A S H I O N M A G A Z I N E || 197

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Photography: DMS GraphixMUA: Aleksandra Ambrozy200 || FAS HI O N M A G A Z I N E || MARCH 2015

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