How to fail in MLM marketingA few problems that some new MLM marketing peoplehave:1. No upline support.Once a person joins a new MLM marketing program,he or she is vulnerable and needs a lot of helpfrom something or someone.In many cases, the uplines are not activelyhelping them. This happens a lot when the uplines
are simply sponsoring as many people as they canwith no regard to what happens to them after theyget sponsored.In most standard MLM marketing programs, it isimportant that the new person gets immediateassistance from a local person, or tools that youhave. Otherwise their chances for survival arevery slim.2. New MLM marketers cannot sell.This is probably the major reason most people donot make it MLM marketing. By using standard MLMtechniques, you have got to sell and learn how tospeak at opportunity meetings and the like.3. MLM'er cannot generate good leads.Next to the selling problem, this has to be thenext biggest reason most people fail in MLMmarketing.
Here is a picture of what normally happens. Thenew person has just signed up in an exciting MLMprogram. He is taught by the manuals, meetings andso forth, how he should \"share\" his product withhis friends, neighbors and relatives.Normally, he is not comfortable with this, and ifhe is typical, he will have many sleepless,tossing and turning nights. He just doesn't wantto \"impose\" on his friends! He would feel a lotmore comfortable just presenting his opportunityto strangers.4. No true duplicative system.If the MLM marketing company must be promotedthrough expensive methods, this is not feasible.Learning how to sell, or to speak and conduct anopportunity meeting is just not duplicative. Onlya few people can do this. Here again, is a veryimportant reason a lot of would be MLM'ers die on
the vine.5. Selling by mail using standard MLM techniques.Traditional way to marketing MLM is to spend allspare time to call around and travel around to getprospects. A lot of people already have full timejob, it is hard to find extra time to travel andmake phone calls. This is why these MLM marketerscannot keep their program going.6. The marketer is not sure about the MLMmarketing company or service.Often a person will sign up in a MLM marketingprogram in a \"fit of excitement.\" After the dustclears, he comes down to earth and reality slowlysets in.Pick an established and financially sound MLMcompany that is at least two years old withunquestionable products or services. That way,
you can feel good about the company and productsthat you are promoting. There is nothing quitelike being able to \"tell the complete truth\" toyour prospective customers.7. They do not stick with it long enough.Starting any company takes time, and this is truewith an MLM marketing program as well.By the time you study the program, write andreceive literature: study this and sign up; getthe literature, etc. a lot of time has been spent.And then you have to generate your leads and soon.It will take several months before you can expectmuch of anything to happen to your MLM marketing.You should set in your mind that you are going tostick with this for at least sometime. That justmakes good business sense.
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