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Published by, 2014-07-02 05:47:06

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St. Louis Gallery Welcome to our January 2014 Space & Collectibles Public Auction! This auction will be a little 229 N. Euclid Avenue different than previous Space auctions – it will be held live online beginning at 11am (Central St. Louis, MO 63108 Time) on Wednesday January 15, 2014 at our St. Louis galleries. This is prior to the OrcoExpo (800) 782-0066 th (314) 361-5699 stamp show in Anaheim, California where the philatelic sale will be held live (January 18-19 ). (314) 361-5677 fax All viewing for Space and Collectibles will take place in St. Louis. This auction will have both Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm (CT) live foor bidding and live online bidding, as well as bids executed by telephone, agent and mail. David M. Kols This will also be the frst sale where California bidders will not have to pay sales tax! President Alan Lipkin Over the years we’ve been fortunate to handle some of the best items found in space and aviation Senior Vice President history. This sale is no different, with 300 interesting lots of Space & Aviation alone, and an Penney O. Kols additional 600 lots of Historical Autographs, Documents, Judaica, Political, Sports and more. Vice President, Marketing Wayne Youngblood In Space & Aviation, hardware seems to be of increasing interest. Several standout items include: V.P. Consignor Relations a 1940s Allison J35-A33 jet engine (Lot 8, $40,000 estimate); an XLR-11 rocket engine (Lot 28, $20,000 estimate); an XLR-99 rocket engine (Lot 29, $35,000 estimate); and, an early Soviet Michael Goldman Walter Morris Surface-to-Air rocket engine (Lot 36, $10,000 estimate). Or maybe you’d prefer a spacesuit. Senior Describers We have one of those as well. Lot 219 is a late 1970s-era Soviet ‘Orlan-D’ EVA (extra-vehicular Lindsay Cann activity) suit, estimated at $30,000. If you prefer your space collectibles to be a bit smaller, you Neil Coker may wish to take a look at Lot 177, 10k gold fown Robbins medal, one of only 3 in existence. Charles Lee Grassman It’s estimated at only $2,000-$3,000. Patrick Leichliter Lot Describers We’re very fortunate to be able to present an intriguing group of unusual nautical material, which Thomas Jozwik includes everything from actual life preservers from a number of seagoing vessels and other Consignor Relations memorabilia to an actual piece of coal from the ‘Titanic’ (Lot 426), and a fan from the ill-fated Cathy R. Skinner ‘Lusitania.’ (Lot 423). Auction Manager Lisa Pettibone In Autographs and Historical Documents, you’ll fnd everything from signatures from celebrities Accounting including Sally Rand, Charlie Chaplin, Jayne Mansfeld and Barbra Streisand to signatures from Yvonne Jo Glasgow numerous U.S. presidents, including a fascinating little Christmas gift card signed by FDR to the Jared Mudd woman who would become his personal secretary, with ‘Mrs. Roosevelt” scratched out (Lot 794, Anya Wynne Graphic Designers estimated at $3,000-$4,000). Ron Brinkman A couple of particular items of note are Lot 638, a uniformed War-time cartes-de-visite photograph Peter van Leth Zachary Stallworth of Confederate General Robert E. Lee, signed at the bottom (est. $5,000), and an archive of four Administration signed letters from Union General William T. Sherman, near the end of his life (Lot 646, estimated Dorothy Youngblood at $5,000-$7,000). Of more recent vintage is a two-page handwritten letter from 1961, penned by Stanley Gibbons Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, during his years in the Soviet Union (Lot 745, estimated at Products Manager $10,000-$15,000). Lewis J. Baer Charles J. Cook In Sports, as always we have a large number of autographed items, but of particular note (from the David M. Kols Webb School) are a number of frst-day and other covers, autographed by baseball greats. Dr. Herbert N. Shapiro Board of Directors As always, viewing and live bidding are available 24/7 at Wayne L. Youngblood Vice-President, Consignor Relations

LIVE ONLINE Bidding Available During Session I ONLY: Wednesday, January 15th at 11am (CT)  Aviation & Space  Autographs & Documents Internet Bidding Ends One Hour Prior for Session II: Saturday, January 18th at 12noon (PT)  Coins & Currency  USA Stamps Session III: Sunday, January 19th at 11am (PT)  Foreign Stamps  USA & Worldwide Covers & Collections Participating in Regency-Superior's auction is safe, easy and fun! Here is how it works: 1 2 3 The auction is online at To bid online, you must be a Start Bidding Right Now! registered bidder. If you're not a registered bidder, may bid You can browse each lot, along with just click 'New Bidders' LIVE ON tHE INtERNEt its description, estimates, in the upper right hand corner DuRINg SESSION I ONLY. color image, and current bids. and complete the online form – The LIVE session starts at 11am (CT) you're ready to go! January 15th, you may login 30 minutes prior beginning at 10:30am (CT). Current Opening Bids are live online – always up to date 24/7! Important: 'Lag time' is the delay that occurs between the auction foor and your computer. The majority of delays are due to slow Internet transfer Don't want to bid 'LIVE' online during the auction? No problem. times, which means that you can be affected even We will accept your bids up to one hour prior to the auction by with a high speed Internet connection. This is further PHONE, FAX, EMAIL or MAIL. affected by your computer speed, memory, whether other programs are running at the same time, and If you experience any problems, please call: so on. We are not responsible for bids which are not received due to internet lag time, and recommend 1-800-782-0066 placing Absentee Bids before the live session begins. and ask for the 'Internet Help Desk'

Wednesday, January 15, 2014  Space & Autographs Auction This auction session has LIVE online bidding begins at 11am (CT) AUCTION BIDDING Call: ..................... (800) 782-0066 or (314) 361-5699 – Space & Autographs Auction #103 – Fax:.......................................................... (314) 361-5677 Regency-Superior / St. Louis Gallery Email: [email protected] 229 N. Euclid Ave., St. Louis MO 63108 Website Bidding: ............. (in the Central West End) Mail: ..................................................... Regency-Superior PO Box 8277 St. Louis, MO 63156 USA Live Online Web Bidding You may view the sale in full color and BID ONLINE. Bidding updated instantaneously. You may bid 'live' during Session I only. The live auction takes place at Regency-Superior / St. Louis Gallery *Free validated parking in our building garage spACe MeMORABILIA & AUTOGRAphs AUCTION VIewING Chase Park Plaza Hotel 212-232 N. Kingshighway Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63108 Regency-Superior • St. Louis Gallery Reservations, call (314) 633-1000 • Toll-Free 1-877-587-2427 229 N. Euclid Avenue • St. Louis, MO 63108 December 14-January 15 • Mon-Sat, 10am-5pm (CT) Comfort Inn, Central West End Hotel 4630 Lindell Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63108 Reservations, call (314) 361-4900 Postal Viewing Available upon request the Parkway Hotel 4550 Forest Park Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63108 Reservations, call (314) 256-7777 • Toll-Free 1-866-314-7700 AUCTION AGeNTs * Charles E. Cwiakala Frank Mandel Purser & Associates Jochen Heddergott trevor Chinery 1527 South Fairview Ave PO Box 157 84 Webcowet Road #2 Bauerstrabe 9 3 Sir Isaac Newton Dr Park Ridge, IL 60068-5211 New York, NY 10014-0157 Arlington, MA 02474-2323 D-80796 Munich 40 Boston, Lincolnshire PE21 7SG Phone/Fax (847) 823-8747 Phone (212) 675-0819 Phone (857) 928-5140 Germany England email: [email protected] Fax (212) 366-6462 Fax (781) 777-1023 Phone (49) 89-272-1683 Phone (44) 1205-33-00-26 email: [email protected] Fax (49) 89-272-1685 Cell (44) 7527-44-48-25 Fax (44) 1205-31-52-92 * Attends in person email: [email protected]

Bidding Guidelines for Coins, Sports & Autographs EstimatEs COin CataLOGs In addition to the catalog value, 'estimates' are listed for each lot. You will fnd the The current editions of Whitman's Offcial Red Books for Coins (Yeoman) and Paper estimates more refective of the current market, and what you can reasonably expect Money (Friedberg) along with the Krause Publications are used for valuation and to pay for a lot. You may, of course, bid higher or lower than the estimates. You may identifcation purposes. also speak with a lot describer for a more detailed description of a particular lot. Please call at least 72 hours prior to the sale (the earlier, the better). Remember, COnditiOns Of COins a Public Auction is not an approval service, lots are not returnable unless Proof A specially made coin distinguished by sharpness of detail and usually misdescribed. with a brilliant, mirror-like surface. Proof refers to the method of manufacture and is not a grade. This term implies mint condition unless otherwise noted. Limits You may limit your total purchases by simply indicating the amount on your bidding Gem Proof Brilliant surfaces with no noticeble blemishes or faws. A few form. This way, for example, you can bid on $5,000 worth of lots, but limit your scattered, barely noticeable marks or hairlines. purchases to $1,000. Remember that all lots are sold in lot number order. Bids on Choice Proof Refective surfaces with only a few blemishes in secondary specially desired lots over and beyond your limit may be added to your purchase focal places. No major faws. if you indicate they are to be excluded from your limit. Proof Surface may have several contact marks, hairlines, or light rubs. 'OR' Bids Luster may be dull and eye appeal lacking. You may bid on several similar lots with the assurance that you will purchase Mint State and Uncirculated Are interchangeable terms and refer to coins only one of them. Simply place an 'OR' between the bids submitted on the lots showing no trace of wear.Such coins may vary slightly due to minor surface involved, and we will buy the frst 'OR' lot for you, and void the rest. Remember imperfections, as described in the following subdivisions: that all lots are sold in lot number order, so you may not indicate a preference for Perfect Uncirculated Perfect new condition, showing no traces of wear. one lot over another. The fnest quality possible, with no evidence of scratches, handling or contact with other coins. Very few regular-issue coins are ever found in this condition. spORts CataLOGs The current editions of Krause’s Sports Collectors Digest’s Standard Catalogs, Gem Uncirculated An above average Uncirculated coin that may be Tuff Stuff Monthly, PSA’s Sports Market Report, and Beckett publications are brilliant or lightly toned and that has very few contact marks on the surface used for valuation purposes. or rim. Choice Uncirculated Has some distracting contact marks or blemishes in symBOLs & aBBREviatiOns prime focal areas. Luster may be impaired.  .............................................Autograph NHL ...................National Hockey League Uncirculated Has no trace of wear but may show a number of contact  ...................................................Book Obv ..............................................Obverse marks, and surface may be spotted or lack some luster.  ...................................................Cover OGP ........................... Offcial Game Puck ADS ........Autographed Document Signed OML ......... Offcial Major League Baseball Choice About Uncirculated Evidence of friction on high points of design. AL .............. Autographed Letter Unsigned ONL .....Offcial National League Baseball Most of the mint luster remains. ALS ............... Autographed Letter Signed OC ............................................Off Center ANA ............ American Numismatic Assoc OF .........................................Out of Focus About Uncirculated Traces of light wear on many of the high points. At least AS ..................................................All Star PD .......................................... Print Defect half of the mint luster is still present. Chk .................................................Check PS ........................................Photo Signed Choice Extremely Fine Light Overall wear on highest points. All design details CL ...............................................Checklist RC ........................................Rookie Card are very sharp. Some of the mint luster is evident. COA .................. Certifcate of Authenticity Rev ..............................................Reverse DP ......................................... Double Print ROY .............................Rookie of the Year Extremely Fine Light wear on design throughout, but all features sharp and DS .................................Document Signed S ........Signed (Signature Hand of Author) well defned. Traces of luster may show. FDC ................................. First Day Cover SB .........................................Signed Book Choice Very Fine Light, even wear on the surface and highest parts of the HOF ......................................Hall of Fame SIG ............................................Signature IPS .......................Inscribed Photo Signed SL .........................................Signed Litho design. All lettering and major features are sharp. LE ......................................Limited Edition SP ......................................Signed Picture Very Fine Moderate wear on high points of design. All major details are clear. LS ........................................Letter Signed ST ................................................Staining MC ..................................................Miscut TDS ...................Typed Document Signed Fine Moderate to considerable even wear. Entire design is bold with overall MLB ..................... Major League Baseball TLS ...........................Typed Letter Signed pleasing appearance. MK .................................................. Marks TMS ..................Typed Manuscript Signed Very Good Well worn with main features clear and bold, altogether rather fat. MsS .........................................Manuscript UNC ......................................Uncirculated NBA ........National Basketball Association UER ..............................Uncorrected Error Good Heavily worn, with design visible but faint in areas. Many details are fat. About Good Very heavily worn, with portions of lettering, date, and legend worn smooth. The date may be barely readable. – Bidding Increments – Raw Ungraded. Bids Bids Bids Advance Advance Advance $50 to $150 ........................$5 $3,000 to $7,000 ............$250 $3,000 to $7,000 ............$250 $150 to $300 ....................$10 $7,000 to $15,000 ..........$500 19% buyer's premium added to the hammer price. $7,000 to $15,000 ..........$500 $300 to $700 ....................$25 $15,000 to $50,000 .....$1,000 Bids below $50 respectfully declined. $15,000 to $50,000 .....$1,000 $700 to $1,500 .................$50 $50,000 to $100,000 ...$2,500 All Major Credit Cards & PayPal Accepted $50,000 to $100,000 ...$2,500 $1,500 to $3,000 ............$100 $100,000 and up ..........$5,000 (at no additional cost) $100,000 and up ..........$5,000

phONe: (800) 782-0066 • (314) 361-5699 FAx: (314) 361-5677 (24 hours) eMAIL: [email protected] weBsITe: Wednesday, January 15, 2014  Space & Collectibles Auction This auction (session I) will be available for LIVE online bidding. NAME (please print) __________________________________________________________________________ Street Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State __________ Zip/Postal Code ____________Country _____________ Telephone: Day ( _________ ) ______________________ Evening ( ________ ) ________________________ Cell ( _________ ) ______________________ E-mail ____________________________________ References:  Previous Bidder  New Bidder. All new bidders must provide a major credit card. You may pay by CREDIT CARD at no additional cost, and have your lots shipped immediately after the Auction. Please fll in your account information and be sure to sign this bid sheet.  American Express  Diners Club  Discover  MasterCard  VISA  PayPal Account # ______________________________________ Exp Date _____________ Security # ___________ If necessitated by competitive bidding, you may increase my bids by 10%  20% to secure a lot.  Please limit my total purchases to approximately $________ ($1,000 minimum limit), plus 19% buyer’s premium.  Please contact me to discuss consignments to your auctions, or outright purchase. Please bid for me in accordance with your terms of Sale which I have read and agree to. I understand that you will execute my bids at one advance over the next highest bid. I have indicated my highest bid for each lot. It is understood that you will buy for me as much below my bids as competition permits, and that my highest bid will not be used unless absolutely necessary. I agree to pay for all purchases within seven (7) days of receipt of invoice. Signature: Date: LOT BID $ LOT BID $ LOT BID $ LOT BID $ tear off along perforation FAx (314) 361-5677 (24 hOURs) Absentee bids accepted until one hour prior to each Session's start time. Bids below $50 respectfully declined. 19% buyer's premium added to the hammer price.

Terms of Sale Regency-Superior, Ltd. the property described in this catalog is offered at public auction by Regency-superior, Ltd (hereinafter referred to as ‘auctioneer’), on behalf of various consignors and itself. Regency-superior is a licensed auctioneer. the placing of a bid shall constitute acceptance of all the terms of sale in their entirety: 1. Bidding All lots are sold to the highest bidder at one advance over 6. artwork If you are buying a lot containing original artwork, you are the second highest bid (or the opening minimum bid), plus a 19% buyer's buying the artwork only and NOT the right to commercially make prints premium. In the case of tie bids, the frst bid received shall prevail. Bids and reproductions for sale to the public without the expressed written may be made in person on the auction foor, by mail, telephone, fax, permission of the artist. Any glass used within frames will not be shipped; website, email, or by agent. Current catalog values (where possible) are it will be removed prior to shipping. If you wish to keep the glass, you used for all material, unless otherwise noted. You may speak with one of must pick up the lot in person or arrange your own shipping. our lot describers for a more detailed description of a particular lot. Please call at least 72 hours prior to the sale (1-800-782-0066). 7. shipping and Handling Charges are based upon the actual cost of packaging, insurance and shipping. Delicate or breakable 2. Bid Cancellations will only be accepted up to one hour prior to the items require additional packaging and may cost more, especially if sale. The Auctioneer reserves the right to withdraw any misdescribed lot. professional crating is required. Shipping charges depend upon your The right is reserved to reject bids, which in the Auctioneer's opinion, are location and an estimate can be given when accompanied by your Zipcode not offered in good faith. or Country. Most bulky shipments to destinations within the USA are sent via UPS. We try to combine multiple items to reduce shipping & 3. Reserves Some consignors have been advanced monies against the packing costs. sale of their properties. It may be assumed that all lots are subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding 8. Returns & Refunds Every effort has been made to describe lots on behalf of the seller. accurately. Any lot described incorrectly must be returned intact within 7 days of receipt. Photo illustrations may not be to scale, and in no case 4. payment can be made by Cash, Check, Money Order, Credit Card constitute an incorrect description. The following are NOT returnable (at no additional cost) or PayPal. Successful bidders who have furnished for any reason whatsoever: (a) Lots containing multiple items (whether a credit card will have their lots forwarded immediately; all others will be photographed or not) because of value; (b) lots described as containing invoiced, and payment must be remitted within 7 days. Lots will not be items with faults or defects; (c) lots inspected by foor bidders or postal sent without full payment. Please allow 10 days for processing and mailing viewers; (d) lots described ‘sold as is’ or in ‘mixed’ condition; (e) of lots. Bidders are responsible for shipping, handling and insurance photographed lots for reasons of centering, cancellations, margins or costs. Overseas bidders are responsible for any custom duties and taxes perforation faults; (f) lots may NOT be returned due to 'grading' since imposed by their respective country. Proof of receipt of a shipment at the it is highly subjective; and, (g) lots altered from their original condition, advised address shall constitute delivery. Title shall not pass to the buyer including the addition of authentication markings, even if not genuine. If until full payment is received. A late payment charge of 2% per month your auction invoice is not paid in full within 7 days of receipt, all lots will be imposed on all past due accounts over 30 days. If collection of will be rendered not returnable for any reason. any balance due requires legal action, the bidder is responsible for all legal fees incurred. 9. tax Buyers residing in Missouri, or bidders picking up auction lots at Regency-Superior's St. Louis gallery are subject to state sales tax, unless 5. Expertization Extensions All lots are sold as genuine, unless exempt and provide a valid resale certifcate. otherwise noted. Lots accompanied by an Expert Certifcate (COA) shall not be subject to re-certifcation if issued within the past 10 years. The 10. Claims Should any dispute arise between bidders, the decision of following conditions apply to requests for expertization: (a) the lot must the Auctioneer is fnal. Any oral or written statements, including those be paid in full; (b) the lot must be submitted by either the Auctioneer or regarding condition, made by any staff of the Auctioneer are statements the bidder to an expertizing authority recognized by the Auctioneer within of opinion only, and should not be construed as warranties of any kind. 21 days of the sale; (c) if submitted by the bidder, bidder must notify The Auctioneer is a subscriber to the ASDA’s Code of Ethics for Public Auctioneer and send a copy of the application form to the Auctioneer; (d) Auction frms. In the event of any dispute between the Auctioneer and if submitted by the Auctioneer, the COA fee plus a $10 per lot handling Bidder, the parties agree to binding arbitration in accordance with the fee and shipping costs to and from the expertizing service will be charged rules of the ASDA. This agreement contains a binding and enforceable to the buyer; (e) any expenses incurred shall be borne by the buyer, except arbitration clause, and shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the Auctioneer shall be responsible for a full refund of the expertization the State of Missouri. charges if an adverse opinion is rendered; (f) Lots may NOT be returned due to 'grading' since it is highly subjective; (g) lots submitted for 11. prices Realized Posted on the website. certifcation will be considered cleared 90 days from the date of the sale, David M. Kols unless written notifcation is received otherwise. President 19% Buyer's premium added to the Hammer price TM The name Regency-Superior, Regency Stamps, Superior Stamps, Superior Space, Superior Collectibles and their logos associated therewith are trademarks of Regency-Superior, Ltd.

Order of Sale SESSION I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 begins at 11am (Central Time) Aviation & Space Memorabilia • Autographs & Documents • Coins & Currency Lots 1-923 • Live web bidding during this auction session. Aviation & Space Memorabilia Astronomy ......................................................................1 Apollo/Soyuz ..................................................... 151-158 Balloons ......................................................................2-4 Shuttle Program ................................................ 159-185 Zeppelin Memorabilia ..............................................5-7 Other, USA Space Program ............................. 186-208 Aviation .....................................................................8-23 International Station ........................................ 209-211 High Altitude Program .........................................24-30 Soviet/Russian Program .................................. 212-247 Rockets ....................................................................31-41 Space Autographs ............................................. 248-276 Missiles/Boosters ...................................................42-43 Space Art............................................................ 277-279 Satellites ..................................................................44-45 Space Covers & Stamps .................................... 280-285 Mercury Program ..................................................46-55 Models ................................................................ 286-290 Gemini Program ....................................................56-68 Literature ........................................................... 291-297 Apollo Program ...................................................69-142 Other Space ....................................................... 298-300 Skylab Program ................................................. 143-150 Autographs & Documents Arts ..................................................................... 301-414 Judaica, cont. Artifacts ....................................................................301-306 Documents ...............................................................590-594 Artists ........................................................................307-312 Ghettos ......................................................................595-600 Authors ......................................................................313-324 Holocaust ..................................................................601-604 Composers ................................................................325-326 Propaganda ...............................................................605-623 Photography .............................................................327-330 Militaria ............................................................. 624-729 Posters & Prints ........................................................331-336 Revolutionary War...................................................624-626 Scientists ...................................................................337-338 Civil War ...................................................................627-649 Entertainment ..........................................................339-356 World War I ..............................................................650-652 Hollywood ................................................................357-394 World War II ............................................................653-720 Music .........................................................................395-403 Vietnam War ............................................................721-722 Television ..................................................................404-405 Other .........................................................................723-729 Teater .......................................................................406-411 Other .........................................................................412-414 Political .............................................................. 730-766 Exploration ........................................................ 415-449 American ..................................................................730-746 Cuban ........................................................................747-750 Expositions ........................................................ 450-454 European ...................................................................751-752 Historical ........................................................... 455-524 Israel ..........................................................................753-759 American ..................................................................455-489 Russian ......................................................................760-764 Black Americana ......................................................490-498 Other .........................................................................765-766 British ........................................................................499-511 Presidents .......................................................... 767-824 French........................................................................511-513 Sports ................................................................. 825-920 Italian .........................................................................514-516 Baseball .....................................................................825-899 Russian ......................................................................517-518 Boxing .......................................................................900-903 Spanish ......................................................................519-520 Football .....................................................................904-911 Other Countries .......................................................521-524 Olympics ...................................................................912-917 Judaica ................................................................ 525-623 Sports Accumulations .............................................918-920 Artifacts ....................................................................525-540 Stock Certifcates .............................................. 921-922 Autographs ...............................................................541-550 Concentration Camps .............................................551-589 Other .......................................................................... 923 SESSION II: Saturday, January 18, 2014 • Coins & Currency, USA & Possessions Stamps Lots 924-2441 • Public Auction begins 12noon (Pacifc Time) at OrcoExpo Stamp Show SESSION III: Sunday, January 19, 2014 • British & Foreign Stamps, USA & Worldwide Covers & Collections Lots 2442-3376 • Public Auction begins 11am (Pacifc Time) at OrcoExpo Stamp Show

Astronomy Aviation & Space Memorabilia 1 2 3 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 3  1927 LUXEMBOURG PRE-PRINTED BALLOON ASTRONOMY MAIL CARD ...............................................................PH $350 Preprinted Balloon mail card with text on back and illustrated 1 1990-99 FLOWN HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE address side. Pretty card. Very fine and attractive. Franked MLI FILM IN LUCITE .......................................... PH $750-1000 with two Luxembourg Queen Charlotte stamps 5c & 25c. Lucite display (4½x3½x1\") containing a small section of 4 / 1978-81 DOUBLE EAGLE II & V BALLOON FLOWN aluminized polymide film from an MLI blanket covering COVERS & FABRIC SWATCHES ........................PH $200-300 exterior of Hubble Space Telescope. This film section first was Souvenir pages commemorating first balloon crossings of flown into space in 1990 on STS-31 and was returned to Earth Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Contains a cover for each flight, after Hubble repairs aboard STS-103 in 1999, after having postally canceled at departure and arrival cities, colorful cachets flown approximately 1.5 billion miles in space. This HST Lucite and signatures of balloonists. Double Eagle II flew from Presque is number 19 of only 75 produced. Excellent condition in its Isle, Maine on Aug 12, 1978, landed at Miserey, France, Aug box. 17, #548 of 1000. Signed Maxie Anderson, Ben Abruzzo and Larry Newman. Includes 4x2½cm swatch of silver balloon material. Double Eagle V flight from Nagashima, Japan on BALLOONS November 9, 1981, landed at Covelo, California, on November 12, #889 of 1000. Signed by Ben Abruzzo, Larry Newman, 2  1914 GERMANY ‘NIEDERSCHLESIEN’ BALLOON Rocky Aoki and Ron Clark. Includes souvenir text produced FLIGHT CARD ...........................................................PH $750 by Calhoun’s Collectors Society. Very fine. Preprinted balloon postcard with photo of balloon, ‘Niederschlesien,’ printed information on address side. The balloon was piloted by C.R. Mann and ascended July 12, 1914. Card was dropped from balloon, found July 14, 1914, and mailed the same day in Guben, to Penig. Very fine and RARE. Page 8 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 8 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Zeppelin Memorabilia 5X 4X 6 7 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 7 1929 GRAF ZEPPELIN GAME: ‘WITH GRAF ZEPPELIN ZEPPELIN MEMORABILIA AROUND THE WORLD’ ....................................... PH $600-800 Rare German ‘Graf Zeppelin’ game from 1929 commemorating 5 1900s-1920s AIRPLANE, AIRSHIP & ZEPPELIN the airship’s first Round-the-World Flight (first by any airship) MEMORABILIA PHOTO ALBUM ......................... PH $200-300 in August. Captained by Dr. Hugo Eckener (shown on game Album filled with over 100 photos and postcards of early 20th cover), the Zeppelin flew over parts of Siberia that had never century airplanes and airships, including Zeppelins. Some look been seen by modern explorers and was first-ever nonstop flight to be personal photos and one-of-a-kind. of any kind over the Pacific. Game, titled ‘With Graf Zeppelin 6 1920s-30s ZEPPELIN TRAY ................................ PH $200-300 Around The World,’ contains oversized cards, each with Sharp looking Zeppelin silver-colored metal tray (9x11½”), photographs from the trip, taken throughout the route. bottom of tray features stamped Zeppelin marking as well as Examples include: ‘Graf Zeppelin’ above Los Angeles City Hall, the number ‘422’. Very fine. photos of desolate Siberia and picturesque Japan taken from the airship, photos of airship captains and interior rooms. Game is standard German ‘quartet card game.’ It contains 48 cards in sets of 4, has detailed instructions booklet and is complete. Cards look UNUSED and are thick and oversize at 3x4\". Box is slightly larger, and in fine condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 9 Space 1.pmd 9 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Aviation AVIATION – HARDWARE – 8 1940s ALLISON J35-A-33 JET ENGINE WITH AFTERBURNER, MUSEUM READY .......................... PH $40,000-60,000 A remarkable J-35-A-33 Jet Engine originating with GE but major production by Allison. This engine and afterburner assembly are complete. In places, the outer shell has been cut away for viewing of the major interior components. A real show stopper, museum-ready. Consists of two large sections, the jet engine and the afterburner assembly. Measures about 36\" diameter and over 16 feet in total length, and weighs approximately 2,500 pounds. Designed in the early 1940s, this engine type was used in aircraft such as the XP-84, X-5, XB-47, YB-49 and the leading fighters of the 1950s, the F-84 and F-89. With the afterburner, this engine develops 7400 lbf. Very few in private hands. (Shipped F.O.B. from Los Angeles, CA, subject to export permit) Page 10 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 10 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Aviation – PIONEER FLIGHTS – 9  1911 NOV 18 ATLANTA, GEORGIA, SPEEDWAY AVIATION MEET ................................................... PH $150-250 McKinley 1¢ red postal card with Speedway Aerial Sub-Station Atlanta GA, Nov, 1911 purple cancel on reverse of card. Insignificant corner crease at top right (from front), fine to very fine. (AAMC #9) 12  1927 LINDBERGH SIGNED PHOTO ................ PH $1500-2000 Photograph showing Charles A. Lindbergh disembarking from U.S.S. Memphis upon arrival in Washington, DC, after being escorted home from his historic trans-Atlantic flight. Measures 7x5\" with violet ‘JUN 11 1927’ handstamp on back, along with blue crayon ‘Lindbergh leaving the Memphis’ and date. Signature in black ink along top, photo view from afar shows ship’s crew and waiting crowd, black arrow pointing to Lindbergh likely added by newspaper art department. Very fine. 10  1912 CHICAGO, IL GRANT PARK AVIATION MEET, UNFLOWN COVERS (x2) ..................................... PH $150-250 Two colored picture postcards, depicting First Aerial Postmaster M.M Wood with Orville Wright, both with Aerial Mail cachets on reverse. These were unflown (AAMC #55a). Creasing, minor to moderate. Fine duo. – AUTOGRAPHS – 11  1914 KATHARINE WRIGHT SIGNED LETTER ... PH $300-400 Handwritten letter of Katharine Wright, an assistant to brothers 13  1928 ORVILLE WRIGHT SIGNED LETTER .... PH $1200-1700 Orville & Wilbur during their European tours, who became an Typed letter signed by Orville Wright in black ink. On his officer of the Wright Company in 1912. Dated April 24, 1914, personal stationery, dated February 23, 1928, addressed to Rev. in Dayton, Ohio, letter thanks Mrs. Needham for the flowers H. Randel Lookabill, Dayton, Ohio. Light rectangular toning and discusses ‘Father’s’ grape jelly. Later, collector has added from newspaper article placed on top of letter and from First Flight Centennial USA postage stamp to front and back mounting remnants at blank left edge. Fine condition. Includes of letter, one with official pictorial First Day cancel, second the original postmarked envelope, return address matching the with Chico, CA cancel, both dated December 17, 2003. Light letterhead, with plastic tape stains at its perimeter. (University wear at folds, fine. (University Archives LOA). Archives LOA). Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 11 Space 1.pmd 11 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Aviation 17 18 19 21 22X 24 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Pioneer Flights – Aviation, cont. 14 / 1928 ORVILLE WRIGHT SIGNED ANNIVERSARY COVER IN PRESENTATION DISPLAY .............. PH $750-1000 Gorgeous 1928 ‘Commemorating the Silver Anniversary of the First Airplane Flight’ cover (green & silver) with black Orville Wright signature over pictorial area. Cover also autographed by airmail pioneer Capt. B.B. Lipsner, who accompanied Wright from Washington, D.C., to Kitty Hawk, N.C., for the 15  1930 PHOTOGRAPH SIGNED BY LINDBERGH & anniversary (and carried covers). Addressed to relative of DOOLITTLE ...................................................... PH $1500-2000 Lipsner in Chicago. In wooden frame along with souvenir card Autographed newspaper photograph shows dignitaries at 1930 by Lipsner and more contemporary artwork showing the Wright National Air Races, L to R unknown man, Navy Lt. Alford Flyer. Handwritten letter from Herman Klement, past president Joseph Williams, Charles A. Lindbergh and James H. Doolittle. of American Air Mail Society, attached to back of frame, attests Lindbergh and Doolittle signed vertically in black ink. to authenticity of Wright’s autograph. Very fine. Photograph salvaged from newspaper art department, owner used to gather autographs at subsequent events, photo stamped on back with United Press International and Pacific & Atlantic Photos, Inc. handstamps. Much edge wear and creasing, signatures bold. Page 12 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 12 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

High Altitude Program – OTHER, AVIATION – 20 / 1926-78 AVIATION COVERS & PAPER EPHEMERA ......................................................................................$350-500 Over 150 different covers, cards and other fascinating bits of history concerning the early years of aviation. Key to this collection are over 20 different signatures of aviation note- worthies such as: Gen John B. McPherson, Jerrie Cobb, Lee Wade, Francis Gary Powers, H. Roy Waite, Douglas Corrigan, Juan T. Trippe, Joe Foss, Bob Lewis, Gen James M. Gavin, Jimmy Stewart, Jimmy Doolittle, Gen. Ira C. Baker, Thomas W, Ferebee, Paul Tibbets, Gen. M.B. Ridgeway, Lowell Thomas, Barry Goldwater, Gen. John R. Alison, Jacqueline Cochran, Curtis LeMay, C.L. Kelly, others. Some duplicates noted but on different items. Lot also contains collateral information plus a small, clean collection of U.S. and (mainly) foreign stamps honoring Lindbergh & other early aviation people and events. Generally very fine. 21 1926 CHARLES A LINDBERGH U.S. MAIL PILOT’S PIN .......................................................... PH $350-500 Bronze Aviator’s Wings pin as worn by U.S. Mail pilots in 16  1931 WILEY POST & HAROLD GATTY early days of air mail service. Pin purchased from close friend SIGNED PHOTO ............................................... PH $1200-1700 of Anne Morrow Lindbergh (Lucky Lindy’s wife). Charles Candid photograph taken during Post & Gatty’s ticker-tape Lindbergh would certainly have worn such a pin during his air parade in New York City July 7, 1931, in honor of their mail flights from St. Louis to Chicago. (Authenticity Letter record-setting flight around the globe. Both seated in open car, from Lindbergh expert Ev Cassagneres & University Archives waving to crowd. Both signatures bold and clear in black ink, LOA). photo measures 238x188mm with some minor wear. Photo- 22 / 1928-81 AVIATION RELATED SOUVENIR COVERS graph salvaged from newspaper art department and owner used IN WOODEN FRAMES, ONE SIGNED .................PH $100-150 to gather autographs at subsequent events, not one of the Five souvenir covers, each in its own wooden frame with related common photos known of this event. Fine to very fine. souvenir cards or artwork by same artist. Includes: (1) 1928 17 / 1936 AMON CARTER AUTOGRAPH ON CLIPPER cover from St. Louis to Schenectady, franked w/ 10¢ Spirit of FLIGHT COVER.................................................... PH $400-600 St. Louis airmail stamp, tied by 2/20/28 St. Louis machine Airmail envelope franked with three Pacific Clipper Airmail cancel and ‘Lindbergh Again Flies the Air Mail’ handstamp. 25¢ stamps, tied by two strikes Oct. 16, 1936, Honolulu duplex (2) 1977 Joint Issue First Day Cover (FDC) for Lindbergh’s cancels. At upper left corner is the signature of ‘Amon G. Trans-Atlantic flight anniversary stamps issued by France & Carter,’ Fort Worth, Texas, newspaper owner and larger- USA, artist’s pencil drawing. (3) 1978 FDC for USA 21¢ airmail than-life figure. Address in his hand as well. A search of the postal card w/dark blue cachet for the 60th anniv of first Carter Papers Archive shows he was a passenger on this government air mail service, drawing of the Curtiss Jenny. (4) American Airways Clipper flight and was friends with the 1981 FDC for 18¢ Space Shuttle stamp with 5/21/81 Kennedy Stripling family. Very fine historical piece. Space Center cancellation and Gill Craft color cachet. Artwork 18  1945 ORVILLE WRIGHT SIGNED TYPED LETTER ..............................................................PH $750-1000 of Shuttle Columbia (#55/100). (5) 1981 Australian 22¢ postal Two page (each 7¼x10½”) typed signed letter on Orville stationery w/ pictorial cancellation honoring 50th anniv of Sir Francis Chichester’s flight across the Tasman, signed by pilots Wright/Dayton, Ohio, stationery, to Mr. Roy Fitzgerald. of Australian Post-organized re-enactment flight, special flight Interesting content about Van Cleve genealogy & the Benjamin label affixed shows cover was carried aboard flight. Very fine. Van Cleve Bible. Clean clear signature on previously folded 23  1940s AVIATION BOOKS SELECTION ...................... $150-250 June 16, 1945 letter. Very fine. 19  1950s ROSCOE TURNER AUTOGRAPHED Two banker boxes full of Aviation books. Vast majority are hardbound books including 3 editions of ‘Aircraft of the World’, PHOTO W/ ADDITIONAL SIGNATURES ............. PH $100-150 Roscoe Turner (1895-1970) early aviator, barnstormer & racer, also ‘Mustang’, ‘Luftwaffe 1918-1940’, ‘USAAF Handbook’, three-time winner of the Thompson Trophy (years 1934, 1938 coffee table books ‘Flying Aces’ and ‘Battle of Britain’, and & 1939) and in 1952 awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross many more. Also includes several calendars and VHS video by the US Congress for his contributions to aviation. B&W tapes. Nice assortment. photo (8x10\") with great image of Turner smiling with leather flight helmet & goggles, inscribed & signed by Roscoe Turner HIGH ALTITUDE PROGRAM and others including Zack Mosley creator of ‘Smiling Jack’ cartoon strip. Photo soiled, toned & spotted, crease upper left 24  1947 CHUCK YEAGER AUTOGRAPHED PHOTO corner. Fine. ............................................................................... PH $150-250 Sharp looking 7x5\" B&W photo of Yeager standing in front of Bell X-1 rocket propelled aircraft ‘GLAMOROUS GLENNIS’ (named for Yeager’s wife), in which he became first person to exceed the speed of sound. Inscribed, ‘To Johan/Fly Safe!’ & signed Chuck Yeager. Very fine. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 13 Space 1.pmd 13 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

High Altitude Program High Altitude Program, cont. 25 1950s-60s XLR-11 ROCKET ENGINE FOR TURBOPUMP ................................................... PH $7000-9000 27 1960s SCAPE HELMET .......................................PH $200-300 Small Rocket Engine used to spin turbo-pump on Reaction ‘Self-Contained Atmospheric Personnel Ensemble’ helmet used Motors XLR-11 rocket engine. Used in early phases of X-15 by rocket fuel handlers so that they would not be overcome by program. Serial and part numbers stamped on flanges and fumes. Helmet shell intact (scarce thus), but faceplate is measures 12\" in length. Turbo-pumps were spun with high- missing. Numerous faults but better than usual condition. pressure steam from this device to raise chamber pressure and thrust while decreasing weight. – X-15 – 28 1940-50s REACTION MOTORS XLR-11 ROCKET ENGINE .................................... PH $20,000-30,000 An XLR-11 Rocket Engine of the type used to power the Bell X-1, X-1A, X-1D, X-24 and the X-15. This particular engine was used in the early X-15 program, but is of the same type, when used in a cluster of 4, that powered Chuck Yeager’s Bell X-1 to break the sound barrier in 1947. Developed in the 1940s, it measures 26 1950s-60s MERCURY, GEMINI & X-AIRCRAFT HIGH PRESSURE SPHERE ............................. PH $3000-4000 overall 28\" in length and 6\" diameter. This Chrome moly sphere (17\" diameter) of the type used in rocket engine is in new condition and can aerospace aircraft and spacecraft in 1950s and 1960s for still be fired to develop 1,500 pounds of pressurizing fuel and oxygen tanks with nitrogen or helium. thrust. Built of exotic stainless steel, it is This tank was used in such aircraft as X-15, H1-10, X-24 and were originally developed for Project Mercury and Gemini. one of the few in private hands. (Subject What can be read on tank is the contract number AF04(695)- to export permit) 411-664 and a 4000 psig proof testing date of Jun 17, 1968. Weighs about 45 pounds. Page 14 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 14 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

High Altitude Program 29 1959-70 XLR-99 ROCKET ENGINE NOZZLE FOR THE X-15 ................................................................ PH $35,000-50,000 Outstanding XLR-99 restartable liquid propellant rocket engine nozzle for use in the North American X-15 experimental aircraft, flown by such men as Neil Armstrong, Scott Crossfield and Joe Engle. This one has definitely been fired. Developed by the Reaction Motors Division of Thiokol for North American, it was the first large man-rated rocket engine that could be throttled and with restart ability, and could deliver 57,000 pounds of thrust. Using this engine, the X-15 set many speed and altitude records in the 1960s. This engine measures about five feet in overall length with end exhaust diameter of 30\", and weighs approximately 200 pounds. Similar to the one sold in our Jan 2012 Auction, but missing the injector assembly. During the X-15 program, 13 different flights by eight pilots met the USAF spaceflight criterion by exceeding the altitude of 50 miles thus qualifying the pilots for astronaut status. A remarkable and historical rocket engine. (Shipped F.O.B. from Los Angeles, CA, subject to export permit) 30 1959-70 X-15 ROCKET ENGINE TURBO-PUMP DRIVE SHAFT ................................................................................................ PH $2500-3500 High-grade stainless steel 26' long turbo-pump drive shaft (2½” diameter), which was part of XLR-99 rocket engine, which fed oxidizer and anhydrous ammonia to the engine for combustion, helping X-15 to achieve altitude and speed records. Great condition and weighing about 14 pounds. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 15 Space 1.pmd 15 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Rockets 31 32 33 34 35 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate ROCKETS – GERMANY – 33 1940s GERMAN V2-A4 ROCKET GRAPHITE STEERING RUDDER ............................................ PH $300-400 31 1940s GERMAN V-1 FLYING BOMB GUIDANCE Nearly solid graphite steering rudder vane (13x8x4\")from a SYSTEM ............................................................. PH $750-1000 German V2-A4 rocket, and recovered at Peenemunde. Chipped Mounted metal guidance system component(6¼x5\")from a V-1 and worn on several edges. flying bomb mounted on square wooden base(5\"). Nameplate 34 1940s GERMAN V2-A4 ROCKET INJECTION reads, ‘Guidance System, V-1 Flying Bomb (FZG 76) WWII’. CHAMBER ............................................................PH $300-400 Great condition and attractive display. Rare. German V2-A4 rocket heavy metal injection chamber (14x8\")a 32 1940s A5 ROCKET GRAPHITE RUDDER ........... PH $400-600 bit disfigured from a crash. Chamber still has several injection Nearly solid graphite rudder vane (6x8x2\")from a German A5 valves attached. Great for display. rocket recovered at Peenemunde. A5 rocket was scaled down 35 1940s GERMAN V2-A4 ROCKET FUSELAGE version of the V2-A4, and was used for testing aerodynamics FRAME SECTION ................................................ PH $200-300 & technology for A4. Only 25 were launched, some several Fuselage frame section (15x6\") of the final skirt rib from a times, so quite rare. German V2-A4 rocket. Found at Peenemunde, the metal has corroded. Page 16 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 16 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Rockets – RUSSIA – 36 1957-60 SOVIET SURFACE-TO-AIR ROCKET ENGINE ....................................................................................................... PH $10,000-15,000 Liquid propellant sustainer power plant, designed by rocket engine designer Alexei M. Isayev. Measures approximately 39x14x14\", weighs about 140lb crated. Constructed of various alloys with various inspection marks, appears unfired. Alexei Isayev specialized in small-scale, liquid-fueled rocket engines for Soviet manned and unmanned spacecraft. From 1957 to 1967 his engines powered rockets carrying the first artificial satellites, the first man in space, and the first unmanned probes to the Moon and Venus. At the same time, in the 1950s, he was working on engines for surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and air-to-sea missiles. The present engine is for a S-75 Dvina, a high-altitude, command-guided SAM, and it has become the most widely-deployed air defense missile in history. The missile came to the world’s attention when it shot down the U-2 spy plane of Francis Gary Powers as he was flying over the Soviet Union on May 1, 1960. Technically S-75 refers to the complete battery, the missile itself being known as a V-750. The missile is in two stages, consisting of a solid-fuel booster and a storable liquid-fuel upper stage. The booster fires for about 4 to 5 seconds and the main engine for about 22 seconds, by which time the missile is traveling at about Mach 3. The present engine is from the upper stage. This rocket engine is a version of the high-power rocket needed to reach the high-altitude U-2 spy planes. An important artifact of the Cold War, don’t know of any other in private hands! – ROCKET MAIL – 37  INDIA 1936-36 SOUVENIR OF ROCKET SKIN & TILJILLA CARD ........................................................................................................... PH $300-400 Two nice items: (1) Piece of rocket skin attached to card with description ‘A piece of the skin of my rocket which carried the Parcel mail from Surumisa to Ray in Sikkum on 10/4/35.’, signed Stephen H Smith, and (2) May 7, 1936 Tijilla Test Rocket #125 (E-Z 15C1) on thin orange paper/card, signed & numbered #26/33 by Stephen H Smith with all appropriate cachets/markings. Fine to very fine. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 17 Space 1.pmd 17 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Rockets 39 38X 40X 41X 42X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Rocket Mail – Rockets, cont. 38  USA 1960 SOCIETY OF APPLIED ROCKETRY MISSILES/BOOSTERS (SOAR) FLIGHT (x2) ............................................ PH $500-700 Two interesting SOAR covers both with all proper cachets/ 42 1960s-80s ROCKET & MISSILE NASA PHOTOS markings, one with perf pair of Rocket stamp/label (E-Z 40C1a) (x57) ...................................................................... PH $300-400 and the other with imperf pair (E-Z 40C1c). Each cover is Group of 57 NASA color and B&W photos(8x10\")showing numbered 1/3 in red to right of P.F.Z. Only 3 sets exist. Rare unmanned rockets and missiles. A few are lithos, but vast and very fine. majority glossies of mostly launches. Many are early images 39  USA ANTARCTICA METEOROLOGICAL ROCKET and include Atlas, Delta, Titan, Scout, Minuteman and more. FLIGHT W/INVERT ............................................... PH $350-500 Varying conditions with some duplication. Scarce cover from experiments conducted in Antarctica (USA 43 US NAVY 1960s USS OBSERVATION ISLAND & sector) by the University of Texas team for the National Science MISSILE FIRINGS .......................................................$300-400 Foundation with all proper cachets & U.S. NAVY 17083 Includes 5 Photos, 2 booklets & Poseidon 1st Launch badge. OPERATION DEEP FREEZE slogan cds, with inverted center Booklet (corner crease) from Nov 16, 1963 about President on rocket stamp/label (E-Z 51C1a). Very fine. Kennedy’s visit to USS Observation Island to watch Polaris 40  USA ANTARCTICA 1962-63 METEOROLOGICAL missile firing from submarine, 2nd booklet about USS ROCKET FLIGHTS............................................... PH $125-180 Observation Island & its task of developing the Fleet Ballistic Two interesting covers: (1) Cover from experiments conducted Missile System or better known as POLARIS missiles. Five in Antarctica (USA sector) by the University of Texas team for Official U.S. Navy Photographs (Released) of ship & missile the National Science Foundation with all proper cachets & U.S. firings B&W 4x5\" (x4) & 5x4\". Also Poseidon First Launch NAVY 17083 OPERATION DEEP FREEZE slogan cds (E-Z August 1968, front shows launch & god of sea, back has 51C1), and (2) Cover with ‘OPERATION DEEPFREEZE/ ‘POSEIDON MISSILE’ & information listing principal McMurdo Sound, Antarctica typed return address, a different contractors. Interesting group. large USARP cachet, red ‘1st ANTARCTIC/ROCKET MAIL/ OCT. 3, 1962’ handstamp, hand printed & signed description of flight with pertinent details by Ralph Rotolante (USARP SATELLITES meteorologist at McMurdo Station in 1962) partially covering two 4¢ Project Mercury stamps, and 5¢ American Flag #1208 44  1962-85 LARGE US SATELLITE/PROBE COVER on back tied by Apr. 17, 1963 New York Planetarium cds. COLLECTION (x1395) ......................................PH $1500-2000 Both covers very fine. Accumulation of 279 different event covers representing 41  USA 1964 RRS SIXTH FLIGHT ON AUSTRIA 1935 Explorers, Pioneers, Surveyors, Mariners, Vikings and more, CACHETED SCHMIEDL POSTAL CARDS ......... PH $150-250 each event with exactly 5 covers making total of 1395 covers Set of 4 different Austria postal cards each with ‘RAKETEN in two boxes. Excellent cover quality from launch sites and START’ cachets (E-Z 28P1, a, b & c), prepared, but not flown POs such as Cape Canaveral, KSC, Wallops and Vandenberg. for an April 10, 1935 flight, rather flown on Reaction Research Also with mission control and tracking covers. Chronological Society (RRS) July 25, 1964 China Lake, CA, ‘Sixth Flight’. order by mission and very fine to excellent condition. Cards listed under USA E-Z 58C4b with description ‘Card, Austria (28P1), flown as above, signed by Schmiedl on face, authenticated on reverse by Edward B Parker - (4 varieties)’. Possibly unique. Fine to very fine. Page 18 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 18 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Mercury Program 44X 45X 46 47 48 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 45  1969-76 FOREIGN SATELLITE COVER 48  1961 MR-3 ALAN SHEPARD SIGNED MERCURY COLLECTION (x1100) ...................................... PH $1000-1500 SPACESUIT PHOTO............................................. PH $300-400 Accumulation of 215 different event covers representing foreign Kodak color glossy photo (8x10\") signed by Mercury astronaut satellites and tests. Includes 70 different rocket & satellite Alan Shepard. Excellent condition. events from French Guyana, 145 different Australian rocket & O THER satellite events and several other balloon & research covers. Exactly 5 covers of each event for total of 1,100 covers. Two boxes where covers are separated by country and ordered. Very fine to excellent condition. MERCURY PROGRAM – FORERUNNERS – 46  1963 RESULTS OF ORBITAL CHIMPANZEE FLIGHTS BOOKLET ............................................ PH $200-300 Vintage orange booklet (8x10½”) titled ‘Results of the Project Mercury Ballistic and Orbital Chimpanzee Flights’ from NASA, SP-39, 71 pages of photos, illustrations and information. Very nice condition and uncommon. 49  1961 LAKE CHAMPLAIN PRS COVER FOR – MR-3 – SHEPARD’S FLIGHT ........................................ PH $2000-3000 A U T OGR APHS Rare prime recovery ship cover from the ‘USS Lake Champlain’ for Alan Shepard’s 15-minute, 22-second flight aboard MR-3. 47  1961 MR-3 ALAN SHEPARD SIGNED MERCURY A reporter aboard the ship advised that there were only 44 SPACESUIT PHOTO ............................................. PH $300-400 covers canceled upon the recovery of Shepard, there may have Glossy high quality copy of an original NASA photo (8\"x10\") been a few more from individuals aboard the ship. This cover showing Alan Shepard in his Mercury spacesuit, signed boldly has the mimeographed cachet: ‘USS LAKE CHAMPLAIN by Shepard. Very fine condition. CVS-39 RECOVERY SHIP FROM THE FIRST U.S. MANNED SPACE FLIGHT 5 MAY 1961’ and the U.S.S.LAKE CHAMPLAIN dated handstamp cancellation of May 5, 1961. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 19 Space 1.pmd 19 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Mercury Program Mercury Program, cont. 55  1963 PROJECT MERCURY NASA BOOK: – MR-4 – ‘A CHRONOLOGY’ ............................................... PH $200-300 Vintage NASA softbound book dated 1963 from NASA with 50  1961-99 LIBERTY BELL 7 SIGNED SINKING & 238 pages of photos and information. Coffee cup ring on front RECOVERY PHOTOS (x5) ................................... PH $200-300 cover, but otherwise very fine condition. Five glossy photos (8x10\") with four (4) different B&W scenes from the recovery signed by USMC recovery helicopter pilot Jim Lewis who wrote wonderful descriptive captions for each GEMINI PROGRAM photo (‘cylinder head temperature rising, we commend LB7 to the deep’), and one color photo of LB7 breaking the surface after recovery signed by Curt Newport. All in great condition. – GT-4 – – MA-6 – 56  1965 GT-4 EDWARD WHITE SIGNED LAUNCH COVER .................................................................. PH $300-400 51  1961 MA-6 LAUNCH COUNTDOWN MANUAL ... PH $500-700 Gemini 4 launch cover postmarked Cape Canaveral signed by Project Mercury MA-6 Manual for launch of John Glenn’s first American to walk in space, Edward H. White. Great Friendship 7 spacecraft. Contains 137 pages of launch count- condition. down procedures and information, designed to prepare MA-6 capsule for launch and insure flight readiness condition. Dated – GT-5 – 4 Dec 1961, revised 20 Dec 1961. Used at the time, still very A U T OGR APHS fine condition and no doubt rare. 52  1961-62 MA-6 COUNTDOWN MANUALS (x2) .... PH $400-600 57 / 1965 JOHN YOUNG AUTOGRAPHED LAUNCH COVER .................................................................. PH $350-500 Two Mercury MA-6 Countdown Manuals: First, a rare Very early signature of GT-5 pilot Young on Cover with ‘Orbit’ Countdown Flight Control And Overall Operations booklet Cachet. Signed in blue ballpoint neatly at center. Early dated 12-18-62 (revised 1-20-62) with 13 pages of information signatures of Young are quite scarce. for Launch Day Operations at MCC. Last page is MA-6 Flight Plan. Second is an Atlas rocket Test Procedure and Flight O THER Acceptance Composite Test for rocket 109D (Glenn’s) dated 58  1965 GEMINI V INTERIM REPORT ..................... PH $150-250 05 Jan 62 from General Dynamics with 61 pages of test Vintage 8\"x10½” softbound book ‘Manned Space-Flight procedures. Quite scarce and both in very fine condition. Experiments / Interim Report / Gemini V Mission’ from NASA – OTHER, MERCURY – with 181 pages of photos, charts and information on the results of the experiments conducted during the Gemini 5 mission. Great condition. – GT-6 – 59  1965 GEMINI 6 LAUNCH VEHICLE MASTER COUNTDOWN MANUAL ...................................... PH $300-400 Vintage GLV-6 Master Countdown launch manual (9x11\") from Martin Company dated 30 Sept 65, with about 75 pages of countdown procedures. Used at the time with some age spotting near binder, but still overall very fine condition. Scarce in any condition. – GT-7/6 – 60  1965 LAUNCH VEHICLE MASTER COUNTDOWN MANUAL ............................................................... PH $300-400 53 1960 MERCURY-REDSTONE GSE ELECTRICAL Vintage GLV-7,6B Master Countdown launch manual (9x11\") SCHEMATICS ................................................... PH $1500-2000 from Martin Company dated 15 Oct 65 with about 75-100 Rare set of electrical schematics (11x17\") used at Redstone pages of countdown procedures. Used at the time with some Arsenal in Huntsville and at Cape Canaveral throughout aging and handling stains on covers, but still very fine condition Mercury-Redstone program. These 37 drawings contain inside. Scarce in any condition. schematics for Pad 5 blockhouse panels, cables and electrical – GT-9 – boxes used for Redstone testing, fueling and launch. Used for all manned and unmanned Redstone launches including 61 /D 1966 SUPPORT STAFF AUTOGRAPHS ON Shepard and Grissom. Changes in red can be seen on some of CERTIFICATE ....................................................... PH $100-150 pages to reflect the corrections made after failed launch of Souvenir certificate (14x11\") for attendance at launch of Gemini MR-1, and each page bears early Mercury rubber stamp. 9 showing photos of rocket, astronauts Cernan & Stafford and Owned by former ABMA test engineer who followed Redstones artist’s rendering of capsule in space. Souvenir on thick glossy from Huntsville to the Cape, and comes with his signed history paper, and covered with 25 autographs of various KSC support of these prints as well as a CD. A unique set of historical engineers or other personnel, including Dusty Rhodes the mail documents. chief. Folded in half, affecting only one signature. 54 1960s MERCURY PROGRAM NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS – GT-12 – (x100) .................................................................... PH $300-400 62  1966 GEMINI 12 LAUNCH VEHICLE MASTER Group of about 100 vintage B&W NASA glossy photos (8x10\") COUNTDOWN MANUAL ...................................... PH $300-400 from Mercury program, includes launches, stacking, astro- Vintage GLV-12 Master Countdown launch manual (9x11\") nauts, training, control center, chimpanzees, etc. Many no from Martin Company dated 19 Oct 66 with about 75 pages of doubt scarce images. Most in fine condition with little if any countdown procedures. Used at the time with some spotting duplication. on back cover, but overall very fine condition inside. Scarce in any condition. Page 20 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 20 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Gemini Program 50X 52 51 56 54X 55 57 59 58 60 61 62 Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 21 Space 1.pmd 21 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Gemini Program 63 64X 65 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Gemini Program, cont. – OTHER, GEMINI – APOLLO PROGRAM 63  1965-66 VINTAGE ASTRONAUT MANEUVERING UNIT HANDBOOK ................................................ PH $300-400 – HARDWARE – Gemini era AMU Ready Reference Handbook from LTV Aerospace Corp. dated 27 May 1966 with 13 chapters and about 75 pages of photos, illustrations and information. Rare, and very fine to excellent condition. 64 1965-66 GEMINI MISSION NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS (x100) .................................................... PH $300-400 Group of over 100 NASA B&W glossy photos (8x10\"), all showing images from the Gemini program. Images include training, recovery, in orbit, MCC and much more. Most are GT-7/6 and GT-9. Very fine condition with a little duplication. 65  1965 GEMINI MCC OVERALL OPERATIONS COUNT MANUAL ................................................. PH $300-400 Rare manual from MSC Houston for use on GT-2 unmanned mission and all subsequent manned missions. There are seven sections with about 100 pages total of countdown information and procedures. It reads, ‘The purpose of the manual is to provide MCC personnel (Manned Control Center) with a detailed chronological list of events and actions which will 69 1960s CUTAWAY OF AN APOLLO INERTIAL require their participation’. Great condition. REFERENCE INTEGRATING GYRO ..............PH $3000-4000 66  1965 GEMINI PROPULSION HANDBOOK .......... PH $200-300 Outstanding cutaway of a Command Module gyro, three of Vintage handbook (4½x8\") dated Dec 1965 from Aerojet which were used in CM navigation and guidance system to General loaded with 200 pages of propulsion system provide a reference from which velocity and attitude changes illustrations, foldouts and information. Cover surface scuffs, could be sensed. Made by AC Spark Plug Division of General but very fine inside. Uncommon. Motors, these gyros were delivered to NASA and MIT in 1963. 67 1965-66 VINTAGE GEMINI NASA COLOR This is an actual production gyro, and was given to consignor GLOSSY PHOTOS (x11) ...................................... PH $200-300 along with Apollo 11 Achievement Award, which is also present Beautiful group of 11 Gemini NASA color glossy photos here. Measures 9x5x5½” and weighs about 10 pounds, and in (8x10\") all on heavy paper stock, with watermark on backs excellent condition. Signed LOA from consignor along with and all are numbered on front. All are Earth views as seen gyro reference material. from space during various Gemini missions. Very fine condition 70 1960s APOLLO A7L SPACESUIT OXYGEN with many being excellent. FITTINGS ..............................................................PH $300-400 68  1967 GEMINI SUMMARY CONFERENCE .......... PH $200-300 Two lightweight oxygen flow inlet and outlet fittings (approx- Vintage softbound book ‘Gemini Summary Conference’ from imately 2½x3\") for an A7L Apollo spacesuit. NASA, SP-138, dated 1967, with 345 pages of photos, 71 1963 SATURN 1B S-IVB SECOND STAGE PRESSURE illustrations and information. Some age spotting on covers, OPERATING VALVE ............................................. PH $400-600 otherwise fine condition. Heavy ½” Pressure Operating Valve (11½x3\") from W.M. Lanagan Co. engraved with NASA contract number NAS7-101, which was contract for Douglas Aircraft to build S-IVB second stage of the Saturn 1B rocket. It could also be for the third stage of Saturn V. The date of manufacture is 10-63. Page 22 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 1.pmd 22 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Apollo Program 67X 66 68 71 70 72 73 75 74 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 72 1964 SATURN V S-IVB THIRD STAGE MODULE 74 1967 SATURN V S-IVB THIRD STAGE PNEUMATIC PNEUMATIC POWER CONTROL ........................ PH $400-600 PROPELLANT CONTROL VALVE .......................PH $400-600 Saturn V S-IVB third stage module Pneumatic Power Control Heavy valve (5½x9\") with MSFC nameplate which has been (6x6x6\"). Made by Vinson, Inc. with Marshall nameplate with painted over, but still mostly readable. Engraved with NASA NASA contract number NAS7-101, which was contract for contract number NAS7-101, which was contract for Douglas Douglas Aircraft to build S-IVB third stage of Saturn V rocket. Aircraft to build S-IVB third stage of Saturn V rocket. Date of Marked ‘Not For Production Use’. Date of manufacture manufacture is 1-67. Many of the nuts are wired to prevent 11-1-64. Many of the nuts are wired to prevent backing out backing out during the vibration of launch. from launch vibration. 75 1968 SATURN V S-IVB THIRD STAGE GAS FILTER 73 1965 SATURN V S-IVB THIRD STAGE 4-WAY, ............................................................................... PH $300-400 2-POSITION VALVE ASSEMBLY ......................... PH $400-600 Heavy Vacco filter (6x2½x3\") engraved with NASA contract Marotta valve with wiring (5x5x2\") with Marshall nameplate number NAS7-101, which was contract for Douglas Aircraft with NASA contract number NAS7-101, which was contract to build S-IVB third stage of Saturn V rocket. Date of for Douglas Aircraft to build S-IVB third stage of Saturn V manufacture is 2-Q-68 and weighs 6 pounds. This could rocket. Date of manufacture 1-65 in its original Marotta possibly be ground support equipment. packaging. Many of the nuts are wired to prevent backing out from launch vibration. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 23 Space 1.pmd 23 11/27/2013, 2:56 PM

Apollo Program Apollo Program, cont. – APOLLO 1 – 76 1966-67 ORIGINAL APOLLO 1 CHECKOUT PROCESSING SCHEDULES .............................................................................. PH $1500-2000 Folder contains six as-run processing schedules used in preparing Apollo 1 spacecraft, SC-012, for launch. Includes 11x17\" ‘NAA SC-012 Test Team LC-34’ organizational chart, remarkable 49\" long taped fold open ‘Detailed Apollo Spacecraft 012 Checkout History’, the last entry on the chart being ‘Conduct Plugs-Out OAT’ on 1-27-67, and four S/C 012 Working Schedules (two different) dated 1-25-67 and 1-27-67 respectively. From files of NASA’s senior OPS manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules, and who incidentally created and drew all internal Snoopy cartoons. Historical collection of Apollo 1 schedules and maybe the only ones still in existence. – APOLLO 4 – 77 / 1967 SIGNED APOLLO 4 (AS-501) LAUNCH VEHICLE COUNTDOWN PROCEDURE .......... PH $1500-2000 Full Apollo 4 Launch Vehicle Countdown Procedure dated Oct 28, 1967 with over 350 pages bearing much inside annotation and used by Electrical Networks Systems Office in Firing Room. Prior to launch, document was partially revised and those pages incorporated and appear as blue in main procedure. Leftover cover of this revision was passed around Firing room by owner after launch, and contains 43 signatures of NASA management and personnel present in Firing Room #1 for first launch of Saturn V rocket. Autographs include: von Braun, Debus, Gruene, Petrone, Rees, Carlson and many more. Both in very fine condition. From collection of former test engineer, and complete with signed letter from him and a CD. 78X 79 80 82 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate – APOLLO 6 – – APOLLO 7 – 78 1968 VINTAGE APOLLO 6 NASA COLOR GLOSSY 79 1968 APOLLO 7 AS-205 DESIGN CERTIFICATION PHOTOS (x15) ...................................................... PH $200-300 REVIEW ................................................................ PH $200-300 Group of 15 vintage Apollo 6 NASA (8x10\") color glossy photos Vintage Apollo 7 AS-205 Design Certification Review Docu- all on heavy paper stock, with watermark on backs and 13 mentation manual dated May 24, 1968, with about 300 pages numbered on front. All of Earth views as seen from space during of charts and information. Purpose of this comprehensive unmanned Apollo 6 mission. Very fine condition with most review was to certify design adequacy of critical elements being excellent. involved in a manned launch mission. Some insect damage mostly on front cover and thick edges, but still good shape and complete. Scarce. Page 24 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 24 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program – APOLLO 8 – 80 1968 APOLLO 8 DOD PRESS KIT ....................... PH $150-250 Rare Apollo 8 Press Kit (8x10½”) from Department of Defense containing more than 30 pages with most bearing attached photo (5x7\") of ships or personnel involved. Very uncommon and in great condition. 84 1969 APOLLO 11 FLOWN SWATCH OF KAPTON – APOLLO 9 – FOIL ...................................................................... PH $400-600 Piece of Kapton foil (irregular 3x1\"), salvaged from Apollo 11. To protect fragile Apollo 11 command module, a thin layer of Kapton foil, gold-colored front with silver backing was attached to its outer skin, playing a critical role by reflecting sun’s heat. Most foil burned off during fiery re-entry of Apollo 11 into Earth’s atmosphere. Presented here is a tiny piece of Kapton foil salvaged from Apollo 11. A U T OGR APHS 81 1969 VINTAGE APOLLO 9 NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS (x25) ...................................................... PH $200-300 Group of 25 vintage Apollo 9 NASA (8x10\") glossy photos all of Earth views as seen from space including eight beautiful numbered glossies on heavy paper stock with the watermark on the backs. Remainder are mostly B&W. Fine to very fine condition with the numbered glossies being excellent. – APOLLO 10 – 82 1969 APOLLO 10 GRUMMAN CREW PATCH .... PH $200-300 Vintage 4\" Apollo 10 crew patch from Grumman with bare cloth backing. Of the type worn on spacesuits for astronaut’s crew portrait. Great condition. – APOLLO 11 – FL O W N 85  1969 APOLLO 11 NEIL ARMSTRONG SIGNED NASA LITHO ..................................................... PH $1000-1500 Official 11x14\" NASA litho (69-HC-684) described as ‘Astronaut Edwin E. Aldrin’s faceplate reflects Astronaut Neil A. Armstrong and the Lunar Module’ at bottom. Signed by Armstrong in blue Sharpie at right. Slight bend in litho at upper left, otherwise very fine. 83 1969 APOLLO 11 FLOWN TO THE MOON UNITED STATES ‘SILK’ FLAG ........................ PH $4000-6000 Great-looking U.S. ‘SILK’ flag carried to the Moon by Buzz Aldrin on the first Manned Lunar Landing Mission. Size: 6\"x4\". 86 / APOLLO 11 1969 ALDRIN, ARMSTRONG & Very rare, with signed Letter of Authenticity from Buzz Aldrin’s COLLINS SIGNED RECOVERY COVER ......... PH $1500-2000 stepson giving provenance. Will look great when framed. Color photo of helicopter flying crew of Apollo 11 to carrier Pristine. USS Hornet after landing in the Pacific. Photo signed by Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong & Michael Collins, and attached as cachet, on unaddressed cover previously canceled with USS Hornet July 24, 1969 cds. Clear signatures, fine to very fine. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 25 Space 2.pmd 25 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 88X 89 90 91X 92 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Apollo 11 – Apollo Program, cont. 88 1969 ORIGINAL APOLLO 11 CSM & LM PROCESSING SCHEDULES ............................. PH $750-1000 O THER Folder containing large amount of Apollo 11 as-run processing schedules used in preparing spacecraft for launch. Six fold open charts including ‘LM-5 Spacecraft Operations Flow Chart” chart (17x22\") from Grumman, two different North American Rockwell ‘AS-506, CSM-107, LM-5’ charts, Grumman ‘LM-5 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plan’ chart (8x20\") and two charts (11x17\") for CSM-107 and LM-5 Checkout History. Also present are many single sheet CSM and LM daily schedules original photocopies, some with annotations, color photos of the main wall charts, and more. From the files of NASA’s senior OPS manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal Snoopy cartoons, and indeed, many of the single sheet schedules have Snoopy cartoons on them. Historical collection of Apollo 11 schedules used at the time. 89  1969 APOLLO 11 FINAL LUNAR SURFACE OPERATIONS PLAN............................................. PH $600-800 Vintage MSC manual dated June 27, 1969 with 188 pages in five sections including Introduction, Mission Plan, Nominal Lunar EVA, Alternate and Contingent Plans and Appendix. Full of illustrations, foldouts, charts and information. Loose with original binding staples removed. Very fine condition. 90 1969 LARGE APOLLO 11 BETA CLOTH PATCH .. PH $300-400 Large Apollo 11 emblem beta cloth patch (15x15\") with 10\" diameter emblem. Excellent color registration and in very fine condition. 91 1969 APOLLO 11 EARTH ORBIT CHARTS (x3) ...PH $300-400 87  1969 APOLLO 11 FINAL FLIGHT PLAN .......... PH $1500-2000 Three-sheet set: Sheets 1 of 3, 2 of 3, and 3 of 3 for July 1969 Scarce Apollo 11 final flight plan dated July 1, 1969 with six Launch Dates. One each for 3 orbital revolutions. Shows ground sections and couple hundred pages of timelines, illustrations tracks and tracking spheres around the Earth, as well as and information. Includes one foldout chart. Covers have couple Translunar Injection point (TLI). Some light toning & a bit of marks and edge wear, but inside nice. Still stapled completely edge wear, still fine. Approximately 46x15\" each. together in upper left corner. Page 26 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 26 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 93 94 95 96 97X 98 99 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 92 1969 APOLLO 11 LUNAR ORBIT CHART ........... PH $200-300 – APOLLO 12 – Apollo 11 Lunar Orbit Chart (40x12\") for its 1st & 30th lunar A U T OGR APHS revolutions for July 16 launch date. Shows Command Module track across lunar surface, as well as landing site in Tranquility. 97 / 1969 APOLLO 12 CREW SIGNED INSURANCE Looks to be in excellent condition. COVER .................................................................. PH $300-400 93  1969 APOLLO 11 MISSION REPORT .................. PH $200-300 Apollo 12 insurance cover postmarked 11-14-69 at KSC, signed Vintage Apollo 11 Mission Report from NASA, SP-238, dated by Astronauts Conrad, Gordon and Bean. Paper clip mark on 1971, with 217 pages of photos, illustrations and information. left edge, otherwise very fine. Fine condition. 98 / 1969 APOLLO 12 CREW SIGNED COVER ......... PH $200-300 94 1969 APOLLO 11 LAUNCH TEAM SILVER SpaceCraft cacheted cover honoring the 2nd Moon Landing. MEDALLION ......................................................... PH $200-300 Green design of lunar lander approaching surface, cover Rare silver medallion presented to member of Apollo 11 NASA/ franked with 10¢ Moon Landing Airmail stamp tied by 11/19/ SCO Launch Team. Looks to be about 1 ounce silver, with 69 Patrick Air Force Base, FL postmark. Cover is signed in Armstrong on the LM ladder on one side and LM plaque on black ink by the three crew members Alan Bean, Dick Gordon other. Excellent condition. and Charles Conrad. Very fine. 95  1969 APOLLO 11 LUNAR DESCENT & ASCENT 99 / 1969 APOLLO 12 CREW SIGNED COVER ......... PH $200-300 DISPERSION ANALYSES .................................... PH $200-300 Cacheted cover honoring the 2nd Moon Landing. Red & blue Vintage Apollo 11 internal document (8x10½”) from MSC design of three astronauts, two on lunar surface and boat dated June 10, 1969, with 134 pages of charts, data and (‘Ocean of Storms’), cover franked with 10¢ Moon Landing information. Excellent condition with its original distribution Airmail stamp tied by 11/24/69 ‘Titusville, FL/Astronaut Trail list still attached. The purpose of dispersion analysis is to assess Sta.’ postmark. Cover signed in different inks by the three crew the mission systems uncertainties on the probability of mission members Dick Gordon, Charles Conrad and Alan Bean. Very success. fine. 96 1969 APOLLO 11 PRESS KIT .............................. PH $200-300 Apollo 11 Press Kit dated July 6, 1969, with 250 pages of photos, illustrations and information. Couple minor faults but overall very fine condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 27 Space 2.pmd 27 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 100X 101 102 103 104X 106 105 108X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Apollo 12 – Apollo Program, cont. – APOLLO 13 – O THER A U T OGR APHS 100 1969 APOLLO 12 AS-RUN PROCESSING 103/ 1970 RICHARD NIXON SIGNED MOON LANDING SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $500-700 ABORTED COVER ............................................... PH $300-400 Folder containing large amount of original Apollo 12 CSM-108/ Cover with Apr. 14, 1970 WASHINGTON, D.C. cancel on 6¢ LM-6 as-run processing schedules used in preparing spacecraft flag over White House. Blue cachet ‘Richard M. Nixon/Praises/ for launch to the Moon. Folder contains three Grumman ‘LM-6 Apollo/XIII/Moon Landing’ with Lunar Lander pictured & with Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’ (17x22\"), one dated 71-69 red ABORTED added. Signed in black ink by Richard Nixon. and other 11-14-69(x2), two smaller but similar flow plans, Lower right corner handstamp George Goldby/Danton Texas. an ‘Apollo 12 LC-39 Processing’ chart, ‘AS-507, CSM-108, LM-6’ chart (11x17\"), three NAR Planning & Controls charts O THER and much more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS manager 104 1970 ORIGINAL APOLLO 13 AS-RUN PROCESSING responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the time, and SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $500-700 who incidentally created and drew all the internal Snoopy Folder containing large amount of Apollo 13 CSM-109/LM-7 cartoons. Quite historical collection of Apollo 12 schedules as-run processing schedules used in preparation of spacecraft actually used at the time. for launch to the Moon. Folder contains three Grumman ‘LM-7 101  1969 APOLLO 12 SATURN V FLIGHT MANUAL ... PH $300-400 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’ (17x22\"), dated 12-10-69, SA-507 (Apollo 12) manual from Marshall dated 15 Aug 1969 3-23-70 & 4-11-70, four ‘AS-508, CSM-109, LM-7’ with three with over 220 pages in 10 sections of illustrations, charts and different dates, two NAR Planning & Controls charts, three information on Saturn V rocket. Some sections are S-IC Stage, ‘Apollo 13 LC-39 Processing’ charts, a well-annotated Apollo S-II Stage, S-IVB Stage, Instrument Unit, etc. Covers have age, 13 Countdown chart, and much more. From files of NASA’s scuffs and toning, but great condition inside. Uncommon. senior OPS manager responsible for these daily as-run 102 1969 APOLLO 12 PRESS KIT .............................. PH $200-300 schedules at the time, and who incidentally created and drew Apollo 12 Press Kit dated Nov 5, 1969, with 104 pages of all the internal Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of illustrations and information. Couple minor faults but overall Apollo 13 schedules actually used at the time. very fine condition. The last page has separated from the staple. Page 28 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 28 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 110X 111X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 105  1970 APOLLO 13 MISSION OPERATION REPORT – APOLLO 15 – ............................................................................... PH $200-300 Vintage Apollo Supplement dated April 1970 with 139 pages of photos, charts and information. Some toning and bottom right corner ding, but otherwise fine condition. Uncommon. – APOLLO 14 – FL O W N 106 1971 FLOWN TO LUNAR SURFACE APOLLO 14 SAFETY LINE PRESENTATION .......................... PH $500-700 Laminated Presentation Card (2½x3¾”) bearing 1\" section of safety line flown to the lunar surface during Apollo 14 mission. Roll of safety line was carried on astronaut’s lunar surface pull-cart and used to rescue fellow astronaut that may have, for instance, fallen into deep crater. Roll of line was supposed to be left on Moon, but was brought back to earth where these cards were made for space workers in appreciation of their efforts. Excellent condition. O THER 109  1971 APOLLO 15 CSM LUNAR LANDMARKS MAPS TRAINING MANUAL ............................. PH $2000-3000 RARE Apollo 15 Training Manual used by instructors and astronauts in Command Module Simulator (CSM) at KSC. Contains about 30 flexible plastic pages showing landing area landmarks and obliques, along with 3 flexible foldouts of Hadley area. Data sheets also present. Page tabs worn from use, otherwise great condition. 110 1971 ORIGINAL APOLLO 15 AS-RUN PROCESSING SCHEDULES ........................................................PH $500-700 Thick folder containing large amount of Apollo 15 CSM-112/ LM-10 as-run processing schedules used in preparation of spacecraft for its launch to the Moon. Folder contains six 107 1971 ORIGINAL APOLLO 14 AS-RUN PROCESSING foldout Grumman ‘LM-10 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’, SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $500-700 with many different dates, ‘AS-510, CSM-112, LM-10’ charts Thick folder containing large amount of Apollo 14 CSM-110/ with different dates, six ‘Apollo 15 LC-39 Processing’ charts, LM-8 as-run processing schedules used in preparation of two NAR Planning & Controls’ charts, some with heavy spacecraft for its launch to the Moon. Folder contains ten annotation, two ‘Apollo 15 Processing Study’ charts, an ‘Apollo Grumman ‘LM-8 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’ (17\"x22\"), 15 Processing Schedule’ chart, numerous other hand-drawn with many different dates, five ‘AS-509, CSM-110, LM-8’ charts, and much more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS charts all with different dates, five ‘Apollo 14 LC-39 Processing’ manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the charts, two ‘Spacecraft Processing Study’ charts, two ‘Apollo time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal 14 Prelim Processing Schedule’ charts and several hand-drawn Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of Apollo 15 charts, and much more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS schedules actually used at the time. manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the 111 1971 TWO APOLLO 15 COVERS WITH ORIGINAL time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal LUNAR ROVER MCCALL ART ........................... PH $200-300 Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of Apollo 14 Two Apollo 15 covers bearing original Lunar Rover art from schedules actually used at the time. Robert McCall – one in watercolor and one with a sharpie, 108 1971 APOLLO 14 NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS (x130) both signed as well. Both in great condition. ............................................................................... PH $300-400 Vintage group of about 130 NASA glossy B&W photos (8x10\") from Apollo 14 mission. Images include launch, training, portraits, spacesuits, backups, recovery and more. Very fine to excellent condition, with small bit of duplication. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 29 Space 2.pmd 29 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 112 113X 114 117X 116 115 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Apollo Program, cont. HARDW ARE – APOLLO 16 – 115 1972 APOLLO 17 LUNAR MODULE THERMAL A U T OGR APHS MYLAR..................................................................PH $200-300 Swatch of 9-layer Mylar (1½x2\"), unflown and according to 112/ 1972 APOLLO 16 CREW SIGNED COVER ......... PH $300-400 the label on the back of the case, it was a backup section for Orbit Covers dark blue & gold cachet for Apollo 16 covering the Apollo 17 LM-12. Splashdown, postmarked 4/27/72 at Cape Canaveral. Cover O THER signed in different inks by crew members Young, Duke and Mattingly. Very fine. 116  1972 APOLLO 17 FINAL LUNAR SURFACE PROCEDURES .....................................................PH $600-800 O THER Rare MSC manual dated Nov 6, 1972 with over 300 pages of 113 1972 ORIGINAL APOLLO 16 AS-RUN PROCESSING activity timelines, lunar surface photos, illustrations, charts, SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $500-700 foldouts and information. Used a bit at the time but still fine Thick folder containing large amount of Apollo 16 CSM-113/ condition and complete. LM-11 as-run processing schedules used in preparation of 117 1972 ORIGINAL APOLLO 17 AS-RUN PROCESSING spacecraft for its launch to the Moon. Folder contains nine SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $500-700 foldout Grumman ‘LM-11 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’, Thick folder containing large amount of Apollo 17 CSM-114/ with many different dates(most are 17x22\"), an ‘AS-511, LM-12 as-run processing schedules used in preparation of CSM-113, LM-11’ chart (17x22\"), seven ‘Apollo 16 LC-39 spacecraft for its launch to the Moon. The folder contains five Processing’ charts with several different dates, an ‘Apollo 16 foldout Grumman ‘LM-12 Spacecraft Operations Flow Plans’, Processing Study’ chart, a ‘Preliminary Planning’ chart, an with several different dates(most are 17\"x22\"), two ‘AS-512, ‘Apollo 16 Ordnance Install’ chart, numerous other hand-drawn CSM-114, LM-12’ charts, two ‘Apollo 17 LC-39 Processing’ charts, and much more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS charts (11x17\"), two ‘Apollo 17 Preliminary Planning Schedule’ manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the charts, five ‘Preliminary Planning’ charts (11x17\"), two ‘Apollo time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal 17 Countdown’ charts (11x22\"), numerous other hand-drawn Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of Apollo 16 charts, and much more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS schedules actually used at the time. manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the – APOLLO 17 – time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of Apollo 17 A U T OGR APHS schedules actually used at the time. 114/ 1972 APOLLO 17 CREW SIGNED RECOVERY 118  1972 APOLLO 17 FLIGHT PLANS: SHIP COVER ........................................................ PH $200-300 CHANGE A & AA .................................................. PH $400-600 Airmail cover with magneta handstamp cachet for Apollo 17 First, Change A Flight Plan dated Nov 20, 1972 with about Recovery Force, stamps canceled with 12/19/72 USS 500+ pages of timelines and information. Staple removed and Ticonderoga postmark. Signed in different inks by crew loose in notebook, but very fine condition. Second, Change Schmitt, Cernan and Evans, additionally by back-up crew AA Final Flight Plan dated Nov 15, 1972 with about 200 pages member Charlie Duke from Apollo 16. Very fine, although of timeline changes to the previous. Excellent condition. Duke’s signature a bit smudged. Page 30 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 30 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 119X 118 121 120X 122 123X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate – OTHER, APOLLO – 122 1960s LUNAR MODULE TRANSPARENCY OVERLAY BOOKLET ............................................................. PH $200-300 119 1960s-70s APOLLO NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS Vintage NASA/Grumman booklet (8x10\") with four color (x250) .................................................................... PH $400-600 overlays depicting various systems of the LM. Small tear in Vintage group of about 250 NASA 8x10\" glossy B&W photos bottom right corner of front cover, but otherwise very fine (some color) of missions from Apollo program. Most are Apollo condition. 12 through Apollo 17. Images include EVAs, launches, rollouts, 123 1960s-70s US FLAG & NASA LOGO BETA CLOTH in orbit, training, portraits, recovery and much more. Very fine PATCHES .............................................................. PH $200-300 condition with some duplication. Some rare photos in here no Two beta cloth patches, one the US flag (7x8½” overall) and doubt. NASA meatball logo (6\"x6½” overall). Both with excellent color 120 1960s EARLY SATURN NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS registration and in great condition. (x140) .................................................................... PH $300-400 124 1960s MOSTLY APOLLO TRANSPARENCIES & Large group of about 140 NASA glossy color and B&W photos SLIDES.........................................................................$200-300 (8x10\") of early Saturn test preparations and launches. Group of about 25 color NASA transparencies (4x5\") from Launches and stacking represented, but most are SA-7 rocket Apollo & shuttle programs, plus same amount covering Solar engine installation and SA-9 stacking. Very fine condition with System. Also over 200 color slides from Mercury through possibly some duplication. Some rare photos for sure. Apollo, and into early shuttle. Mostly Apollo related. Very fine 121 1960s CRAWLER TRANSPORTATION BEARING condition overall. FROM BREAKDOWN ........................................... PH $200-300 First time KSC’s crawler-transporter was operated in early 1960s, it suffered mechanical breakdown. Presented here is either the cause or the effect of that breakdown – a tapered roller from one of crawler’s roller thrust bearings showing metal sheared away from its tapered end and impact damage to its center. Once the problem was identified and corrected, this component was presented to KSC employee as memento by Operations Group. Comes with handwritten letter from recipient. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 31 Space 2.pmd 31 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 125X 126X 127 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Other – Apollo Program, cont. 131 1966 SATURN V AS-500F NASA GLOSSY 125 1960s MOSTLY APOLLO-ERA ACCESS BADGES PHOTOS (x27) ...................................................... PH $200-300 (x18) ...................................................................... PH $200-300 Group of 27 NASA color and B&W photos(8x10\")showing Group of 21 different access badges including Altitude Chamber the AS-500F Saturn V rocket on pad or being rolled to pad. Operations, Atlas-Agena Blockhouse, OPF, 9 Temporary This was first Saturn V and was never meant to fly, but was Mission Decals including AS-204 (AP5), 4 Skylab badges, 2 used only to test the LC-39 launch facilities. Two in color, the photo ID’s and more. Used at the time but still fine shape. rest B&W with small duplication. Fine to very fine condition. 126 1960s-70s APOLLO 8mm ORIGINAL FILMS (x17) 132 1968-69 APOLLO 7 & APOLLO 9 PROCESSING ............................................................................... PH $200-300 SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $600-800 Group of 8mm films, mostly from NASA and North American Two folders containing a large amount of original Apollo 7 & Rockwell, various from Apollo 4 to Apollo-Soyuz with a couple Apollo 9 as-run processing schedules used in preparing unmanned films. A couple could be audio only. Fine condition. spacecrafts for launch and Earth orbit. Apollo 7 CSM 101 folder 127  1964 GRUMMAN LUNAR EXCURSION MODULE contains a recovery and an orbit chart, plus about 20 NAA M-5 MOCKUP MANUAL ....................................... PH $400-600 single page daily schedules with much timeline and work NASA Inspection and Review of the M-5 mockup LEM in 1964 annotation including some like ‘Woodpecker Snafu’ and ‘Lost containing about 200 pages of photos, charts, information and washer, found nut’. Apollo 9 CSM-104 folder contains two numerous drawing foldouts. M-5 was first LEM built and used charts (11x17\") ‘CSM-104 Spacecraft Checkout History’ and to check fits and clearances before actual construction. M-5 ‘LM-3 Checkout History’. From files of NASA’s senior OPS LEM was later used for training at MSC and then transferred manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the to the Smithsonian in 1974. Back few pages have separated time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal from binding (not torn), so it may needed to be rebound, but Snoopy cartoons. Historical collection of Apollo schedules used otherwise great condition and very uncommon. at the time. 128  1965 SATURN SRS DECODER AVCO CORP. 133 1968-69 APOLLO 8 & APOLLO 10 PROCESSING MSFC LOGBOOK ................................................. PH $150-250 SCHEDULES ........................................................ PH $600-800 Vintage 9x11\" Logbook for the Avco Corporation at Marshall Two folders containing a large amount of original Apollo 8 & Space Flight Center dated 1965. Looks to be checkout and Apollo 10 as-run processing schedules used in preparing acceptance log for SRS Decoder. Heavily used with handwritten spacecrafts for launch to the Moon. Apollo 8 CSM 103 folder timeline and test data in front and information in back. contains well-annotated 2-week timeline chart from 11-1 to Uncommon. 11-14-68, 5 single page daily ‘AS-503 Launch Operations 129  1966-72 APOLLO 1 TO APOLLO 17 COVER Planning Schedules’ and ‘CSM Checkout History’ chart COLLECTION (x1250) ...................................... PH $1500-2000 (11x17\"). Apollo 10 CSM-106/LM-4 folder contains two charts Excellent, large cover accumulation from Apollo 1 to Apollo (11x17\") ‘CSM-106 Spacecraft Checkout History’ and ‘LM-4 17 with exactly 5 covers per cachet/postmark from 250 different Checkout History’, an annotated Grumman ‘LM-4 Spacecraft events, making a total of 1,250 covers. Includes all Apollo Operations Flow Plan’, an ‘AS-505, CSM-106, LM-4’ chart launches, Moon landings, orbits, EVAs and other events such and more. From files of NASA’s senior OPS manager as the Apollo 1 fire. Also selected recovery ships and tracking responsible for these daily as-run schedules at the time, and stations. Covers from major brands, official NASA and Navy. who incidentally created and drew all the internal Snoopy Ultimate opportunity to get superb and rich accumulation. cartoons. Historical collection of Apollo schedules used at the Presented in large box in chronological order. Very fine to time. pristine condition. 134  1968 APOLLO SPACECRAFT NEWS REFERENCE 130 1966 SATURN AS-500F NASA GLOSSY PHOTOS ............................................................................... PH $400-600 (x25) ...................................................................... PH $200-300 Vintage MSC North American Rockell and NASA manual Group of 25 B&W NASA glossy photos(8x10\")of mostly dating to just before the Saturn V missions in 1968, with 304 stacking of Saturn V AS-500F vehicle in 1966. Many no doubt pages in five sections including General, Modules, Subsystems, scarce images. Most in great condition with little duplication. Support and Reference. Full of photos, illustrations, foldouts, charts and information. Some minor age spotting around, but overall very fine condition. Page 32 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 32 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 129X 128 132X 130X 131X 133X 134 135X 136 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 135 1968-69 APOLLO 7, 8 & 9 BETA CLOTH PATCHES 136  1968-71 SATURN H-1 ROCKET ENGINE ............................................................................... PH $300-400 TECHNICAL DATA HANDBOOK .......................... PH $300-400 Three beta cloth patches for Apollo 7, Apollo 8 and Apollo 9 Rare H-1 rocket engine handbook (4x5½”) from Rocketdyne (each approximately 9x9\"). Excellent color registration on the dated Feb 1968 and revised July 1971. With 150 pages of 7 and 8, and good on the 9. All at least very fine condition. illustrations, foldouts and data for engines used on S-1B first stage of Saturn 1 & 1B rockets. Vinyl covers and in excellent condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 33 Space 2.pmd 33 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Apollo Program 137 138X 139 140X 141X 142X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Other – Apollo Program, cont. 141 1971-75 APOLLO 16, 17 & APOLLO-SOYUZ 137  1969 RICHARD GORDON’S LUNAR MODULE BETA CLOTH PATCHES ......................................PH $300-400 VEHICLE FAMILIARIZATION MANUAL .............. PH $400-600 Three beta cloth patches for Apollo 16, Apollo 17 (both approx Rare manual from Grumman formerly used by Richard Gordon, 9x9\") and Apollo-Soyuz (5½x5½”). Excellent color registra- probably as backup CDR for Apollo 15. It is dated 1 Nov 1969 tion and in great condition. with four sections and about 140 heavier than normal pages of 142  1983 APOLLO HANDBOOK OF LUNAR SOILS, illustrations, charts, foldouts and information. Made as update PARTS I & II .......................................................... PH $200-300 for LM-10 through LM-14, which were modified to carry Lunar Two volume set ‘Handbook of Lunar Soils’ Part I covering Rover. Changes are in blue inside. Some age spotting on front Apollo 11-15 and Part II covering Apollo 16&17. With over cover, but otherwise very fine condition. Formerly from worker 900 total pages, these are loaded with mostly bibliography of in Lunar Module Simulators at KSC. published works on the lunar soil samples returned, along with 138 1969 APOLLO 10, 11 & 12 BETA CLOTH PATCHES some charts and diagrams. Very fine condition. ............................................................................... PH $300-400 Three beta cloth patches (each approx 9x9\") for Apollo 10, Apollo 11 and Apollo 12 (bit larger in size). Excellent color SKYLAB PROGRAM registration on 10 and 12, and good on 11. All at least very fine condition. – SKYLAB 2 – 139 1969 VINTAGE APOLLO SNOOPY DOLL ........... PH $200-300 Snoopy doll (9½”) in an Apollo spacesuit standing and in very 143 1973 SKYLAB 2 WIVES PATCH MATERIALS .... PH $200-300 fine condition. Snoopy was the mascot of Apollo program. Group of materials related to the early distribution of the Skylab 140 1970-71 APOLLO 13, 14 & 15 BETA CLOTH II Wives emblem humorous design. Telegram from designer PATCHES .............................................................. PH $300-400 Jacques Tiziou listing the distribution of the first 40 covers Three beta cloth patches (each approx 9x9\") for Apollo 13 and presenting one to the consignor. Presented #23 cover itself, (8x8\"), Apollo 14 and Apollo 15. Excellent color registration a Wives emblem sticker signed by Ardis (Settle) and Jacques on 13 and 15, and good on 14. Two in great condition, but 15 and envelope written on by Tiziou “Classified” and “Do Not has couple bends and light dirty spots in background. Show The Press!” and “..strictly private joke”. A wonderful collection from early stages of this famous emblem. Page 34 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 34 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Skylab Program 143X 144 145 146X 147X 148 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate – SKYLAB 3 – 147 1973 ORIGINAL SKYLAB AS-RUN PROCESSING SCHEDULES ........................................................PH $500-700 144  1973 SKYLAB 3 FLIGHT PLAN ........................... PH $200-300 Several folders containing large amount of Skylab as-run Vintage Skylab 3 (2nd manned crew) Flight Plan from MSC processing schedules used in preparation of spacecrafts for with almost 200 pages of timelines, charts, information and their launch – 2\" thick stack of materials. Contains charts for fold out. For the Bean, Lousma & Garriott crew. Excellent Skylab Stowage, Skylabs #1, 2, 3 & 4 and Skylab Rescue. condition. Loaded with dozens of equipment schedules, processing charts, – OTHER, SKYLAB – planning charts, flow charts, an Apollo 17/ Skylab simultaneous chart, and many, many more. Some heavily annotated, and 145  1972 FINAL SMEAT CREW TIMELINE MANUAL with some original Snoopy art. From files of NASA’s senior ............................................................................... PH $300-400 OPS manager responsible for these daily as-run schedules at Rare manual from MSC Houston dated June 12, 1972 with a the time, and who incidentally created and drew all the internal few hundred pages in four main sections: Timeline Notes, Crew Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of Skylab schedules Timeline, Communication Plan and Scheduling Criteria. actually used at the time. Loaded with timelines, foldouts and information on SMEAT 148  1973 SKYLAB SPACECRAFT NEWS REFERENCE project (Skylab Medical Experiments Altitude Test). Anno- ............................................................................... PH $300-400 tations inside and very fine condition. Vintage manual from the Space Division at Rockwell consisting 146  1973 LARGE SKYLAB 1 TO SKYLAB 4 COVER of 184 pages in 4 tabbed sections. Sections include General, COLLECTION (x1000) ...................................... PH $1000-1500 Space Vehicle, CSM Subsystems and Experiments. Excellent Excellent accumulation from Skylab 1 to Skylab 4 with exactly condition inside, but the covers are spotted & toned with 5 covers per cachet/postmark from 200 different events, making handling flaws on the right edges from them being larger than total of 1,000 covers. Includes all Skylab launches, maneuvers the pages. Very uncommon. in orbit, EVAs, and more. Also selected recovery ships and tracking stations. Covers from major brands, official NASA, Navy and tracking. Ultimate opportunity to get superb and rich accumulation. Presented in medium box in chronological order. Very fine to pristine condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 35 Space 2.pmd 35 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Skylab Program 149X 150 151 153 154X 155 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Other – Skylab Program, cont. 153/ 1974 AMERICAN CREW ARRIVAL IN MOSCOW, 149 1973 SKYLAB 2, 3 & 4 BETA CLOTH PATCHES SIGNATURES ....................................................... PH $150-250 ............................................................................... PH $200-300 Cover with Apollo/Soyuz emblem and text honoring the arrival Three beta cloth patches (each approx 9x9\") for Skylab 2, of the U.S. astronauts in the USSR for 3-week training. Franked Skylab 3 and Skylab 4. Excellent color registration on 3 & 4, with 4k Soviet stamp tied by red 6/24/74 Moscow postmark. and only good on 2. Very fine condition. Signed in different inks by astronauts Tom Stafford, Vance 150 1979 SKYLAB RE-ENTRY FRAGMENT IN LUCITE Brand & Deke Slayton. Very fine. ............................................................................... PH $200-300 154 1975 ORIGINAL APOLLO-SOYUZ AS-RUN Conical Lucite display (3½” tall by 3\" diameter ) bearing square PROCESSING SCHEDULES ............................. PH $750-1000 metal fragment (1¼”) recovered after the Skylab space station Thick folder containing large amount of Apollo-Soyuz as-run re-entered the atmosphere. Attractive display and excellent processing schedules used in preparation of spacecraft for its condition. launch to orbit. The folder contains about 16 original charts such as ‘Preliminary Planning’, ‘CDDT Wet And Dry’, ‘Launch Countdown’, Rockwell charts, ‘Processing Study’ ‘Operations APOLLO/SOYUZ Schedule’ and more. Couple heavily annotated. From files of NASA’s senior OPS manager responsible for these daily as-run 151 APOLLO/SOYUZ 1970s ASTP THEMED schedules at the time, and who incidentally created and drew HANDCRAFTED LACQUERWARE MINIATURE all the internal Snoopy cartoons. Quite historical collection of GUITAR ................................................................. PH $200-300 Apollo-Soyuz schedules actually used at the time. Painted, utilizing bright blues & violets, 15\" long guitar by K. 155  1975 APOLLO-SOYUZ SIGNED PHOTO............. PH $200-300 Zonderova. Guitar depicts Apollo and Soyuz capsules A glossy photo (7x9½”) of the Apollo-Soyuz team signed by approaching one another and pair of clasping (USA & USSR) Astronauts Slayton, Stafford and Brand, and by Cosmonaut hands. Hand painted portion of ASTP logo can be seen through Kubasov. Corner flaws, else very good condition. aperture. 156  1975 RUSSIAN APOLLO-SOYUZ COVER WITH 152  1970s ASTP SPECIALIZED COVER COLLECTION ....$200-300 ASTRONAUT SIGNATURES ............................... PH $200-300 About 240 covers concentrated on Apollo/Soyuz mission Early Russian ASTP cover signed by Astronauts Slayton and including scarce forerunners. Several covers are signed, Stafford, along with backup Commander Alan Bean. Brand primarily by individuals connected with ASTP program. In can be easily added at a show to complete crew. Very fine addition there are also some covers from earlier programs such condition. as Apollo and Skylab. Mostly fine to very fine. Page 36 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 2.pmd 36 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Shuttle Program 156 157 159 158X 160 161X 162X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 157  1975 TWO APOLLO-SOYUZ SCIENCE REPORTS 160 1986 FLOWN SPACE SHUTTLE MAIN ENGINE ............................................................................... PH $150-250 TURBOPUMP/APU BOLT .................................... PH $200-300 Two softbound NASA books: ‘Apollo-Soyuz Preliminary A 12-point socket head 2\" long inconel bolt typically used in Science Report’ (very fine condition) dated Feb 1976 with about the SSME on the turbopump and/or APU, and salvaged at 500 pages of charts and information AND ‘Summary Science Ransom Road after engine refurbishment, meaning this bolt Report Vol. I,’ dated 1977 with 581 pages (cover scuffs and has flown into space several times. Contained in framed display some waviness in the first 30 pages). Uncommon. (9x11\"). 158  1975 APOLLO-SOYUZ RECOVERY COVERS (x3) 161 1988-98 SPACE SHUTTLE FLOWN FLAGS ....... PH $400-600 ............................................................................... PH $150-250 Three flags (4x6\") flown into space on Space Shuttle and all Three different ASTP covers, includes: Official Beck cachet attached to color certificates (11x14\"). Includes STS-26 (age dated July 24, 1975, San Francisco; Beck designed hand stamp spotting throughout), STS-65 (Apollo 11 25th flag, excellent cachet in blue dated Jan 25,1975, aboard Prime Recovery Ship condition) and STS-91 (Shuttle-Mir mission, excellent ‘USS New Orleans’; and a third printed blue fleet or navy condition). Printed signatures on each. pictorial cachet with the same ‘USS New Orleans’ hand cancel. – HARDWARE – A scarce desirable group. Very fine. 162 1990s SPACE SUIT GLOVE MATERIAL FOR EVA SHARP EDGE TESTING .............................. PH $200-300 SHUTTLE PROGRAM Two sections (2x6\") of space glove material used to test for resistance to sharp edges – contacts that may occur during an –FLOWN – EVA. If a dent or grove appeared during a check, then the offending item was replaced or covered with a protective 159 1980s FLOWN SHUTTLE TILE W/ TWO SAMPLE sealant. Very interesting item. TILES .................................................................... PH $200-300 Shuttle tile (6x6x1½”) supposedly flown on Discovery but with no direct verification. RTV present on the bottom and chipped along some edges. Also includes two demo tiles (2½x2½x2\"). Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 37 Space 2.pmd 37 11/27/2013, 3:04 PM

Shuttle Program 165 163 164 166 167X 168 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Shuttle Program, cont. – STS-40 – – STS-1 – 167/ 1991 STS-40 COMPLETE CREW AUTOGRAPHED 163 1981 STS-1 FLOWN US FLAG ABOARD SHUTTLE LAUNCH & LANDING COVERS ..........................PH $150-250 COLUMBIA ........................................................... PH $600-800 Matched pair of covers: Launch June 5,1991, with KSC hand US flag (4x6\") flown aboard Columbia and first Space Shuttle cancel, and Landing with June 14,1991, Edwards AFB hand mission STS-1 in April 1981. It is attached to color certificate cancel. Each signed by all 7 crew members on a hand-produced (8x10½”) bearing printed crew signatures. Expertly matted cover. Crew: O’Connor, Gutierrez, Jernigan, Gaffney, Hughes on foam board with a mission patch and photo of man it was Fulford, Seddon & Bagian. Very fine. presented to. Excellent condition. – STS-41B – 164 1981 STS-1 COLUMBIA FLOWN US FLAG ........ PH $500-700 US flag flown (4x6\") into space aboard Columbia on first Space 168 1984 STS-41B CHALLENGER FLOWN FLAG.... PH $500-700 Shuttle mission STS-1 in April 1981. Attached to certificate A 14-star US flag (4x6\"), representing flag that flew over Fort (8½x11\") which bears printed crew signatures. Toned from McHenry in Baltimore, inspiring Francis Scott Key's 'Star being framed, otherwise great condition. Spangled Banner.' It is attached to certificate (11x14\"), and 165 1981 STS-1 FLOWN HEATSHIELD FRAGMENT was in fact presented to recipient 7 years later. Some handling IN PRESENTATION LUCITE ................................ PH $300-400 flaws on right and upper edges, but overall very fine. Lucite display (3x4x1\") bearing small fragment of heat tile flown on Columbia and STS-1, the maiden voyage of the Space Shuttle. Bears #0266 on the back and in very fine condition in its original box. – STS-33 – 166/ 1989 STS-33 CREW-SIGNED COVER ................ PH $200-300 Cover signed by all five of the Astronauts on STS-33 including Sonny Carter. Excellent condition. Page 38 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 38 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Shuttle Program – STS-51L – 169/ 1986 SIGNED CHALLENGER CREW COVERS (7 DIFFERENT) .............................................................................................. PH $4000-6000 Extraordinary grouping of seven (7) matching homemade covers each with a picture related to the Challenger mission attached as a cachet at left, and each signed by one of the crew members. Each of these covers accompanied by the original envelope from the Astronaut who returned the cover to the collector. All postmarked during the the few weeks before STS-51L launch and subsequent disaster. Postage applied to each of the signed returned covers and rubber handstamp reading: ‘SHUTTLE CHALLENGER (MISSION 51-L) EXPLODED ON TAKEOFF JAN 24, 1986’. Clear and sharp signatures of Dick Scobee, Mike Smith, Ellison Onizuka, Judy Resnik, Ron McNair, Greg Jarvis and Christa McAuliffe. Dates on envelopes from astronauts range from Nov 14, 1985, through Jan 31, 1986. Some glue staining near cachets or postage stamps, still these are some of the last signed items from the crew members, and the one from Scobee was actually postmarked on Jan 31 three days after the ill fated launch. Ex-Dr. Max Kronstein collection. 170 171 172X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 170  1986 COVER RETURNED UNSIGNED FROM SCOBEE’S 171/ 1986 BARBARA MORGAN SIGNED CHALLENGER DESK AFTER CHALLENGER TRAGEDY........... PH $350-500 COVER .................................................................. PH $200-300 Homemade cover that had been sent to STS-51L (Challenger) Homemade cacheted cover for the ill-fated Challenger mission commander Dick Scobee for an autograph, returned to the signed by Barbara Morgan STS-51L ‘Teacher in Space’ backup consignor after the launch tragedy with mimeographed to Christa McAuliffe, at left accompanied by the original inscription: ‘RETURNED FROM CAPTAIN SCOBEE’S DESK envelope to the collector dated Oct 28, 1985, just a few months ON FEBRUARY 27,1986.’ Also cover to collector with before the scheduled launch. Postage was added to the signed mimeographed marking: ‘RECEIVED FROM CAPTAIN cover and a handstamp that reads ‘SHUTTLE CHALLENGER SCOBEE’S DESK.’ These markings indicate aspects of the (MISSION 51-L) EXPLODED ON TAKEOFF JAN. 24, 1986.’ handling of the late crew-member’s correspondence after the The signed cover was then postmarked on Jan 29, 1986, a few Challenger disaster. Ex- Dr. Max Kronstein Collection. days after the disaster. Some light staining to cover. Fine signed cover. Ex-Dr. Max Kronstein collection. 172 1986 STS-51L PERSONAL PHOTOS OF CHALLENGER, MCAULIFFE, MORGAN (x21) .............................. PH $200-300 Notebook containing what looks like personal photos (x21) of the Challenger on the Pad, launch and explosion and some of the crew members prior. McAuliffe and Morgan featured in several, along with Scobee. Also present are more photos of Discovery and other launches. No doubt taken by a worker with access at KSC. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 39 Space 3.pmd 39 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Shuttle Program 173 174 175 176 178 180X 181 182 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Shuttle Program, cont. – STS-87 – – STS-70 – 176 1997 STS-87 COLUMBIA FLOWN INSULATION 173 1995 FLOWN STS-70 SOLAR SHIELD BLANKET BLANKET ............................................................. PH $400-600 SECTION............................................................... PH $200-300 Large reflective insulation blanket (24x24\") flown aboard Space Section of solar shield insulation (2\"x10½”), cut from the Shuttle Columbia on its STS-87 mission in Nov 1997. Complete original, with a photocopy of the original NASA removal with NASA removal paperwork and number on the blanket paperwork that accompanied the piece. matches the number on paper. Red tag reads ‘TCS-2-25-2500’ which signifies the orbiter and mission. Stamped by NASA – STS-82 – with ‘SCRAP’ but looks to be in fine shape. 174 1997 FLOWN STS-82/DISCOVERY LARGE – STS-88 – SECTION OF PAYLOAD BAY LINER ................... PH $200-300 Long section (8\"x40\") of payload bay liner material flown aboard Discovery on its STS-82 mission in 1997. Stamped as ‘SCRAP’ in several places when removed afterwards. – STS-86 – 175 1997 STS-86 ATLANTIS FLOWN INSULATION BLANKET ............................................................. PH $200-300 Large reflective insulation blanket (15x19\") flown aboard Space Shuttle Atlantis on its STS-86 mission in Sept 1997. Complete with NASA removal paperwork. Number on paperwork matches the number on the blanket. Paperwork reads ‘4-21-0631’ which signifies the orbiter and mission. 177 1998 FLOWN GOLD ROBBINS MEDALLION.... PH $2000-3000 Flown GOLD 39mm diameter circular medallion carried aboard STS-88 mission December 4-15, 1998. In original presentation case and engraved on reverse. Edge marked 10K, 3F. (Only three flown gold examples exist). Pristine. Page 40 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 40 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Other USA Space Collectibles 183 185X 186X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate – STS-94 – 178 1997 STS-94 COLUMBIA FLOWN INSULATION BLANKET ............................................................. PH $400-600 Large gold reflective insulation blanket (30\"x52\") flown aboard Space Shuttle Columbia on its STS-94 mission in July 1997. Complete with NASA removal paperwork. ERNO name tag on the blanket. Paperwork reads ‘RWNG-2-24-6256’ which signifies the orbiter and mission. – OTHER, SHUTTLE – 179 1960s-70s EARTH RESOURCES NASA PHOTOS ....$200-300 Group of about 250 mostly color & B&W photos (8x10\") showing Earth’s surface as taken from Skylab, Shuttle, satellites, etc. for studying Earth. Includes about 20 envelopes 184  1981-99 EXCELLENT SPACE SHUTTLE COVER of photos from Goddard. With duplication. Viewing COLLECTION (x1250) ...................................... PH $1500-2000 recommended. Two boxes with more than 1,250 different covers representing 180  1970-85 LARGE SPACE SHUTTLE FORERUNNER STS-1 to STS-103 covering first 20 years of Shuttle program. COVER STOCK (x455)....................................... PH $750-1000 Superb cachet quality, mostly printed, sometimes with rubber Group of 125 different X-24A/B, M2F3 & DFBW project stamp. Majority from KSC, Houston and Edwards. Excellent covers, with 40 autographed by pilots such as Manke (x18). condition in chronological order. Also 330 different test, flight and training covers including 185  2011-12 SOUVENIRS FOR FINAL SHUTTLE scarce set of 1977-78 Columbia final installation covers, as FLIGHTS & ARMSTRONG DEATH ..................... PH $100-150 well as 747 carrier aircraft flown cover. More than 450 covers Three collage tribute cards canceled on special dates. One has in chronological order in very fine to excellent condition. all flight emblems of the Space Shuttle Atlantis, with 181 1977-2012 COMPLETE SET OF 136 SHUTTLE postmarked stamps for final flight (STS-135) launch and MISSION EMBLEM PATCHES ............................ PH $300-400 landing dates 7/8 and 7/21/2011; Collage of various space Complete set of 4\" shuttle mission patches with the majority shuttle images and artwork, three stamps postmarked on launch being from AB Emblems. Includes ALT Enterprise patch and date of Endeavour’s final flight (STS-134) on 5/16/2011 and all 135 patches from STS-1 through STS-135. Great condition. the final flight dates of the program (STS-135) 7/8 and 7/21/ 182 1980s NASA AWARD PLAQUE SHOWING 2011; Moonwalkers tribute card with designs for each manned DA VINCI’S ORNITHOPTER ................................ PH $400-600 moon landing patch and facsimile signature of all moonwalkers, Award Plaque in recognition of John F. Yardley’s direction of two stamps postmarked at Kennedy Space Center on special the Space Shuttle program, presented by the Hugh L. Dryden dates: 7/1/2012 50th anniversary of the KSC and 8/25/2012 Flight Research Center at NASA. Attractive 3-D artwork shows on the death of Neil Armstrong, only seven produced. replica of Leonardo da Vinci’s Ornithopter. Held inside wooden Interesting group, very fine. box with flip lid. Plaque is 9½x4½” in size. Copy of Yardley’s biographical data sheet from NASA included. He was involved with NASA from 1974-81 and before that was at McDonnell OTHER USA SPACE COLLECTIBLES Douglas in St. Louis. Unique item in excellent condition. 183 1980s SPACE SHUTTLE CIRCUIT BOARDS (x4) ............................................................................... PH $200-300 –FLOWN – Four possibly flown Circuit Boards (4x6\") with NASA paper- 186 1969-81 APOLLO/SHUTTLE MFA MEDALLIONS work, which matches numbers on the boards. Three packages W/ FLOWN METAL ............................................... PH $200-300 sealed and one opened for photo. Three described as removed Four Manned Flight Awareness medallions, each made in part in 1987 (after Challenger accident, refurbishment possibly) from metal flown on the missions, and attached to their and one in 1982. Great condition. presentation certificates (8½x11\" or 11x14\") includes Apollo 11, Apollo-Soyuz, STS-1 and STS-71 (no certificate). All in at least very fine condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 41 Space 3.pmd 41 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Other USA Space Collectibles 193X 187 191X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Other USA Space Collectibles, cont. – FILMS – – HARDWARE – 189 1970s-80s VHS SCIENCE FICTION & SPACE EXPLORATION FILM LIBRARY .................................$400-600 187 1960s-70s GEMINI ERA FUELING ‘SCAPE SUIT’ ............................................................................... PH $300-400 More than 100 VHS films featuring Science Fiction such as Vintage Self Contained Atmospheric Protective Ensemble ‘Forbidden Planet’, ‘Them’ and ‘The Day The Earth Stood Still’ (original version). Also space documentaries with wide variety (SCAPE) suit, complete with its rubber boots and gloves, was utilized by missile silo and launch-pad team members engaged such as ‘Women in Space’ and ‘Life On Mars’. In addition are in fueling and de-tanking of storable liquid propellants affiliated two films in canisters, one from Rockwell Space Division on with Titan launch vehicle and spacecraft reaction control Orbiter 101 and other on ‘left side firing thrusters’ that probably systems, and were later used on fueling other spacecraft. Suit concerns booster performance. would have included its own backpack with breathing oxygen – PHOTOS – to isolate the wearer from hazards of hyper-golic fuel and oxidizer (propellants were extremely toxic and carcinogenic). Material surrounding hoses has disintegrated, as they all have. 190 1960s-90s US EARTH SURFACE NASA TRANSPARENCIES (x1600) ............................ PH $1000-1500 Large group of about 1600-1800 vintage NASA mostly color transparencies (4x5\") all bearing views of the US states from orbit. Photos amassed from Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle and satellites such as Landsat, and include most if not all 50 states – closeups on geographical points of interest and 188 1965 PISTON HEAD FROM THE CRAWLER- wide images as well. Many rare images for sure, and little if TRANSPORTER ............................................... PH $2000-3000 any duplication. Originally from major NASA center, all Piston head assembly removed from one of crawler-transporters hand-labeled and very fine condition. at KSC soon after Challenger accident in 1986. This piston 191 1960s-90s EARTH SURFACE NASA was present in crawler from the very beginning in 1965 and it TRANSPARENCIES (x2,000) ............................. PH $750-1000 helped transport Apollo rockets to the pad. Removed from one Large group of about 2,000 vintage NASA mostly color of crawler’s V16 Alco Diesel engines and obtained by transparencies (4x5\") all bearing views of Earth from orbit. consignor. Measures 9\" diameter and over 12\" in height, and Photos taken from Gemini, Apollo, Skylab, Space Shuttle and weighs about 43 pounds. Numbers stamped on metal inside, satellites such as Landsat and include most land masses. Also such as ‘1642-5713 Alcoa’. Excellent condition from an historic with about 30 transparencies (10x10\")as well. Many rare machine. images for sure, and little if any duplication. Originally from major NASA center, all hand-labeled and very fine condition. Page 42 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 42 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Other USA Space Collectibles 194X 195X 196X 197 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 192 1960s-2000s SPACE PHOTOS & MATERIALS..........$300-400 196 1965-70 GEMINI 4, APOLLO 8 & APOLLO 11 Banker box filled with mostly NASA glossy photos (8x10\") MCDONNELL DOUGLAS PHOTOS ................... PH $750-1000 from all programs from Apollo to Shuttle – easily 500-1,000 Attractive archive of 15 different vintage NASA color photos photos. Couple hundred lithos present, includes one signed by including iconic images of Gemini 4 Ed White’s Spacewalk, Buzz Aldrin. Includes some earlier programs plus unmanned, Apollo 8’s Earth Rising and Apollo 11’s Buzz Aldrin with Flag probes, satellites, etc, and NASA booklets, panoramas and on the Moon, and others. Each photo, developed by McDonnell materials as well. Most photos have owner stickers and ID on Aircraft on 11x14\" fiber based paper with repeating ‘A KODAK backs. PAPER’ watermark on reverse, stamped on back with 193 1960s JOHN F. KENNEDY VISITING MARSHALL McDonnell Douglas title box, date (1 date in script) & D4C#. PHOTOS (x12) ...................................................... PH $200-300 Photos & dates include (D4C#): GEMINI 4 (x3) with rocket Group of 12 mostly B&W photos (8x10\") of President Kennedy launch dated in script ‘6-18-65’ (D4C 29046), 2 of spacewalk visiting Marshall Space Flight Center. No captions on backs, ’14 JUN 1965 (D4C 28917) & ’18 JUN 1965' (D4C 29040); so one or two of them could be at other NASA facilities. All in APOLLO 8 (x7) with Earth Rising ‘6 Jan 1969’ (D4C 57748), at least very fine condition. 3 Moon close-ups (D4C 58502, 58505 & 58506') & 2 views 194 1961-66 MERCURY, GEMINI & APOLLO NASA of Earth (D4C 58503 & 58504) all dated ‘4 FEB 1969’, and LITHOS (x400) ...................................................... PH $300-400 Moon close-up ’13 APR 1969' (D4C 71463); APOLLO 11 (x5, Group of about 400 vintage NASA color lithos (8x10\") from images 11\"x11\") all dated ’13 APR 1970', and photographed the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Skylab programs. About 250 with the Hasselblad 70mm lunar surface camera, with 4 of from Mercury & Gemini. Images include orbit, spacewalks, Buzz Aldrin on Moon, including well-known image of reflection launch, Earth scenes, crews, portraits, EVAs and more. Much on helmet (D4C 71484, 71485 & 71486) and 1 of crater (D4C duplication and very fine condition on average. 71480). Expect edge wear with light nicks, creases and flaking. 195 1962-63 KENNEDY SPACE CENTER Great images, fine to very fine. CONSTRUCTION PHOTOGRAPHS (x6) ............. PH $100-150 Six different aerial photographs of Kennedy Space Center under – PINS, PATCHES, MEDALLIONS – construction in 1962-63. Includes different buildings and sites, 197 1960s-90s APOLLO TO SHUTTLE MEDALLIONS and piles of sand. Interesting shots, likely taken by site (x50) ...................................................................... PH $200-300 engineers. Two marked ‘VIB area’ and one ‘solid motor storage About 50 Space-related medallions from the Apollo to Shuttle area.’ B&W photos measure roughly 120x100mm. Very fine. programs including some contractor items. Also contains several Manned Flight Awareness medallions (Apollo 11 is here) which were made in part from metal flown on the missions. Nice grouping. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 43 Space 3.pmd 43 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Other USA Space Collectibles 199 200 198 201 202 206 207 208X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Pins, Patches, Medallions – Other USA Space Collectibles, cont. – TOYS & GAMES – 198 1960s-90s PINS, MEDALLIONS & BUTTONS (x100) ............................................................................... PH $200-300 202 1960s ‘MOON TRAVELER APOLLO-Z’ BATTERY Large group of well over 100 Apollo, Skylab and Shuttle lapel OPERATED TOY .................................................. PH $200-300 pins, pin-back buttons, 2 charm bracelets, 2 shuttle belt buckles, Japanese made, metal and plastic toy (12½x6\") complete with original box. Box describes toy as ‘Automatic Stop and medallions and more. 199 1960s-70s LARGE EMBLEM PATCHES (x15) .... PH $200-300 Go-Elevates with extending command ship-Blinking lights-Jet Group of 15 large emblem patches from mostly Apollo and sound’. New condition with some box faults. Attractive. 203 1960s ‘COUNTDOWN’ BOARD GAME .......................$150-250 Shuttle. Average size 7\" diameter. Shuttle missions include STS-30, 49, 95, 88, and more, while others are Mercury-related Game (10½x20x1½”) of intrigue and adventure with astronauts (x2), Gemini, Apollo & Shuttle program emblems and more. in space. Published by E.S. Lowe Co in early to mid 1960s, All with coated backs and excellent condition. game has withstood demands of time quite well. Appears to be 200 2000s LARGE BULLION PATCHES (x5) ............. PH $200-300 complete with all parts to play game. Some faults but fun for Group of five large bullion patches (6½” diameter) for missions all in its original box. Apollo 1, Apollo 13, STS-1, STS-51L and STS-51C. Great – OTHER SPACE COLLECTIBLES – condition. 204 1960s-80s SPACE CONSIGNMENT BALANCE .........$300-400 – SPACE SHIP ONE – Box full of Space-related materials including NASA publi- cations, a Slayton certificate, a vial of STS-6 polystyrene beads, 201/ 2004 ‘SPACESHIPONE’ THRICE-FLOWN PILOTS SIGNED COVER ................................................... PH $300-400 KSC jumpsuit, slides, postcards, covers, stamps, records, large Cover flown on last three flights of sub-orbital space plane Ranger VII book, card sets and more. SpaceShipOne, postmarked Mojave, CA Jun 21, Sep 29 and 205 1960s-80s SPACE BOOKS, PHOTOS, TOYS & MORE .......................................................................$200-300 Oct 4, 2004, the last three flights of SSO, all of which flew above the 100km mark. Signed by pilots Mike Melvill (Jun & Banker box loaded with Space books (some signed by author), Sep flights) and Brian Binnie. Very fine. about 300 mostly NASA photos, early Rocket Toys, about 40 positive transparencies (8x10\"), and various miscellaneous space items, some Soviet. Page 44 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 44 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Soviet/Russian Program 210X 211X 209X 212 213X Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate 206 1966-72 GENE CERNAN’S ROCKWELL VULCAN 210 2000s FLOWN ISS CARGO IDENTIFICATION CARDS LIGHTER ............................................................... PH $200-300 (x6) ........................................................................ PH $200-300 Cigarette lighter formerly belonging to Gemini & Apollo Six different ISS cargo identification cards (4x5\") each flown astronaut Gene Cernan. Engraved metal plaque glued on side on a Space Shuttle mission. All cards contain Astronaut specific of lighter (loose) covering an original engraving mistake. Sold names and one with STS-126. Names on cards include: Wakata, originally in Cernan’s garage sale. (Novaspace COA card) Fincke, Dezhurov, Whitson, Bursch, Onufrienko and more. 207 1968-2010 LARGE BAG OF SPACE JEWELRY Made from card stock. All flown and in good condition, and ............................................................................... PH $300-400 collected over the years by a KSC worker on the ISS and cargo. Large bag weighing several pounds of space-related jewelry Unusual and uncommon. items including lapel pins, tie clips, etc. Mostly shuttle but some Apollo, Skylab, unmanned and NASA represented. – EXPEDITION 10 – Hundreds of items with some duplication. 211 2004-05 FLOWN ISS EXPEDITION 10 ITEMS .... PH $200-300 208 1970s LAUNCH COMPLEX FRAGMENT CARDS (x6) Four items flown into space to ISS for Expedition 10 by ............................................................................... PH $200-300 Cosmonaut Salizhan Sharipov, includes: small gold nugget, a Six cards (5½x8½”) each bearing a fragment from a Launch diamond, a midnight blue sapphire, and a pink sapphire. All Complex at the Cape. Includes cards for LC-5, 14, 19(x2), 26 with signed COAs. and 34. Great condition. SOVIET/RUSSIAN PROGRAM INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION –FLOWN – 209  2000s-10s SIGNED STAR CITY MEET THE COSMONAUTS/ASTRONAUTS INVITATIONS (x16) 212 1980s SOYUZ FLOWN SPACECRAFT FAN ....... PH $200-300 ............................................................................... PH $300-400 A 3\" diameter, 2½” wide metal fan with plastic blades flown Group of 16 crew-signed Invitations, each folds open to on a Soyuz mission. Power cord section attached. 3¾x11½”, issued for Russians to meet and greet returning 213  1987-88 TWO FLOWN RUSSIAN COVERS ........ PH $200-300 cosmonauts & astronauts at Star City. Includes one card signed Two covers flown into space, one by Soyuz TM-3 Russian/ by Expeditions 19/20 crews (Padalka, Laliberte, Barrat, Kopra Syrian crew (rare) and other by Soyuz TM-5 Russian/Bulgarian & Wakata), two signed by Expeditions 20/21 crews crew. Both in very fine condition. (Romanenko, DeWinne & Thirsk), six signed by Expeditions 22/23 crews (Kotov, Creamer & Noguchi), and seven signed by Expeditions 21/22 crews (Suraev & Williams). All at least very fine condition. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 45 Space 3.pmd 45 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Soviet/Russian Program 214X 215X 216 217 218 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Flown – Soviet/Russian Program, cont. – HARDWARE – 214  1988-92 TWO FLOWN RUSSIAN COVERS ........ PH $200-300 217 1973-2013 SERGEI ZALETIN SOKOL KV-2 Two covers flown into space, one by Soyuz TM-6 Russian/ Afghan crew and other by Soyuz TM-14 Russian/German crew. SPACESUIT TRAINING GLOVE ..........................PH $500-700 Both in very fine condition. Original Russian cosmonaut spacesuit Glove from Sokol KV-2 215 1991 FLOWN TOMATO SEED PACKETS (x7).... PH $200-300 spacesuit – used in training by Zaletin. No cosmonaut initials Seven Gagarin covers each containing a packet of flown tomato present, but probably used in training. These spacesuits have seeds auctioned off in Russia in 1992 as a fund-raiser for been used for all Soyuz flights and were first used in 1973 and children. Each of seven envelopes contains the flown seeds are still in use today. Great condition. (Alex Panchenko COA) 218 1973-2013 SOKOL KV-2 SPACESUIT GLOVE ...PH $500-700 and description of auction & COA both in Russian. Unusual lot. Original Russian cosmonaut spacesuit Glove from Sokol 216 2007 SPACE DOG MEDALS CONTAINING FLOWN KV-2 spacesuit – bearing the initials ‘DF’ (translated). These MATERIAL (x3) ..................................................... PH $200-300 spacesuits have been used for all Soyuz flights and were first Three Russian space dog medals, each containing material used in 1973 and are still in use today. Used but still very fine flown in space. Issued by the Samara Industrial Complex, which condition and quite possibly flown. made the Soyuz, they honor space dog pioneers for years 2005, 2006 & 2007. Medals each 1½” diameter. Page 46 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 46 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Soviet/Russian Program 219 1977-84 SOVIET ‘ORLAN-D’ EVA SPACESUIT....................................................................................... PH $30,000-40,000 Described in ‘Russian Spacesuits’ by Abramov and Skoog (2003), ‘this semi-rigid spacesuit was a modification of the original ORLAN spacesuit (only 11 test/training suits developed) which was designed to support crew member EVA from the orbiting Moon space vehicle as part of the N1-L3 program. The original ORLAN suit type was never used in flight.’ The Life Support System (LSS) was of regenerative type, including exchangeable components. According to ‘Russian Spacesuits’, power supply, radio communication & telemetry were via a 20m electric umbilical, which also served as safety tether. Suit has a further safety tether with snap hook. Only 27 test and training models and 7 flight models of the Orlan-D were made. This particular spacesuit was used for display & training and its outer cover layer has been removed. This way, the Life Support inner components that made the suit functional are exposed for view. There is an engraved ‘Orlan-D’ on the inside lip of the backpack. Additionally, there is an accompanying green carrying bag for this suit. Museum quality, perfect for the finest space memorabilia collections. Saint Louis, Missouri Aviation & Space Memorabilia Page 47 Space 3.pmd 47 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

Soviet/Russian Program 221 222X 223 224 225 226 Session I: Wednesday, January 15, 2014 Estimate Estimate Soviet/Russian Program, cont. 222  1978 TWO SALYUT 6 FLOWN RUSSIAN COVERS ............................................................................... PH $200-300 – BION-10 – Two covers flown to Soviet Salyut 6 space station in 1978 and inscribed as such by cosmonaut Kovalyonok. Both in very fine condition. Ex-Cosmonaut Lev Demin collection. – SOYUZ 15 – 223  1974 SOYUZ 15 FLOWN REVOLUTION GREETING CARD ....................................................................PH $200-300 Flown (3½x5½”) fold open card stamped and postmarked inside and signed by Soyuz 15 cosmonaut Sarafanov. Ex-Cosmonaut Lev Demin collection. – SOYUZ 28/SOYUZ 27 – 224/ 1978 FLOWN & SIGNED COVER ........................PH $200-300 Cover flown into space aboard Soyuz 28, returning on Soyuz 27 in 1978 and signed by cosmonauts Grechko & Romanenko, descending crew, and Remek (ascending crew member). Very fine condition. – SOYUZ 30 – 225/ 1978 SOYUZ 30 FLOWN & CREW SIGNED 220/ 1992-93 FLOWN ‘BION-10 MONKEY’ SIGNED COVER .................................................................. PH $200-300 COVER ................................................................ PH $900-1200 Cover flown into space aboard Soyuz 30 in 1978 and signed Krosh & Ivasa, two Rhesus monkeys were aboard this Dec by crew of Klimuk and Hermaszewski. Very fine condition. 1992-Jan 1993 Biological experiment flight. The ‘Crew’ returned to Earth safely, in fact, Krosh is known to have – SOYUZ 32/SOYUZ 34 – descendants. Only a few of these covers are known, extremely 226/ 1979 FLOWN & CREW SIGNED COVER ............ PH $200-300 rare, none have previously been offered by Regency-Superior. Cover flown into space aboard Soyuz 32 and returned on Soyuz Flown cover signed by A. Soldatenkov who also signed the 34 in 1979 and signed by crew of both flights, Lyakhov and Certificate of authenticity which accompanies lot. Very fine. Ryumin. Very fine condition. – SALYUT 6 – – SOYUZ 40 – 221 1977-78 FLOWN RUSSIAN CONTAINER BAG FOR 227  1981 TWO SOYUZ 40 FLOWN RUSSIAN COVERS SALYUT 6 ............................................................. PH $200-300 ............................................................................... PH $200-300 Leather container (3½x9\")labeled in Russian ‘Expedition 1, Two covers flown into space aboard Soyuz 40 in 1981 by Expedition 2, Expedition 3’, no doubt flown to Salyut space station Russian/Romanian crew. Both in very fine condition. in the late 1970s. Possibly a photo of this in use can be found. Page 48 (800) 782-0066 • Regency-Superior Space 3.pmd 48 11/27/2013, 3:10 PM

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