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Home Explore My familyป.1

My familyป.1

Published by chayanan25331990, 2020-04-27 01:47:55

Description: My familyป.1


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My family

1. นักเรยี นสามารถบอกความหมายของ คาศัพทเ์ กี่ยวกบั เรือ่ ง My Family ได้ ถกู ตอ้ ง 2. นกั เรยี นสามารถตอบคาถามเก่ยี วกบั เรอ่ื ง My Family ได้ถูกตอ้ ง

Pre - test 1. Who is this? a. sister b. mother c. father 2. Who is this? a. sister b. mother c. brother

3. He is my………. His name is John. a. brother b. grandfather c. sister 4. I am a………... a. teacher b. farmer c. student

5. He is a………... a. teacher b. farmer c. carpenter 6. She is a………... a. doctor b. singer c. dentist

7. Who is this? a. father b. grandfather c. brother 8. Which one is correct? a. The cat is blue. b. I have two dogs. c. The bird is blue and yellow.

9. What is this? a. It is a dog. b. It is a cat. c. It is a bird. 10. Which one is not a pet? a. b. c.

My family grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister me

Vocabulary This is my grandfather. grandfather

Vocabulary This is my grandmother. grandmother

Vocabulary father This is my father.

Vocabulary This is my mother. mother

Vocabulary This is my brother. brother

Vocabulary This is my sister. sister

Vocabulary I have one brother and one sister. me

Who is this? This is my father. This is my dad.

Who is this? This is my mother. This is my mom.

ใบงาน 1 0 parents 1. …2……… mother 2. …1……… brother

3. ……5 ……..grandmother 4. ……3 ….. father 5. ……4……. grandfather

grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister

Post - test 1. Who is this? a. sister b. mother c. father 2. Who is this? a. sister b. mother c. brother

3. He is my………. His name is John. a. brother b. grandfather c. sister 4. I am a………... a. teacher b. farmer c. student

5. He is a………... a. teacher b. farmer c. carpenter 6. She is a………... a. doctor b. singer c. dentist

7. Who is this? a. father b. grandfather c. brother 8. Which one is correct? a. The cat is blue. b. I have two dogs. c. The bird is blue and yellow.

9. What is this? a. It is a dog. b. It is a cat. c. It is a bird. 10. Which one is not a pet? a. b. c.

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