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Home Explore VBPS Maths e-magazine

VBPS Maths e-magazine

Published by Anju Punia, 2022-05-25 17:53:17

Description: Primary Maths e-magazine


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Vishwa Bharati Public School Noida PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Maths E-Magazin e for the month of April '22 & May '22

MATHS ACTIVITIES OF CLASS - II Roll and Slide Shape s using Clay Dough Activity on shapes was organized for Grade 2 students to identify different sizes of the same shape. Students can differentiate 2D (flat) and 3D (solid) shapes. Students rolled, flattened, pinch, and manipulate play dough to make different shapes. This activity helped in developing spatial visualization abilities and understand matching shapes through visualization.

Skip Counting Activity Activity on Skip counting was organized for Grade 2 to make students quick and fluent in skip counting as it is an important part of Building number sense because it helps students to see patterns with numbers and can help students to learn their multiplication facts.  After this activity students should be able to seamlessly switch from counting forward to backward to forward again which enhances their fluency and flexibility with numbers.

MATHS ACTIVITIES OF CLASS - III View of Various Objects This activity aimed to enhance the observatory skills of students. They enjoyed and appreciated the efforts of other students during the activity. They analyzed various shapes that an object represents when looking from various sides. It was a great experience for them.

Mirror Halves To facilitate learning by doing we organised one activity on 'Mirror Halves'.The students showed their creativity by dividing the letters of English alphabets into mirror halves.This activity aimed at making the child explore and appreciate real and mirror images.

MATHS ACTIVITIES OF CLASS - IV Forming number using flash card This activity was organised on 6th May 2022 for students of grade IV. Learning the formation of greatest and smallest number using digit (0-9) using flash card Students of the class were divided in groups. Each group had 6-7 students.They formed the 7 digits greatest and smallest number.The benefit of flash card is to increase self confidence, develop good and effective communication and enhance creativity. This was really fun activity.

Fun with Shapes This activity was organised on 9th May 2022 for students of grade IV Learning shapes not only help children to identify and organise visual information, it helps them to learn skills in other curriculum areas including reading, Maths, Science. It also help them to develop their problem solving skills.They made scenery using 2D and 3 D shapes in the class. Through this activity they learnt and identified different shapes they see in their classroom and surroundings.

MATHS ACTIVITIES OF CLASS - V Division Activity Division Activity was done by class 5 students with the help of bindis, star stickers and smiley stickers. By this activity they learned the division algorithm

Roman Numerals Collage In Roman numeral activity the students of class 5 wrote roman numerals from 1 to 50. They learned how to make Roman Numerals of various numbers.

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