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12 Solutions of odd-numbered problemsHere we give numerical solutions and hints for most of the odd-numbered problems.Extended solutions to the problems are available for course instructors using thebook from [email protected]. Chapter 11.1 (a) Write ux = a f , uy = b f . Therefore a and b can be any constants suchthat a + 3b = 0.1.3 (a) Integrate the first equation with respect to x to get u(x, y) = x3 y + x y +F(y), where F(y) is still undetermined. Differentiate this solution with respect toy and compare with the equation for uy to conclude that F is a constant function.Finally, using the initial condition u(0, 0) = 0, obtain F(y) = 0.(b) The compatibility condition uxy = uyx does not hold. Therefore there does notexist a function u satisfying both equations.1.5 (a) u(x, t) = f (x + kt) for any differentiable function f .(b), (c). Equations (b) and (c) do not have such explicit solutions. Nevertheless, ifselecting f (s) = s, then (b) is solved by u = x + ut that can be written explicitlyas u = x/(1 − t), which is well defined if t = 1.1.7 (a) Substitute v(s, t) = u(x, y), and use the chain rule to get ux = vs + vt u y = −vt ,and uxx = vss + vtt + 2vst uxy = −vtt − vst u yy = vtt .Therefore, uxx + 2uxy + u yy = vss, and the equation becomes vss = 0.(b) The general solution is u(x, y) = f (x − y) + xg(x − y).(c) Proceeding similarly, obtain for v(s, t) = u(x, y) the equation vss + vtt = 0. 337

338 Solutions of odd-numbered problems Chapter 22.1 (a) The characteristics are y = x + c. (b) The solution is u(x, y) = f (x − y) + y.2.3 (a) The parametric solution isx(t) = x0et y(t) = y0et u(t) = u0ept,and the characteristics are the curves x/y = constant.(b) u(x, y) = (x2 + y2)2 is the unique solution.(c) The initial curve (s, 0, s2) is a characteristic curve (see the characteristic equa-tions). Thus, there exist infinitely many solutions: u(x, y) = x2 + ky2 ∀k ∈ R.2.5 (a) The projection on the (x, y) plane of each characteristic curve has a positivedirection and it propagates with a strictly positive speed in the square.(b) On each characteristic line u equals u(t) = f (s)e−t , therefore u preserves itssign along characteristics.(c) Since ∇u(x0, y0) = 0 at critical points, it follows from the PDE that u(x0, y0) =0.(d) Follows from part (c) and (b).2.7 The parametric solution is(x(t, s), y(t, s), u(t, s)) = t + s, t, 1 1 t , −implying u = 1/(1 − y).2.9 (a) The transversality condition holds, implying a unique solution near the initialcurve.(b) The solution of the characteristic equations isx(t, s) = s − 2 sin s e−t/2 − 1 y(t, s) = t u(t, s) = sin se−t/2.(c) The solution passing through 1 is x(t, s) = s y(t, s) = s + t u(t, s) = 0,namely, u(x, y) = 0.(d) Such a curve must be a characteristic curve. It follows that it can be representedas {(nπ, t, 0) | t ∈ R}, where n ∈ Z.2.11 The Jacobian satisfies J ≡ 0. Since u ≡ 0 is a solution of the problem, thereexist infinitely many solutions. To compute other solutions, define a new Cauchyproblem such as(y2 + u)ux + yu y = 0, u(x, 1) = x − 1 . 2

Chapter 2 339Now the Jacobian satisfies J ≡ 1. The parametric form of the solution is x (t , s) = (s − 1 )t + 1 e2t + s − 1 , 2 2 2 y(t, s) = et , u (t , s) = s − 1 . 2It is convenient in this case to express the solution as a graph of the form x(y, u) = y2 + u ln y + u. 22.13 The transversality cond√ition is violated for all s. “Guess” a solution of theform u = u(x), to find u = 2(x − 1). This means that there are infinitely manysolutions. To find them, define a new Cauchy problem; for instance, select theproblem uux + xu y = 1, u x + 3 , 7 = 1. 2 6The parametric representation of the solution to the new problem is x(t, d) = 1 t 2 + t + d + 3 , 2 2 y(t, d) = 1 t 3 + 1 t 2 + (d + 3 )t + 7 , 6 2 2 6 u(t, d) = t + 1.Finally, (u − 1)3 (u − 1)2 (u − 1)2 7y(x, u) = + + (u − 1) x − − (u − 1) + . 62 262.15 (a) u(x, y) = 1 − yx/y−y . y x − y2(b),(d) The transversality condition holds everywhere. The explicit solution showsthat u is not defined at the origin. This does not contradict the local existencetheorem, since this theorem only guarantees a solution in a neighborhood of theoriginal curve (y = 1).2.17 (a) The parametric surface representation is x = x0et y = y0 + t u = u0 + t,and the characteristic curve passing through the point (1, 1, 1) is (et , 1 + t, 1 + t).

340 Solutions of odd-numbered problems(b) The direction of the projection of the initial curve on the (x, y) plane is (1, 0). Thedirection of the projection of the characteristic curve is (s, 1). Since the directionsare not parallel, there exists a unique solution.(c) u(x, y) = sin(x/ey) + y. It is defined for all x and y.2.19 (a) u(x, y) = x2 y2/[4(y − x)2 − x y(y − 2x)].(b) The projection of the initial curve on the (x, y) plane is in the direction (1, 2).The direction of the projection of the characteristic curve (for points on the initialcurve) is s2(1, 4). The directions are not parallel, except at the origin where thecharacteristic direction is degenerate.(c) The characteristic that starts at the points (0, 0, 0) is degenerate.(d) The solution is not defined on the curve 4(y − x)2 = x y(y − 2x) that passesthrough the origin.2.21 (a) u(x, y) = 2x3/2 y1/2 − x y.(b) The transversality condition holds. The solution is defined only for y > 0.2.23 (a) u = (x − ct)/[1 + t(x − ct)].(b), (c) The observer that starts at a point x0 > 0 sees the solution u(x0 + ct, t) =x0/(1 + x0t). Therefore, if x0 > 0, the observed solution decays, while if x0 < 0the solution explodes in a finite time. If x0 = 0 the solution is 0.2.25 The transversality condition is violated identically. However, the characteristicdirection is (1, 1, 1), and so is the direction of the initial curve. Therefore the initialcurve is itself a characteristic curve, and there exist infinitely many solutions. Tofind solutions, consider the problem ux + uy = 1, u(x, 0) = f (x), for an arbitraryf satisfying f (0) = 0. The solution is u(x, y) = y + f (x − y). It remains to fixfive choices for f .2.27 (a) u(x, y) = (6y − y2 − 2x)/[2(3 − y)].(b) A straightforward calculation verifies u(3x, 2) = 4 − 3x.(c) The transversality condition holds in this case. Therefore the problem has aunique solution, and from (b) the solution is the same as in (a). Chapter 33.1 (a) The equation is parabolic. The required transformation is y = t, x = s − t . 3(b) u(x, y) = (3x + y)y4 − y5 + yφ(3x + y) + ψ(3x + y). 324 540

Chapter 3 341(c)u(x, y) = (3x + y)y4 − y5 + y cos(x + y )− 1 cos(x + y +sin(x + y/3). ) 324 540 33 33.3 (a) Writing w(s, t) = u(x, y), the canonical form is wst + 1 wt = 0. 4(b) Using W := wt , the general solution is u(x, y) = f (y − 4x)e−y/4 + g(y), forarbitrary functions f, g ∈ C2(R).(c) u(x, y) = (−y/2 + 4x)e−y/4.3.5 (a) The equation is hyperbolic when x y > 0, elliptic when x y < 0, and parabolicwhen x y = 0 (but this is not a domain!).(b) The characteristic equation is y 2 = y/x.(1) When x y (s>xo,l0uyt)tiho=enre√isayr√e−ytw√±oxr√e. axl roots y = ±√y/x. Suppose for instance that x, y√>y 0. T√hen the = constant. Define the new variables s(x, y) = + x and t √√(2) When x y < 0 there ia√sr2estiwgon(cy√o)m√p|yle|x=roio2tssigyn(=x)√±i|x||+y/cxo|n. sCtahnoto.sDeivyid=e biy |y/x|. The solution of the ODE 2sign(√y) = −an2dsitg(xn(,xy))t=o o√bt|ayin|. |y| + i |x| = constant. Define the new variables s(x, y) = |x|3.7 (a) The equation is hyperbolic for q > 0, i.e. for y > 1. The equation is ellipticfor q < 0, i.e. for y < −1. The equation is parabolic for q = 0, i.e. for |y| ≤ 1.(b) T±h√e cqh. aracteristics equation is (y )2 − 2y + (1 − q) = 0; its roots are y1,2 =−1(1) The hyperbolic regime y > 1. There are two real roots y1,2 = 1 ± 1. The solutions of the ODEs are y1 = constant, y2 = 2x + constant. Hence the new variables are s(x, y) = y and t(x, y) = y − 2x.(2) The elliptic regime y < −1. The two roots are imaginary: y1,2 = 1 ± i. Choose one of them, y = 1 + i, to obtain y = (1 + i)x + constant. The new variables are s(x, y) = y − x, t(x, y) = x.(3) The parabolic regime |y| ≤ 1. There is a single real root y = 1; The solution of the resulting ODE is y = x + constant. The new variables are s(x, y) = x, t(x, y) = x − y3.11 (a)u(x, y) = 1 [ f (1−cos x −x + y)+ f (1−cos x +x + y)]+ 1 1−cos x+x+y 22 g(s)ds . 1−cos x−x+y(b) The solution is classic if it is twice differentiable. Thus, one should require thatf would be twice differentiable, and that g would be differentiable.

342 Solutions of odd-numbered problems4.3 (a) Chapter 4  0 x < −3,  1 − (x + 2)2 −3 ≤ x ≤ −1, x + −1 ≤ x ≤ 0, 2 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, 1 1 ≤ x ≤ 3, u(x, 1) =  1 3 ≤ x ≤ 4, 1 x > 4. − (x − 2)2 + 1 4 − 0 2 x(b) limt→∞ u(5, t) = 1.(c) The solution is singular at the lines: x ± 2t = ±1, 2.(d) The solution is continuous at all points.4.5 (a) The backward wave is  0 ≤ x + t ≤ 4, 12(x + t) − (x + t)2 x + t < 0, ur (x, t) = 032 x + t > 4.and the forward wave is 0 ≤ x − t ≤ 4, x − t < 0,  x − t > 4. −4(x − t) − (x − t)2 u p(x, t) = 0−32(d) The explicit representation formulas for the backward and forward waves of (a)imply that the limit is 32, since for t large enough 5 + t > 4 and 5 − t < 0.4.7 (a) Consider a forward wave u = u p(x, t) = ψ(x − t). Thenu p(x0 −a, t0 −b) + u p(x0 + a, t0 + b) = ψ(x0 −t0 −a + b) + ψ(x0 −t0 + a −b) = u p(x0 −b, t0 −a) + u p(x0 + b, t0 + a).A similar equality is obtained for a backward wave u = ur (x, t) = φ(x + t). Sinceevery solution of the wave equation is a linear combination of forward and backwardwaves, the statement follows.(b) u(x0 −ca, t0 −b) + u(x0 + ca, t0 + b) = u(x0 −cb, t0 −a)+u(x0 + cb, t0 + a).

Chapter 4 343(c)   f (x + t) + f (x − t) + 1 x +t t ≤ x, 2 2 t ≥ x. u(x, t) =  g(s) ds f (x + t) − f (t − x) + 1 2 2 x −t x +t g(s) ds + h(t − x) t−x(d) h(0) = f (0), h (0) = g(0), h (0) = f (0). If these conditions are not satisfiedthe solution is singular along the line x − t = 0.(e)  f (x + ct) + f (x − ct) 1 x +ct  2 2c + g(s) ds ct ≤ x, ct ≥ x.u(x, t) =  f (x + ct) − f (ct − x) + 1 x −ct t−x 2 2c c x +ct g(s) ds + h ct−xThe corresponding compatibility conditions are h(0) = f (0), h (0) =g(0), h (0) = c2 f (0). If these conditions are not satisfied the solution issingular along the line x − ct = 0.4.9 u(x, t) = x2 + t + 3t2/2.4.11 D’Alembert’s formula implies P(x, t) = 1 [ f (x + 4t) + f (x − 4t)] + 1 [H (x + 4t) − H (x − 4t)] , 28where H (x) = x g(s)ds. Hence  0 x |x| ≤ 1, H (x ) =  1 x > 1, −1 x < −1.Notice that at x0 = 10: f (10 + 4t) = 0, f (10 − 4t) ≤ 10, |H (t)| ≤ 1, t > 0.Therefore, P(10, t) ≤ 5 + 1 = 21 < 6, and the structure will not collapse. 4 44.13 (a) The solution is not classical when x ± 2t = −1, 0, 1, 2, 3.(b) u(1, 1) = 1/3 + e − e3/2 − e−1/2.4.15 u(x, t) = v(x, t)dx + f (t ) = 1 [sin(x − t) − sin(x + t)] + f (t), where f (t) 2is an arbitrary function.4.17 (a) u(x, t) = x + 1 t sin(x + t) + 1 cos(x − t) − 1 cos(x + t ). 2 4 4 1 1 1(b) v(x, t) = 2 t sin(x + t) + 4 cos(x + t) − 4 cos(x − t ).(c) The function w = 1 cos(x + t) − 1 cos(x − t) − x solves the homogeneous 2 2wave equation wtt − wxx = 0, and satisfies the initial conditions w(x, 0) = x,wt (x, 0) = sin x.(d) w is an odd function of x.

344 Solutions of odd-numbered problems4.19 The unique solution is u(x, t) = 1 + 2t. Chapter 55.1 u(x, t) = (4/π ) ∞ (1/n ) cos 1 nπ − (−1)n e−17n2t sin nx .5.3 (a) n=1 2 ∞ cπnt cπnt nπ x u(x, t) = An cos + Bn sin sin , L L L n=1 L 2 nπx An = f (x) sin dx n ≥ 1, L L 0 L dx n ≥ 1. 2 nπx Bn = cnπ g(x) sin L 05.5 (a) u(x, t) = A0 ∞ cos nπ x , 2 L + An e−kπ2n2t/L2 n=1where 2 L nπ x dx n ≥ 0. An = L L f (x) cos 0(c) The obtained function is a classical solution of the equation for all t > 0, sinceif f is continuous the exponential decay implies that for every ε > 0 the series andall its derivatives converge uniformly for all t > ε > 0. For the same reason, theseries (without A0/2) converges uniformly to zero (as a function of x) in the limitt → ∞. Thus, lim u(x, t) = A0 . t →∞ 2It is instructive to compute A0 by an alternative method. Notice that d L L L dt u(x, t)dx = ut (x, t)dx = k uxx (x, t)dx 0 0 0 = k [ux (L , t) − ux (0, t)] = 0,

Chapter 5 345where the last equality follows from the Neumann boundary condition. Hence, LL L u(x, t)dx = u(x, 0)dx = f (x)dx 00 0holds for all t > 0. Since the uniform convergence of the series implies the conver-gence of the integral series, you can infer A0 = L f (x)dx 0 . 2LA physical interpretation The quantity L u(x, t)dx was shown to be conserved 0in a one-dimensional insulated rod. The quantity kux (x, t) measures the heat fluxat a point x and time t. The homogeneous Neumann condition amounts to statingthat there is zero flux at the rod’s ends. Since there are no heat sources either(the equation is homogeneous), the temperature tends to equalize its gradient, andtherefore it converges to a constant temperature, such that the total stored energy isthe same as the initial energy.5.7 To obtain a homogeneous equation write u = v + w, where w = w(t) satisfies wt − kwxx = A cos αt, w(x, 0) ≡ 0.Therefore, w(t) = A sin αt . αSolving for v, the complete solution is u(x, t) = 3/2 + 1/2 cos 2π x e−4kπ2t + A sin αt. α5.9 (a) ∞ u(x , t ) = Bne(−n2+h)t sin nx , n=1where Bn = 2 π x (π − x) sin nxdx = − 4[(−1)n − 1] . π 0 πn3(b) The limit limt→∞ u(x, t) exists if and only if h ≤ 1. When h < 1 the seriesconverges uniformly to 0. If h = 1, the series converges to B1 sin x.5.11 (a) The domain of dependence is the interval [ 1 − 1 , 1 + 1 ] along the x axis. 3 10 3 10(b) Part (a) implies that the domain of dependence does not include the boundary.Therefore, D’Alembert’s formula can be used to compute u ( 1 , 1 ) = − 1 65 = 3 10 2 153 13− 1350 .

346 Solutions of odd-numbered problems(c) u(x, t) = 1 − cos 4π x cos 4πt.5.13 ∞ Bn e−(2n+1)2tπ2/4 sin 2n + 1 π x , 2 u(x, t) = e−t n=0where 1 2n + 1 32 Bn = 2 x(2 − x) sin 2 π x dx = (2n + 1)3π 3 . 05.17 Let u1 and u2 be a pair of solutions. Set v = u1 − u2. We need to show thatv ≡ 0. Thanks to the superposition principle v solves the homogeneous system vtt − c2vxx + hv = 0 − ∞ < x < ∞, t > 0, t ≥ 0, lim v( x , t) = lim vx (x , t) = lim vt (x, t) = 0 − ∞ < x < ∞.x →±∞ x →±∞ x →±∞ v(x, 0) = vt (x, 0) = 0Let E(t) be as suggested in the problem. The initial conditions imply E(0) = 0.Formally differentiating E(t) by t we write dE = ∞ vt vtt + c2vx vxt + hvvt dx, dt −∞assuming that all the integrals converge (we ought to be careful since the integrationis over the entire real line). We compute ∞ ∞ ∞ ∂(vx vt ) dx. −∞ ∂x vxvxtdx = − vt vxx dx + −∞ −∞Using the homogeneous boundary conditions ∞ ∂ (vx vt ) dx = lim vx (x , t )vt (x , t ) − lim vx (x , t )vt (x , t ) = 0, −∞ ∂x x →∞ x →−∞hence, ∞ vx vxt dx = − ∞ vx x vt dx. Conclusion: −∞ −∞ dE = ∞ vtt − c2vxx + hv dx = 0. dt vt −∞We have verified that E(t) = E(0) = 0 for all t. The positivity of h implies thatv ≡ 0.

Chapter 6 3475.19 (b) We consider the homogeneous equation (y2vx)x + (x2vy)y = 0 (x, y) ∈ D, v(x, y) = 0 (x, y) ∈ .Multiply the equation by v and integrate over D: v (y2vx )x + (x2vy)y dxdy = 0. DUsing the identity of part (a): v (y2vx)x + (x2vy)y dxdy = − (yvx )2 + (xvy)2D D + div y2vvx , x2vvy dxdy. DUsing further the divergence theorem (see Formula (2) in Section A.2): div vy2vx , x2vvy dxdy = vy2vx dy − vx2vydx = 0, Dwhere in the last equality we used the homogeneous boundary condition v ≡ 0 on . We infer that the energy integral satisfiesE := (yvx )2 + (xvy)2 dxdy = 0, Dhence vx = vy = 0 in D. We conclude that v(x, y) is constant in D, and then thehomogeneous boundary condition implies that this constant must vanish. Chapter 66.1 (b) Use part (a) to set λ = µ2 and write u(x) = A sin µx + B cos µx.The boundary conditions lead to the transcendental equation 2µ µ2 − 1 = tan µ.(c) In the limit λ → ∞ (or µ → ∞), µn satisfies the asymptotic relation µn ∼ nπ(where nπ is the root of the nth branch of tan µ). Therefore, λn ≈ n2π 2 whenn → ∞.6.3 (a) The eigenvalues areλn = nπ 2 + 1 > 1 n = 1, 2, 3. . . . , ln b 4 4

348 Solutions of odd-numbered problemsand the eigenfunctions are vn(x) = x−1/2 sin nπ n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ln x ln b(b) ∞ nπ . ln x u(x , t ) = Cne−λnt x −1/2 sin ln b n=1The constants Cn are determined by the initial data: ∞ nπ . ln x u(x, 0) = f (x) = Cn x−1/2 sin ln b n=1This is a generalized Fourier series expansion for f (x), and Cn = f, vn , vn, vnwhere · , · denotes the appropriate inner product.6.5 (a)un(x) = (x + 1)−1/2 sin nπ ln(x + 1) , λn = n2π2 + 1/4 n = 1, 2, . . . . ln 2 ln2 26.7 (a) Verify first that all eigenvalues are greater than 1/4. Then find un(x) = x−1/2 sin(nπ ln x), λn = n2π 2 + 1/4 n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .6.9 (a) Perform two integration by parts for the expression 1 u v dx, and use the −1boundary conditions to handle the boundary terms.(b) Let u be an eigenfunction associated with the eigenvalue λ. Write the equationthat is conjugate to the one satisfied by u: u¯ + λ¯ u¯ = 0.Obviously u¯ satisfies the same boundary conditions as u. Multiply respectively byu¯ and by u, and integrate over the interval [−1, 1]. Use part (a) to get 11 λ |u(x)|2 dx = λ¯ |u(x)|2 dx. −1 −1Hence λ is real.(c) Verify first that all the eigenvalues are positive. Then, the eigenvalues are λn = 2(n + 1 )π and the eigenfunctions are 2 un(x) = an cos n + 1 π x + bn sin n + 1 πx. 2 2

Chapter 6 349(d) It follows from part (c) that the multiplicity is 2, and a basis for the eigenspaceis cos n + 1 πx, sin n + 1 πx . 2 2(e) Indeed, the multiplicity is not 1, but this is not a regular Sturm–Liouville prob-lem!6.11 10u(x, t) = e−t + 3ne(−4n2−1)t cos 2nx + 2t − 2 + 2e−t + 3 cos 2x . n=2This is a finite sum of elementary smooth functions, and therefore it is a classicalsolution.6.13 To obtain a homogeneous problem, write xt x2 u = v + π + 2 1 − π2 .v is a solution for the system − vx x = xt − 4 0 < x < π, t > 0, vt π2 t ≥ 0, v(0, t) = v(π, t) = 0 0 ≤ x ≤ π.v(x, 0) = 0Solving for v obtain u: ∞ (2π 3 + 8)(−1)n+1 + 8 1 − e−n2t − n5π3u(x, t) = n=1 2(−1)n+1 xt x2 + n3 t sin(nx) + π + 2 1 − π 2 .6.15 (a) To generate a homogeneous boundary condition write u(x, t) = v(x, t) +x + t2. The initial-boundary value problem for v isvt − vxx = (9t + 31) sin(3x/2) 0 < x < π, v(0, t) = vx (π, t) = 0 t ≥ 0, v(x, 0) = 3π 0 ≤ x ≤ π/2.

350 Solutions of odd-numbered problemsIts solution is ∞ 12 e−(n+1/2)2t sin[(n + 1/2)x ]v(x, t) = n=0 2n + 1+ 9e−9t /4 4 4 e9t/4 + 42 + 31 × 4 1 − e−9t/4 3x t− sin . 99 99 2Finally, u(x, t) = x + t2 + v(x, t).(b) The solution is classical in the domain (0, π) × (0, ∞). On the other hand,the initial condition does not hold at x = 0, t = 0 since it conflicts there with theboundary condition.6.17 The solution u is given by u(x, t) = x sin(t) + 1 + t + e−4π2t cos 2π x.It is clearly classical.6.19 To obtain a homogeneous boundary condition write u = w + x/π, and obtainfor w: wt − wx x + hw = − hx 0 < x < π, t > 0, π t ≥ 0, w(0, t) = w(π, t) = 0 0 ≤ x ≤ π. w(x, 0) = u(x , 0) − v(x) = − x πThe solution for w is ∞ 2(−1)n h e−(n2+h)t + n2 h h sin nx. w(x, t) = 1 − n2 + h + n=1 nπ This solution is not classical at t = 0, since the sine series does not convergeto −x/π in the closed interval [0, 1].6.21u(x, t) = π e−4t cos 2x + 1 e−20012t cos 2001x + t − 1 cos 2001x. 20014 20012 200146.23 (a) u(x, t) = − e−172π2t cos 17π x + 3e−422 π 2 t cos 42π x + e3t cos 17π x. 3+172π 2 3+172π 2(b) The general solution has the form ∞ u(x, t ) = A0 + Ane−n2π2t cos nπ x. n=1

Chapter 7 351The function f (x) = 1/(1 + x2) is continuous in [0, 1], implying that An are allbounded. Therefore, the series converges uniformly for all t > t0 > 0, and lim u(x, t) = A0 = π dx = π. 0 1 + x2 4 t →∞6.25 L 4L e∞ −k (2m−1)2 π 2 t L2 (2m − 1)π x α u = 2 − π 2 m=1 (2m − 1)2 cos L + ω sin ωt.6.27 The PDE is equivalent to r ut = r urr + 2ur .Set w(r, t) := u(r, t) − a,and obtain for w:   r wt = r wrr + 2wr 0 < r < a, t > 0,  w(a, t) = 0 − a t ≥ 0, w(r, 0) = r 0 ≤ r ≤ a.Solve for w by the method of separation of variables and obtain ∞ A en − n2π2 t 1 sin nπr . a2 r a w(r, t) = n=1The initial conditions then imply ∞ nπr w(r, 0) = An sin = r (r − a). a n=1Therefore, An are the (generalized) Fourier coefficients of r (r − a), i.e. 2 a r (r − a) sin nπr dr = − 4 a2 [1 − (−1)n ]. An = a 0 a n3 π3 Chapter 77.1 Select ψ = v∇u in Gauss’ theorem ∇ · ψ(x, y) dxdy = ψ(x(s), y(s)) · nˆ ds. D ∂D7.3 4∞ sinh k + (2l − 1)2 (π − x) u(x, y) = π sin [(2l − 1)y] . (2l − 1) sinh k + (2l − 1)2 π l =1

352 Solutions of odd-numbered problems7.5 It needs to be shown that M(r1) < M(r2) ∀ 0 < r1 < r2 < R.Let Br = {(x, y) | x2 + y2 ≤ r 2} be a disk of radius r . Choose arbitrary 0 < r1 <r2 < R. Since u(x, y) is a nonconstant harmonic function in BR, it must be anonconstant harmonic function in each subdisk. The strong maximum principleimplies that the maximal value of u in the disk Br2 is obtained only on the disk’sboundary. since all the points in Br1 are internal to Br2, u(x, y) < max u(x, y) = M(r2), ∀ (x, y) ∈ Br1. (x,y)∈∂ Br2In particular, M(r1) = max u(x, y) < M(r2). (x,y)∈∂ Br17.7 (b) u(r, θ ) = 3 − r 2 cos2 θ + r 2 + r sin θ, 2or, in Cartesian coordinates, u(x, y) = 3 + y + 1 (y2 − x2). 27.9 n = 0: A homogeneous harmonic polynomial is of the form P0(x, y) = c andthe dimension of V0 is 1.n ≥ 1: A homogeneous harmonic polynomial has the following form in polar co-ordinates: Pn(r, θ ) = r n( An cos nθ + Bn sin nθ ).Therefore the homogeneous harmonic polynomials of order n ≥ 1 are spanned bytwo basis functions: v1(r, θ ) = r n cos nθ ; v2(r, θ ) = r n sin nθ ,and the dimension of Vn (for n ≥ 1) is 2.7.11 u(r, θ ) = 4 sin θ, ror, in Cartesian coordinates, 4y u(x, y) = x2 + y2 .

Chapter 7 3537.13 Outline of the proof:(i) Motivated by the Poisson formula, define the function g(ϕ) = a2 − 2a a2 − r2 ϕ) + r2 r cos(θ − in the interval [−π, π].(ii) Prove a − r ≤ g(ϕ) ≤ a + r . (12.1) a+r a−r(iii) Use (12.1) to show a−r 1 π a+r 1 π f (ϕ) dϕ ≤ u(r, θ) ≤ f (ϕ) dϕ. a + r 2π −π a − r 2π −π(iv) The result now follows from the mean value theorem.7.17 (a) ∞ u(x, t) = Bne−2n2t sin nx, n=1where 2π 12(−1)n Bn = π 0 f (x) sin nxdx = n3 .(b) Use Corollary (a) The mean value theorem for harmonic functions implies u(0, 0) = 1 π1 π/2 sin2 2θ dθ = 1 . u(R, θ)dθ = 2π −π 2π −π/2 4(b) This is an immediate consequence of the strong maximum principle. The prin-ciple implies u(r, θ ) ≤ max u(R, ψ) = 1 ψ ∈[−π /2,π /2)for all r < R, and the equality holds if and only if u is constant. Clearly the solutionis not a constant function, and therefore u < 1 in D. The inequality u > 0 is obtainedfrom the strong maximum principle applied to −u.7.21 The function w(x, t) = e−t sin x is a solution of the problem wt − wxx = 0 (x, t) ∈ QT , w(0, t) = w(π, t) = 0 0 ≤ t ≤ T, 0 ≤ x ≤ π. w(x, 0) = sin x

354 Solutions of odd-numbered problemsOn the parabolic boundary 0 ≤ u(x, t) ≤ w(x, t), and therefore, from the maximumprinciple 0 ≤ u(x, t) ≤ w(x, t) in the entire rectangle QT . Chapter 88.1 (a) Use polar coordinates (r, θ) for (x, y), and (R, φ) for (ξ, η), to obtain∂G R(x, y; ξ, η) = 2π [R2 ξ (1 − r 2/R2) φ) + r2], ∂ξ − 2Rr cos(θ −and similarly for ∂/∂η. The exterior unit normal at a point (ξ, η) on the sphere is(ξ, η)/R, therefore,∂G R(x, y; ξ, η) = 2π R[R2 − R2 − r2 − φ) + r2]. ∂r 2Rr cos(θ (b) limR→∞ G R(x, y; ξ, η) = ∞.8.3 (a) The solution for the Poisson equation with zero Dirichlet boundary conditionis known from Chapter 7 to bew(r, θ) = f˜0(r ) + ∞ f˜n(r ) cos nθ + g˜n(r ) sin nθ ]. (12.2) 2 [ n=1Substituting the coefficients f˜n(r ), g˜n(r ) into (12.2), we obtainw(r, θ ) = 1 r (0) 1 a (0) 2 0 1 2 2 K (r, a, ρ)δ0(ρ)ρ dρ + K (r, a, ρ )δ0 (r )ρ dρ r ∞ r (n) 1+ K (r, a, ρ)[δn(ρ) cos nθ + εn(r ) sin nθ ]ρ dρ n=1 0 ∞ a+ K2(n)(r, a, ρ)[δn(r ) cos nθ + εn(r ) sin nθ ]ρ dρ . n=1 rRecall that the coefficients δn(ρ), εn(r ) are the Fourier coefficients of the FunctionF, hence1 2π 1 2πδn(ρ) = π 0 F(ρ, ϕ) cos nϕ dϕ, εn(r ) = π 0 F(ρ, ϕ) sin nϕ dϕ.Substitute these coefficients, and interchange the order of summation and integra-tion to obtain a 2πw(r, θ) = G(r, θ; ρ, ϕ)F(ρ, ϕ) dϕρ dρ, 00

Chapter 8 355where G is given by 1  r + ∞ 1 r n an ρn 2π log a + n − cos n(θ − ϕ) if ρ < r, log n=1 ρ ∞ 1 a ra a nG(r, θ; ρ, ϕ) = n=1 ρ n a n r n − cos n(θ − ϕ) if ρ > r. a ρa(b) To calculate the sum of the above series use the identities∞ 1 zn cos nα = z∞n=1 n ζ n−1 cos nα dζ = 0 n=1 z 1 cos α − ζ dζ = −1 log(1 + z2 − 2z cos α). 0 + ζ 2 − 2ζ cos α 28.5 (a) On the boundary of R2+ the exterior normal derivative is ∂/∂ y. Therefore, ∂G(x, y; ξ, η) = π [(x η x ∈ R, (ξ, η) ∈ R+2 . ∂y − ξ )2 + η2] y=0(b) The function 1 (x − ξ )2 + (y − η)2 (x + ξ )2 + (y + η)2 G(x, y; ξ, η) = − ln 4π (x − ξ )2 + (y + η)2 (x + ξ )2 + (y − η)2satisfies all the required properties.8.7 (b) Since 2π 11 r dr ≈ 0.4665, exp |r |2 − 1 0the normalization constant c is approximately 2.1436.8.9 By Exercise 5.20, the kernel K (as a function of (x, t)) is a solution of the heatequSaettioρn(xfo)r:=t >(10/.√π )e−x2, and consider ρε(x) := ε−1ρ x−y . εBy Exercise √8.7, ρε approximates the delta function as ε → 0+. Take ε = 4kt, then ρε(x) = K (x, y, t). Thus, K (x, y, 0) = δ(x − y).8.11 Hint For (x, y) ∈ DR, let R2 (x˜ , y˜ ) := x2 + y2 (x, y)

356 Solutions of odd-numbered problemsbe the inverse point of (x, y) with respect to the circle ∂ BR, and setr = (x − ξ )2 + (y − η)2, r ∗ = R2 2 R2 2 ξ2 + η2. x − ρ2 ξ + y − ρ2 η , ρ =Finally, verify (as was done in Exercise 8.1) that the function 1 Rr (ξ, η) = (x, y) G R(x, y; ξ, η) = − 2π ln ρr ∗is the Green function in DR.8.13 Fix (ξ, η) ∈ BR, and define for (x, y) ∈ BR \ (ξ, η)  1 ln rr∗ρ (ξ, η) = (0, 0), − 2π ln (ξ, η) = (0, 0), R3 NR(x, y; ξ, η) = − 1 r 2π Rwherer = (x − ξ )2 + (y − η)2, r ∗ = R2 2 R2 2 ξ2 + η2. x − ρ2 ξ + y − ρ2 η , ρ =Verify that NR(x, y; ξ, η) = −δ(x − ξ, y − η),and that NR satisfies the boundary condition ∂ NR(x, y; ξ, η) = 1 . ∂r 2π RFinally, check that NR satisfies the normalization (8.34). Chapter 99.1 (b) From the eikonal equation itself uz(0, 0, 0) =± 1 − u 2 (0, 0, 0) − u 2 (0, 0, 0) = ±1, where the sign ambiguity means that x ythere are two possible waves, one propagating into z > 0, and one into z < 0. The characteristic curves (light rays) for the equations are straight lines perpen-dicular to the wavefront. Therefore the ray that passes through (0, 0, 0) is in thedirection (0, 0, 1). This implies ux (0, 0, z) = uy(0, 0, z) = 0 for all z, and henceuxz(0, 0, z) = uyz(0, 0, z) = 0. Differentiating the eikonal equation by z and usingthe last identity implies uzz(0, 0, 0) = 0. The result for the higher derivatives isobtained similarly by further differentiation.

Chapter 9 3579.3 Hint Verify that the proposed solution (9.26) indeed satisfies (9.23) and (9.25),and that ur (0, t) = 0.9.5 u(r, t) = 2 + (1 + r 2 + c2t2)t.9.7 The representation (9.35) for the spherical mean makes it easier to interchangethe order of integration. For instance, ∂ Mh(a, x) = 1 ∇h(x + aη) · ηdsη. ∂a 4π |η|=1Use Gauss’ theorem (recall that the radius vector is orthogonal to the sphere) toexpress the last term as a x h(x + aη) dη. 4π |η|<1To return to a surface integral notation rewrite the last expression asa−2 a−2 a h(ξ )dξ = x dα h(ξ )dsξ4π x 4π |x−ξ |<a 0 |x−ξ |=α a = a−2 x α2 Mh(α, x)dα. 0Multiply the two sides by a2 and differentiate again with respect to the variable ato obtain the Darboux equation.9.9 Use the same method as in Subsection 9.5.2 to findλl,n,m = π 2 l2 n2 m2 , ul,n,m (x , y, z) = sin lπx sin nπ y sin mπ z , a2 + b2 + c2 a b cfor l, n, m = 1, 2, . . . .9.11 Hint Differentiate (9.76) with respect to r to obtain one recursion formula, anddifferentiate with respect to θ to obtain another recursion formula. Combining thetwo recursion formulas leads to (9.77).9.13 (a) Multiply Legendre equations for vi by v j , i = j, subtract and integrateover [−1, 1]. It follows that 11 v2 (1 − t2)v1 − v1 (1 − t2)v2 ds = (µ2 − µ1) v1(s)v2(s) ds.−1 −1Integrating the left hand side by parts implies (µ2 − µ1) 1 v1(s)v2(s) ds = 0. −1 1Since µ1 = µ2, it follows that −1 v1(s)v2(s) ds = 0.(b) Suppose that the Legendre equation admits a smooth solution v on [−1, 1]with µ = k(k + 1). By part (a), v is orthogonal to the space of all polynomials.Weierstrass’ approximation theorem implies that v is orthogonal to the spaceE(−1, 1). This implies v = 0.

358 Solutions of odd-numbered problems9.15 Write the general homogeneous harmonic polynomial as in Corollary 9.24,and express it in the form Q = r n F(φ, θ ). Substitute Q into the spherical form ofthe Laplace equation (see (9.85)) to get that F satisfies 1∂ sin φ ∂ F + 1 ∂2F = −n(n + 1)F.sin φ ∂φ ∂φ sin2 φ ∂θ2Therefore F is a spherical harmonic (or a combination of spherical harmonics).9.17 (a) By Exercise 9.13, each Legendre polynomial Pn is an n-degree polynomialwhich is orthogonal to Pm for n = m. These together with the normalization Pn(1) =1 determine the Legendre polynomials uniquely. Set Q n (t ) := 1 dn (t 2 − 1)n . 2n n ! dt nClearly, Qn is an n-degree polynomial. Repeatedly integrating by parts implies theorthogonality of Qn. Since Qn(1) = 1 it follows that Pn = Qn.(b) Compute 1 = 1 1 dn (t 2 − 1)n 2 22n n !2 −1 dt n Pn (t )2 dt dt−1 (12.3) = (2n!) 1 2 . 22n n !2 (t2 −1)n dt = −1 2n +1 The general case of associated Legendre functions can be proved similarly using(9.100) and (12.3).9.19 Hint Note that for y ∈ BR the function ( (|x||y|/R)2 + R2 − 2x · y ) isharmonic in BR, and that on ∂ BR the identity ∂/∂n = ∂/∂r holds.9.21 Hints (a) Substitute y = 0 into the Poisson integral formula. (b) Prove that U (r ) := (1/N ωN r N−1) ∂ Br u(x) dσx is the constant function. (c) The proof of the strong maximum principle for domains in RN is exactly thesame as for planar domains, and the weak maximum principle is a direct conse-quence of it.9.23 Hints (i) Write x = (x , xN ), and let x˜ := (x , −xN ). Then (x˜ ; y) is harmonicas a function of x in R2+, while x (x; y) = −δ(x − y).(ii) Notice that for y ∈ ∂R+N , the identity ∂/∂n = ∂/∂ yN holds.9.25 Hint The general formula for the eigenfunction expansion is (9.178). The spe-cific cases of the rectangle and the disk are solved in (9.61) and (9.80) respectively.

Chapter 10 359 Chapter 1010.1 The first variation is δ K = 2 1 y ψ dt , where ψ is the variation function. 0Therefore the Euler–Lagrange equation is y = 0, and the solution is yM (t) =t. Expand the functional with respect to the variation ψ about y = yM , to get 1K (u M + ψ) = K (u M ) + 0 (ψ )2 dt . This shows that yM is a minimizer, and it isindeed unique.10.3 The Euler–Lagrange equation is u − gu3 = 0, x ∈ D, while u satisfies thenatural boundary conditions ∂nu = 0 on ∂ D10.5 Hints The action is J= t2 1 ut2 − 1 |∇u|2 − V (u) dx. t1 2 2 DThe Euler–Lagrange equation is utt − u + V (u) = 0.10.7 (a) Introduce a Lagrange multiplier λ, and solve the minimization problem min |∇u|2dxdy + λ 1 − u2dxdy , Ddfor all u that vanish on ∂ D. Equate the first variation to zero to find the Euler–Lagrange equation u = −λu x ∈ D, u = 0 x ∈ ∂ D.10.9 Hints The eigenvalue problem is X (iv)(x) − λX (x) = 0, X (0) = X (0) = X (b) = X (b) = 0.Multiply both sides by X and integrate over (0, b). Perform two integrations byparts and use the boundary conditions to derive bb X 2 dx = λ X2dx. 00Therefore λ > 0. The solution satisfying the boundary conditions at x = 0 is X (x) = A (cosh αx − cos αx) + B (sinh αx − sin αx) .Enforcing the boundary condition at x = b implies that a necessary and sufficientcondition for a nontrivial solution is indeed given by condition (10.73).10.11 Hints (i) vn = 1.(ii) By the Riemann–Lebesgue lemma, limn→∞ vn, v = 0.(iii) Note that strong convergence implies vn → v .

360 Solutions of odd-numbered problems Chapter 1111.1 ∂xyu(xi , yj) = Ui+1, j+1 − Ui−1, j+1 − Ui+1, j−1 + Ui−1, j−1 . 4 xy11.5 Hints The analytic solution is 8 ∞ e−(2m−1)2t u(x, t) = π m=1 (2m − 1)3 sin(2m − 1)x. In comparing the numerical solution and analytic solution at (x, t) = (π/4, 2),observe that very few Fourier terms are needed to capture the right answer.11.7 The analytic solution is u(x, t) = t5. The numerical procedure blows up be-cause of the violation of the stability condition.11.9 Let (i, j) be the index of an internal maximum point. Both terms on the lefthand side of (11.27) are dominated by Ui, j . Therefore, if Ui, j is positive, the lefthand side is negative which is a contradiction.11.13 Let pi , i = 1, . . . , 4(N − 2) be the set of boundary point. For each i definethe harmonic function Ti , such that Ti ( pi ) = 1, while Ti ( p j ) = 0 if j = i. Clearlythe set {Ti } spans all solutions to the Laplace equation in the grid. It also followsdirectly from the construction that the set {Ti } is linearly independent.

Appendix: Useful formulas A.1 Trigonometric formulas(1) xn sin ax dx = xn cos ax + n xn−1 cos ax dx. − aa(2) xn cos ax dx = xn sin ax − n xn−1 sin ax dx. aa(3) eax sin bx dx = eax − b cos bx). a2 + b2 (a sin bx(4) eax cos bx dx = eax cos bx + b sin bx). a2 + b2 (a(5) sin(α ± β) = sin α cos β ± sin β cos α.(6) cos(α ± β) = cos α cos β ∓ sin α sin β.(7) cos α cos β = 1 [cos(α + β) + cos(α − β)]. 2(8) sin α sin β = 1 [cos(α − β) − cos(α + β)]. 2(9) sin α cos β = 1 [sin(α + β) + sin(α − β)]. 2(10) sin α + sin β = 2 sin α+β cos α−β . 22(11) cos α + cos β = 2 cos α+β cos α−β . 22(12) tan α + tan β = sin(α + β) cos α cos β .(13) sin3 α = 1 (3 sin α − sin 3α). 4(14) cos3 α = 1 (3 cos α + cos 3α). 4 361

362 Appendix: Useful formulas A.2 Integration formulas(1) ∇ · w dxdy = w · n dσ . D ∂D(2) (Qx − Py) dxdy = (Pdx + Qdy). D ∂u(3) (v u + ∇u · ∇v) dxdy = v dσ . D ∂D ∂n(4) (v u − u v) dxdy = ∂u ∂v v − u dσ . D ∂D ∂n ∂n(5) ∂ b(t) G(ξ, t) dξ = G(b(t), t)b (t) − G(a(t), t)a (t) + b(t) ∂ G(ξ, t) dξ. ∂t a(t) a(t) ∂t A.3 Elementary ODEs(1) The general solution of the linear ODE y + P(x)y = Q(x) is given by y(x ) = e− P(x) dx Q(x )e P(x) dx dx + c .(2) The general solution of the ODE y + λy = 0 λ ∈ R, is given by αe√−λx + √ = α˜ √ + β˜ √ λ < 0, cosh( −λx) sinh( −λx) λ = 0, βe− −λx λ > 0, y(x ) = αα + β√x √ cos( λx sin( λx) ) + β where α, β, α˜ , β˜ are arbitrary real numbers.(3) Let A, B, C ∈ R, and let r1, r2 be the roots of the (quadratic) indicial equation Ar (r − 1) + Br + C = 0. Then the general solution of the Euler (equidimensional) equation: Ax2 y + Bx y + C y = 0, is given by  r1, r2 ∈ R, r1 = r2, αxr1 + β xr2 r1, r2 ∈ R, r1 = r2, r1 = λ + iµ ∈ C, y(x ) = αα x r1 + βx r1 log x x λ cos(µ log x) + β x λ sin(µ log x) where α, β are arbitrary real numbers.

A.5 Differential operators in spherical coordinates 363 A.4 Differential operators in polar coordinatesWe use the notation er and eθ to denote unit vectors in the radial and angulardirection, respectively, and ez to denote a unit vector in the z direction. A vector uis expressed as u = u1er + u2eθ . We also use V (r, θ ) to denote a scalar function.∇V = ∂V er + 1 ∂V eθ . ∂r r ∂θ∇ · u = 1 ∂(r u1) + 1 ∂u2 . r ∂r r ∂θ∇×u = 1 ∂(r u2) − 1 ∂u1 ez . r ∂r r ∂θ V = ∇ · ∇V = Vrr + 1 + 1 r Vr r 2 Vθθ . A.5 Differential operators in spherical coordinatesWe use the notation er , eθ , and eφ to denote unit vectors in the radial, vertical angulardirection, and horizontal angular direction, respectively. A vector u is expressed asu = u1er + u2eθ + u3eφ. We also use V (r, θ, φ) to denote a scalar function. ∂V 1 ∂V 1 ∂V∇V = er + eθ + r sin θ ∂φ eφ. ∂r r ∂θ∇ · u = 1 ∂(r 2u1) + 1 ∂(sin θ u2) + 1 ∂u3 . r2 ∂r r ∂θ sin θ ∂φ r∇×u = 1 ∂(sin θ u3) − ∂u2 er + 1 1 ∂u1 − ∂(r u3) eθ r sin θ ∂θ ∂φ r sin θ ∂φ ∂r 1 ∂(r u2) − ∂u1 eφ . + ∂r ∂θ r 1∂ r2∂V 1 1∂ ∂V 1 ∂2V V = ∇ · ∇V = r2 ∂r ∂r + r2 sin φ + sin2 φ ∂θ 2 . sin φ ∂φ ∂φ

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Indexacoustics, 7–11 cable equation, 119–123action, 292, 293 semi-infinite, 121adjoint operator, 213admissible surface, 283 calculus of variations, 282–308asymptotic behavior canonical form, 66, 231 Bessel function, 249 elliptic, 66, 70–73 eigenvalue, 154, 245 hyperbolic, 66–69 solution, 155 parabolic, 66, 69–70 wave equation, 76backward Cauchy problem, 24, 27, 55, 76, 78, 176, 224, 229, difference, 312 heat operator, 213 236, 241 wave, 77 Cauchy sequence, 298 Cauchy, Augustin Louis, 24Balmer, Johann Jacob, 263, 266 Cauchy–Schwartz inequality, 137basis, 297, 299, 301, 302, 305, 310, 330, 336 central difference, 312 CFL condition, 324 Zernike, 302 change of coordinates, 65Bernoulli, Daniel, 98 characteristic curve, 27, 229Bessel equation, 133, 248, 257, 262, 269 characteristic equations, 27, 67, 226Bessel function, 248 characteristic function, 137 characteristic projection, 68 asymptotic, 249 characteristic strip, 54, 228 properties, 249 characteristic surface, 229Bessel inequality, 138 characteristic triangle, 82Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 248 characteristics, 31, 67, 68, 77biharmonic equation, 16 method, 25–63, 226 operator, 213, 290 clarinet, 267–269Born, Max, 263 classical Fourier system, 135boundary conditions, 18–20 classical solution, 3, 43, 79, 175 Dirichlet, 18, 108, 174 classification of PDE, 3, 64–75, 228–234 first kind, 108 compact support, 211, 234, 330 mixed, 19, 109 compatibility condition, 55, 99, 109, 167, 188, 252, natural, 288, 307 Neumann, 19, 108, 109, 175 287 nonhomogeneous, 164 complementary error function, 129 nonlocal, 19 complete orthonormal sequence, 138, 299 oblique, 19 compression wave, 46 periodic, 109 conservation laws, 8, 9, 41–50 Robin, 19, 109, 175 consistent numerical scheme, 315 second kind, 108 constitutive law, 6, 11, 12, 295 separated, 108, 130, 133 convection equation, 11, 17 third kind, 19, 109 convergenceBrown, Robert, 13Brownian motion, 13–14 in distribution sense, 212 in norm, 137 in the mean, 137 366

Index 367convergence (cont.) multiplicity, 102, 132, 135, 146, 243, 244, 247, 257 numerical scheme, 316 principal, 152, 244 strong, 297 problem, 101, 131, 242–258 weak, 300 properties, 243–245 real, 145, 243convex functional, 291 simple, 102, 132, 146, 245Courant, Richard, 309 eigenvector, 132Crank–Nicolson method, 317 eikonal equation, 15, 26, 50–52, 57, 233, 292curvature, 295 element (for FEM), 331 elliptic equation, 65, 173–183, 209, 231, 232, 305, 329δ function, 211, 224, 272 elliptic operator, 65d’Alembert formula, 79–97, 208, 234 energy integral, 116–119d’Alembert, Jean, 12, 98 energy level, 263Darboux equation, 238, 279 energy method, 116–119, 182Darboux problem, 95 entropy condition, 47Darboux, Gaston, 237, 238 equationdegenerate states, 247, 257, 266 elliptic, 65, 209, 231, 232, 305, 329delta function, 211, 224, 272 homogeneous, 4diagonally dominated matrix, 321 hyperbolic, 65, 231, 232difference equation, 13, 313, 314 Klein–Gordon, 233difference scheme, 13, 313, 319, 322, 329, 331 nonhomogeneous, 4differential operator, 4 parabolic, 65, 209, 231, 232diffusion coefficient, 7, 124 error function, 129diophantic equations, 247 complementary, 129dirac distribution, 211, 224, 272 Euler equation, 41Dirichlet condition, 18, 100 Euler fluid equations, 9Dirichlet functional, 284, 285 Euler equidimensional equation, 362Dirichlet integral, 284, 285, 287, 300 Euler, Leonhard, 9, 41Dirichlet problem, 174, 209–218, 285 Euler–Lagrange equation, 285, 331 even extension, 94, 235, 238 ball, 257, 262 expansion wave, 45 cylinder, 261 explicit numerical scheme, 317 disk, 195 eigenfunction expansion, 273 FDM, 310–324 eigenvalue, 243 FEM, 306, 310, 329–334 exterior domain, 198 numerical solution, 318–322 element, 331 rectangle, 188 Fermat principle, 292 sector, 198 Fermat, Pierre, 26 spectrum, 242 finite difference method (FDM), 310–324 stability, 182 finite differences, 311–312 uniqueness, 181, 183 finite elements method (FEM), 306, 310, 329–334Dirichlet, Johann Lejeune, 18dispersion relation, 122 element, 331distribution, 211, 223 first variation, 284 convergence, 212 first-order equations, 23–63 Dirac, 211, 224, 272divergence theorem, 7, 8, 182, 362 existence, 36–38domain of dependence, 83, 89 high dimension, 226–228drum, 260, 269 Lagrange method, 39–41, 62Du-Fort–Frankel method, 318 linear, 24Duhamel principle, 127, 222, 276 nonlinear, 52–58 uniqeness, 36–38eigenfunction, 101, 131 flare, 268 expansion, 114, 130–172 flexural rigidity, 289 orthogonality, 143, 243 flute, 267, 268 principal, 152 formally selfadjoint operator, 213 properties, 243–245 formula real, 146, 243 Poisson, 202 zeros, 154, 245 Rayleigh-Ritz, 152, 244, 308 forward difference, 311eigenvalue, 131 forward wave, 77 asymptotic behavior, 154, 245 Fourier classical system, 135 existence, 147, 244 Fourier coefficients, 103, 138

368 IndexFourier expansion, 98, 139 Neumann problem, 219–221 convergence, 148, 244 positivity, 216, 273 convergence on average, 139 properties, 273 convergence in norm, 139 rectangle, 281 convergence in the mean, 139 symmetry, 215, 273 generalized, 139, 244 uniqueness, 273 Green, George, 208Fourier law, 6 grid, 311Fourier series, 103, 258 ground state, 152Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph, 5, 98, 103, 139, 148 energy, 152Fourier–Bessel coefficients, 252 guitar, 267Fourier–Bessel series, 251Fresnel, Augustin, 26 Hadamard example, 176Friedrichs, Kurt Otto, 309 Hadamard method of descent, 241Frobenius–Fuchs method, 248, 254, 265 Hadamard, Jacques, 2, 176, 239function Hamilton characteristic function, 26 Hamilton principle, 292 characteristic, 137 Hamilton, William Rowan, 1, 15, 25, 26, 39, 292, error, 129 harmonic 293 Hamiltonian, 292–296 mean value, 179–180, 274, 280 harmonic function, 173 piecewise continuous, 136 harmonic polynomial piecewise differentiable, 136 real analytic, 71 homogeneous, 177, 205functional, 283 Harnack inequality, 205 bounded below, 304 heat equation convex, 291 Dirichlet, 284, 285 Dirichlet problem, 185 first variation, 284 uniqueness, 118 linear, 284 second variation, 291 maximum principle, 184fundamental equations of mathematical physics, 66 numerical solution, 312–318fundamental solution, 213, 224, 270 separation of variables, 99–109, 259 Laplace, 178, 209, 271 stability, 185 uniqueness, 213 heat flow, 6, 109, 130 heat flux, 6, 19, 175Galerkin method, 303–306 heat kernel, 129, 221–224, 275–278, 281Galerkin, Boris, 306 properties, 276–278Gauss theorem, 7, 8, 176, 182, 362 Heisenberg, Werner, 263Gauss–Seidel method, 325, 326 Helmholtz equation, 204, 281Gaussian kernel, 224 Hilbert space, 298general solution, 40, 76–78, 230, 239, 362 Hilbert, David, 298generalized Fourier coefficients, 103, 138 homogeneous equation, 4generalized Fourier expansion, 139 Huygens’ principle, 239generalized Fourier series, 103, 258 Huygens, Christian, 26generalized solution, 77, 104, 112 hydrodynamics, 7–11geometrical optics, 14–15, 287 hydrogen atom, 263–266Gibbs phenomenon, 150, 192, 195 hyperbolic equation, 65, 231, 232Gibbs, Josiah Willard, 150 hyperbolic operator, 65Green’s formula, 88, 143, 144, 160, 182, 210, 243, ill-posed problem, 2, 82, 176 271, 284 implicit numerical scheme, 317Green’s identity, 182, 210, 271, 284 induced norm, 136Green’s representation formula, 211, 219, 271 inequalityGreen’s function, 209–221, 272 Bessel, 138 ball, 274 Cauchy–Schwartz, 137 definition, 214 Harnack, 205 Dirichlet problem, 209–218 triangle, 136 disk, 217, 224 initial condition, 1, 24, 79, 99, 226, 229, 313 exterior of disk, 225 initial curve, 26 half-plane, 218, 224 initial value problem, 17, 24, 89 half-space, 275 inner product, 136 higher dimensions, 269–275 induced norm, 136 monotonicity, 217, 273 space, 136

Index 369insulate, 99 membrane, 11, 16, 122, 260–261, 266, 269, 288, 289,insulated boundary condition, 109, 125 308integral surface, 28inverse point mesh, 311 minimal surface, 16, 282–287 circle, 217, 356 line, 218 equation, 16, 285, 286 sphere, 274 minimizer, 283, 284, 304, 331iteration, 318, 325–327 existence, 299Jacobi method, 325 uniqueness, 291jump discontinuity, 136 minimizing sequence, 300 modes of vibration, 267, 269Kelvin, Lord, 122 Monge, Gaspard, 53 multiplicity, 102, 132, 135, 243, 244, 247, 257Lagrange identity, 142, 146 musical instruments, 266–269Lagrange method, 39–41, 62Lagrange multiplier, 307, 359 natural boundary conditions, 288, 307Lagrange, Joseph-Louis, 16, 39, 283, 294 Navier, Claude, 9Lagrangian, 292–296 net, 311Laguerre equation, 265 Neumann boundary conditions, 19, 108, 109, 131,Laplace equation, 15, 173–206 174, 193, 242 ball, 262 Neumann function, 219–221, 224 cylinder, 261 Neumann problem, 110, 125, 175, 183, 195, 203, eigenvalue problem, 242–258 fundamental solution, 178 219–221, 318 Green’s function, 209–218 Neumann, Carl, 19 Newtonian potential, 211, 271 higher dimension, 269–275 nodal lines, 245 maximum principle, 178–181 nodal surfaces, 245 numerical solution, 318–322 nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, 164 polar coordinates, 177 nonhomogeneous equation, 4, 114–116, separation of variables, 187–201, 245–258, 159–164 261–263 norm, 136Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 16, 283 normal modes, 267, 269Laplacian, 16 numerical methods, 309–336 cylindrical coordinates, 261 linear systems, 324–329 polar coordinates, 363 numerical scheme, 310 spectrum, 245 consistent, 315 ball, 257 convergence, 316 disk, 251 explicit, 317 rectangle, 245 implicit, 317 spherical coordinates, 363 stability, 314least squares approximation, 287 stability condition, 315Legendre associated equation, 255Legendre equation, 254 odd extension, 93Legendre polynomial, 254 operator, 4Legendre, Adrien-Marie, 254Lewy, Hans, 309 elliptic, 231linear equation, 3 formally self-adjoint, 213 first-order, 24 hyperbolic, 231linear functional, 284 parabolic, 231linear operator, 4 symmetric, 143linear PDE, 3 order of PDE, 3Liouville, Joseph, 131, 147 organ, 268 orthogonal projection, 138Maupertuis, Pierre, 294 orthogonal sequence, 137maximum principle orthogonal vectors, 137 orthonormal sequence, 137 heat equation, 184 complete, 138, 148, 299 numerical scheme, 319 orthonormal system strong, 180, 274 complete, 244 weak, 178 outward normal vector, 6mean value principle, 179–180, 204, 274, 280 parabolic boundary, 184 parabolic equation, 65, 209, 231, 232

370 Indexparabolic operator, 65 second variation, 291parallelogram identity, 94 second-order equationParseval identity, 138PDE, 1 Cauchy problem, 229–234 classification, 64–75, 228–234 classification, 3, 64–75, 228–234 semi-infinite cable, 121 linear, 3 semi-infinite string, 93, 94 order, 3 semilinear equation, 3 quasilinear, 3, 9, 24–50 separated solutions, 99, 100 semilinear, 3 separation of variables, 98–172, 245–263 system, 3 shock wave, 41–50periodic eigenvalue problem, 134, 196, 253 similarity solution, 129periodic problem, 171 simple eigenvalue, 102, 132, 146, 245periodic solution, 91 singular Sturm–Liouville problem, 133, 254periodic Sturm–Liouville problem, 134, 196, 253 soap film, 283piecewise continuous function, 136 Sobolev space, 299piecewise differentiable function, 136 Sobolev, Sergei, 299pipes solution closed, 268 classical, 3, 79 open, 268 even, 91Planck constant, 17, 263 general, 40, 76–78, 230, 239, 362Planck quantization rule, 265 generalized, 77, 104, 112plate equation, 289 odd, 91Plateau, Joseph Antoine, 283 periodic, 91Poisson equation, 13, 174, 219, 289 strong, 3 separation of variables, 199 weak, 3, 41–50, 296–301Poisson formula, 201–204 Sommerfeld, Arnold, 26Poisson kernel, 202, 215, 223, 224, 272–274, SOR method, 325, 326 spectral radius, 328 280 spectrum, 151, 152, 242 Neumann, 203 hydrogen atom, 263–266Poisson ratio, 289 LaplacianPoisson, Simeon, 174principal eigenfunction, 152 ball, 257principal eigenvalue, 152, 244 disk, 251principal part, 64, 228 rectangle, 245product solutions, 99, 100 spherical harmonics, 256, 262, 266 spherical mean, 237quasilinear equation, 3, 9, 24–50 square wave, 150 stabilityrandom motion, 13–14 CFL condition, 324Rankine–Hugoniot condition, 47, 49 Dirichlet problem, 182Rayleigh quotient, 151–154, 244, 302 heat equation, 185Rayleigh, Lord, 152 numerical scheme, 314Rayleigh–Ritz formula, 152, 244, 308 wave equation, 90real analytic function, 71 stiffness matrix, 330reflection principle, 217, 218, 224, 225, 275, 280 Stokes, George Gabriel, 9refraction index, 15, 50 string, 11–12, 19, 79, 87, 98, 109, 117, 130, 164,region of influence, 83, 324 266–267, 294regular Sturm–Liouville problem, 133 semi-infinite, 93, 94resonance, 164, 261 strip equations, 54, 228Riemann–Lebesgue lemma, 138 strong convergence, 297Ritz method, 301–303 strong maximum principle, 180, 274Rodriguez formula, 280 strong solution, 3round-off error, 313 Sturm, Jacques Charles, 131, 147Runge, Carl, 26 Sturm–Liouville asymptotic behaviorRydberg constant, 263 eigenvalue, 154 solution, 155scalar equation, 3 Sturm–Liouville eigenfunctions, 141–158Schro¨dinger equation, 16 Sturm–Liouville eigenvalues, 141–158 Sturm–Liouville operator, 132 hydrogen atom, 263–266 Sturm–Liouville problem, 131, 133–135, 141–158Schro¨dinger operator, 151, 152 periodic, 134, 196, 253Schro¨dinger, Erwin, 16, 263

Index 371Sturm–Liouville problem (cont.) wave compression, 46 regular, 133 wave equation, 10–12, 14, 26, 76–97, 266, 295, singular, 133, 254 309superposition principle, 4, 89, 92, 99, 103 Cauchy problem, 78–82 generalized, 104 domain of dependence, 83, 89 general solution, 76–78support, 85 graphical method, 84symmetric operator, 143 nonhomogeneous, 87–92system, 3 numerical solution, 322–324 parallelogram identity, 94telegraph equation, 128, 170 radial solution, 234–236temperature, 6, 8, 18, 99, 123–124 region of influence, 83, 324 separation of variables, 109–114, 260–261 equilibrium, 16, 174 stability, 90tension, 11, 295 three-dimensional, 234–241test function, 154, 329–331 two-dimensional, 241–242Thomson, William, 119, 122 wave expansion, 45trace formula, 276 wave number, 15, 233transcendental equation, 155 wave speed, 12, 76, 77transport equation, 8, 17, 121 weak convergence, 300transversality condition, 30, 227, 228 weak solution, 3, 41–50, 296–301 Webster’s horn equation, 268 generalized, 55 weight function, 132traveling waves, 77 well-posedness, 2, 9, 30, 81, 82, 90,triangle inequality, 136Tricomi equation, 68 176truncation error, 312 Weyl formula, 155, 245Turing, Alan Mathison, 245 Weyl, Herman, 155 wine cellars, 123–124uniqueness, 36–38, 82, 87, 182, 291 Dirichlet problem, 181 Young, Thomas, 26 energy method, 116–119 Fourier expansion, 115 Zeeman effect, 266 Zernike basis, 302variational methods, 282–308 Zernike, Frits, 302viscosity, 9von Neumann, John, 298

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