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Home Explore 2012+Book+For+Website


Published by beny, 2016-12-27 15:56:01

Description: 2012+Book+For+Website


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“Hello, Hatzolah. Where is your emergency?” TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 With these seemingly simple words, a complex operation is immediately set into motion. There are lives on the line and it all begins here. The call comes in and in seconds, wires hum, screens light up and radios crackle. Hatzolah is on its way once more. In this seemingly simple room, a complex operation is always in motion. This is the nerve center, the hub of it all, the place where it all comes together. Speed, skill, coordination and compassion all join in breathtaking synchronicity and Hatzolah is once again on its life saving mission. 718-387-1750 The phone rings in the Dispatch Room. Two, three and often more dispatchers sit, manning the communication towers and lines. The phones do not stop ringing. Wires snake across the desks and computer monitors glow with precise information. Baby choking, 3 year old seizing, 36 year old with crushing chest pain, 67 year old asthmatic with difficulty breathing, severe burn to a five year old, infant falls down a flight of stairs, child turning blue, 12 year old pedestrian struck; the drama is real and constant. Often frightening, always urgent; there is no time to lose and the race is on. The responsibility a dispatcher carries is enormous. He is solely responsible to triage and prioritize calls and often there are three to six lines ringing at once! It is the dispatcher’s responsibility to discern the severity and urgency of each particular call. The dispatchers work in tandem; one will send out the call over the radio and coordinate the response by members while the other will remain on the phone with the caller, either calming them down or giving first response instructions such as CPR or mouth to mouth resuscitation. This operation runs so smoothly and so swiftly, that often members arrive on the scene while the dispatcher is still on the phone with the caller. One can only picture the sheer number of lives dependant on the smooth running of all the operations emanating from this one small room. And the number of calls we respond to in Boro Park each year? I know you might not believe me when I say this but it is the truth. 15,000. Yes, you read that right. 15,000 calls a year come through the lines to this humming room in Boro Park. 15,000 times a year, the phones are lifted and the shlucha d’rachmana are galvanized into action. Yes, Hatzolah is there for YOU, answering YOUR call, 15,000 times a year. Now it is the time of year for you to be there for them. Will YOU answer THEIR call?2 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK AUCTION EVENT 2012


Keser Shem Tov Award PRESENTED TO MRS. TZIREL GROSSTzirel is a true pillar of chessed who reaches out to people in need, and betters the lives of thethousands who are touched by her kindness. Her passion for chessed is not incidental. It is a legacyfrom her dear mother Mrs. Rivka Rubin a”h, a mother whose life was a song of simcha, chessed and ahavas yisrael all intertwined in perfect harmony.Tzirel’s selflessness for others is also an inheritance from her saintly zeides of Kerestir, who werelegendary masters of kindness. Tzirel keeps their legacy alive by pursuing tzedakah and chessed,and by passing it on to her children and grandchildren, as she models the meaning of selfless givingand doing. Tzirel, you are a true role model for all of us. May Hakadosh Baruch Hu bless you with thekoach to continue your chessed endeavors, and with much nachas from the beautiful mishpacha that is following in your footsteps. Ahavas Chessed Award PRESENTED TO MRS. CHANI KRAUSChani not only loves chessed; she personifies it. She dedicates her heart, her smile, her entire beingto people in need. Her sensitivity, intuition, and dedication are nothing less than legendary; and withtremendous ahavas yisroel, she takes tzedakah and chessed into a higher realm. To the countlesskallahs she takes under her wing, she is a magnanimous angel. To the yesomim she cares for, she is a surrogate mother. To the organizations she supports, she is a backbone.Chani, you encapsulate tzedakah v’chessed. May the Ribbono Shel Olam reward you with much bracha & with the continued ability to help others, physically, spiritually, & financially.Yides Breuer Toby Friedman Roizy Gross HostessesMirel Eisenbach Malky Friedman Malkie Karmel Malkie Porgesz Esther Ruchy SchlesingerChani Elias Sury Fuchs Chany Reiner Rivky SilbersteinIty Elias Blimi Glick Roiza Rivky Gross Chaya Katz Malka Miriam Rosenberg Zeldy SimonDassy Elias Miriam Gold Esther Rosenberg Tova SternChana Rifky Elias Chaya Gombo Chumie Gross Miriam Kohl Hindy Rosenberg Perry TeitelbaumChaya’la Feig Faigy Greenfeld Yides Rubin Hendy TeitelbaumChana Rifka Flaum Devoiry Gross Tzirel Hager Chany Landau Blimy Rubin Blimy TyrnauerChaya Fleischman Devoiry Gross Malka’la Rubin Devoiry WeberGitty Freund Esty Gross Ruchy Heimlich Rifky Mermelstein Ruchy Zelcer Baila Henny Weiss Goldie Gross Leah Schlesinger Esty Weiss Ruchy Hoffman Zissy Moskowitz Toby Schlesinger Malkie Horowitz Freidy Moskowitz Chantzy Horowitz Chaya Gitty Nissen Esther Gitty Isreal Faigy Palatchek Chaya Suri Jankowitz Tzippy Perlstein Hindu Kahan Esther Rifky Perlstein4 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

Dedication This event is dedicated in memory of Roizy Elias ‫ע\"ה‬ a precious little girl who inspired thousands in her short three and a half years.‫לע\"נ הילדה רויזא עליאס ע\"ה‬ ‫בת יבלח\"ט ר׳ בן ציון דוד הי\"ו‬Dear Roizy,You were such a little girl, You were such a little girl,And yet you were so brave, Yet you were such an inspiration,You suffered through such pain, Each day, a massive Kiddush Hashem,Then smiled, and forgave. Doctors, nurses, extolled His nation.You were such a little girl, You were such a little girl,And yet each day you taught, Your parents held you so dear,You showed us how to smile and love, You were embraced with so much love,Though your body with pain was fraught. Their devotion to you was rare.You were such a little girl, You were such a little little girl,And yet, spread so much good, Yet your heart was over sized,You brought such chessed to the world, You touched so many, many souls,Even strangers did all they could. Your tafkid, in this world realized.Dear Elias Family,On behalf of the Hatzolah members who got to know Roizy a”h, and were enamored by her sweet charm and beautiful smile,we wish to salute you. Your effusive appreciation for everything we did, & your rock-solid emunah in the face of adversity,taught us the definition of strength and courage.May Roizy a”h, be a meilitza yeshara, and may your mishpacha be blessed with much simcha and nachas, gezunterheit.OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

‫!‪Personal Invitation‬‬ ‫פערזענליכע איינלאדענונג!‬ ‫‪We invite the esteemed Boro Park‬‬ ‫מיט כבוד און שעצונג טוען מיר איינלאדענען די חשוב׳ע תושבי עירינו‬ ‫‪community to join and support us at our‬‬ ‫בארא פארק זיך משתתף צו זיין אין דעם אינהאלטסרייכען‬ ‫‪GALA MELAVA MALKA‬‬ ‫מלוה מלכה רבתי‬ ‫‪to benefit the Avodas HaKodesh‬‬ ‫לטובת אונזער הייליגע ארגאניזאציע חברה הצלה ד׳בארא פארק‬ ‫‪of Chevra Hatzolah of Boro Park‬‬ ‫וואס שטייט אין דינסט פון די טויזענטער איינוואוינער‬ ‫פון בארא פארק‪ ,‬מיט מסירת נפש און געטריישאפט‪.‬‬ ‫‪May 19, 2012 | Ateres Golda Ballrooms‬‬ ‫‪Program begins at 10:30pm‬‬ ‫מוצש״ק פרשת בהר‪-‬בחוקתי | עטרת גאלדא זאלן‬ ‫פתיחת המעמד‪ :‬בשעה ‪10:30‬‬ ‫‪A special program has been prepared for you.‬‬ ‫‪Join the crowd of friends and supporters of Hatzolah‬‬ ‫קומט און ווייזט ארויס אייער ברייטהארציגע שטיצע פאר דעם הייליגן מפעל‬ ‫און מיט דעם העלפט ארויס אייך אליין‪ ,‬אייערע קרובים‪ ,‬שכנים וידידים!‬ ‫‪for a heimish and geshmake evening.‬‬ ‫די מלוה מלכה אנטשפרעכט צו זיין א גאר אנגענעמער‬ ‫‪The event will be graced by the participation‬‬ ‫און רייכער אווענט בהתאסף ראשי עם יחד שבטי ישראל‬ ‫‪of Rabbanim of the community.‬‬ ‫מיט די השתתפות פון חסידים ואנשי מעשה‪ ,‬בשבת אחים גם יחד‪,‬‬ ‫מחזק צו זיין די חשוב׳ע און העראאישע אינגעלייט ״חברה הצלה״ מעמבערס‪.‬‬ ‫‪The membership of Boro Park Hatzolah,‬‬ ‫‪will await to greet you personally.‬‬ ‫רייכער פראגראם‪:‬‬ ‫‪Program:‬‬ ‫א רייכע סעודה וועט סערווירט ווערן‬ ‫‪Delectable Seudas Melava Malka‬‬ ‫געספאנסערט דורך‬ ‫‪sponsored by‬‬ ‫זמירות דורך די ״ידידים״ כ ָאר‬ ‫‪Zemiros by Yedidim choir‬‬ ‫אינאיינעם מיט די וועלט‪-‬בארימטע בעלי מנגנים‬ ‫‪Along with the renowned singers‬‬ ‫הר״ר שלמה טויסיגנ״י והר״ר ישראל ווערדיגערנ״י‬ ‫‪Shloime Taussig and Sruly Werdyger‬‬ ‫פרקי חזנות‬ ‫דער בארימטער בדחן הר\"ר מרדכי אילאוויטש ה״ו‬ ‫‪Exclusive Live Presentation‬‬ ‫‪by the incomparable badchen Mutty Ilowitz‬‬ ‫וועט מהנה זיין דעם עולם מיט טאלאנטפולע חרוזים‬ ‫‪Guest Speaker‬‬ ‫נואם הכבוד‬‫‪Be inspired by the world renowned Menahel, Mechanech‬‬ ‫א גאר רייכע דרשה וועט געהערט ווערן מאת הבעל מחנך הנודע‪,‬‬ ‫‪and speaker Rabbi Shmuel Dishon shlit”a‬‬ ‫פה מפיק מרגליות‪ ,‬כש\"ת הרה\"ג ר׳ שמואל דישון שליט״א‬ ‫‪Miracle Journey‬‬ ‫מנהל יד ישראל דישיבת קרלין סטולין‬ ‫‪Personal drama by a grateful recipient‬‬ ‫בתוך רבים אהללנו‬ ‫‪of Hatzolah’s lifesaving work‬‬ ‫ע״י ידידינו הנכבד הר\"ר יעקב שמשון אלי׳ סג״ל גאלדשליט\"א‬‫‪Breathtaking Audio-Visual Presentation‬‬ ‫בהרה\"ג מקראלי שליט\"א‬ ‫”‪“In a Moment’s Notice‬‬ ‫וועט האלטן געשפאנט דעם ציבור מיט זיין פערזענליכע געשיכטע מיט חברה הצלה‬ ‫א גאר דראמאטישע און אינהאלטסרייכע‬ ‫סלייד פרעזענטאציע‬ ‫וועט געוויזן ווערן‪ ,‬צו שילדערן די אומשאצבארע ארבייט‬ ‫פון די חברה הצלה אינגעלייט‪ .‬פראדוצירט דורך‬‫‪6 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK‬‬ ‫‪TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5‬‬ ‫‪AUCTION EVENT 2012‬‬

NOT JUST AN AUCTION – A 2 DAY WOMENS EVENT!HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK INVITES YOU TO JOIN US AT THE 2012 AUCTION EVENT ATERES GOLDA BALLROOMS | 1362 50TH STREET SUNDAY, MAY 20th - MONDAY, MAY 21stEntertainment and excitement for all ages, from morning to night!Sunday, FULL Monday, ANMay 20th DAY May 21st EVENING OF PROGRAM INSPIRATIONDoors open at 11:30 AM Begins at 7:45 pm FEATURING Master of Ceremonies Mrs. Shavy Grossberg A lineup of world GUEST SPEAKER famous entertainers: World renowned maggid and author, Juggling Moish Rabbi Paysach Krohn Magician ROIZY’S STORY: Ben Cohen Told by the Elias family - ‫לע״נ הילדה רויזא ע\"ה בת יבלחט״א בן ציון דוד‬ Illusionist A personal account of courage and inspiration Chaim Hartman EXCLUSIVE GUEST PERFORMANCE: A Fascinating Parrot Show From Broadway to Shaarei Chesed-Yerushalayim and much more! Presented by: Rachel Factor INDULGE Japan - Hawaii - Los Angeles - Broadway - Jerusalem in Delicious refreshments; Coming from Eretz Yisroel exclusively for the Hatzolah Event Viennese “OUR ROOMS” COMEDY Tables Designed & displayed by A side-splitting look at life in a Hatzolah family, by two talented young Hatzolah-family entertainers Enjoy a day filled with excitement and entertainment! Breathtaking Film Presentation “IN A MOMENT’S NOTICE” A long-awaited magnificent film, produced by On Time Studios RAFFLE DRAWING Show your support! Come and bring your family & friends for an unforgettable evening!Minimum purchase of $25, includes entry to program, door prize, and $25 worth of auction tickets.OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 7 AUCTION EVENT 2012

Door Prizes Every donor is a winner! Donate $25+ Sponsored by: Get a paraphernalia-packed Created by: Sponsored by: SURPRISE BAG, Game by: Chair by: from your health and safety partners, Hatzolah and Maxi-Health.Donate $100+ Get the OFFICIAL HATZOLAH MEMORY GAME! Get ready, get “sets”, with this special edition memory game featuring real-life photography and lots of fun. Not available in stores.Donate $180+ Get FALLS AND CALLS – the action packedHatzolah-themed game that takes players around the board as they respond to falls and calls just like real Hatzolah members!Also get the HATZOLAH FOLDING POOL CHAIR This fun chair will be the talk of the pool! Not available in stores.8 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

Door PrizesEvery donor is a winner! Donate $250+ Game by: Chair by: Get BOTH exclusive Hatzolah games Watch sponsored by: HATZOLAH MATCH and FALLS & CALLS PLUS the HATZOLAH FOLDING POOL CHAIR Not available in stores. Donate $360+ Get this magnificent STUHRLING WATCH choose “his” or “hers”FALLS AND CALLS – the exclusive Hatzolah board game your kids will love! Not available in stores. Donate $500+ Get the Yamaha PSR-E233 full size 61 key, KEYBOARD Put music at your fingertips with this phenomenal great-sounding instrument! FALLS AND CALLS Keyboard sponsored by:OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 9 AUCTION EVENT 2012

DISCOUNT ORDER PACKAGES TICKETS $50 buys tickets worth…….......……..$65 If you are unable to attend, $100 buys tickets worth……….......…$150 please use one of the following options: $180 buys tickets worth….......……$300 $250 buys tickets worth….....………$450 Phone: 718.705.5505 $500 buys tickets worth…........…$1,000 Fax: 718.871.9899 $800 buys tickets worth…….……$1,800 Web: $1,000 buys tickets worth...…..$3,000 Mail: Boro Park Hatzolah. Grand Raffles & Jackpot are not included 5215 16th Ave. in the discount packages Brooklyn, NY 11204 Disclaimer: For all other inquiries; 718-705-5510 Prizes may vary from picture and are not exchangeable or transferable Please do not call the Hatzolah emergency unless noted. Not responsible for typograghical errors. Mail orders phone number for any auction related questions. received after auction will be considered a donation. Images may not be reproduced without written permission. • Not responsible for prizes not picked up by May 24, 2012 • Winner will be responsible for applicable tax • Proper ID will be required for prize pick-up • Winners will be posted on our web site • Restrictions apply JACKPOT IT’S IN THE CARDS The lucky winner gets a Purchase scratch off cards, win more tickets, free ticket in every prize box. get more chances to win auction prizes or other surprise gifts! Jackpot; Gsuutraoprrawisnientegaeidft! Just $5 each. Every card is a winner! 1 ticket for $10 3 tickets for $25 Scratch off cards will be sold 5 tickets for $36 only at the Hatzolah Auction Event.10 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

THIS PRIZE WILL MAKE EVERYTHING “ON THE HOUSE”! 1 ticket for $36 Sponsored by anonymous 2 tickets for $60 in honor of Spend as you wish and make every room a dream come true while 4 tickets for $100enabling Hatzolah of Boro Park to be there for every house in need. 10 tickets for $200 Mr. Bentzi Lebovitz B-84 for saving my daughter’s life.GRAND PRIZE: WIN TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS CASHOR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 11 AUCTION EVENT 2012

Sponsored by: TAKE THE COMFORT OF “HOME” ALONG! 1 ticket for $20 3 tickets for $50Choose a lease with the vehicle of your choice to get you to your destination, 8 tickets for $100 while ensuring that Hatzolah of Boro Park vehicles are ready and able to reach every destination they are summoned to.GRAND PRIZE 2: TWO YEAR LUXURY CAR LEASE12 H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

Sponsored by: EXPERIENCE “ROOMS” THAT BECOME AIRBORNE! 1 ticket for $50 3 tickets for $100 Win seven free tickets to Eretz Yisrael aboard the incomparable brand new acclaimed a380aircraft – described as “the house with wings”! Travel with your family in comfort, knowing that your support of Hatzolah of Boro Park ensures the well being of thousands.GRAND PRIZE 3: SEVEN ROUND TRIP TICKETS TO ISRAELOR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 13 AUCTION EVENT 2012

$8,000 GIFT CARD Day: Shabbos Sponsored by: $50 Time: 1:26 pm Nature of call: Difficulty breathing/APE Stern’s Exclusive Furniture DOLLARS Age: 71 1269 53rd St. (718) 686-7421 Disposition: Transported to Maimonides TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 resuscitation unit Stats: In the past 12 months Hatzolah of Boro Park responded to 3,187 patients having difficulty breathing. Cost: Intubation kits, drugs & sedation medication, bag valve masks, C-PAP ventilation kits, suction device and other advanced life support equipment $287,000. Did you know? Shabbos drivers & halacha shiurim cost over $150,000 annually.14 H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] 1. The Dining Room HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 15 Experience the transformation of your home as a choice of magnificent AUCTION EVENT 2012 Dining Room Sets by Stern’s takes a place of honor in your dining room.OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $5,500 VALUE$50 2. Lustrous Leichter Cover your eyes before an exquisitely designedDOLLARS and intricately formed 8 branch candelabra, which will add beauty and grace to your Shabbos table. Sponsored by Anonymous, in honor of all Boro Park Hatzolah members16 H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] 2 BUSINESS CLASS TICKETS TO ISRAEL OR EUROPE$36 3. Business Class Take the trip of a lifetime with two roundtrip tickets to IsraelDOLLARS or any destination in Europe. Fly in comfort and style with Business Class on Lufthansa Airlines. Restrictions apply. Sponsored by LufthansaOR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 17 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $2,500 GIFT CARD$36 4. Grandest Sterling Experience the timeless elegance of Grand Sterling.DOLLARS Choose $2500 to enhance your table and your home. Sponsored by Grand Sterling 4921 13th Ave 718-854-0623 / 1207 Ave J 718-758-388818 H AT Z O L A H O F B O R O PA R K TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $2,000 GIFT CARD$25 5. Classic Elegance Browse through a unique collection of quality home furnishingsDOLLARS and decorate your home in style with this $2000 Gift Certificate at Style N Décor. Sponsored by Style N Décor 1825 65th St 718-234-5611OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 19 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $2,500 value $25 6. Tantalizing Table Your table will be transformed by the beauty of Noritake. DOLLARS Dinnerware Service for 24, with your choice of platinum or gold. Sponsored by Eastside China 5002 12th Ave 718-633-8672 $25 7. Heart’s Desire Spend as you wish and fill your heart’s desire. DOLLARS $2400 Visa Gift Card. Sponsored by Anonymous in honor of B-245; a special Hatzolah paramedic20 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $1,500 GIFT CARD$25 8. IlluminationsDOLLARS Brighten your home and dazzle your space with $1500 at Rainbow Lighting. Sponsored by Rainbow Lighting 2214 59th St 718-234-3393OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 21 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $20 9. Sit with Style Seat your family in style and comfort. DOLLARS Eight graceful dining room chairs with a choice of design and upholstery. Sponsored by Unique Interior Furniture 4201 1st Ave 718-499-2505 $1,350 GIFT CARD $20 10. A Treat at Elite Whether it’s something to adorn your table DOLLARS or enhance your Shabbos or Yom Tov, your $1350 Gift Card at Elite Sterling will be a real treat! Sponsored by Elite Sterling 4805 13th Ave 718-854-883322 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $1,000 GIFT CARD$20 11. Torah Treasures $1000 to a fabulous treasure trove of Seforim,DOLLARS Judaica and gifts from New York’s largest Judaica store. Sponsored by Eichler’s 5004 13th Ave 718-633-1505OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 23 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $6,500 VALUE $20 12. Regal Resplendence DOLLARS Create a dining room of grandeur with this magnificent Italian imported breakfront. Sponsored by Regal Furniture 4515 New Utrecht Ave 718-853-6900 $20 13. Shabbos Sensation Greet the Shabbos Queen with a full package combination of elegance & DOLLARS practicality. Elegant china service for 12 by Continental Table Settings, 12 crystal wine goblets, 12 crystal highball glasses, crystal wine bottle, crystal pitcher, stainless steel flatware, tablecloth and Challah cover. Sponsored by Continental Table Setting & Closeout Connections24 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE DINING ROOM ] $1,000 GIFT CARD$20 14. Splendorous Silver Experience the sheer splendor of sterling silver.DOLLARS Choose from a dazzling array at Eastern Silver with a $1000 Gift Certificate. Sponsored by Eastern Silver 4901 16th Ave 718-854-5600$20 15. Scholarly Delight $10 16. Machzorim ImmemorialDOLLARS Enhance your library and your learning experience DOLLARS Choice of two genuine leather his/hers Machzorim, with a full collection of the Hebrew Schottenstein Shas. or a set of antique leather Machzorim. Sponsored ‫ל חיים ע”ה כ”ד אדר ב’ תשס”ה‬-‫לע”נ יענטא בת ר’ ישרא‬ Sponsored by Ateres 718-935-9355OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 25 AUCTION EVENT 2012

$7,200 GIFT CARD Day: Tuesday Sponsored by: $50 Time: 3:21 AM Nature of Call: Father in cardiac arrest The Showroom DOLLARS Age: 42 5005 13th Ave 718-431-1726 Disposition: Transported to Maimonides MC Stats: In the past 12 months Hatzolah of Boro Park responded to 2,026 patients with cardiac complaints. Cost: Oxygen, automatic external defibrillator, medication/drugs, io kits, airway management and cardiac monitors $263,000. Did you know? There is an active vehicle on call every night from 11pm-5am to expedite our response during the overnight shift. During the last 12 months there have been 2,231 calls between 11pm-5am.26 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ]17. The Master SuiteThis one is above and beyond any other! Make any dream you can conjure up come true.Take home any dream pieces with your $7200 gift certificate at The Showroom.OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 27 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $3,000 GIFT CARD $36 18. Fabulous Furniture Whether it’s high-end pieces or top-quality affordable classics, Stern’s has DOLLARS something for every budget. $3000 Gift Certificate at Stern’s Exclusive Furniture towards a bedroom set. Sponsored by Stern’s Exclusive Furniture 1269 53rd St. 718-686-742128 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $3,600 GIFT CARD$36 19. Luxurious Linens Experience the luxurious sleeping experience of the Ben Barber collection.DOLLARS Transform each room with a $3600 gift certificate at Elegant Linen. Sponsored by Elegant Linen 5719 New Utrecht Ave 718-871-3535OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 29 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] 2 BUSINESS CLASS TICKETS TO ISRAEL OR EUROPE $36 20. Your Bed Above The Clouds Enjoy ultimate sleeping comfort in SWISS Business, featuring fully DOLLARS lie-flat beds with adjustable air cushion technology and massage function. Two round trip Business class tickets on Swiss International Air Lines from New York to Tel Aviv or any destination in Europe. Restrictions apply. Sponsored by Swiss International Air Lines30 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $3,000 GIFT CARD$36 21. Incomparable GemsDOLLARS Breathtaking jewelry is all yours with this $3000 gift card to Simpson Jewelers. Sponsored by Simpson Jewelers 4922 13th Ave 718-871-0120OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 31 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $36 22. Joyous Journey Fly off to the land of our dreams. Prize includes; two round trip tickets to Israel, DOLLARS one week car rental, two cell phones and a GPS rental. Restrictions apply. Trip sponsored by Rabbi Israel Hager in honor of Mr. Bentzi Lebovitz B-84 | Car Rental: Albar Car Rental 718-210-9992 | Phones and GPS: Talk & Travel 718-305-700732 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $5,000 VALUE$36 23. Eternally Diamonds This magnificent platinum wedding band is a treasure foreverDOLLARS with five emerald cut brilliant diamonds, total weight approximately 1.50 carats. Sponsored by an extraordinary Hatzolah member B-246OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 33 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $3,800 VALUE › $500 Amsel Jewelry › $300 Lingerie shop › Two 1.5 hr massages $36 24. A Lady’s Dream Make all your dreams 718-686-0644 › $200 Lord & Taylor by Gittel’s Healing Touch › $500 Bloomingdales DOLLARS come true with this premium collection of gift cer- › $500 Coach › $200 J Crew › Magnificent strand of Pearls › $300 Ralph Lauren tificates to outfit and pamper you from head to toe! › $300 Brooks Brothers › $200 Onyx › Beautiful Stuhrling watch › Two Facials by Esthetique › Luxurious mink cape34 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $6,500 VALUE$36 25. Glimmer & Glamour Exquisite emerald cut diamonds set in diamond hoop earrings,DOLLARS weighing a total of two carats. GIA certified. ‫נדבת ידידינו ר’ משה לאקס הי”ו לע”נ אביו היקר ר’ חיים בן ר’ יהוסף ז”ל‬OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 35 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $4,000 VALUE $25 26. Timeless Elegance Be the proud owner of one of these majestic watches. DOLLARS Behold the precision and pleasure of an authentic Timeworks piece. Sponsored by a special Hatzolah Coordinator Chaim Fischer B-5736 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $2,500 GIFT CARD$25 27. Opulent Ornaments Treat yourself to elegance and opulence.DOLLARS Irresistible choices at the unparalleled Kaufman’s Jewelry with this $2500 Gift Certificate. Sponsored by Kaufman’s Design Jewelry 5023 16th Ave 718-871-3575OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 37 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $2,000 GIFT CARD $25 28. Bejeweled From exclusive to exquisite… the choice is all yours. DOLLARS $2000 worth of jewelry at Lefkowitz Jewelers. Sponsored by Lefkowitz Jewelers 1270 48th 718-431-015038 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ]$20 29. Linen Extraordinaire Give each room a facelift with four sets of soft, silk-feelDOLLARS sateen bed linens by Elegante. Prize includes 4 complete sets with throw pillows. Sponsored by Elegante Linen 4702 16th Ave 718-871-9800OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 39 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $3,000 VALUE $20 30. Dazzling Diamonds Adorn yourself with an endless circle of diamonds. DOLLARS Magnificent details in every last stone. Totals 108 diamonds measuring 16” long. Sponsored by Barber Jewelers 212-819-0666 $2,500 VALUE $20 31. Hat to Toe for Him Prize includes; › 1 Bekitche & 1 Tisch Bekitche by Royal Clothing › $500 G&G Clothing › 1 Bekitche by Kesser Clothing DOLLARS This exciting collection of gifts and gift cards › $300 Marcy Clothing › Hat by Park Hatters › $250 Schwartz Shoes › Traveling hat box will thrill the man of the house. › $200 Emporio › Beautiful watch by Stuhrling › $180 Shoe Depot › Bluetooth headset40 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD$20 32. Indulge in Luxury Be dazzled by the sensational collection with $1000DOLLARS to spend as you wish at Jacob Jewelers. Sponsored by Jacob Jewelers 5221 13th Ave 718-854-9090OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 41 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD $20 33. Precious Jewels Diamonds, gold, pearls. There is nothing like precious jewels DOLLARS to make you or someone feel special. Choose $1000 worth of jewels at Allegra Fine Jewelry. Sponsored by Allegra Fine Jewelry 718-853-825342 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD$20 34. Upgrade Your WardrobeDOLLARS $1000 to dress your best at the famed S&W. Sponsored by S&W Clothing 4217 13th Ave 718-431-2800 and friends of Hatzolah$20 35. A Custom Creation 1 $20 36. A Custom Creation 2DOLLARS Choose from a variety of custom lightweight wigs at DOLLARS The wig you’ve been waiting for. The Pessibi wig! Clary’s wigs. $1500 Gift Certificate - Cut & style included Cut and style included. $1850 value. Sponsored by Clary’s 1373 55th 718- 854-6552 Sponsored by Pessi B 718-972-4215OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 43 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD $20 37. Glittery Grandeur You will be awed by the choices and thrilled by the array! DOLLARS $1000 Gift Card to All That Glitters. Sponsored by All That Glitters 4706 16th Ave 718-853-8789 $20 38. A Custom Creation 3 $20 39. A Custom Creation 4 DOLLARS Win the wig of unsurpassed beauty and comfort by DOLLARS Experience luxury you can feel with the finest custom wig Raizy Klein. Cut & style included. $2000 value. by Yitty Steinberg. Cut & style included. $2150 value. Sponsored by Raizy Klein 718-232-1212 Sponsored by Yitty Steinberg’s 347-645-775944 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $2,500 VALUE$20 40. Irresistible!DOLLARS Dramatically beautiful. Sparkly diamonds embellish this one-of-a-kind heart within a heart necklace. Sponsored by Marco Jewelers 5303 13th Ave 718- 871-8555$20 41. A Custom Creation 5 $20 42. A Custom Creation 6DOLLARS 18” wig from the Europa Collection “Because every DOLLARS Kiki wigs - The name that speaks for itself. Wig value $1500. woman deserves one”. Sponsored by Aziza Wigs 347-693-8080 Cut & style by Perele Pretter 718-851-1310 Sponsored by Kiki Wigs 718-633-6611OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 45 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD $20 43. Sleep Tight Delight Your choice for a luxurious night’s sleep - all year long! DOLLARS $1000 gift card at Sleeptight Bedding. Sponsored by Sleeptight Bedding 5211 New Utrecht Ave 718-438-3933 $20 44. Fit for a King Greet Shabbos as befits a King! DOLLARS Choose a magnificent custom shtreimel at the world class Lerner Shtreimel. Sponsored by Lerner Shtreimel 718-384-5353 / 718-384-746446 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $1,000 GIFT CARD$20 45. Outstanding OutfitDOLLARS Bedeck your King in style with $1000 at the majestic G&G Quality Clothing. Sponsored by G&G Quality Clothing 5101 New Utrecht Ave 718-871-7841OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 47 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ] $15 46. His Crowning Glory Treat yourself to an all new and luxurious shtreimel at the renowned Krausz Shtreimel. DOLLARS Complete your new look with a new hat, a crisp new tallis and a stunning silver atura. Sponsored by Krauss Shtreimel 1-888-Krauss, Hat by Sander’s 718-438-4829, Tallis by Tiferes 718-435-0618, Atara by Crown 718-871-6416 $15 47. Free yourself! DOLLARS Experience laser hair removal at the reputable Supreme Laser with a $1000 gift card. Sponsored by Surie Appel 1753 48th St 718-851-5753 $15 48. Powered for Proficiency Dell Vostro 3500 Laptop Computer with Core i5 Processor, DOLLARS Genuine Windows® 7 Professional, w XP Mode, Memory: 4GB Shared Dual Channel. Hard Drive:320GB. Screen: 15.6 inch HD display. 8X DVD+/-RW. Camera and Digital Microphone. Sponsored by ID-Tech Solutions 718-408-919948 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

[ THE MASTER SUITE ]$10 49. Mother and Baby Delight Pamper the new mother with a 4 day stay at Aim B’Yisroel,DOLLARS includes an exclusive breakfast basket by Taste N Toast 5516 New Utrecht Ave 718-435-4422 Aim B’Yisroel stay sponsored by friends of Hatzolah ‫לע”נ דבורה ע”ה ב”ר יוסף שלמה‬$5 50. Travel Companion Longchamp Box- $5 51. Suede Suite A rich look for any bed with itsDOLLARS ford luggage set is waterproof and very resistant to DOLLARS luxuriously soft feel. Prize includes 2 quilt covers, 2 fitted wear and tear. Travel in style: 22” Trolley & Carry-on. sheets, 2 shams and 2 throw pillows. Sponsored by friends of Boro Park Hatzolah in honor of B247 Sponsored by Linen Palace 5406 New Utrecht Ave 718-435-8810OR VISIT US ONLINE: W W W. H AT ZO L A H B PAU C T I O N .O R G HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK 49 AUCTION EVENT 2012

$12,000 VALUE Day: Friday Sponsored by: $36 Time: 6:18pm Nature of Call: 2nd degree burn to 32% of body 1665 61st St 718-837-2484 DOLLARS Age: 5 Instaltion: Ari Klar 845-590-1880 Disposition: Transported to Cornell Burn Center Stats: In the past 12 months Hatzolah of Boro Park responded to 629 calls for thermal, chemical and electrical burns. Cost: Burn sheets, burn relief equipment, medication etc. $39,000. Did you know? All our 150 BLS members carry equipment valued at over $5,000. 718-635-402250 HATZOLAH OF BORO PARK TO PURCHASE TICKETS CALL: 7 1 8 . 7 0 5 . 5 5 0 5 AUCTION EVENT 2012

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