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araymond india internal magazine - oct to dec. 2021 (1)

Published by Shreyas Deshmukh, 2022-01-03 09:15:10

Description: araymond india internal magazine - oct to dec. 2021 (1)


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RAY-JUVENATE ARAYMOND INDIA INTERNAL MAGAZINE - OCT TO DEC. 2021 We WIN or We Lose Learn If you fail, never give up because FAIL means 'First Attempt In Learning' - DR. APJ ABDUL KALAM


RAY JUVENATE CONTENTS 1 MD Desk:    7 Article:   10 Quality Month:    \"As long as I live, so The next time something Quality is never an long do I learn\" challenging happens to you. accident Consider it a gift! Long Term 1    Service Award From MD's Desk Cermony at 3   ARaymond India Editorial 16    4 ARaymond India celebrates its ATOMS Corner 11th Annual Day 7    'Rayjoice' Article- We Win or We Learn 9    Short Story 10     Quality Month Celebration at ARaymond 12     Safety Chalta Bolta Drive at ARaymond 14   Zero Food Waste Week at ARaymond 15    Sports Tournaments at ARaymond 16   Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond 29    Congratulations to Newly Weds & Parents of New Born 34    Creative minds at ARaymond

From MD's Desk Dear Friends, I can never forget 2021 as year, this year gave me lot of learnings and I am sure for all of us. We had lots of ups and downs in this year; Q1 was full of high demand from which helped us to be a better customers, we performed above person. We suffered by losing one our budget in Q1. Q2 gave us of our colleague, Vidya, to COVID different learning, with COVID and during same time many of our virus affecting many of our loved friends or family members were ones. Q3 was a difficult time with suffering heavily by this virus. We, lots of challenges on high as team fought and have come out stocks/inventory, uncertain and of it as winner. volatile demands from customer due to CHIP shortage and same continued for Q4. Our theme of this Rejuvenate is also on the same line, “Either we will win or we will learn”; there is a nice quote by Shri Ramakrishna “As long as I live, so long do I learn” Man or society which had nothing to learn is already in jaws of death. Any progressive community, can grow and face any challenge, can evolve, and sustain only by learning new things.

Today our markets are also evolving and in transition phase, for our individual sustainability, for sustainability of our organization we have to learn new skills, new way of doing business. And when we experiment new learning, we will not be winner every time, we fail but this failure will teach us how not to fail, which will be learning. Rightly said by Edison, after failing 10,000 time, “I have not failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work”. Very inspiring, this thought inspires us not to give up from failure but to learn and move ahead. Year 2022 will be again full of surprises for us, our markets are evolving in terms of technology and expectation, let us all commit to demonstrate our Values in action and fulfill our customers evolving expectation by using our experiences, learnings from our failures and successes. I wish you & your near and dear ones, good success in year 2022. HAPPY NEW YEAR. Jai Hind Manish

Editorial Sometimes, people ask you how are you and you say fine but internally you are What do you do when it seems like not fine, and they will never know that suffering won’t stop? What do you do you suffer, you struggle, you bleed, you when it feels like your pain doesn’t have cry, you face insult,you get hurt and if an end? What do you do when it feels you think that true strength means like your weakness continue to worsen? never showing any weakness, then my What do you do when it feels like your dear friend, you are wrong. Sharing your failure won’t stop? pain or challenges might open new Maybe you are under stress due to your avenues for you where you would find financial issues, Maybe it is related to the best possible solution for your your professional challenges, maybe challenges. with your marriage, maybe with your kid, maybe it’s with your health, maybe Here you have two choices. Either give in some other arena of life. You are up or getup. When you do not get knocked down, gasping and you don’t desired success, try again and again and know what to do? This is the exact again. In fact, we never fail, we always moment when you have to bounce back, either Win or Learn. All our efforts in taking charge of your life, transforming making things work, are some or other all the so called ‘failures’ into life lessons. way improving us, helping us to be a Each learning is a key milestone in your better person or a better professional. journey towards success. Victory probably give you happiness, but learnings and experiences are the best gifts for us, don’t you think so?

Editorial All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our Life is not always good, always rosy, hands before our eyes and grumble that always success. You may think, your there is no light. We need to look around time is bad but probably that is not the and there are multiple opportunities truth, this is not the last chapter of your waiting for us. Be not afraid of anything. life. The easiest option a human being You will do marvelous work, even in the can think about is quitting. But instead of toughest situation you will have that your hard efforts and learnings are something in your hand which you can more valuable than leaving. Even if you learn, absorb, improve, implement, and are going through the struggles, is it excel. always better than never attempting. The disappointment might get Have faith in you!! aggravated by some comments, actions by any other person in our life at that Take risk in your life, if you win, you can moment, but you can’t allow any body to lead. If you cannot, you can Learn & drag you into valley of dark. You have Guide. every right to bring light and touch the peak. You Win…or You Learn, life lessons are The greatest sin is to think yourself always there, if you are ready to learn. weak. Whatever you think, you will become so. If you think yourself weak, - Mr. Vilas Kasulkar you will be weak. If you think yourself strong, you will be strong. What is important is that you believe in yourself. Believe in yourself and the world will be at your feet. Your belief, values and constant efforts would force you to learn new things daily and you will surely see the success at the end. The world is the great gymnasium where we come to make ourselves strong. It is fearlessness that brings heaven even in a moment.

ATOMS Corner Team & People Development Excellence is not a destination it’s a Objective of Team & People continuous journey with sustenance. For Development: sustaining ATOMS enabling pillars that From collection of individuals with are Total Quality, Process Optimization, individual target to group of people with Workplace Management and Flow common interest, same values, sharing Management, the most important is common practices, attitudes, and people. To have “Team & People knowledge in which each one has a role. Development “is very important factor Encouraging each collaborator’s for improvement. We are introducing professional and personal growth to sustaining pillar of ATOMS i.e. “Team & help each one to find his meaningful People Development “ contribution to the collective vision. Team & People Development: Key Components of Team & People Team & People Development address the sustainable development & growth Development: of each team and individual in coherence with vision/strategy. Skills identification It explains how everyone and the team, is working to identify, balance and Technical and transversal skills continuously develop all 4 aspects of themselves for more collaboration and (collaboration, facilitation…) agility: v Intellectual identification v Physical v Emotional Physical awareness v Visionary Ergonomic, safety, Mindfulness, Energizer Trusting and open atmosphere Team building, inclusion, onboarding NVC, Delivery receipt Self-knowledge & personal vision Servant Leadership programs Personality Inventory (MBTI…) Coaching

ATOMS Corner Small Group (SG) is the Best Example for this pillar. It develops Strong connection of people and workplace. Small Group is a collection of three or more individuals who interact about common improvements or goal and can exert mutual influence over one another.” Small Group allow for greater accountability, autonomy, and flexibility, both in terms of scheduling- and idea-based changes. They “foster greater trust among team members and less fear of failure.” •Taking ownership with Positive attitude and behavior and tell others- ‘You can trust me to do the right thing’ Small Group Works on SMART Goals Specific – Be specific as to what exactly you want. Measurable – Agree what successful completion is& Ensure you can measure a good job done. Achievable – Ensure you set achievable goals. Relevant – The task / goal must be relevant to the team & your development needs. Timely – Every goal or task must be time bound against which effectiveness can be measure.

ATOMS Corner 10 Golden Rules of Small Group: Each SG meeting is of 7 minutes. Team Captain leads the daily SG meeting, and captain changes every week Targets are measured and discussion on challenges happen daily, team works collaboratively provide solutions SGA Board Benefits you will get from Small Group: Job Satisfaction Job Enrichment by acquiring new skills, Knowledge. Improve my communication/ Presentation skills. Training & Self-development plan. Rewards & Recognition. Opportunity to demonstrate my skills, & Abilities.

Article - I either win or learn Let’s Think about that Nelson Mandela quote for a second. Everybody makes mistakes or “ननंही सी चिटी जब दाना लेकर experiences that something bad चढती है , happens now and then. But how do you react to the challenging things that चढती दिवारो पर सौ बार happen to you? फिसलती है , आंखीर उसकी मेहनत बेकार नही होती” The next time something challenging happens to you. Consider it a gift! Choose your Own Way You do have a choice for everything. 1.You can either let it pull you down can think that this is something you learn from. Next time something challenging happens you’ll be even stronger. Do challenge yourself to think differently, Say loudly to yourself

If we experience any difficulties in our life, that is first step where we learn to grow. It depends on you how do you respond to challenges? When a potato is thrown into boiling water it becomes soft and weak. The fragile egg, with the thin outer shell, turns hard when boiled. But the coffee beans react completely differently. They change the boiling water and turn it into something completely different – a hot cup of delicious coffee. When faced with challenges, how do you respond? Do you turn soft like the potato, hard like the egg or do you use the challenge to your own advantage, like the coffee beans? You will face a series of challenges in your life. How you respond to them is up to you. Give yourself a chance to learn, adapt and use the situation for the better. Lastly, I want to share one quote “Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.” So, whenever you experience something remember, “I never lose. Either I learn or I win” - Ms. Dhanaya Kulkarni

Short Story Once upon a time a brilliant scientist used to conduct his experiments in search of scientific discovery. He used to journal his experiments regardless of their success or failure. However he never used to be Once a new student who recently saddened by his failures, thus showing joined as an apprentice, was stunned his optimistic attitude towards life. by the amount of journals he saw in the On the contrary he used to celebrate scientists lab. his failures, which might seem odd to ordinary people like us. He used to journal his failures with as Upon enquiring with the scientist, he much detail as possible, noting every was amazed that all those journals wrong move, method, or process that were of failed experiments. he made while conducting his experiments. There was only question in the students mind, \"Why would someone Over a period of many years he spend so much time and effort accumulated over 100s of journals journaling failure experiments?\" filled with failed experiments. He put forth his question in front of the scientist in hope of getting a answer for this unusual behavior. Scientist then explained, \"Do not look at these as failures my child, these are Learnings that I have accumulated over the decades of my research. These journals are for students like you who will imbibe these learnings and not go down the wrong path. This in itself is a Success for me.\" - Ms. Dhanaya Kulkarni

Quality Month Celebration at ARaymond “Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort,” “Sustainability: Improving Our Products, People, and Planet” With above quote and theme of the Quality month 2021 in ARaymond successfully 3rd year Quality Month celebration with committing ourselves to Quality by taking “Quality Oath” this was done in all production units including supporting functions and all our sales offices. To improve awareness and make more memorable following activities are identified during the month:- 1. Awareness on Quality System ,NC handling, Basic problem solving sessions 2. Quality Awareness information by daily mailer on Quality tools 3. Competitions for employees :-On the view of quality month following competitions or organized 1. Quality quiz (Crossword) 2. Poster competition 3. Spot Quiz for Operators 4.Suggestion Competition The winners of the above competitions rewarded during the MCM held on 1st Dec 4. AR India Got Talent “Advertisement Fun Event” is demonstrated by all team members of ARaymond India “Quality is not infinity and not limited to single day or month, it is just a drive to make aware and refresh ourselves.”

Quality Month Celebration at ARaymond

Safety Chalta Bolta Drive at ARaymond Safety New Initiative..!! Our employees are our most valuable assets. To ensure safety ARaymond India, Pune - Safety New initiative started from the month November 2021 drive “Safety Chalta Bolta Drive”. This activity is drive through the company. EHS related objective questions asked to employees about EHS various verticals like process safety, Fire prevention, waste management, material handling etc. Those employees given correct answers of three questions, these employees were appreciated. This activity benefits us to assess, promote “Safety Culture” & “Safety Collaborative approach, workplace awareness” across the MU’s at the ARaymond India. This support us, safe workplace & their sustenance. More than 350 employees from across ARaymond India, pune in this drive & made this event a success with their enthusiastic participation. # Safety Chalta Bolta Drive 2021 #We Care

Safety Chalta Bolta Drive at ARaymond Department wise Employee Engagement at Chalta Bolta Out of 154 employees interviewed 46 were able to answer all the safety quiz questions correctly! Congratulations. Team Members Amol Dhumal | Sampada Tarale | Shreyas Deshmukh | Virag Shah

Zero Food Waste Week at ARaymond A Zero Food Waste strategy needs to ensure everyone has access to tools to reduce where they live, work. Wholesome food that is currently wasted could help feed families in need. ARaymond India drive Zero Food Waste week. In this drive we displayed awareness posters, removed food waste bins from canteen, awareness mail communication to employees etc. Zero Food Waste drive prevent food waste by checking out these campaigns working to promote awareness around food waste and create more sustainable food systems. In this drive participation of each member of ARaymond India Family. we are committed in our push towards zero food waste, to build a more sustainable future for our children and the generations to come. Together, we can all play our part. More than 450 employees from across ARaymond India made this event a success with their enthusiastic participation. # Zero Food Waste Week 2021 # We Care.

Sport Events at ARaymond Cricket, Badminton, Chess, and Carrom tournaments played at ARaymond India

Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond ARaymond celebrated its 11th Annual Day 'Rayjoice' on 13th November 2021

Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond Carrom Winner Chess Winner Badminton Winner Mayuri & Chaitanya Manjunath & Yamanappa Harikrishna Kavarthapu Cricket Winner Engineering Marvels Carrom Runnerup Chess Runnerup Badminton Runnerup Dhanashree & Sushma Vijay Awatade Sanjana & Roserachana Cricket Runnerup Team Finance & Purchase

Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond Bishal Minz Ashutoshkumar Ghosh Gopi Bhargav Fashion Show - Team QC Ankita & Sakshi Sneha & Dhanaya Sayali Musale Event Coordinators

Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond Bedadyas Nag Comedy Skit Sachin & Gopi Kalidas, Suraj, Tushar, & Swapnil Juli & Snehal Sharel Coutinho Shital Thorat Dumb Dance - Team Store

Annual Day Celebrations at AR Chennai

5 Years at ARaymond!

5 Years at ARaymond!

5 Years at ARaymond!

5 Years at ARaymond!

5 Years at ARaymond! ARaymond appreciates you for being a valuable team member and part of our family.

10 Years at ARaymond!

10 Years at ARaymond!

10 Years at ARaymond!

Annual Day Celebrations at ARaymond ARise Idea Owner ARise Kaizen Man Harish Raut Ganesh Poplait ARise Implementation Reward MU QC


Mr. & Mrs. Kanchwala

Welcome Baby! Hugs and Kisses to the little one!

Congratulations on your bundle of cuteness! Mr. Charudatta Phule Mr. Anup Honrao Mr. Dnyaneshwar Jagtap Mr. Arvind Verma Mr. Shashikant Mr. Dnyanoba Kombade

Creative Minds at ARaymond A STEP TOWARDS SUCESS ! In the world of competition, Everyone is fighting for their existence, Acquiring success is our intension, But, Quitting is not an option! Being successful & making victories, Gives an opportunity to grow, Whereas, Loosing somewhere gives you a chance, To learn and show! So, Excavate the walls for Learning, Obviously, you will have the taste for winning, But, First you confirm while dreaming, You will successfully turn yourself towards achieving! Smita Gaikwad

Creative Minds at ARaymond जीत या सिख जीत एक मंजिल है मेहनत उसे पाने का जरिया I नाकामियाबी एक राह है सिख ही है उसिका दरिया II जीत की तो बात ही अलग है हारने का गम नहीं I कोषिश का जज्बा अलग है कामियाबी का हल यहि II मुश्किले बहुत सी आएगी पर तू न रुकना कभी: I जीत तो तेरी ही होगी पर तू न थकना कभी: II सफलता के हर पड़ाव पर श्रम का पसीना है I तू बस प्रयास कर तुझे जीतना है या सिखना है तुझे जीतना है या सिखना है II Sayali Musale

Creative Minds at ARaymond D. Jaya M. Nandhini

Creative Minds at ARaymond A. Velan U. Loganathan

Creative Minds at ARaymond 'Into the Woods' - Watercolor on Canvas Aditya Joshi Sayar Guha Durga Pooja - Photography

A TEAM WORK BY 01. Mr. Amit Borkar 02. Mr. Amogh Soman 03. Ms. Mitra Parchure 04. Mr. Gururaj Gajendragad 05. Ms. Pankajakshi Harinaidu 06. Ms. Dhanaya Kulkarni 07. Mr. Vinod Chavan 08. Mr. Saikumar Kavali 09. Mr. Aabed Mulani 10. Mr. Aditya Joshi 11. Mr. Shreyas Deshmukh 12. Mr. Rahul Mali

Queries/Suggestions For any Queries or suggestions, Please write to - [email protected] thank you!

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