Newsletter February 2022 Inside Our new premises Centre new premises Our new Coffee & Cake Scot Spirit Holiday Voucher Scheme drop in Life Changes Trust Winter Carers Support Funding Carers Training Support Groups
Move to new premises We were delighted and grateful to be supported by Mitie Facilities Management to assist with our move to St. James’ House. The team helped to lift, shift and move all of our boxes into our new space – we are extremely thankful to the team for all their support. Due to covid restrictions, we have only returned to the office recently, working a blended mix of home working and office space. We are loving settling into our new home, all the renovations are nearly done and it’s looking amazing. We secured additional funding from the Bank of Scotland Foundation to help buy new furniture and fittings, and plan an update to some of our IT systems and equipment too, so it really is a fresh start all round. We would be delighted to welcome you and show you around our space so please come along to one of the following drop in sessions – we’ll have the kettle on! Wednesday 9th March 10am - 12pm Wednesday 9th March 1pm - 3pm Wednesday 9th March 5pm - 7pm Our new address is - 3rd Floor, St James’ House, 25 St James’s Street PAISLEY PA3 2HQ. There is lift access for those a little less mobile.
Move to new premises New Reception New Training Room Meeting space and office space
ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme The ScotSpirit Holiday Voucher Scheme is focused on supporting individuals and families who have been particularly adversely affected by the impact of the pandemic, while at the same time providing financial support to the Scottish tourism sector. The scheme will enable Carers to enjoy a 2-3-night subsidised overnight break or day out in Scotland. The scheme offers a contribution towards an overnight stay in a bed and breakfast, camping/ holiday park, guest house, hotel or hostel or day visit activities in Scotland. Our application form for Carers is now live and will close at 12 noon on Friday 25th February and breaks can be taken up to 31 December 2022. We will then convene an independent panel consisting of other unpaid carers, staff and HSCP partners, to review all applications before notifying successful applicants in March. The scheme is funded by Scottish Government, and it will be delivered locally by Renfrewshire Carers Centre. Due to pandemic restrictions, we know that many Carers have been left without access to their normal support services. Many will have struggled due to extended periods of isolation and the lack of any meaningful breaks. You can find out more and apply online via our website or if you require assistance please email [email protected]
Life Changes Trust Music Therapies for Dementia We have been awarded money from the Life Changes Trust fund to offer sessions for our Carers who are looking after loved ones who have a Dementia diagnosis. We are pleased to say we will be working in partnership with Nordoff Robbins to offer music therapy sessions, which both Carer and cared for can attend as a social activity together in a safe and nurtured environment. People living with Dementia often feel a sense of anxiety and confusion, as their memory and sense of self becomes increasingly affected. Studies show even as the brain deteriorates, the capacity to respond to and become engaged in music survives, which makes music therapy a highly effective and enjoyable social interaction. The workers from Nordoff Robbins are very experienced in this field and their therapist will work sensitively and respond to, what the person can do, listening to their movement, breathing and vocal sounds. Music can help ease anxiety and disorientation, unlock memories, reduce isolation and help people regain their sense of identity. This will give a sense of relief and enjoyment to the unpaid Carer to see their loved one having fun. In addition, we will be working with some local complementary/ holistic therapists to offer Carers the opportunity to have some therapy/ relaxation sessions too. If you would like to know more, or would like to be involved, please contact us for more information.
Carers Winter Recovery Funding Renfrewshire Carers Centre is very pleased to announce that it has received an allocation of funding from the additional £3million being made available from The Scottish Government to support unpaid Carers during the winter. This additional winter funding is to support adult and young Carers, including Parent Carers looking after a disabled child. With this funding we aim to support carers · To improve health and well-being · To Improve financial well-being · To Improve social well-being Carers at risk of isolation, exclusion and/or disadvantage, whose caring role and lack of support impact on their · Physical, emotional and mental health wellbeing · Ability to balance their caring role with a life of their own · Financial wellbeing and ability to afford basic necessities You might want to use the funding for: · Assistance with food or fuel · White goods · Small household repairs · Taking a break e.g. leisure equipment, hobbies, entertainment subscriptions, therapies, IT equipment, respite, days away etc You are the best person to let us know how we can support you. We would encourage you to complete our application form which can be found on our website if you need assistance to complete the form e-mail [email protected] or telephone 0141 887 3643. The fund opens on 14th February and has to be allocated by the end of March 2022 therefore the last date for applications is Friday 18th March.
Support Group Update We are delighted to welcome Carers to our new premises as we resume our face- to- face support groups. Can we please ask before attending any of our groups, that you take a Lateral Flow Test and do not attend if you are displaying any Covid 19 symptoms. If you would like any information on the groups. Please telephone the Carers Centre on 0141 887 3643 or email [email protected] Male Carers Support Group First Tuesday of the month 12.30pm – 2.30pm Alzheimer's Carers Support Group First Thursday of the month 12.30pm – 2.30pm Learning Disability Support Group Third Tuesday of the month 10am - 11am (continues to meet via Zoom) Mental Health Carers Support Group Third Tuesday of the month 6.00 – 8.00pm Parkinson’s Carers Support Group Third Thursday of the month 12.30pm – 2.30pm Mental Health Carers Support Group Last Tuesday of the month 12.30pm – 2.30pm Coffee & Cake Drop In lau nching 8 March 2022 You are welcome to join us for our new monthly Coffee & Cake Drop in at the Carers Centre. The Drop In will take place on the second Tuesday of the month from 11.00am - 1.00pm and is open to Carers and the person you care for. We look forward to showing you around our new home.
Carers Training and Workshops Training for Carers in Renfrewshire provides a range of different training opportunities for carers. The only requirement is that you are a Carer aged over 18 and living in Renfrewshire. If you live outside Renfrewshire, but the person you care for lives in Renfrewshire, we will still try to accommodate you. If you are need support or training on a particular condition or have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Please email suggestions to [email protected] February Training Creation of Discretionary Trusts and Transfer of Title Tuesday 15 February 10.30am to 11.30, Zoom The seminar will cover the following: - Where can trusts be useful? What kind of trust should be used? Discretionary Trusts or other trusts. How to choose the trustees. How to choose the beneficiaries of the trust. Living with the trust. Termination of the trust. Boost your mood & feel better, relax Wednesday 16 February 7pm to 8pm, Zoom In this practical session learn and try out different, simple techniques to boost our immune system; mood and energy. Aids sleep; lessens anxiety and is enjoyable! Time out .... just for you! And feel better, relax Wednesday 16 February 7pm to 8pm, Zoom In this practical session learn and try out different, simple techniques Through a combination of different techniques, you get a much better effect, and you can use these on your own too.
Carers Training and Workshops March Training Caring for someone with Dementia - What is Dementia? Tuesday 1st March 11am to 12.30pm, Renfrewshire Carers Centre Learn about the types of dementia and how it effects people, the treatments and medications available. Basic Life Support Course for Carers Friday 4 March 10.30am to 1pm, Renfrewshire Carers Centre Carers will receive guided instruction in what they should do in an emergency, dealing with such basic life support skills as dealing with unconscious casualties, cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, and recognizing and treating certain first aid conditions in a casualty. Power of Attorney/Guardianship Tuesday 8 March 10.30am to 11.30am, Zoom An introduction to power of attorney/guardianship. We will discuss and explain the legal terms related to POA/guardianship and the legal documents. Caring for someone with Dementia - Communication Tuesday 8 March 11am to 12.30pm, Renfrewshire Carers Centre Communication can be stressful for people with Dementia. We will discuss how we communicate and the order we learn communication and learn some new communication skills. Caring for someone with Dementia, Meaningful Activities Tuesday 15 March 11am to 12.30pm, Renfrewshire Carers Centre We all need purpose in life, the activities we are involved in provides some of that purpose. It gives us routine and structure to our life. We will learn what activities do for us, how to encourage involvement and the long-term benefits?
Carers Training and Workshops March Training Personalisation/Self-Directed Support Tuesday 22 March 10.30am to 11.30am, Zoom Social care services can be 'personalized' to your individual needs and wishes. During this session we will discuss: The four options What support is available Where and how to get support Carer's rights: Introduction to the Carers Act 2016 Tuesday 29 March 11am to 12.30pm, Zoom This friendly, informal Adult workshop will give participants the understanding of the rights the Carers Act gives carers, including the Carer Support Plan, and the other responsibilities of local authorities set out in this Act. April Tra ining Carer's rights: Hospital admissions and discharge Tuesday 5 April 11am to 12.30pm, Zoom This friendly, informal workshop covers carers’ rights in relation to hospital discharge and other useful considerations for carers during a planned or emergency hospital admission and sta y. For more information or to book a place please contact Liz Smith, Training Worker at [email protected] or call 0141 887 3643
BAME Information & Development Worker We are delighted to welcome Bushra Sharif, who has joined the Centre in the role of BAME Information & Development Worker. Bushra's role is to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Carers in Renfrewshire. If you are a BAME individual looking after or intends to look after a partner, friend or relative who are unable to cope without support due to illness, disability a mental health problem or an addiction, or if you are a parent looking after children with additional support needs or Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Then it is likely you are an ‘unpaid carer’. At Renfrewshire carers centre we can offer support whether it is related to your caring role or your own personal life. We can provide information and advice in other languages including Urdu, Punjabi & Hindi on a wide range of services such as: · Emotional support · Welfare benefits and legal rights · Income maximisation (are you claiming what’s entitled to you?) · Health & Wellbeing · Support Groups · Social & community activities including training sessions Many people who provide unpaid care are unaware of their rights so please get in touch to find out what help and support you are entitled to. Contact Bushra at [email protected] or telephone 0141 887 3643
New Fire Safety Regulations The Scottish Government has introduced new legislation whereby as of February 1st 2022, every home in Scotland must have an interlinked fire safety system. It is the responsibility of the homeowner to meet this new legislative standard. You can find our more by visiting The Scottish Government publication: smoke-alarms-in-scottish-homes/ Care & Repair Renfrewshire maybe able to help with free installation if you meet certain criteria. For more information please contact Care & Repair direct on 0141 812 4111 or visit Scottish Charity No 23986 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @RCarers
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