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Babylon Magazine Issue 2 (1).pdf final for publishing

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English Articles iolence against women is a aspect of family violence, and can significant human rights issue happen to any woman regardless of Vin Victoria. All women have her financial ability or knowledge. a right to safety in homes, schools, at )Kindly funded by the Victoria Law work and on the streets. Foundation( Whether in the home or elsewhere, Money problems with your A few weeks ago, RSI President Joel physical or psychological violence partner? Mikell had the opportunity to speak against women is something that can to hundreds of pastors at the Texas Ministry Conference about the “top 10 happen to any woman, regardless Sexual assault stewardship difference makers” when it of her age, ethnicity or wealth. One in three women will be sexually comes to cultivating a culture of giving Violence against women is a serious, assaulted at some time in their life, and in your church. As a follow up from the widespread problem in our society and it can happen to women and children we frequently assist women who have from all walks of life. Some forms of experienced violence. sexual assault are criminal offenses Women who contact us commonly and the impacts of experiencing talk about domestic/family violence, or witnessing an assault are varied. sexual assault and/or abuse. Our Besides dispelling destructive myths information sheets below provide surrounding sexual assault, this sheet contact details of available outreach gives information on assistance for services, women’s refuges and other victims and their steps to recovery, and safe accommodation, and other advises family and friends how they can resources dealing with violence against support victims. women. Family Violence Stalking What you can do for yourself and Stalking is when a person, usually your family someone you know, tries to keep in contact or spies on you. It is a criminal Family violence and abuse is a growing and recognised problem for offence and there is a high probability women. Nobody has the right to abuse of violence when stalking persists for or control you. If you are experiencing more than two weeks. After this point, or know someone experiencing it is recommended that you take a conference, the Texas Annual Confer- ence of the United Methodist Church proactive approach such as contacting domestic violence, this new booklet the police, documenting the stalking, shared a recap of the steps you can take provides information on getting legal when it comes to making a difference in advice, protecting yourself and your informing your friends or considering your church’s annual giving. children, and the help and support an intervention order. )Kindly funded Today, we wanted to highlight the services available in Victoria. )Kindly by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable six ways to cultivate a culture of giving from their recap of Joel’s presentation Foundation( funded by the City of Melbourne( with a few additional thoughts: Money problems with your 1. To change a culture, you must partner? Dealing with financial abuse Young people who use change the language. The easiest thing Many people think of family violence in the home for a church to do to help change their violence as physical injury or emotional A child who is violent or engages stewardship culture is to change the way they talk about it. Words like abuse. However, withholding money, in abusive behaviour is not simply “budget” don’t inspire your members to controlling all the household spending suffering from teenage angst. Handling give. By changing the way you phrase or refusing to include you in financial the situation can be difficult, especially things from something as simple as decisions is often part of family when many risk factors can aggravate “giving to the church” to “giving violence and is called economic or their behaviour. This information through the church to accomplish more ministry,” you’ll instantly start to see a financial abuse. booklet gives some tips on identifying difference in the response rate of your Women from all socio-economic abusive behaviour, how to deal with givers. Once you’ve gotten the basics and ethnic backgrounds with or without them and where to get further support down, here are five more words you children can experience financial abuse. for both you and your children. )Kindly will want to start using. Controlling the money is a common funded by the City of Melbourne(. 2. Resources follow relationships. ) 51 (

English Articles A true call to rescue our one day a woman came out of her language home in the morning and saw 3 old men with a long white beard sitting in By: Sabah Damman her front yard. she said to herself I do not think I know those men, but they must be hungry then she went to them and told them with a smile Welcome: a matter of fact are born here or have arrived the US Please log in to give you food. I believe in the when they were one or two years old, they asked her if her Husband is As proverb “Actions to speak it at least at home? home? she replied: no he is out. “Then speak louder than words” in specifying I assume that most if not all of us we cannot come in”, they replied the goal and choosing the means that speak English with our kids at home, In the evening when her husband lead to any destination. I think the ba- but let’s be optimistic and say they came home, she told him what had sic foundation and the most important know that they are Chaldeans. The happened and asked him to invite characteristics of any nation is its lan- coming generation won’t know that. them. The woman went out and invited guage. It is like the soul to the body, and In many occasions, I can hardly hear the men in. they give her a very strang- prayers inside the church. I assure that someone speak our language except er answer, they said: ”We will not go if our Chaldean mother tongue is not old people and some new comers in into a House together!” Why is that?” used at least at home, neglected out- the social clubs or shopping centers. she asked One of the old men ex- side, it will be gradually forgotten, and Sometimes they speak one or two Chal- plained: “His name is Wealth,” he said finally disappears, then the existence dean words followed by a dozen Eng- as pointing to one of his friends, and of our nation will certainly pass away, lish ones, what does that mean? At the said, pointing to another one, “He is though the old generation still say that same time we feel pleased, proud, and Success, and I am Love.” Then he add- we are Chaldeans while the coming satisfied saying that we are serving and ed, “Now go in and discuss with your generation will forget this word. helping our nation and Chaldean com- husband which one of us you want in A language survives when a gen- munity. It is a real catastrophe. your home” The woman went in and eration delivers it to the next genera- If we don’t speak English at home, told her husband what was said. Her tion as our grandfathers and ancestors among our speeches, through our husband was overjoyed. “How nice!” he did during hundreds and thousands of meetings, parties, and everywhere, said. “Since that is the case, let us in- years ago. When we were babies and what is the goal of all these festivals vite Wealth. Let him come and fill our kids we spoke Chaldean at home, that’s and celebrations? What do we try to home with wealth His wife disagreed. why we have preserved it till nowa- defend and keep safe? What do we aim “My dear, why don’t we invite Success. days. At the same time no one taught to maintain? Is there a Japanese citizen Their daughter-in-law was listening us to speak Arabic, but we learned it who doesn’t speak his language? Imag- from the other corner of the house. at schools and from friends out. So our ine an English man who can’t speak She jumped in with her own sugges- kids will certainly learn English from English and doesn’t know that he is tion: “Would it not be better to invite schools and they have the ability to British. Thank you. Love? Our home will then be filled with speak both languages, moreover they I wrote these open words and love. “Let us heed/follow our daughter- can speak Spanish at the same time. frank criticism for fear of the disap- in-law’ s advice,” said the husband to In our congregations, ceremonies, pearance of our beloved Chaldean lan- his wife. Go out and invite Love to be festivals, others, and even in our private guage which we kept during thousands our guest The woman went out and meetings which we are supposed to be of years, and passed safely from gen- asked the three old men, “Which one of living models for others, and practi- eration to generation as our historical you is Love? Please come in and be our cal patterns for ourselves, we, on the identity, symbolic pride, and real ex- guest. Love got up and started walking contrary and without logical reasons, istence in any society. Our grandfa- toward the house. The other two also speak English most of the time when thers and ancestors safeguarded this got up and followed him. Surprised, the we should use our own language which language which was the origin and lady asked Wealth and Success “I only we say is our pride, honesty, and secure source of all the present languages in invited Love; Why are you coming in future. Why? with a big cry. Is it a rat- spite of all the massacres, persecutions, The old men replied together: “If you ing of ranks and self-confidence? Is it a and bloody campaigns which were car- had invited Wealth or competition or a kind of ostentation to ried out against our peaceful and kind Success, the other two of us prove that we are educated and literate? hearted people in the past centuries, would’ve stayed out, but since you in- How do we expect our kids who know but sorrowfully it is fading away, and vited Love, wherever He goes, we go nothing about our past glorious history carelessly we are saying farewell to our with him. Wherever there is Love, and culture, in addition, some of them favourite and lonely son. there is also Wealth and Success. ) 52 ( نياثلا ددعلا - نولباب ةلجم

Australians Issues his Budget sets out the Govern- to ensure spending is as efficient, ef- Schools ment’s economic plan to ensure fective and well-targeted as possible; The Government will also provide an TAustralia continues to successful- • Targeting welfare abuse to ensure additional $1.2 billion between 2018 and ly transition from the mining investment the social safety net is there for Aus- 2020 for schools, contingent upon reform boom to a stronger, more diversified, new tralia’s most vulnerable, in particu- efforts by the States and the non-govern- economy in three key ways. lar those with disabilities; and ment schools sector to improve education • Responsibly investing in infrastruc- outcomes. First, by sticking to the Government’s ture like roads, rail, dams and pub- These funding arrangements for hos- plan for jobs and growth through: lic transport and guaranteeing real, pitals and schools provide an opportunity • A Ten Year Enterprise Tax Plan affordable funding for health and to develop longer-term funding arrange- that will boost new investment, cre- education services that Australians ments and further reforms that focus on ate and support jobs and increase rely on. quality and sustainability into the future. real wages, starting with tax cuts for small and medium-sized enterprises, Economic outlook that will permanently increase the The Australian economy is entering Budget Overview size of the economy by just over one its 26th year of uninterrupted growth The Government’s economic plan to per cent in the long term; despite an uncertain international envi- ensure Australia continues to successfully • Continued investment in the Na- ronment. Australia is growing faster than transition from the mining investment tional Innovation and Science Agen- all major advanced economies and well boom to a stronger, more diversified, new da, including support for new start- above the OECD average. The economy economy. up businesses; is forecast to grow by 2½ per cent in both Jobs and growth - Sticking to our na- • Securing an advanced local defence 2015-16 and 2016-17 and to pick up to 3 tional economic plan for jobs and growth manufacturing industry through the per cent in 2017-18. in a stronger, new and more diversified twenty year defence industry plan, Near-term economic growth is being economy driving new high-tech jobs in Aus- supported by household spending, invest- Tax and super - Making our tax sys- tralia, including 3,600 direct jobs ment in housing and exports. tem more sustainable so we can cover as part of the Government’s naval This strong economic growth is also the Government’s responsibilities for the shipbuilding programme; underpinning strong jobs growth. Almost next generation • Opening up more export opportuni- 300,000 jobs were created in 2015, the Balancing the budget - Ensuring that ties through trade agreements that most created in a single year since 2007. the Government lives within its means are already delivering new jobs and Historically low interest rates and a balancing the budget and reducing the markets for Australian producers, lower exchange rate compared with the burden of long term debt manufacturers and service provid- peak of the mining boom are supporting ers; and households and businesses. Revenue and spending • Working to get more than 100,000 Global growth has weakened with Total revenue for 2016-17 is expected vulnerable young people into jobs in growth in the United States having mod- to be $416.9 billion, an increase of 5.2 per the growing Australian economy by erated, continued sluggish European cent on estimated revenue in 2015-16. giving them real work experience growth and economic difficulties in a num- Total expenses for 2016-17 are expected with real employers that leads to ber of commodity exporting countries. to be $450.6 billion, an increase of 4.4 per real jobs. However, growth in Australia’s major cent on estimated expenses in 2015-16. trading partners is expected to remain Second, by fixing problems in the tax higher than global growth, reflecting system to enable us to sustainably cover Australia’s trade links to East Asia where Small Business the Government’s responsibilities for the growth remains relatively strong. Access to immediate deductibility next generation by: There are also opportunities for Austra- increases cash flow for small businesses • Combating tax avoidance, especially lia as our transition towards the service sec- across Australia. From 1 July 2016, small by multinational corporations, to tors is synchronised with growing wealth in businesses with turnover less than $10 ensure everyone pays the tax they China and demand for our services. million can purchase assets costing less should on what they earn in Aus- The Government will establish a $1.7 than $20,000 for their business and imme- tralia; billion Child and Adult Public Dental diately deduct the full amount from their • Closing off generous superannua- Scheme to ensure that dental spending is income, reducing their tax burden for that tion tax concessions for Australia’s prioritised to those most in need. To fund year. These deductions for small business- most wealthy and better targeting this new Scheme, savings have been redi- es are available until 30 June 2016 and superannuation tax concessions to rected from existing dental programmes there is no limit on the number of items support working Australians build that are either underutilised or inefficient. that can be immediately deducted as long independent wealth for their retire- as each is under less than $20,000. From 1 ment; and Hospitals July 2016 until 30 June 2017, small busi- • Giving hard working Australians At the April 2016 COAG meeting, nesses with turnover less than $10 mil- and the Australian businesses that the Commonwealth and the States signed lion can benefit from this measure at the employ them greater tax relief to a three year Heads of Agreement for pub- $20,000 level. After this, the threshold earn more without being taxed more. lic hospitals. returns to $1,000. Small businesses with The Government will provide an turnover less than $2 million don’t need Third, ensuring that the Government estimated additional $2.9 billion be- to wait until 1 July 2016 and can continue lives within its means, to balance the bud- tween 2017-18 and 2019-20 to support to immediately deduct assets purchased get and reduce the burden of long-term public hospitals, with links to reforms costing less than $20,000. Small business debt by: to reduce avoidable hospital admissions, will now have greater cash flow to replace • Continuing to keep government improve patient safety and boost the or upgrade out-dated or inefficient ma- spending growth under control and quality of services. chinery or equipment. ) 53 (

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