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Home Explore Dental Assistant Program Acceptance

Dental Assistant Program Acceptance

Published by Logan, 2015-02-16 11:50:55

Description: Dental Assistant is one of the fastest growing professions. It is anticipated to be one of the top occupations by 2012. Almost all Dental Assistant programs require applicants to successfully pass a background check prior to acceptance. In addition, drug testing is becoming a widely common practice as well. Most states require students to be tested for Hepatitis B prior to acceptance as well. Many programs want to look at your work history, education level, and GPA. All of these factors combined will determine if you are accepted into a Dental Assistant Program. You will get a letter informing you of the decision. If you are not accepted into the Dental Assistant Program, you have the right to inquire as to the information that decision was based on.


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Dental Assistant Program AcceptanceDental Assistant is one of the fastest growingprofessions. It is anticipated to be one of thetop occupations by 2012. Almost all DentalAssistant programs require applicants tosuccessfully pass a background check prior toacceptance. In addition, drug testing is becominga widely common practice as well. Most statesrequire students to be tested for Hepatitis Bprior to acceptance as well.Many programs want to look at your work history,

education level, and GPA. All of these factorscombined will determine if you are accepted intoa Dental Assistant Program. You will get a letterinforming you of the decision. If you are notaccepted into the Dental Assistant Program, youhave the right to inquire as to the informationthat decision was based on.The reason for background checks for DentalAssistants is because of the number of people theycome into contact with. Since they serve thepublic, their background becomes an area ofconcern. Safety is a top priority in the dentalfield. Precautions are taken protect patients aswell as other staff.The background process is very similar in allstates. You will be required to provide yourpersonal information and fingerprints. Allinformation that comes back will be reported tothe program director. Each state has differentlevels of acceptable background checks for the

Dental Assistant Program.If you believe your background might prevent youfrom being accepted into a Dental AssistantProgram, ask the instructor or the State DentalBoard what the regulations are for yourparticular state. In some states, they will onlylook at background information that is less thanseven years old. Others will only ban you from theDental Assistant program if you have beenconvicted of a crime that involved violence or wasof a sexual nature. Other states are very strict.If you have any felony convicts at all, you willnot be accepted to the Dental Assistant program.They also will look at misdemeanors includingharassment and domestic violence.Background checks are an ongoing issue withDental Assistants. You can complete the trainingprogram and your license. Your license will bevalid for three to five years depending on thestate you live in. Upon renewal, another

background check will be completed. You can loseyour license and your career if you have had anycriminal activity during your licensing period.Again, it depends on the regulations for yourstate.Since state regulations vary, keep that in mindwhen considering transferring your DentalAssistant license to another state.Drug testing regulations have come into play toprovide safety for patients and other staff. Drugconvictions will generally result in you notbeing admitted to the Dental Assistant program.It is believed the drugs will impair your abilityto perform your job duties in the manner they mustbe done in. Also, since drugs are available onsite of dental facilities, it is possible you willtake them.Hepatitis B is a concern in the dental profession.All individuals wanting to enroll in the DentalAssistant program will be required to be tested.

They test requires a quick skin prick on the topof your hand. The results are generally availablewithin a couple of days.Depending on the Dental Assistant program you aretrying to get into, they will require a backgroundcheck, drug test, and Hepatitis B test. If thereis a large demand to enroll in the course your workhistory, education, and GPA may also be taken intoconsideration if more people what to enroll thanthere are slots available.Being a Dental Assistant is an opportunity toprovide assistance to people as well asparticipate in the practices of the dental field.It also requires accepting responsibly for youractions. Dental Assistants have to be veryresponsible. It is believed you decisions in yourpersonal life often reflect the choices you willmake in your personal life.PPPPP

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