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Home Explore The Non-Profit Ministry Worksheet

The Non-Profit Ministry Worksheet

Published by Mahbub Alam Ovi, 2022-06-08 06:46:37

Description: The Non-Profit Ministry Worksheet
Buyer Type: Fiverr

Keywords: Worksheet,Workbook,Planner


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The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Before Exiting Module 1 Ensure This Checklist Is Complete

Lesson 1: 1. Grab yourself a notebook or a folder or binder full of loose leaf paper. 2. Journaled prompts and exercises to dig for your deeper why. 3. Posted photos of why around you. 4. Write out a deep prayer over your ministry. Lesson 2: 1. Mission: 2. Vision: Short - like a tagline 3. Purpose: Exactly how Lesson 3: After your Google search of people already doing this work - what were the results of your three 15 minute calls with them? What are your next steps to follow up? Get those on your calendar. Investigate the method you will be using to incorporate. Lawyer, Legal Zoom, other - get commitment times on your calendar for that. I will be incorporating in the State of __________________. Lesson 4: Have three board members. Make sure you have reached out to the people you have listed in all categories. If you cannot get them to commit, find family and friends for now, but be striving to move higher.

List the people’s their names and addresses: 1. 2. 3. Start an email two 2 or more praying people asking them to join your prayer board. Lesson 5: 1. Name decided on is _________________________________. Logo started with someone in Fiverr unless you are a graphic designer. 2. State Incorporation documents: Article and Bylaws are completed and filed with the necessary state agency. If you wish to have us consult with you on these documents find the Incorporation Document Consultant Review. Lesson 6: 1. Completed at least 1 personality profile. 2. Spent 30 minutes reviewing it and journaling or bullet pointing my strength areas and my weak areas. 3. Finished a Spiritual Gift Inventory. Let’s get ready for Module 2! See you there.

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 1 Digging for Your Why!

Grab yourself a notebook or a folder or binder full of loose leaf paper. Journaling Prompt: Why Do I Want to Start This NonProfit? Why Should I Start This NonProfit? Who is suffering while I wait to start this NonProfit? 10 minute blocks. Set a buzzer and don’t stop writing until the buzzer goes off. Do this at least 3 times. Pray between each block asking God for leaving and guidance in this process. Grab some photos from magazines or online printed ones of your target audience. Veterans, churches for a speaking ministry, that desperate mom for a writing ministry, a teen mom. Place these all around your home and office to remind you of WHY and for who you are doing this. Write out a deep prayer over your ministry.

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 2: The Other W’s: Mission, Vision, Purpose

Who? male/female ages circumstances What? Dig deep on this one - lots of prayer. (Remember on IRS and incorporation documents keep it general. Example: offer christian life coaching to overcome trauma - make it healing trauma) When? This goes a little with the circumstances on who. At one point in someone’s life will you step in? Examples: Pre-homelessness to help people stay in their homes? After they are in the streets? In Kenya we step in when girls are pregnant, but not if they have already given birth. Where? (City, State, Country, online, in an office, on the streets….) Small Why? What is the focused point of your work with clients? To lead them to Christ? To lead them to Christ and financial independence?

How? This will be full with prayer and expand and grow. For now just give a general idea of how you think this will play out in real life. Be as specific as you can, but don’t get overwhelmed here. Just allow yourself to dream and be creative. ***************************************************************************** Mission: define the what, why, and who Vision: Short - like a tagline Purpose: Exactly how

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 3: Which Way To Go

Do a 30 minute Google search of people already doing this work. List your three favorite organizations here with a name contact info below. 1. 2. 3. Call/email these 3 prior to moving onto the next lesson to set up a 15 minute time to talk. What 3-5 questions will you ask them when you talk? ************************************************************************** Determine which state to incorporate in. Things to consider: 1. Where most of your donations are coming from if any right now? Where do you expect most of your donations to come from? 2. What are the fees to incorporate in your home state? Most states are $100 or less. (Some states are significantly more expensive. You may want to check other nearby states.) To do: Find and set a meeting with a lawyer if you are going that route. Look into specifics and finances of Legal Zoom if going that route. Before moving onto the the next lesson: I will be incorporating in the State of __________________._____

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 4: Boards: Picking Members & Types

Beside each type list some names of people that come to your mind. 1. Legal ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Accounting ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ _ 3. Administrative ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Knowledge of this type of program ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. Passion for this work ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Reach out to the people you have listed here within the next 24 hours to ask them to be on the board. You must have a minimum of three people on the board before moving to the next module. Be reaching toward five people sitting on the board in the next few years. ************************************************************************************* PRAYER BOARD: 1. Who do you know that is a consistent pray-er? 2. Email or call them and ask them if they would be willing to pray regularly for you and your nonprofit ministry. 3. Set a schedule together of what that will look like: a. You send an email every two weeks or once a month with prayer requests for yourself, family, and ministry. (Use this route if you will have more than one person in the prayer circle.) b. She emails you once a month to ask for prayer requests.

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 5: It’s All in a Name!

Jot down a list of 15- 20 names: Remember: avoid long names and make sure clear what you are doing from the name and tagline. Put a star by your top 3 names. Check your favorite names on: 1. Google 2. US Trademarks 3. State you plan to incorporate in for their search of names. Which name have you decided on? ____________________________________________________________________ Don’t skip this step. You could have serious TradeMark law issues and or a huge cost investment to change your name later. Make sure to search the name now to avoid future hassle and expense. *************************************************************************************

Start assembly of corporation papers for the state you chose. You will need articles and bylaws. You can do this through a lawyer, legal zoom or using the attached as a guide. Unless you are incorporating in Wisconsin I would recommend one of the first two options. It is imperative to get complete ASAP, it is also necessary to take a good look at these documents. You will only be using these if there are problems. If a board member is attempting to overthrow leadership. A relationship has been severely damaged in some way. Whenever you look back to these documents it is rarely for a good reason. Also these documents can limit what you can do and not do in later expansion. You want to make sure you have covered yourself and your organization for anyone who may have destructive plans. If you wish to have us consult with you on these documents find the Incorporation Document Consultant Review and you can ensure you are covered. Mail or electronically file with the necessary state agency. This will involve a filing fee.

The Non-Profit Ministry Accelerator Worksheet Module 1 Jump Start Lesson 6: Personal Audit

Why do a Personal Audit? What projects should let go of in the future Leadership Avoid conflicts with volunteers, staff and others Personal Audit links: DISC PROFILE Enneagram Spiritual Gift Inventory To do: 1. Complete at least 1 personality profile. (And as your team grows, paid or heavy volunteer have them complete this as well and talk about it as a group.) 2. Spend at least 30 minutes reviewing it and journaling or bullet pointing my strength areas and my weak areas. 3. Finish a Spiritual Gift Inventory.

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