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Home Explore Kagiso Mphahlele 2 (1)

Kagiso Mphahlele 2 (1)

Published by info, 2020-08-17 06:22:10

Description: Kagiso Mphahlele 2 (1)


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Kagiso Mphahlele Co-founder of iGrowGroup (pty)ltd -Speaker -Life Purpose Life Coach “Greatness lies in all of us and that you make the greatest difference when you just be yourself” Kagiso has always been an extrovert from a very young age. Born and raised in a small village called Senotlelo in Mpumalanga South Africa.Kagiso’s family relocated to the capital (Pretoria) when he was just a little boy where he continued with school.Kagiso completed his elementary journey in 2010 and started High School Journey in 2011 which he completed in 2015. He was an aspiring Accountant. Kagiso ,completed his Higher Certificate In Accounting the year 2017 -and that was also one year where doors opened up ,He started attending Leadership programs offered on Campus “I would always get so Inspired and energised to see Speakers on stage and always visualised myself doing the same”. Kagiso didn’t pay much attention and placed the focus on going back to the accounting path.In his 3rd year he had to specialise and he then ventured into Internal Auditing and completed his diploma In 2018 .Kagiso was so active in so many leadership programs - Managing the Academics of a Senior Residence as a Head Mentor. The young student started offering classes to 2nd year students “because the idea of speaking used to fascinate me a lot ,I would do classes without no motivation or a reminder, and also the course that he was doing was globally accredited”. Kagiso remembers a time where they were ambushed at class to be a part of the University Student Representative Committee of the the ‘Institute Of Internal Auditors ‘& Information System And Control Audit’ team ,He contested and attained highest votes in his class , as the campaign went to all other levels and other classes .The roles were presented to all chosen designates of the University -He chose and presented the portfolio ‘Public Relations Officer’ after realising that the role related to creating career awareness through speaking and this was one element he always loved to do ‘public speaking ‘We also had to sell ourselves again for the roles and He was then voted again highest in the PRO portfolio by all elected designates ”Funny enough -I didn’t get fascinated by the content of what I spoke about but the Idea of Speaking and Connecting with people was what always drove me”. One of his Friend Invited Kagiso to be featured on a community drive to inspire High School learners after seeing him being so active on Campus . Kagiso was open to this responsibility although he has not done something like this before . After meeting an inspired boy that day, who was an aspiring rapper ,Him and the gentleman that he spoke with that day decided to incorporate a company together alongside a lady that they knew for her great love for working with young people.The trio Co-founded a Private Company

that deals with helping learners expose their true Art through entrepreneurship workshops and also career expos that transport them to work places that they aspire to be to give them a feel of experiencing what they want to become. In 2019. Kagiso was doing his Degree and also running their company’s events. he would miss classes to speak on radio and the one topic that would always drive him a lot is the importance to live an authentic life - because him also was aspiring to be an Accountant but his daily actions were not demonstrating that. Kagiso was also employed to work at the University as a Student Assistant .He had two different roles ,- to conduct classes and do Admin work . When It came to teaching ,It didn’t feel like work to him because he would be so hyped and eager to do it. Kagiso would fill the class with many students and constantly bring great energy and enthusiasm. “I would extend my class time and keep them longer, neglect my studies in an exam week and do revision classes for them pro-bono.Yes I completed my degree but it was that moment I decided not to Renew my contract and told myself that Office life stops here and I’m not even pursuing job hunting”.because I was in a platform to pay bills and not express my gifted capabilities Kagiso got support from his friends and family and it was so overwhelming . Kagiso realised his mission was to touch hearts and minds and decided he will venture into purpose life coaching to awaken gifts of others . because when you do something that is not aligned with who you are, you procrastinate in performing the tasks , frustrate every time you are assigned a responsibility ,experience distress and not eustress , as responsibilities are more of a burden than a challenge for self growth and as a consequence your mental health gets compromised ,and on the contrary when you do what you love ,you bring a lot of enthusiasm on the responsibility, you are disciplined in doing the tasks ,you have self governance on this and you spontaneously become resilient on all the challenges that might occur Kagiso would always pay attention to human behaviour , by assessing how most people spend their time ,the topics they always like to engage on , the type of content that they will always research on - and it is always a case that most people set long term goals that are totally different to what their daily life demonstrates. Kagiso concluded by stating that it Should not only be Organisations and Companies that write a Mission statement but also we as individuals ,to write down what is that I would love to do in this place,What is it that my heart yearns to do in this place ,What Is that one thing that I would love to contribute in this place and also getting compensated for it .and my message to the reader , you are here ,where you are most needed and don’t merely exist but unapologetically unleash your power and truly live

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