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Published by hazel, 2023-07-20 10:30:15



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HIGH QUALITY FLOORING Vinyls • Carpets • Laminates • Wood • Natural Mattings STEEL TEAL HOME SELECTION SERVICE AVAILABLE GCAaifrtvpVaeitlsoau&bclehPefoarsrint OPEN: We will beat any written quotation Tues to Sat: 10am-4pm Thursday till 7pm We also open by appointment! GREAT PRICES Free, no obligation quotes A service you can rely on with over 30 years’ experience. T: 01733 242 358 E: [email protected] The Old Butchers, 156 Main Street, Yaxley (Next to the Fire Station, opposite The Three Horseshoes.) AFFPORRDAIBVLEATE DENTISTRY BLINDS IN HARMONY Blinds, curtains and awnings Ask me why I’m smiling I just had my tooth replaced in under one hour! With mini dental implants you can have your missing teeth replaced simply FREE QUOTATIONS and affordably in one treatment visit. Why wait? Imagine smiling, eating and Harlow is a beautiful, vibrant collection of hand-painted florals and damasks. speaking with confidence and comfort again. These ECO fabrics have been designed with the environment in mind Restore the attractiveness of your smile at a much lower cost than the larger using recycled polyester and organic cotton. style implants. In one short visit, turn your dreams of a more comfortable and SPECIAL OFFER 20% OFF attractive smile into a beautiful reality. when two or more vertical blinds are purchased Extensive experience in implant dentistry Conservatory blinds • INTU blinds (no screws used)  New Patients examination £70 Conservatory sails • Vertical, roller, pleated & Roman blinds  Scale and Polish from £50  Cosmetic Dentistry Motorisation Available • Black out blinds  Dental Hygienist services  Implants Venetian blinds, wood and aluminium • Fly screens  Children under 6 seen free of charge Child safety devices fitted on all blinds • Awnings and canopies  Orthodontist  Invisible Braces Made to measure and handmade curtains Curtain tracks and poles supplied and fitted London Road Dental Practice DOMESTIC AND COMMERCIAL Dr Romeo Young BChD, MSC Ortho, PG Cert Dental Education VISIT OUR SHOWROOM 15 Market Place, Whittlesey PE7 1AB 81 London Road, Peterborough PE2 9BS - 01733 340005 t: 0800 0282942 or 01733 840258 e: [email protected] 12 Yaxley Gazette | August 2023 | T: 01733 757342 | E: [email protected] |

yaxleyhub while the sun shines! What is Hay? Lately, with all Yaxley Countryside Volunteers haymaking activities I thought it worth contemplating the subject of hay, just what is it? There is a general confusion and substitution of the words, hay, and straw. By Reg Bingham Well, straw is usually the dead stems of cereals harvested for grain and used is bad for anyone handling it and for the livestock too. Its food value will be for bedding. Hay on the other hand is, or should be, living grasses and other reduced and can cause lung conditions in livestock as well as humans. plants, cut whilst green to ensure the subsequent product is edible, palatable, It is essential that hay is dried quickly and not handled roughly in the process, and nutritious. This is not to say that straw is completely void of nutrition, the which can knock out the brittle leaves before or during harvest. Once cellulose can be converted into starch by herbivores. Some barley and oat harvested it must be stored in a well-ventilated barn and allowed to breathe straws are used as animal feed. to ensure it is completely dry. Good hay will contain a range of species of grasses, deemed to be edible, In the pre-industrialized era, hay was the fuel of the nation’s livestock. A world palatable, and nutritious. In Britain this means ryegrass, fescues, timothy, and that required vast quantities of hay to feed horses and cattle for transport and cocksfoot etc. There is, in fact, a worldwide breeding effort to create grass to produce dairy products. Before modern farming methods, hay production varieties that excel in these characteristics and to be of high yield as well. was a massively labour-intensive operation. Some other important species, such as clover, are added to the mixture which This magical food is fibrous which can only be converted efficiently into are not only very nutritious, but able to fix nitrogen in the soil for themselves energy by herbivores, they can live on rough forage even when it is low in and plants around them. food value and cows and other grazers can convert sunshine via hay or grass, We hear that since the 1940’s, 95% of flower rich grassland has been lost, into meat and dairy products. but there are even fewer “unimproved” acres, full of wild grasses and flowers. Britain is a supremely good grass growing part of the world and we derive a Grasslands are always “improved” that is ploughed up, re-seeded, and given large part of our diet through the ability of sheep and cows to produce meat artificial fertilizers. and dairy products. Despite its wonderful properties we have abandoned hay making as it is too difficult to make in our wet climate. To obtain a traditional hay meadow is We feed them silage instead, which is pickled rather than dried grass and can quite a challenging task. It is easier and be harvested in dry periods of short intervals so can be snatched between quicker to plough up and start again. down pours. This is akin to felling all our ancient Unfortunately, this method of grass preservation is less helpful to wildlife. woodlands and replanting with more Traditional hay meadows are vastly more diverse and form wonderful habitats exotic species. for a wide range of flora and fauna. Once we have grown our hay crop, This is where we come in with our mini meadows to redress the balance, in we must decide when to harvest it. a tiny way. Thankfully, we are not dependent on the resulting hay. None the In the wet climate of our country, of less we are employing traditional hay making methods so we can make a course the greatest influence is of difference to wildlife in our neighbourhood. course the weather. Hay needs at least Grasslands, some folks suggest, be it meadows, rough grazing on windswept 3-4 days to dry or cure and rain is the hillsides etc. can be regarded as our equivalent to our rainforest, for not only biggest enemy. This can spoil the hay are they locking up carbon, but they are also helping a lot of wildlife that can by leaching out the nutrients and only enhance their existence and ours as well. turning the hay moldy making it worse Three cheers for hay! than useless, not only is it lacking in nutrients, but it will be musty and full of mold spores. In this condition it Yaxley Countryside Volunteers Are Making Hay! Yaxley Countryside Volunteers have been busy in the Community Orchard cutting grass for hay. We manage the orchard with a view to it being a haven for wildlife as well as to produce fruit. As part of this we allow the grass and other plants to grow between the rows of trees. The orchard is home to over sixty varieties of wild plants which provide shelter and food for wildlife such as insects, birds, mammals and amphibians. It is important that the grass is cut during the late summer and we do this in a traditional way to make hay. The grass is cut and left to dry, is turned to continue the drying process and then collected by hand. The hay goes off to a local stable to be used as fodder for the horses. As part of managing the orchard we have also been pruning trees and thinning out fruit. Some of the blossom was caught by frost during the spring and so not much fruit has set on those trees. Other trees have so much fruit on the branches that there is a risk that the weight will cause the young branches to break thus the need to thin out some of the fruit – this is particularly true for some of our apple trees. And speaking of apples……Saturday October 21st is national Apple Day and the orchard will be open to the local community. There will children’s activities, fruit to sample and a chance to have a look round. If you need advice about looking after your own fruit trees or are thinking about planting a fruit tree in your own garden, we will be on hand to answer any questions. If you would like to help us look after the orchard or join in with our other projects around the village then please email [email protected]. Yaxley Gazette | August 2023 | T: 01733 757342 | E: [email protected] | 13

younggazette A Busy Year For Our School HOLME C of E PRIMARYSCHOOL Wow, how are we at the end of another school year? with the Church, celebrated World Book Day, held Mother’s and Father’s Day We started the year off with some brand new faces in Reception; our largest events, held our first maypole dancing celebrations, had a KS2 end of year ever cohort of pupils and they have grown into amazing little superstars performance of Alice in Wonderland, many special collective worships and over the course of the year. Throughout the year they have learnt about how more. to be safe and ride balance bikes, which they loved! They performed ‘The This year has been a busy one and throughout it we have had to say Nativity’ on stage for their grown-ups and they were able to go to Great Fen goodbye to Mrs Foley, Mrs Fox, and Mrs Holmes, who has been an asset to on their first ever school trip. They enjoyed bug hunting, nature painting and the school for many years and will be truly missed. We have welcomed Mrs den building. Barnard to our teaching staff this year and we have recently welcomed Mrs The rest of the school have been on trips to the fire station, Hammerton Pilarski as our Senior Office Coordinator. zoo and Duxford Imperial War Museum. Foxes class went on an amazing We would like to take this opportunity to thank our pupils, families, FoHS residential to PGL Caythorpe too! and staff for their hard work, dedication and support towards our small but In the sporting world, we have taken part in girls and boys football mighty school. competitions, gymnastics competitions, multi-skills festival, swimming Have a restful and enjoyable Summer everyone and we look forward to lessons, sports day, mini marathons and much more across the whole school. welcoming you back in September to do it all over again! As a school we have held many events over the year, including our very first Christmas fayre, we have worn Yellow to raise money for mental health, worn Mrs King, Mrs Ferrara and the Small but Mighty Team. pyjamas for Children in Need, held discos, had Easter and Christmas services Graduation Day End of Year Fun! LITTLE ACORNS DAY NURSERY & MONTESSORI WILLIAM DE YAXLEY SCHOOL The last few weeks of term flew by, and it is only now that we can draw breath and reflect It’s getting close to the time of year when our Little Acorns turn on all the things that were squeezed into those weeks. We held our annual Sports Day into Might Oaks and leave us to start their new adventure at school. and over 200 parents attended and cheered on the children as they took part in sprint, We wish all the children the best of luck and hope to see them relay, and shuttle races, throwing the vortex and traditional sack races. FOWDY provided and their families again soon. Thank you to all the families for your bacon rolls and hot drinks. It was a closely fought competition with positions changing support during your Little Acorns journey, we will miss you all. during the day, but victory eventually went to the blue team, and we congratulate the The school leavers have celebrated their time at Little Acorns children in Riley and Glennie class for their great running, throwing and sportsmanship. with a graduation ceremony and The Bikeablility team came into school and taught 70 of our year 5 and 6 children how a short performance on the stage to ride their bikes safely. This is an important life skill and helps our children to become for parents/carers to watch. The more independent – many of them will be cycling to school on their own or with friends. children have also enjoyed a party We held our annual prize giving assembly where two children in each year group are with lots of dancing, games and recognised for the brilliant progress, they have made in their learning in subjects such as party food, they had so much fun maths, English, science, humanities, art, and PE. The staff in each year group also choose with their friends. two children who are brilliant citizens and role models to their peers. We are have limited places Our wonderful year 6 children had transition days at their new secondary schools, which left from September 2023, we hopefully helped to alleviate some of the worries they might have had about moving on. are currently taking bookings We wish them the very best of luck for September and the next part of their journey. We from September 2024. If you also welcomed our year 2 children for a number of visits. They joined us for assemblies, would like to come and have a playtime, a lesson in the computer suite, sample maths and English lessons and then look around and are interested 2 full days with their new teachers. We look forward to welcoming them to William de in a space please contact the Yaxley in September and hope they will settle quickly and easily. nursery on 01733 244000 We are already looking forward to next year – staff have made plans for residentials and or enquiries@littleacorns- day trips for each year group and tweaks have been made to the curriculum to make it even better for our children. We hope you are all having a great holiday and enjoying quality time with friends and family and look forward to seeing you on Monday 4th September. Chvilodaucccachreeeprtsed DAY NURSERY & MONTESSORI SCHOOL Circle FREE hours pre-school education; , and -year-olds funded places Circle Established for years Circle FREE Montessori education Circle Freshly home-cooked meals Open Mon–Fri, am– pm | Call us to arrange a visit b Broadway, Yaxley PE NT | tleacorns-daynurse 14 Yaxley Gazette | August 2023 | T: 01733 757342 | E: [email protected] |

gazettehealth&wellbeing Your Bright Future is to Dance Illumination Dance is a dance club that has been operating for nearly 24 ILLUMINATION DANCE years, with locations in various parts of the country. The club offers a range (MODERN-JIVE, SMOOTH-JIVE) CLASS NIGHTS of dance styles including Modern Jive, Smooth Jive, Modern Blues, and Our new, regular classes in Yaxley started on Thursday Evenings in Expressive dancing. The club was June 2023 at 210 Broadway, Peterborough PE7 3NR with doors open at founded in 2000 in Milton Keynes 7:30pm and has since expanded to include 8 regular locations in the home counties area up to Nottingham. New2Dance and Beginners class from 7:45pm to 8:30pm At Illumination Dance, the focus is on providing a wonderful social Second class 8:45pm till 9:15pm opportunity and creating a warm and supportive dance environment. The Social dancing 9:15pm to 10:45pm club encourages its members to not only dance but also socially interact with other dancers. The highly qualified and experienced teachers at Illumination The classes will extend you beyond the normal Modern-Smooth jive Dance aim to put a smile on the faces of their students in every class. and enhance your dance plus musical interpretation. We will take In addition to regular dance classes, Illumination Dance offers dance you on a journey with new ideas for your dance in style and musical freestyles, workshops, special nights out, and charity events. These events interpretation, plus your connection with the music, and partner to provide dancers with the chance to learn other dance styles and be exposed add a new chapter of your dance progression. to the works of various teachers and demonstrations. The cost for the whole night is £7, which includes 2 classes, plus social The club aims to cater to dancers at all levels, from beginners to advanced. dancing till 10:45pm. We take cash & credit /Debit card payments. They provide dance training and support for their students and strive to There is an on-site licensed bar and free local onsite parking. create a safe and supportive environment. Illumination Dance promises to If you come to any of our other class nights, you can get a discount on promote excellence in all their classes and events. Thursday evening with a reduction of £2 to the normal Thursday price. By joining Illumination Dance, you will have the opportunity to express yourself, be creative, have fun, and develop your social life. The club aims For further information: Contact Chris on 07768 435362 to develop the skills of both recreational and vocational dancers, offering Email [email protected] opportunities for growth and enjoyment in dance. Website: Copper Peptides have been making waves in the beauty industry copper peptides, and all are mainly recently, but what exactly are copper peptides and what do they do? topical, so the copper peptides will sit Copper peptides are a compound of copper and amino acids that naturally on the surface of your skin. However READER OFFER! occur in our bodies. In skin care, they work by stimulating collagen there is a new cutting-edge way to production and skin rejuvenation, which means they are a powerful anti- treat your skin and hair with copper FREE PACK OF 60 ageing ingredient, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It will also peptides from the inside with COLLAGEN CAPSULES help improve skin tone and increase skin firmness. transdermal technology AND THIS WITH EVERY ORDER When it comes to hair health, Copper peptides stimulate blood flow to our IS WHERE THE GROUND BREAKING OF COPPER PEPTIDE scalp. Over time, our blood flow diminishes which contributes to hair loss. PATCHES. With copper peptides, we can resume fresh hair growth by stimulating the COPPER PEPTIDES PATCHES COME capillaries under the scalp to support the follicles and bring healthy blood IN! The hapi glow copper peptide circulation back into the scalp. patch contains copper peptides Valid until 31st August 2023 Recent research has shown that copper peptides also have antioxidant PLUS pomegranate extract, Ginseng extract, Blackberry Use code FREEGLOW properties which help heal and at checkout. protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. This means it’s perfect extract and green tea extract – all of which for anyone that is concerned about help anti-ageing, inflammation, redness and elastin in our premature ageing caused by UV skin. All the ingredients are directly absorbed through the skin and radiation and pollution. slowly into the bloodstream. So how can you incorporate copper peptides into your skin & All of the active ingredients are delivered over 24 hours as the copper hair routine? peptide patches last for 24 hours, meaning you only change once a day. Many products on the market contain The copper peptide patches come in two sizes. If you want to try some for that special occasion, then try the six-pack hapi glow patch. If you are serious about your skin and want to do everything you can to slow down the ageing process, then go for the 30-patch pack. YYaaxxlleeyyGGaazzeettttee || JAaunguuasryt 22002233 || TT::0011773333775577334422 || EE::iinnffoo@@yyaaxxlleeyyggaazzeettttee..ccoo..uukk || wwwwww..yyaaxxlleeyyggaazzeettttee..ccoo..uukk 2323

gazettepets&countryside TRAVELLING ABROAD WITH D&A Sanders YOUR PET Petcare Specialist n If you’re travelling to the EU or Northern Ireland, contact the Pet YOUR LOCAL PET SHOP Travel Scheme helpline on 0370 241 1710 or email pettravel@ if you need more information about pet travel. we stock everything a pet would want from Chicken n Contact APHA (Animal and Plant Health Agency) on 03000 feed to Dog Food 200 301 or email [email protected] if you need more information about pet travel to a non-EU country. David Sanders LCGI MINSTLM VNA Veterinary Nutrition Advisor Could you care for a cat in your home, whilst they wait Tel: 01733 753055 for our adoption team to find them their forever home? E-mail: [email protected] You will need to have a spare Unit 6 The Maltings, Broadway Shopping Centre PE7 3JJ room that you can dedicate to fostering, and live in the PE1-PE7 area. We provide you with the very best in training and support, along with everything you need. Fostering won’t cost you a penny, just your time, love and patience. ADVERTISE HERE CALL 07949 456045 Unit 6 Malting Square, Broadway Shopping Centre, Yaxley PE7 3JJ Cosy Ca INDOOR BOARDING CATTERY  Family Run  Fully Licensed Mon to Sat: 10am-3.30pm Manager: Shannon Sanders T: 01733 241640 Facebook /Cosy Cat Boarding Cattery 24 Yaxley Gazette | August 2023 | T: 01733 757342 | E: [email protected] |

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