ECommerce-MRO Customer Service Information Pack
OUR MISSIONOur mission is to supply high quality products via ouronline platform. To exceed our customers expectationsby providing an exceptional service. Working with oursuppliers we will ensure we offer the latest products atthe best price. We will add value to your business byreducing the time taken to source and find the productsyou require.National SupplierCoverageOur supplier partners offer us the comprehensivenational coverage for the products we offer. With 30 UKDC’s we can fulfil orders quickly and efficiently.Stock ManagementWe work hard to ensure the products we supply are instock. Our website manages stock levels and onlypromotes products that are currently in stock online.We also offer a comprehensive product quote servicewhere we can source any product you require.Our ValuesTRANSPARENCY – On our website you will see theprice, the shipping costs and no other added extrasINVOLVEMENT – We will work with both ourcustomers and suppliers to offer an exceptionalserviceCOMMITMENT – We are committed to ensuring thatthe products we offer are of the highest qualityPRODUCT INNOVATION – We will source the latestinnovative products from our supplier partners
Adding value to your businessIMPROVING EFFICIENCY PRODUCTS PROCESSES SOLUTIONS Performance Measurement Electronic Ordering Energy Survey/Monitoring Condition Monitoring Purchase Credit Training Workshops Technical Support Drive Design Analysis of Buying Trends Application Advice Simplified Invoicing Online Acc ManagementREDUCING COSTS PRODUCTS PROCESSES SOLUTIONS Product Transformation Delivery to any UK address Equipment Surveys O.E.M Parts Conversion 24/7/365 Online Purchase Training Workshops Substitute Parts Technical Consultancy Supplier Consolidation Product EfficiencyINCREASING PRODUCTIVITY PRODUCTS PROCESSES SOLUTIONS Stock Management Reviews Product and Brand Stock Profiling Rationalisation Training Workshops Vendor Management Solutions
Energy and EfficiencyServicesReduction in Energy useWe have experience in many industries to supportcompanies to capture energy savings, by identifyingwhere there is a need for product upgrades or improvedcontrol across the complete drive train solution.Increase in production EfficiencyWe also have the experience to suggest upgrades inyour products in a way that could give you increasedproduction or an increase in quality.Energy Management, Audits & Line WalksAs part of our managed service, we work with you toidentify where a reduction in energy consumption andor an increase in energy efficiency is possible. Ourcomprehensive site walk will produce an indication ofthe potential savings via an audit report which wouldthen lead to a power logging service and a full detailedreport to identify the true savings.Problem solving & Failure AnalysisWe have the knowledge and capabilities to trace backthe actual cause of failures to ensure there are no repeatfailures saving your business any unplanned downtime.
How we can help successfully IMPLEMENTATIONimplement an improved MRO Working with ECommerce-MRO your key stakeholders willstrategy identify the key areas where savings can be made by improving your direct and indirect procurementCOLLABORATION processes. Implementing best practice across yourThe collaboration between the procurement function in organisation will deliver the outcomes you require.your organisation and the key stakeholders using MROproducts is vital. At ECommerce-MRO we will ensure we OUTCOMESwork with all stakeholders to effectively implement a A clear procurement process.collaborative approach to MRO Purchasing. A consolidation in suppliers. Stakeholder engagement. Cost savings identified.
Managed Services AvailableSelf Managed Service Part Managed Service FREE Business Account All of Self Managed Service + Online Chat available Cost Saving Analysis Skype Calls Critical Spare Line Walk Quarterly Account Reviews* Site Visits on request* Supply Chain Agreement in place Site Visits on request**Site visits are subject to a day rate. All othersupport is FOC *Site visits are subject to a day rate. No charge on visits for customers subject to our minimum spend levelFull Managed Service All of Part Managed Service + Bespoke Branded Online Product Management System Management Fee Agreed Product Technical Support incl. Supplier Tech Support Training Workshop (1 per year) Energy Efficiency Survey Monthly Site Visits and Quarterly Management Reviews* Initial 12 month agreement (Terms and Conditions Apply)*Ad Hoc Site visits over and above the agreed monthly site visits are subject to a dayrate.
What E-MRO can do for you Technical Support Improve Efficiency Increase Productivity
Support ServicesSupport when you need it everytime Thousands of products at fantastic prices Technical Support on hand online or face to face Stock control systems to support an engineering stores department Virtual Online product management system to aid stock control and purchasing
ContactECommerce-MROContact us for more information on all of ourservices and products.E: [email protected]: 02380 253645W:
ECommerce-MRO Making adifference toyour business
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