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Home Explore The Sport and Fitness Show and Brighton and Hove Triathlon Media Pack

The Sport and Fitness Show and Brighton and Hove Triathlon Media Pack

Published by The Sport and Fitness Show, 2016-01-28 12:08:26

Description: SFS and BHT Information Pack v3


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Brighton and Hove, 10th and 11th September 01273 200434

Key facts25,000attendees over the weekend at the Sport and Fitness Show and Triathlon 1 — YOU 4,000— Natural Brighton seafront footfall 15,000— Sport Loving Individuals 1,500— Triathletes 4,500 — The average triathlete brings x3 spectators to a race Key Stats Target Audience at Sport and Fitness ShowAnnual consumer spend onsport in the South East Target Audience…£2.58 million Children 3— 16Annual consumer spend Target Audience…on sporting equipment in Professionals 17— 64the South East£137 millionAverage income of target audience Target Audience…= £36,000+ Sport Silvers 01273 200434 2

The Sport and Fitness Show If you’re mad about sport and keeping fit, you’ll love the Sport and Fitness Show. Bring your family along to the UK’s favourite seaside city, Brighton and Hove, and immerse yourself in the exciting world of sport. Fun, inspirationaland FREE the show is packed with the widest range of sports and fitness experiences and demos from top fitnessbrands, health and nutrition experts, plus the opportunity to try out exciting new technologies.There’s something for everyone at The Sport and Fitness Show. Join us and you’ll discover new sports and trends,watch some fantastic entertainment on our main stage, talk to sports professionals and get advice and new ideason everything from nutrition to how to improve your fitness level. Get motivated. Learn new skills. Be the best youcan possibly be. That’s what you’ll take away from the Sport and Fitness Show. Brighton and Hove TriathlonIn September 2016, Brighton andHove seafront will provide theiconic backdrop to the officialBrighton and Hove Triathlon.Co-ordinated by John Lunt,Olympic triathlon competitionmanager, the race will certainlybe the most eagerly anticipated inaugural triathlon in the UK.Professional Triathletes, and first-timers alike will commence their race with an open water sea-swimfrom the picture-postcard pebble beach, before a flat criterion cycle leg held entirely on closed roadstakes them along the city’s unique coast, before a final return to Hove Lawns and a run that will head outtowards West Pier and the new i360 before crossing the finish line with Brighton’s iconic cityscape as abackdrop. 01273 200434 3

Who’s InvolvedJohn LuntTriathlon guru and Competition Manager for the London 2012 Olympicgames, overseeing the highly successful Men’s and Women’s Triathlon inHyde Park. John was the Competition Manager for the ManchesterCommonwealth Games in 2002 only two years after Triathlon featured inthe Olympics for the first time. As an original triathlon pioneer in the UK,John founded and developed Human Race, which delivers over 50multi-sport and single sport events per year.Lisa ClaytonLisa Clayton has an extensive working history of over seventeen years,organising all aspects of music, theatre and live events. An active runner,Lisa lives in Kemptown, where she is raising her two sons.Charlie HepburnCharlie Hepburn is Managing Director and Founding Partner of eventagency; Vivid Event Group, based in Hove. Charlie often takes part inlocal marathons and enjoys sea swims. He and his wife live in Hove withtheir two children and are involved within the local community.Julia St. JohnExpert in the business management, operational, commercial andmarketing activities. Former COO and CFO of Human Race and over 20years financial experience for a broad range of businesses includingVirgin Media, Barclays Capital and PA Consulting.Josie PetherHaving previously worked in one of the UK’s top live event agencies, Josiewill be leading the operations and marketing of the Sport and Fitnessshow and Brighton and Hove 01273 200434 4

LOCATION BRIGHTON AND HOVEBrighton is one of the UKs most active, health conscious towns. Less than an hour away from London, itsrenowned the world over for its vibrancy, alternative lifestyle and sheer va va voom.As a part of the experience, show guests, triathlon competitors and their families/supporters will beencouraged to explore the city – only a fifteen-minute walk from the transition area – and with manyexclusive partner deals we are sure everyone will go home happy.The South East’s population is Brighton and Hove has been voted the UK’s8.793 Million Happiest City1 Million 36%adults in the South East Of adults in Brightoncompete in competitive and Hove participate insport sport at least once aOver 1.16 Million week, higher than thePeople in the South East national averageregularly play sport Professionals aged 34%The South East 26- 45 Of people in Brighton and Hove participate has the highest expenditure in the UK in take part in the most sport in sport and recreation in sporting activity the South East with their friends70% 32% of 65 - 74Of 12-15 year olds in the South East take part inat least 60 minutes of physical activity in a day year old Sporty Silvers in Brighton and Hove partake in sport three times a 01273 200434 5 01273 200434 6

ABOUT THE SHOW A WEEKEND OF SUN, SEA AND SPORTIf you love playing sport and keeping fit, you’ll love the Sport and Fitness Show. Bring your family along to the UK’sfavourite seaside city, Brighton and Hove, and immerse yourself in the exciting world of sport. Fun, inspirational andFREE, the show is packed with the widest range of sports and fitness experiences, demos from top fitness brandsand health and nutrition experts, and exciting new technology. Get fit. Get fitterThere’s something for everyone at the Sport and Fitness Show. Join us and you’ll discover new sports and newfitness trends, watch some fantastic entertainment on our main stage, talk to sports professionals and get adviceand new ideas on everything from nutrition to how to improve your fitness level.Get motivated. Learn new skills. Be the best you can possibly be. That’s what you’ll take away from the Sport andFitness 01273 200434 7

Show Content Try something new!The Sport and Fitness Show will be home to a multitude of fitness experiences and top brands showcasingthe latest sporting trends and new technologies. Have a Go AreasTry a new sport or hone your skills within one of the interactive Have a Go Areas. Main StageWhat a performance! At the heart of our show, the main stage has lots going on with excitingentertainment, demonstrations, exercise and dance classes that you can take part in. Nutrition and PerformanceWatch cooking demos and get inspired by the latest nutritional products and performance supplements. Shop Till You DropFancy a shopathon? Check out the very latest fashions in sports clothing and equipment. Top TechWhat’s cutting edge in the world of sports technology. Discover everything from the latest wearabletechnology to high tech training aids. Eat UpWhoever thought eating healthy could be so delicious? With all this activity, you’ll need to refuel with ourgreat range of healthy eating options. Lifestyle IdeasCheck out some incredible sports photography and plan your next active holiday with our world-classholiday and leisure 01273 200434 8

TARGET AUDIENCEWe are talking to… ACTIVE FAMILIESThe Sport and Fitness Show aims to target those who Our target audience is those whoare actively involved with sporting activity as well as are engaged in sport on a regularhelping individuals to up levels of fitness. basisLOCATION 3- 16 Children 17- 64 Professionals South East 65+ Sporty Silvers DEMOGRAPHIC ABC1 AVERAGE INCOME OF TARGET A£U3ID6EN,0CE00+ Annual consumer spend on sport in the South East is es- timated at £2.58 million Annual consumer spend on sporting equipment in the South £137 million 9 East 01273 200434

MARKETING PLAN PARTNERSHIPS OUT OF HOME DIGITALPartnerships with local, Leafleting print media in Advertisements will benational and specialist Brighton and Hove and the placed online on targetedmedia. As well as local sports surrounding areas. webpages.clubs and companies. RADIO EMAIL MARKETING COMMUNITYIn partnership with local Email newsletters featuring We will have heavyradio we aim to raise special offers, news and community involvement,awareness using engaging content will target including competitions withadvertisements and sport engaged individuals local schools,community engagement. including those have opted communication with local into the show newsletter. sports clubs and pop up SOCIAL MEDIA promotional events. PRINTAn extensive social media Regular press releases will becampaign including paid distributed to local, regional,support will create a national and lifestyle presspresence across various creating a story in the leadsocial channels. up to the show. 01273 200434

EXHIBITORS Welcome to the South East’s biggest outdoor sports and fitness experienceThe Sport and Fitness show will provide an opportunity for brands to display their innovative products and servicesin front of engaged individuals over a weekend of fitness fun.The event is a great medium to launch a new product or company as exhibiting will allow your brand to harness thepower of interactions through live demonstrations in front of a large audience.As well as targeting consumers The Sport and Fitness Show provides the prospect to network with industry leadingcompanies as well as keep up with new industry development. In addition to making sales, the show can be used toconduct market research, gather a consumer database, generate positive PR and build your brand.If you want to exhibit at the Sport and Fitness Show please contact our team and we will design a package to suityour 01273 200434 11 01273 200434 12

ABOUT THE RACE Come, Sea. and Tri.In September 2016, Brighton and Hove seafront will provide the iconic backdrop to the official Brightonand Hove Triathlon.Co-ordinated by John Lunt, Olympic triathlon competition manager, the race will certainly be the mosteagerly anticipated inaugural triathlon in the UK.Professional Triathletes, and first-timers alike will commence their race with an open water sea-swimfrom the picture-postcard pebble beach, before a flat criterion cycle leg held entirely on closed roadstakes them along the city’s unique coast, before a final return to Hove Lawns and a run that will head outtowards West Pier and the new i360 before crossing the finish line with Brighton’s iconic cityscape as abackdrop.No other triathlon in the UK will provide such an inclusive, fun weekend for athletes and their families tocompete, relax and imbibe the Great British seaside at it’s most laid-back and cosmopolitan.The triathlon itself will be held over Olympic and Sprint distances as well as offering entry to relay teamsand - as with all John’s races - the event will have the kind of superlative organisation and course designthat will make it an instant classic.In fact everything about this triathlon has been designed to provide a memorable experience for allcompetitors - even the transition zone on Hove lawns will be situated within the UK’s largest outdoorsport and fitness show, creating an exhilarating, entertaining, carnival-like atmosphere for participantsand spectators 01273 200434 13

RACE INFORMATION SWIMSwim Super Sprint: 400m Sprint : 750m (1 lap) Olympic : 1500m (2 laps) BIKECycle Super Sprint: 5km Sprint : 20km (4 laps) Olympic : 40km (8 laps) RUN Run 01273 200434 14 Super Sprint: 2.5km Sprint : 5km ( 1 lap) Olympic : 10km (2 laps)

BHT TARGET AUIDENCEThe Brighton and Hove Triathlon is targeting a 327,256plethora of participants ranging fromcomplete beginners to experienced and elite people took part in atriathletes . Triathlon as a sport is rapidly triathlon in the UK fromgrowing and has seen as significant increase 2012 — 2013with over 100,000 triathletes in the UK. UK triathlete market isAverage triathlete salary worth £363 MILLION £48,000The average triathlete is mid 30s Destination TriathlonsUPPER MIDDLE CLASS Motivations for participation include sightseeing in the surrounding area and tourism available inSignificant increase in host cityFEMALE Increase in visitor numbers and tourism expenditure in host cityParticipationAverage expenditure oftriathlete’s over night The average triathlete is accompanied£187domestic trips is by Three 01273 200434 15

MARKETING PLANPARTNERSHIPS OUT OF HOME DIGITALWe aim to create partnerships Leafleting and print media in Advertisements will bewith local, regional and Brighton and Hove and the placed online on targetednational media and press. As surrounding areas. triathlon training andwell as, local triathlon, swim, lifestyle webpages.cycle and run clubs.RADIO EMAIL MARKETING COMMUNITYIn partnership with local Email newsletters featuring We will have heavyradio we aim to raise special offers, news and community involvement,awareness using engaging content will target including competitions withadvertisements and individuals engaged with local schools, communicationcommunity engagement. triathlon including those with local triathlon clubs and have opted into the online pop up promotional events. newsletter. SOCIAL MEDIA PRINTAn extensive social media PRcampaign including paidsupport, will create a Regular press releases will bepresence across various distributed to local, nationalsocial channels. and triathlon press creating a story in the lead up to the 01273 200434 16

SPONSORS An extraordinary opportunity to put your brand at the top of the podiumInvolvement with the Sport and Fitness Show and Brighton and Hove Triathlon will be a fantastic opportunity foryou to bring your brand to life and connect with the widest audience of sports-loving people.Be a part of the biggest outdoor sport and fitness show in the UK and the most eagerly anticipated triathlon in theSouth East with prime beach front location and association with the happiest city in the UK.To find out more about how we can work together to create an extraordinary event, please get in touch and oncewe understand your requirements we will create a bespoke opportunity for 01273 200434 17

Contact UsLisa Clayton James Simmonds Josie Pether Director Account Manager Event [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 01273 200 434 Address Linkline House 65 Church Road Hove East Sussex BN3 01273 200434 18

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