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Art of Asia

Published by สุภมาศ ศรีโนนม่วง, 2023-04-27 02:30:16

Description: SPRING 2023


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Publisher and Editor: Robin Markbreiter ArtS\"Of Asia Senior Graphic Designer: Bonny Ko Marketing Director: Lauren Long The Foremost International Asian Arts and Antiques Magazine Circulation: Francis Wong, Kelly Lee SPRING Cover: Contributing Editors: H anging basket for Paul Bromberg, Sheila Canby, 2023 fl owers in Chi n ese style, Guo Fuxiang, Julian Harding, Tanabe Chikuu nsai I Jessica Harrison-Hall, (1877- 1937) , 1924, Rose Kerr, Denise Patry Leidy, ba mboo, rattan and Kerry Nguyen-Long, Colin Sheaf, lacqu e r (iron fi ttin g) , Jan Stuart, Ming Wilson 20. 3 x 13 x 11 c m. Th e Naej Co ll ecti o n Information concerning advertising may be obtained from the Advertising Coordinator Contents Arts of Asia, 801 Tesbury Centre, 28 Queen's Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong. EDIT ORIAL R OBIN MARKBR EITER 4 Tel: 852-2376-2228, Fax: 852-2376-3713 E-mail: info@ THE NAE] COLLECTION: ThSHA BUNTIN 36 Website: BAMBOO CULTU RE IN J A PAN PENGLIANG L u 50 OUT OF THE BLUE: J OAN C m I1'11 :\\IS AN D RETHINKING EARLY CHINESE Av~iN YOL.TAR-YILOIR l~I 58 The description and attribution CLOISONNE ENAMEL of pieces advertised are the sole CHRISTI AN BOEH'.vl 72 responsibility of advertisers NEW GALLERIES FOR SOUTH ERIC ~J ELLG REN 86 ASIAN AND ISLAMIC ART AT Contributors THE BROOKLYN M U SEU M H AJNI ELI AS 97 TUSHA BUKTIN is a n a rt historia n and fin e a rt GORYEO CELADONS IN THE P ER T ERJ E NORH EIM 109 dealer in H onolulu, H awaii . H e lived in J apa n ART INSTITU TE OF CHICAGO PAU LA SWART AN D from 1978- 1982 a nd is flu ent in J apa nese. H e graduated from Seina n Gukuin Intermediate IN DIGENOU S ARTS OF INDONESIA: A:\\ITHO:\\IY F. l NG RM I 11 7 School in Fukuoka, J apa n, a nd U niversity of THE PIERRE MONDOLONI COLLECTION Hawaii M a noa with a BA in O rienta l Art History. H e is a 7th D a n Kyoshi in th e ma rtial LAUGHTER AND LAMENTATION: art of K enda and 1st D a n with twe nty-five EAST ERN HA N DYNASTY (AD 25- 22 0) years of experience m Iaiclo (sword drawing \"SPIRIT\" ENTERTAINERS FROM technique). SICH UAN, CHINA PENG LI ANG Lu is Associate C urator in the TWO GIFTS GIVEN TO ROALD AM UNDSEN, Department of Asian Art at The M etropolita n THE NORWEGIAN EXPLORER , WHILE lVIuseum of Art. Since 20 13, he has curated VISITING J APAN IN 1927 various ex hibitions of C hinese decorative ar ts. From 2002 to 2008 , he worked at th e Sha ngha i K ABU KI IDOLS: Museum, where he co-ordina ted over twenty STAR POWER AND THE M AKING O F exhibitions of C hinese and v\\lestern a rt. H e has THE IC HIKAWA DANJ U RO LIN EAGE published widely on decorative a rts a nd the materi a l culture of later imperi a l C hin a, includ- SALEROOM NEWS ASA PJ-1 H Y~ lAN 133 ing ceramics, bronzes, cloisonn e a nd literati obj ects. Bonha ms Paris: The Rob ert and J ea n-Pi erre Rou ssel C ollection of Asian Art: A Century J OA N C UMM INS has been the Lisa a nd Bernard \\ of Collectin g on O ctober 25th a nd 26 th, 2022 Selz Senior C urator of Asian Art at the Broo klyn Muse um since 2007. She recently BOOK R EVIEW P RATAPAOITYA PAL 136 completed the reinstallation of th e museum's ' Art of India and Beyond galleries fo r the Arts of Asia a nd the Isla mic \\i\\1orlcl. She specia lises in South Asia n a rt, par- COLLECTORS WORLD ANN E LAM 140 ticularly India n paintings a nd Hindu sculpture. Fun of Collecting: Stories Behind Tea Ware AY§iN YOL.TAR-YI LD IRI M received her M A a nd from the K. S. L o C ollection, Flagstaff H ouse Ph.D. from th e Institute of Fine A rts at New Muse um of Tea Ware, Hong K ong York U niversity. As an Associate C urator a t the Brookl yn Museum, she has recently reinstalled SU BSC RIPTION FORM 144 the Arts of the Islamic World galleries . C ur- rently she works as the C a lder wood C urator of Arts of Asia is ))u bli shed fo ur times a yea r by Arts of Asia P ublications Ltck 801 Tesbury Ce ntre,. 28 Islam ic and Later Indian Art at the Harvard Queen's R oad East Wa nchai Hong Kong. Telephone: 852-2 376 -2228. 1·acsimile: 852-2376 -31 13. Art Museums. She specia lises in Ottoma n a nd t'.m ail: info (a),artsof, ~'\\Tebsite: www.a . Printed bv Elega nce Printing_ a nd Book Persian art. Bind ing Co..Ltd , Block A, 4/ F H oi Bun I ndustrial Bui ld ing, 6 Wing Yip Sheet, Kwun Tong, K ow- loon, H ong k ong. A ll pictures a nd transpa rencies arc subm itted at their owner's risk a nd we cannot CHR ISTIAN BOE HM received his BA, MA a nd accept liaoility for loss or da mage. All rights reserved , co12yright © 2023 by Arts of Asia Pu blica tions Ph.D. in Art a nd Archaeology from the School Ltd. O verseas subscri ption rates: for pr; nt one year US $ l05/ HK$820. For Hong Kong add resses, of Oriental a nd African Studies (SOAS ), U ni- HK$ 600 . Pr ices include ban k charges a nd surface_postag e a nd packing, Send orders with payment by versity of London. H e is a n a rt historian and chegue or ba nk d raft, a nd address cha nges to AKTS O F ASIA PUHLICATIO NS LTD, 80 1 TES- dealer specialising in East Asia n Buddhist BURY CENTR E , 28 Q U EEN 'S ROAD EAST, WANCH AI, HONG KO NG. -sculp ture, as well as Chinese a nd K orean 3 ceramics. H e is the author of T he Concept ef Danza: 'Sandalwood Images' in J apanese Buddhist Sculpture ef the 8th to 14th Centuries (2012). ER IC KJ ELLGREN, Ph.D., F.R.G .S , is a schola r of the indige nous a rts of O ceani a a nd Island Southeast Asia. Formerly curator of O ceanic Art at The Metropolita n M use um of Art in New York, where he curated several exhibitions of Indonesia n art, he is author of two books and numerous other publications on the indig- enous arts of Isla nd Southeast Asia, Australia and the Pacific Islands. Spring 2023

TAI Modern Sebastian Izzard LLC Asian Art Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd Fujinuma Noboru (born 1945) , Katsushika Hokusai (1760- 1849) , South Wind, Shimaoka Tatsuzo (1919-2007) , Cwar Dawn, circa 1831-1833, from the series stoneware platter with iron fish Sunshine, 2015, u·ailed on rope impressed surface, madake bamboo, rattan, Thirty-six Views ofFuji, signed, colour woodblock print, oban yoko-e, 26 x 38.1 cm 1990s, diameter 41.1 cm 26.7 x 38.2 x 20.3 cm EDITORIAL TAI Modern is returning to this year's Asia Week New York to exhibit important historic and contemporary works FOR THIS Spring 2023 issue on outstanding private and of Japanese bamboo art. Margo Thoma, gallery director, museum collections, I would like to thank all the contributors explained: \"I am honoured to bring these works to Asia Week. for their superb articles. My team and I highly appreciate The knowledge and enthusiasm from the collectors who come their hard work and we are confident that our international to New York to celebrate our artists is unparalleled. This is readers will find the articles interesting and informative. I the perfect audience for both contemporary and historic would especially like to thank Tusha Buntin for his insightful bamboo art.\" TAI Modern will feature works by the most article, \"The Naej Collection: Bamboo Culture inJapan\". The prestigious bamboo artists, including members of the historic Naej Collection features incredible Japanese bamboo art by Tanabe family lineage, as well as contemporary masters, such the greatest masters over the last 165 years. The beautiful and as Living National Treasure Fujinuma Noboru, Kawano Shoko elegant hanging basket for flowers in Chinese style, made by and Torii Ippo. This exhibition will provide Asia Week visitors Tanabe Chikuunsai I (1877-1937) in 1924, is my favourite with the opportunity to experience a diverse collection of example in the article, which is why I have chosen it for the outstanding bamboo art. cover of this special issue. Among the works in the exhibition, 'Japanese Paintings I am also delighted to announce that Hong Kong has and Prints, 1800-1860\", at Sebastian Izzard LLC Asian Art is launched a major promotion to attract tourists and businesses South Wind, Clear Dawn, the incredible woodblock print by back to our international city ... and it appears to be Katsushika Hokusai. In this iconic work, the mountain was working. The border with China has reopened and Covid-19 venerated as a female deity, and visitors were encouraged to restrictions have been lifted, which has significantly increased ascend its slopes and enter its caves to engage in religious ease of access into China, and vice versa. This is welcome news austerities, so that when they exited, they would be spiritually for Asian art collectors, who are eager to return for the major reborn and purified. art fairs, museum and gallery exhibitions, as well as important auctions scheduled in Hong Kong in Spring 2023. This year, Dai Ichi Arts, Ltd presents a group exhibition of some of Sotheby's is celebrating a milestone fiftieth anniversary in the most exceptional Japanese ceramic works. \"Intangible Asia and I expect the company's previews and sales to be Heritage: The Art of Japan's Living National Treasures\" spectacular. I look forward to covering these exciting events includes the masters of a range of ceramic techniques in future issues of the magazine. from porcelain to stoneware, from celadon to iron glazes. Among the featured artists-all pioneers and leaders of their Asia Week New York, taking place from March 16th to 24th, respective craft- is Shimaoka Tatsuz6, who is known for 2023, will include twenty-six international galleries and six his unique and personalised blend of Mingei and modern auction houses. After a three-year hiatus, I am truly excited influences, as reflected in the illustrated elegant stoneware to attend again in person and look forward to viewing the platter. treasures on display and for sale, as well as catching up with collectors, curators, connoisseurs and friends. Asia Week New \"Safety in Numbers\", the title of Kaikodo 's online York always provides a rich cultural experience for Asian art exhibition and sale from March 16th to May 31st, 2023, enthusiasts. Now, more than ever, it is vital to continue to showcases a dynamic late 15th century porcelain jar decorated support cultural events that pay tribute to the many facets of with the Eight Immortals. The term fahua, literally \"ruled Asian art in all their glorious forms. I wish all the participating design\", is the moniker for ceramics produced by way of dealers and auction houses great success, and I am pleased an extraordinary technique in which raised strings of slip to mention some of the special exhibitions and highlights in serve as outlines for motifs brought to life through strikingly this Editorial. coloured enamels. The illustrated storage jar, which could have served as a decorative accoutrement as well, brings attention to a subject and an aesthetic that would have captivated and dazzled its Ming dynasty audience, as they still do today. 4 Arts of Asic

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