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Published by sebastian.cazacu, 2022-01-06 15:23:49

Description: eu-LISA_EPMO_PM_Methodology_6.0.3


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eu-LISA PM Methodology Previous projects may be a useful source of reference when constructing a plan. There may be actual measures of how long a task took to be completed or how much effort was required. Lessons learned from previous projects on approaches to planning or developing products can also be valuable. Project Managers should plan in detail to the end of the next stage, and to a higher level the following stages. It could be considered the use of a workshop or facilitated meeting to identify products, approaches and activities and to get agreement from stakeholders. Techniques such as Product Based Planning can be used to identify what the project is going to produce. This can be particularly useful in the Initiation stage when the full scope and extent of the project is not yet completely determined. Project Managers should be realistic about resource availability and the number of resources required – taking into account the demands of other project work and day-to-day responsibilities, seasonal variation (e.g. holidays in summer), etc... It is recommended that the level of contingency is linked to the risk assessment score of the project as follows: Project Risk Assessment Rating Recommended Contingency Allowance High 30% Medium 20% Low 10% Contingency should be applied at the project and stage level against time and cost as illustrated below: EXAMPLE Project Risk Contingency Excluding Contingency Total Rating Allowance contingency Amount Project High 30% 100 m/d 30 days 130 days Stage Medium 20% 100.000 € 20.000 € 120.000 € Contingency should only be applied to tasks with variable duration or cost and not fixed duration or cost. For example, do not apply contingency to a task such as project evaluation period with a standard duration of six weeks. The plan is a living document which should be reviewed and updated regularly to take into account changes, external factors and the progress of work being performed. References PRINCE2: Plans PRINCE2: Techniques: Product Based Planning Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 50 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA IP4 – Refine Business Case Purpose The purpose of this process is to provide PSC the needed information for authorizing the project, by refining and updating the Business Case to reflect the information collected during planning (estimates, identified risks, tolerances, etc). INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Project Brief • The Business Case is refined • Detailed Business Case • Business Case and updated to reflect the • Benefits Review Plan • Project Management Plan information collected during • Risk Register the planning • Benefits Review Plan is created to identify how the achievement of each benefit is to be measured and capture the current baseline measures, as well as the timing of each benefit. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Detailed Business Case Create AP Benefits Review Plan Create/ Update AP Benefits This process ensures that the project has a continued business justification, so governance decision can be made properly. Activity Summary TBD Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 51

eu-LISA PM Methodology Completion Criteria Benefits measurements have identified and documented within the benefits Review Plan ¨ Project Plan has been reviewed and relevant information has been used to updated and refine ¨ Business Case Major risks have been reviewed for updating the Business Case ¨ Consistency check between Project Brief, Project Plan and Business Case has been performed ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Business Case Business Case Business Case Benefits Review Plan Benefits Review Plan Benefits Review Plan Best Practices TBD References PRINCE2: Starting up a Project, Refine the Business Case Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 52 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA IP5 - Assemble PID Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure that all information related to the “what, why, who, how, where, when, and how much” is collected, structured and compiled in such a way that all stakeholders will know exactly how the project is going to be planned, monitored, controlled and closed. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Detailed Business Case This process assembles the PID, • Project Strategies taking material produced in other • SSRS Initiation stage processes, prior • PIA to it being considered for • Project Logs approval by the PSC. The PID may not be one single document but a collection of documents. The PID is the key document • PID produced during the Initiation • Request to deliver a project stage of a project. Authorisation of the PID is the green light for the project to proceed into the Execution stage. Once authorised the PID forms the baseline against which project progress will be measured. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support PID Create R AP Request to deliver a project Send AP Benefits The PID provides a consistent and single source of information to the project team and wider stakeholders on how the project will proceed, what it will produce, and who will be involved. Activity Summary TBD Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 53

eu-LISA PM Methodology Completion Criteria All the necessary components of the PID have been supplied ¨ The document provides all the information required to enable a decision on project approval to ¨ be taken Request to Deliver the Project has been sent to PSC ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic PID PID Extended PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practice If the contents of the PID have been developed using various other components, then these should be cross- checked to ensure consistency and compatibility across the document. The PID is not a static document and it should be kept up-to-date to reflect the current approach being taken and the project’s Business Case. Following the approval of major changes to the project, the PID should always be updated and reissued. It might be appropriate to keep the length of the main document short, and supplement it with material held in appendices or via hyperlinks. References PRINCE2: Initiating a Project, Assembling a Project Initiation Document (PID) Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 54 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA 20. Directing a Project (DP) The purpose of the Directing a Project process is to enable the Programme Steering Committee (PSC) to be accountable for the project by making key decisions and to have overall control. Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 55

eu-LISA PM Methodology DP1 – Authorise Initiation Purpose The purpose of this step is to enable PSC to make an informed decision on approving the project initiation. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Project Brief This process allows the PSC to • Approved Project Brief • Initiation Stage Plan check, before committing the • Approved Initiation Stage Plan resources for Initiating a Project, that: • Project Brief exists for the project, and the project proposal is still aligned with the Agency’s strategy • Effort and the resources needed to perform the Initiating a Project are known • Initiation is planned like any other project activity/stage Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Project Brief Approve A P P Initiation Stage Plan Approve A Benefits This process ensures that the investment made in Initiating a Project justified. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 56 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria PSC has reviewed Project Brief and Initiation Stage Plan ¨ ¨ Any amendments have been fully documented and incorporated ¨ ¨ PSC has approved the Project Brief and Initiation Stage Plan Large Projects Notification to initiate a project has been sent to Project Manager Extended Project Brief Extended Stage Plan Scalability and Templates TO BE ADJUSTED Small Projects Medium Projects Basic Project Brief Project Brief Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan TO BE ADJUSTED Best Practices TBD References PRINCE2: Directing a Project, Authorise Initiation Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 57

eu-LISA PM Methodology DP2 – Authorise Project Purpose The purpose of this step is to enable PSC to make an informed decision on whether to proceed further with the project. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID Within this step, PSC checks, • Approved PID • Benefits Review Plan before committing the resources • Approved Benefits Review Plan • Lessons Log for the project, that: • Notification for project • Project Brief exists for the authorization or premature project, and the project proposal is still aligned with the closure Agency’s strategy • Project Management Plan is adequate to deliver the Business Case • Project strategies and controls support the delivery of the Project Plan • There is an established mechanism for measuring and reviewing the projected benefits Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support PID Approve AP AP Benefits Review Plan Approve P Notification for project authorization or premature Send closure Benefits The baseline of the project at the point it is approved is formally captured, allowing future measurement of progress or deviation against this snapshot. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 58 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria The PSC to have reviewed and signed-off the PID ¨ Any caveats, exclusions or amendments have been fully documented and incorporated ¨ Project Initiation Document is re-based and stored in project file following approval ¨ Notification for project authorization or premature closure has been sent ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic PID PID Extended PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Benefits Review Plan Benefits Review Plan Extended Benefits Review Plan Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Best Practices All stakeholders should be fully engaged in the process of reviewing the PID. The Project Manager should have regular informal contact with the PSC prior to approval of the project. This helps to build engagement and reduce the probability of surprises occurring later in the project. The level of tolerance allocated to a stage should depend on the risk content of the work. For example, a project using an untested or new approach to development is more risky, and therefore should have greater tolerance levels, than a project using a tried and tested approach. Risk tolerance determines when risks should be referred to the PSC. There does not always need to be a formal meeting of the PSC in order to approve the PID and the project – it is acceptable for sign-off to be obtained via email, however it is best practice to obtain a signed copy for storage in the file of project documentation. References PRINCE2: Directing a Project, Authorise the Project Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 59

eu-LISA PM Methodology DP3 – Authorise Stage or Exception Plan Purpose The purpose of this step is to enable PSC to exert control over the project lifecycle, by authorizing each stage and/or exception plan. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Request to approve next Stage This process works on the • Approved End Stage Report Plan PRINCE2 principle that a project • Approved Stage Plan (next should not continue without • Request to approve Exception approval. It is invoked either stage) Plan when a management stage of a project is at its end and the next • Stage Authorization or • End Stage Report (current Stage Plan is prepared or an Premature Closure stage) exceptional circumstance has occurred. In an exceptional • Exception Plan Authorization • Stage Plan (next stage) circumstance an Exception • Approved PID and Benefits • Exception Plan Report is submitted to the PSC • Benefits Review Plan and then followed by an Review Plan (if updated) • PID Exception Plan. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Stage Plan (next stage) Approve AP AP End Stage Report (current stage) Approve P P Exception Plan Authorization Send Stage Authorization or Premature Closure Send Benefits The PSC through this process has the possibility to: • Evaluate the current status • Approve the tolerance margins for the stage • Assess Risk • Verify the project end date • Confirm the Business Case is still viable • Approve the current End Stage Report • Approve the next Stage Plan. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 60 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Activity Summary ¨ ¨ TBD ¨ ¨ Completion Criteria ¨ Stage Plan and End Stage Report have been reviewed by the PSC PSC has decided to authorize stage or exception plan, or to prematurely close project Changes to the Business Case have been communicated to corporate or Program Management Exception Plan clearly outlines changes to the Business Case, new risks and their status, increased costs and changes to the Project Plan Stage Authorization (or Premature Closure) or Exception Plan Authorization have been sent Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic End Stage Report End Stage Report Extended End Stage Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Exception Report Exception Report Extended Exception Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED PID Basic PID Extended PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Benefits Review Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Benefits Review Plan Extended Benefits Review Plan Best Practices Although a stage may stay within its tolerances, information may be produced within a stage that shows that at some time in the future the project will exceed its tolerances. It is important that these types of issue are discussed as early as possible, so they should be raised with the PSC. It is essential to ensure that the project is not adversely affected by delays in other management chains, e.g. suppliers, procurement, etc. An Exception Plan is a Stage Plan under \"exceptional circumstances\" and they are treated in the same way. Once approved an Exception Plan becomes a Stage Plan. Where the project deviates significantly from its tolerances, it may be better to stop the current project and restart with a Project Initiation Document that reflects the new situation. References PRINCE2: Directing a Project, Authorise Stage or Exception Plan Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 61

eu-LISA PM Methodology DP4 – Give Ad-hoc Direction Purpose The purpose of this step is to give the Project manager the opportunity to address any project issues with the appropriate governing body. The PSC might also address the Project Manager regarding changes in Corporate or Program strategy, staff appointments or changes in the PSC and/or MPB. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Exception Report This process could occur at any • Exception Plan Request • Dashboards stage within a project, and it • Premature Closure Request • Request for Advice covers all aspects of the project, • Advice • Issue Report including: • When an important decision is to be made • Clarification on program direction • Internal personal or project conflict • External influences For ad-hoc direction, the appropriate governing body is the Multi-Project Board, which shall only decide on issues that are not exceeding the approved project tolerances. For any issues that are exceeding the approved project tolerances, MPB shall escalate to the PSC for resolution. Responsibilities Action PSC Approve MPB (P) Producer Approve EPMO (R) Reviewer Send Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager Exception Plan Request Project Support Premature Closure Request AR P AR P Advice PP Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 62 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Benefits The projects receives continuous guidance and direction from the appropriate governing body. Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria MPB/PSC members have received and reviewed all relevant information ¨ MPB/PSC members are aware of the need to react quickly to issues raised ¨ MPB/PSC members are committed to prompt reading of Dashboard, Exception, or Issue reports ¨ and to timely response to them Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic Exception Report Exception Report Extended Exception Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Issue Report Basic Issue Report Extended Issue Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Dashboards TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Dashboards Dashboards Best Practices The PSC may delegate among its members responsibility for monitoring particular external sources for any potential impact on the project. Each individual PSC member could have a responsibility for monitoring a particular area to which the project might be sensitive. References PRINCE2: Directing a Project, Give ad hoc direction Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 63

eu-LISA PM Methodology DP5 – Authorize Project Closure Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure the project is closed in an ordered manner, with formal acceptance from users. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID • ensure that the project has a • Approved End Project Report • End Project Report clearly defined end and an • Updated Benefits Review Plan • Benefits Review Plan organised hand-over of • Follow-on Action responsibility to the group(s) who will use, support and Recommendations sustain the products • Lessons Learned Report • release the resources provided to the project • gain formal acceptance from the users that the acceptance criteria, set down at the beginning of the project, have been met adequately • direct any changes that have not been implemented to an appropriate authority for attention • establish a future method for verifying that the project has produced the desired benefits Responsibilities Action PSC Approve MPB (P) Producer Update EPMO (R) Reviewer Distribute Project Executive (A) Approver Distribute Project Manager Product Project Assurance Senior Supplier End Project Report Team Manager Benefits Review Plan Project Support Follow-on Action Recommendations AR P Lessons Learned Report AR P AA P AA P Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 64 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Benefits This process ensures a clean, orderly closure to a project and an organised hand-over to the users. Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria The results and products have been accepted, and there is no residual work that should be ¨ considered part of this project The business is ready to support, sustain and further develop the environment and products ¨ delivered ¨ Any necessary program management requirements have been met Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic PID PID Extended PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic End Project Report End Project Report Extended End Project Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Benefits Review Plan Benefits Review Plan Extended Benefits Review Plan Lessons Learned Report Lessons Learned Report Lessons Learned Report Best Practices Even if it is not mandatory, it is a sensible precaution to have written confirmation of acceptance from those who will be responsible for the operation and maintenance support of the delivered product. References PRINCE2: Directing a Project, Confirm project closure Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 65

eu-LISA PM Methodology 21. Controlling a Stage (CS) The purpose of the Controlling a Stage process is for the Project Manager to assign the work to be done, monitor this work, deal with issues, report progress to the PSC and take corrective action to ensure that the stage remains within tolerance. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 66 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA CS1 – Authorise Work Packages Purpose The purpose of this step is to keep control over the work of the team(s) INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID • issuing work instructions to the • Work Package • Stage Plan Team Manager(s) to begin the • Authority to Deliver Work • Project Product Description work • Quality Management Strategy Package • Configuration Management • revising the instructions as • Configuration Item Records required following • Updates: Strategy management decisions o Stage Plan • Team Plan The set of products issued by the o Project Logs • Stage Authorization Team Manager(s) is known as a • Exception Plan Approved Work Package. Elaboration for Test activities • Test Plan Elaboration for Test activities • Test Package • Test plan • Test Cases Responsibilities Action PSC Approve MPB (P) Producer Update EPMO (R) Reviewer Update Project Executive (A) Approver Update Project Manager Product Distribute Project Assurance Work Package Senior Supplier Configuration Item Records Team Manager Stage Plan Project Support Project Logs Authority to Deliver Work Package PA AR A RP PR P P Elaboration for Test activities: In case of testing work packages, the Team Manager is Test Manager. Benefits It would be chaotic to have the project team(s) starting activities without any adequate authorization given by the Project Manager. There must be a level of autonomy within the project team(s), but there could be wider issues of which team members cannot be expected to be informed. It is therefore important that, in broad terms, work only commences and continues with the consent of the Project Manager. Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 67

eu-LISA PM Methodology Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria The Team Manager is clear regarding what is to be produced, and what has to be done to produce ¨ it The Team Manager is clear about the effort, cost and timescale expectations in connection with ¨ the work involved The Team Manager is clear about the expected quality of the work and products, and also about ¨ how quality is to be checked, as defined in the relevant Product Descriptions ¨ ¨ The Team Manager is committed to the achievement of the work The Stage Plan has been updated as required, based on the agreement on the Work Package Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic Project Product Description Project Product Description Extended Project Product TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED PID Description Basic PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Extended PID Basic Stage Plan Configuration Item Records TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Project Logs TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Test Plan Extended Stage Plan Configuration Item Records TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED Configuration Item Records Project Logs Test Case Test Plan (N/A) Project Logs TO BE CREATED Test Plan Test Case (N/A) TO BE CREATED Test Case TO BE CREATED Best Practices On some occasions people working on the project will be directly responsible to the Project Manager. In this case the Project Manager and the Team Manager will be the one and same person. In a simple, low-risk project, Work Package authorisation may be reasonably informal. If a third party is involved, Work Package authorisation should always be formally documented. It is good practice for the people responsible for a Work Package to be involved in writing the relevant Product Descriptions. If this is done, the Product Descriptions should be reviewed by other people. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 68 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Elaboration for Test activities The Test Plan should include at minima: • What is being tested • What is excluded from testing • The features to be verified • The configurations to be used • Estimate of the resources and time required for testing Test cases are provided to focus on the testing objective for each test phase and they should describe: • Goal of each test • Detailed description of test procedures • Required environment for test execution • Whether testing will be automated or manual • Criteria by which to judge whether testing passed or fail References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Authorise Work Package Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 69

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS2 – Review Work Package Status Purpose The purpose of this step is to maintain an accurate and current picture of progress on the work being carried out and the status of resources by receiving and reviewing progress information from the Team Manager(s). INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Plan • Collect and review progress Updates on: • Work Package(s) information from the • Stage Plan • Checkpoint Report(s) Checkpoint Report for the • Configuration Item Records • Project logs Work Package being executed • Project Logs • Team Plan • Work Package • Update Project Logs if Elaboration for Test activities necessary Elaboration for Test activities • Test Plan • Test Plan • Update the Stage Plan, if • Test Package • Test Package necessary • Test Reports Responsibilities Action PSC Review MPB (P) Producer Review EPMO (R) Reviewer Update Project Executive (A) Approver Update Project Manager Product Update Project Assurance Checkpoint Report Senior Supplier Team Plan Team Manager Stage Plan Project Support Configuration Item Records Project Logs RP RP P A RP P Benefits In order to take adequate decisions and exercise rational control, it is necessary to know what is happening on the project, compared with what it was foreseen. This process helps Project Managers not losing sight of the overall goal. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 70 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria Checkpoint Reports are provided at the frequency defined in the Stage Plan ¨ Every team member is working to an agreed schedule ¨ Any unresolved problem from the previous report has been reviewed ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Project Logs Project Logs Work Package Project Logs Basic Work Package Work Package TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Checkpoint Report Basic Checkpoint Report Checkpoint Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Test Plan TO BE CREATED Test Plan TO BE CREATED Test Report TO BE CREATED Test Report TO BE CREATED Test Package TO BE CREATED Test Package TO BE CREATED Best Practices If the third party is not using PRINCE2, the Project Manager should ensure that the Team Manager becomes familiar with eu-LISA procedures and he follows PRINCE2's reporting requirements. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Review Work Package status Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 71

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS3 – Receive Completed Work Packages Purpose The purpose of this step is to confirm the work package has been completed and approved. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Completed Work Package • The completed Work Package Updates on: • Stage Plan is checked to see that it • Stage Plan • Quality Register conforms to the Product • Configuration Item Records • Configuration Item Records Description and specifications, standards, and constraints Elaboration for Test activities Elaboration for Test activities agreed as part of the • Test Plan • Test Plan authorisation of that specific • Test Report Work Package. • Any approvals defined as part of the Acceptance Criteria are checked to be in order. • The completed, accepted product is baselined. Any subsequent changes to the product must pass through the Change Management process. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Stage Plan Update P Configuration Item Records Update A RP Benefits This process ensures that where work has been allocated to individuals or teams, there will be a matching confirmation that the work has been completed and accepted. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 72 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria Product quality and acceptance sign-off have been obtained ¨ Hand over completed products (to Configuration Management) has been done ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED PID Basic PID Extended PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Test Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED Test Plan Test Report TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED Test Report TO BE CREATED Best Practices If the Work Package contains a number of products to be developed, they may be handed over to the project's Configuration Management system as they are approved. This may imply a certain period of time before the Project Manager is notified that the whole Work Package has been completed. Elaboration for Test activities Test Summary Report should include: • the dates and revisions for test execution • whether input and output criteria were met • the test case pass/fail rates • how many defects were detected, • during which test phase they were detected, and their severity level • whether any defects remained in the product when it was deployed • and a high level description of those defects. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Receive Completed Work Packages Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 73

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS4 – Review the Stage Status Purpose The purpose of this step is to maintain an accurate and current picture of the progress on the work being done and the status of resources. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Plan • Review Checkpoint reports Updates on: • Work Package status • Review the current Stage Plan • Checkpoint Reports • Stage Plan • Project Logs forecast and actuals • Project Logs • Check Work Package status to identify any variation between planned progress and actual progress • Check any quality issues • Check the Risk register for new and revised risks • Check the Issue register • Check the status of any corrective actions • Assess the utilization of resources for current stage and their availability for the remainder of the stage/project • Check the Benefits Review Plan to see if there are any benefits due Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Stage Plan Update P Project Logs Update P Benefits • Regular checking of project progress ensures that it does not get out of control • Stage reviews enable the Project Manager to recommend to the PSC to realign the goals of the project if the project environment changes • Review of a completed stage is a trigger for a management decision point on whether to continue with the project or not, thereby avoiding unnecessary waste of resources Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 74 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Activity Summary ¨ ¨ TBD ¨ Completion Criteria All products/outputs planned for the stage have been completed The plan for the next stage has been prepared and checked The PSC have received the next stage plan and/or exception plan Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Project Logs Project Logs Checkpoint Report Project Logs Basic Checkpoint Report Checkpoint Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Work Package Work Package Basic Work Package TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practices Regular reviews of stage status should be held to check that the stage remains within any tolerances set by the Program Board when the project was approved. If any lessons learned have arisen during the stage, they should be captured at this point and the Lessons Learned Log updated. An end stage review should take place as close as possible to the actual end of the stage. The Project Manager should consider the ongoing viability of the project at the end of a stage. Approval to proceed to the next stage should be formally documented within PSC Minutes. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Review the stage status Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 75

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS5 – Take Corrective Actions Purpose The purpose of this step is to select and implement actions that will resolve deviations from the plan. Decisions may be required from the PSC via Give ad hoc Direction step within Directing a project (DP) process. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Plan • Collect any pertinent Updates on: • Configuration Item Records information about the • Project Logs deviation • Stage Plan • Configuration Item Records • Identify the full cause and • Project Logs effect of the deviation • Identify the potential ways of dealing with the deviation • Select the most appropriate option • Where direction from the PSC is sought, assemble all information about the problem (it may already be a project issue ) plus any recommendation • Update the Stage Plan • Trigger corrective action. Responsibilities Action PSC Update MPB (P) Producer Update EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager Stage Plan Project Support Project Logs P P Benefits This process allows that changes and adjustments to the project be made in a considered and rational way, even when they appear to be sufficiently manageable to be absorbed within tolerance. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 76 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria All options for corrective action have been considered ¨ There is a reasonable confidence that after the corrective action has been taken, the stage and ¨ project will still stay within tolerance The impacts on the Business Case and risks have been fully considered ¨ The Stage Plan has been updated to reflect the corrective actions ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Project Logs Project Logs Configuration Item Records Project Logs Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Best Practices Project Managers should pay attention to the cumulative effect on budget, timeline and costs of small changes. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Take corrective action Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 77

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS6 – Capture and Examine Issues and Risks Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure that issues and risks are properly captured and their impact on the project assessed. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Project Logs • Capture issues in Issue Log • Updates on: (Project Logs) o Project Logs • Categorize and assess the • Request for Advice severity of the issue • Assess the priority • Assess the impact on the Stage Plan and Business Case • Document the issue in the Issue Report • Report the status of the issue • Capture the risk in the Risk Log (Project Logs) • Identify the risk event and describe the cause and effect • Assess the risk against the Stage Plan, Project Management Plan and Business Case • Plan the risk response • Report the risk status Responsibilities Action PSC Update MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Logs Project Support P Benefits This process: • ensures effective use of resources to resolve problems • provides control to minimise the impact of issues on the project • captures project issues centrally to ensure that none are overlooked Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 78 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria Project Manager has authorised the registration of the issue ¨ Issue and Risk logs regularly reviewed and updated ¨ Issues escalated to PSC where necessary ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Best Practices Resolution of issues may take a considerable amount of time or effort on the part of key project team members. Such effort should be factored into the project plan at an early stage, and every effort made to filter out the more trivial issues to allow concentration on the important ones. Where issue resolution threatens to breach any agreed tolerances for a stage (for example by delaying a key milestone by more than the permitted tolerance), this should be escalated to the PSC. If the issue is a previously identified risk which has occurred, the risk log should be updated to reflect the change in status. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Capture and examine issues and risks Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 79

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS7 – Escalate Issues and Risks Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure that the stage is not exceeding the tolerances agreed with PSC. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID In order to retain the PSC's • Project Logs • Stage Plan overall control, the following • Exception Report • Project Logs steps are generally taken: • Issue Report • carry out a full impact analysis of the deviation • identify and evaluate options for recovery (or to take advantage of good news) • make a recommendation • put the situation, options and recommendation to the PSC in an Exception Report • PSC indicates actions to be taken by the Project Manager. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Exception Report Create AP Project Logs Update P Benefits As a stage should not go outside the tolerances agreed with the PSC, this process can be an advanced warning to the Program Board of a deviation before presentation of an Exception Report. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 80 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria Is the project issue within the remit of the project? If not, has guidance been given on how to ¨ progress? ¨ Is the stage forecast to remain within its tolerance margins? Is there anything within the Project Manager's remit that would bring the stage back within its ¨ tolerances without reducing quality or project scope? Is there a recommended course of action for the PSC to consider? ¨ ¨ All sensible alternatives have been considered ¨ The implications for the Business Case and risks have been considered ¨ The impact on the Project Plan has been calculated Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Extended PID Basic PID PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Extended Exception Report Exception Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Exception Report Extended Issue Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Issue Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Issue Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practices One of the major controls available to the PSC is to set tolerances for each stage. The Project Manager only has authority to proceed with a stage while it is forecast to stay within the tolerance margins. If the stage is forecast to go outside the tolerance margins (possibly as a result of a corrective action), the Project Manager must bring the situation to the attention of the PSC. There may be one or more project issues, the implementation of which would take the stage (and possibly the entire project) beyond the agreed tolerances. The decision on which (if any) changes to approve for action must be taken by the PSC. Previous Dashboards might have set alarm bells ringing that the stage might exceed its tolerances. Where an Exception situation has been identified, an Exception Report should be presented to the PSC. Then an Exception Plan has to be elaborated in a way that either recovers a situation that is outside tolerance or proposes a new plan with a new target cost and time, plus new tolerances around that target. The PSC advice should be sought before implementing the Exception Plan. All current constraints should be investigated with the PSC to see if they still stand in the light of the new situation. The Project Manager will advise the PSC of the impact of the deviation on the Project Plan, Business Case and risks. Various options should be identified and a course of action recommended to the PSC. An Exception Plan should be prepared in line with the recommended actions. Then Exception Plan replaces the current Stage Plan. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Escalate issues and risks Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 81

eu-LISA PM Methodology CS8 – Report Project Status Purpose The purpose of this process is to provide the PSC with summary information about the status of the stage/project at weekly frequency through the Dashboard. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Plan • Assemble the information • Dashboard • Work Package status from Checkpoint Reports, • Checkpoint reports Project Logs, Product Status • Project Logs Account and any significant revisions to the Stage Plan for the current reporting period • Assemble a list of corrective actions undertaken under the current reporting period • Review the Dashboard for the previous reporting period • Create the Dashboard for the current reporting period • Distribute the Dashboard to PSC (and any other stakeholders identified within the Communication Management Strategy) Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Dashboard Create P Benefits The PSC has visibility into the project progress, so it can make informed decisions. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 82 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria The dashboard is produced as requested by the PSC ¨ The dashboard is distributed with the agreed frequency ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Basic Checkpoint Report Checkpoint Report Checkpoint Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Work Package Work Package Work Package TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Dashboards Dashboards Dashboards Best Practices The information reported should be kept as short as possible, consistent with the information needs of the Program Board and respecting the format of the Dashboard. References PRINCE2: Controlling a Stage, Report highlights Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 83

eu-LISA PM Methodology 22. Managing Stage Boundaries (SB) The purpose of Managing Stage Boundaries process is twofold: 1. The Project Manager has to provide the PSC with an overview of the performance of the current stage, update the Project Plan and Business Case, and create a Stage Plan for the next stage. 2. This information will enable the PSC to review the current stage, approve the next stage, review the updated Project Plan, and confirm continued business justification. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 84 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA SB1 – Plan the Next Stage Purpose The purpose of this step is to provide a clear and detailed action plan for the upcoming stage, which can ensure control on a day-to-day basis. The preparation for the next stage is done before the previous stage ends. PSC will approve both the current stage end and the next Stage Plan together. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Boundary Approaching • Review the Project • Stage Plan • PID Management Plan to • Updates on: • Project Logs understand the products required for the next stage o PID o Configuration Item Records • Review the Quality o Project Logs Management Strategy to identify relevant standards and requirements for the next stage • Update the product breakdown structure and Project Product Description • Review and update the Project Logs • Update (or create) Configuration item Records for products to be produced in the next stage Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Stage Plan Create A P P PID Update A P Project Logs Update Benefits Planning each stage of the project ensures that: • there is sufficient detail for day-to-day control to be exercised against the plan • each Stage Plan has the commitment of the PSC • the PSC is fully aware of what it is approving at the start of each stage. Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 85

eu-LISA PM Methodology Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria The major products described in the Project Management Plan for the specific stage are reflected ¨ in the Stage Plan ¨ ¨ Users or other resources required to validate the quality of products are identified The resources used to validate quality are in line with the requirements of the Project Quality Plan Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Configuration Item Records Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED PID Extended PID Basic PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practices The Project Manager should ensure that any external produced products are described in the Stage Plan, together with sufficient monitoring points to assure the PSC that these products are both on schedule and to the required quality. The Project Manager should check any external dependencies to ensure that there has been no change in the scope or constraints expected from them. References PRINCE2: Managing a Stage Boundary, Plan the next stage Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 86 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA SB2 – Update the Project Management Plan Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure the PSC has an updated baseline for measuring the project progress throughout the project, by ensuring the Project management Plan reflects the actual progress. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Stage Plan (current and next) The Project Plan is updated based • Updates on: • PID on the actual costs and schedule o Project Management Plan • Exception Plan from a completed Stage Plan or o Project Logs Exception Plan, the new detail of activities and costs from the next Stage Plan (unless there is no next Stage or Exception Plan) and any acquired knowledge about the project. The latter might be information about changes that have been agreed by the PSC and that will cause activities in the next Stage Plan. The Project Manager should describe in the End Stage Report (or Exception Report) why any change to the Project Plan has occurred. Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Project Management Plan Update P Project Logs Update P Benefits The PSC uses the Project Plan throughout the project to measure overall progress. As stages are completed or planned in detail, the Project Plan is updated to reflect the latest understanding of the project and to allow the PSC to revise its expectations. Activity Summary TBD Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 87

eu-LISA PM Methodology Completion Criteria The plan describes the agreed level of details ¨ All quality and management products are identified as well as specialist products ¨ The quality and management products/activities are added correctly to the sequence of work ¨ Known risk factors have been identified ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Extended PID Basic PID PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Extended Exception Plan Exception Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Exception Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practices If the Project Management Plan is being updated because the scope of the project has changed, the Project Manager should ensure that the changes are recorded in the Project Logs. References PRINCE2: Managing a Stage Boundary, Update the Project Plan Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 88 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA SB3 – Review SSRS and PIA Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure that impact on security and DP aspects produced by changes occurred during project execution is properly assessed and managed. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID • The Project Manager with the • SSRS • Project Logs support of the appointed • PIA Security Officer, for security • PID (updates) aspects, and with the support of the DPO, for data protection aspects, should regularly verify whether during the project execution any change has an impact on security and/or data protection areas. • In case of impact related to security, the SSRS document should be updated adequately. • In case of impact related to data protection, the PIA document should be updated adequately. • The case in which the DPO or the SO introduce changes to the initial DP or Security requirements will be treated by the project manager as a regular scope change. The PM has the responsibility to analyse the impact introduced by the change and in case any of the tolerance approved in the PID by the PSC that overpassed, the Project Manager will have to inform the PSC. Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 89

eu-LISA PM Methodology Responsibilities Action PSC Update MPB (P) Producer Update EPMO (R) Reviewer Update Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager SSRS Project Support PIA P P PID P Elaboration for Security & DP activities • Team Managers for these activities are Security Officer (SO) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) Benefits Addressing security and data protection requirements from the early phases of a project development is the most cost-effective way of preventing security and data protection defects. Activity Summary Completion Criteria ¨ ¨ Any factors to the project that could impact the security and data protection aspects have been taken into consideration The SSRS and PIA have been updated adequately Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 90 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Extended PID Basic PID PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED SSRS SSRS SSRS TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED PIA PIA PIA TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED SSRA SSRA SSRA TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED Best Practices The assessment of the impact of changes on security and/or data protection aspects should be performed with the collaboration of a Security Officer and/or the DPO. References TO DO Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 91

eu-LISA PM Methodology SB4 – Security and DP Assessment Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure the security and data protection aspects of the project have been properly managed. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • SSRS This process represents a • SSRS • PIA baseline for security and data • Privacy Compliance Report • PID protection aspects of the project. The SSRS and PIA documents are reviewed and the Security Manager and the DPO determine if any audit on the project is required at this stage. The reviewed SSRS and the Privacy Compliance Report documents are then submitted to the PSC for final approval. More areas of compliance to be added here (technology strategy, Common System Requirements, etc.) Responsibilities Action PSC Update MPB (P) Producer Create EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager SSRS Project Support Privacy Compliance Report P P Elaboration for Security & DP activities • Team Managers for these activities are Security Officer (SO) and Data Protection Officer (DPO) Benefits This process ensures that the security process and the data protection compliance have successfully been managed within the project. Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 92 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC PM Methodology eu-LISA Releasable to eu-LISA Activity Summary Completion Criteria The SSRS has been reviewed and recommendations on whether the document can been ¨ approved by the PSC have been produced ¨ Any need for an audit on security aspects of the project have been considered The PIA has been reviewed and the Privacy Compliance Report on whether the document can ¨ been approved by the PSC has been produced ¨ Any need for an audit on data protection aspects of the project have been considered Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Extended PID Basic PID PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED SSRA SSRA SSRA TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED SSRS SSRS SSRS TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED Privacy Compliance Report Privacy Compliance Report Privacy Compliance Report TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED TO BE CREATED Best Practices TBD References TBD Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 93

eu-LISA PM Methodology SB5 – Update the Business Case Purpose The purpose of this process is to revise, where necessary, the costs, benefits and timings stated in the Business Case. These may have been affected by internal or external events. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Business Case • The Risk and Issue Logs are • Updates on: • Project Management Plan examined to see if anything o Business Case • Project Logs has changed that might impact o Benefits Review Plan the Business Case. o Project Logs • If needed, review and update the Business Case • Review and update the Benefits Review Plan • Review and update the Project Management Plan Responsibilities PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Action Senior Supplier Team Manager Project Support Business Case Update AP Benefits Review Plan Update AP Project Logs P Benefits Projects do not take place in a static environment. The environment external to the project changes, as do the nature and timing of the project's products. The Business Case needs to reflect these changes and must be reviewed and amended to keep it relevant to the project. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 94 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria External factors to the project that could impact the Business Case have been taken into ¨ consideration Project Management Plan has changed such that it impacts the Business Case - for example, in ¨ terms of overall cost or the date of the scheduled outcome Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Basic Project Management Plan Project Management Plan Extended Project Management TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Business Case Plan Business Case Benefits Review Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Benefits Review Plan Business Case Benefits Review Plan Best Practices Reviewing the Business Case is best done after the Project Management Plan has been brought up to date. It is sensible to review the Business Case after any activities caused by reaction to risks have been added to the new Stage Plan. These activities or their cost may have an effect on the Business Case. References PRINCE2: Managing a Stage Boundary, Update the Business Case Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 95

eu-LISA PM Methodology SB6 – Report Stage End Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure PSC has visibility over the results of the stage. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • PID • This process should happen as • End Stage Report • Business Case close as possible to the actual • Request to approve Next • Benefits Review Plan end of a stage. The results of • Product Status Account the stage are presented in an Stage Plan • Stage Plan End Stage Report. • Project Logs • Request to approve Exception • The report includes the actual Plan results of the stage in terms of costs, dates achieved and products produced. These are compared with the original Stage Plan. Responsibilities Action PSC Create MPB (P) Producer Send EPMO (R) Reviewer Send Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Team Manager End Stage Report Project Support Request to approve Next Stage Plan AP P Request to approve Exception Plan P Benefits The results of a stage should be reported back to the PSC so that progress is clearly visible to the Management. Activity Summary TBD Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 96 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Completion Criteria ¨ ¨ All products identified in the Stage Plan have been produced ¨ ¨ All products have been checked for quality ¨ ¨ There is no new or changed risk exposure that require an Exception Report ¨ The project is still look viable The Project Management Plan is still forecast to stay within tolerance margins All strengths, weaknesses or omissions in the standards and practices used have been noted in a Lesson Learned Report Any useful measurements that can be noted from the Stage and that would benefit the planning of future Stages or other projects has been included in the Lesson Learned Report Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Basic Stage Plan Stage Plan Extended Stage Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED PID Extended PID Basic PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED End Stage Report Extended End Stage Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic End Stage Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Best Practices The Project Manager should informally keep the PSC informed of what the End Stage Report will contain. Any problems should, wherever possible, be resolved before presentation of the report. The level of formality or informality in the presentation of the End Stage Report depends on factors such as the project size and the specific requirements coming from the PSC. References PRINCE2: Managing a Stage Boundary, Report stage end Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 97

eu-LISA PM Methodology SB7 – Produce an Exception Plan Purpose The purpose of this step is to ensure PSC has visibility over any deviation that is outside of the agreed project tolerances, so that an informed decision can be made. If either stage or project is forecast to deviate beyond its agreed tolerance boundaries, it no longer has the approval of the PSC. A new plan must be presented to take the place of the current plan. INPUTS DESCRIPTION OUTPUTS • Exception Plan Request • If a stage or the project is • Exception Plan • Exception Report forecast to go outside the • Updates to: • PID tolerances agreed with the • Stage Plan (current) PSC when the plan was o Project Logs • Project Logs approved, and the situation o PID cannot be rectified, the Project o Configuration Item Records Manager has no further mandate to carry on with the work. The PSC must be advised of the situation at the earliest possible moment. • The deviation should have been recognised during Controlling a Stage (CS). The Project Manager should have brought the situation to the attention of the PSC through an Exception Report. The PSC have requested the Project Manager to produce an Exception Plan. Responsibilities Action PSC MPB (P) Producer EPMO (R) Reviewer Project Executive (A) Approver Project Manager Project Assurance Product Senior Supplier Exception Plan Team Manager Configuration Item Records Project Support PID Create AP Project Logs Create/Update RP Update AP P Date: 17/04/2020 eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC P a g e | 98 Version: v 6.0.3

eu-LISA LIMITED BASIC Releasable to eu-LISA PM Methodology eu-LISA Benefits TBD Activity Summary TBD Completion Criteria The impact of Exception Plan on the risks has been taken into consideration ¨ The impact of Exception Plan on the Business Case has been taken into consideration ¨ Scalability and Templates Small Projects Medium Projects Large Projects Project Logs Project Logs Project Logs Extended PID Basic PID PID TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Extended Exception Plan Exception Plan TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Basic Exception Plan Extended Exception Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Exception Report TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Configuration Item Records Basic Exception Report Configuration Item Records TO BE CREATED/ADJUSTED Configuration Item Records Best Practices The Exception Plan will have the same structure as other plans. If it is the Project Plan that is in Exception, a revised Project Plan should be created, taking into account the actuals to date. References PRINCE2: Managing a Stage Boundary, Produce an Exception Plan Sensitivity: LIMITED BASIC Date: 17/04/2020 Version: v 6.0.3 P a g e | 99

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