Sevenoaks SchoolNew Boarding House CompetitionApplication to be shortlistedSeptember 2016
Sevenoaks School New Boarding House
Statement of Expertise and Motivation for Site analysis We undertake very careful analysis of theApplying site which we use to lead us to the development of potential site-specific concepts arising from the brief.Richard Rose-Casemore, Richard Jobson and RodneyGraham formed Design Engine Architects as a Design by dialogue We like to develop our designsPrivate Limited Company in December 2001. through close dialogue with all project stakeholders. This is a key part of our service and is never a time-limitedDesign Engine Architects deliver award-winning exercise. The client briefing process in particular, is a keynational and international architecture, masterplanning part of the relationship-building process and whenand interior design from its Winchester studios. properly undertaking always leads to a truly successful project.The practice undertakes work in most sectors, includingprimary and secondary education in the public and Director-led Designs are always director-led fromprivate sectors, further and higher education, public inception to completion. Rodney Graham will be thebuildings, transport infrastructure and public and private director who would lead this competition.housing. Projects are increasingly being realised inhistoric settings. Developing options Rather than approach a project with a single concept we will develop unlimited optionsDesign Engine's projects are designed and delivered by and steer these through the design developmenta dedicated team of staff, who offer a first-class quality process until the most advantageous becomes apparent.driven service to its clients. The practice has a wealth ofexperience working on new buildings but also within Models In addition to the production of drawings andsensitive historic settings and with construction budgets CGI’s a uniqueness of the practice is the sheer number ofranging to date from £0.5 million - £85 million in value. physical models that we produce to explore and explain a project. These become hugely important whenDesign Engine's work holds the synthesis of high describing ideas to stakeholders, as we find they bringquality design and sustainability as a core value and clarity to a proposal that drawings often cannot. Modelsconsequently many completed projects have been are always supplemented by drawings and CGI’s whichhonoured with awards, including RIBA Stirling Mid-list, are produced in-house by our highly skilled RIBA International Award, the LEAF (LeadingEuropean Architects Forum) Sustainability Award and Team approach We like to work closely with our clientnumerous RIBA, Civic Trust, RTPI and BCI awards and and consultant team alike and to date have enjoy long-commendations. The Practice has received 48 Design term and fulfilling working relationships with the manyAwards since 2001. clients and professionals we have encountered.Currently the practice employs 36 people which Award-winning delivery We pride ourselves on theincludes 22 qualified architects and 9 assistant delivery of our projects. We invest as much in thearchitects. process of technical design and production information as we do in client briefing, scheme design delivery and Design Engine Architects were awarded RIBA the making of planning applications.Our staff receive the Architect of the Year Award (South Region) and best training possible in order to deliver our clients received RIBA Building of the Year Award (South outstanding projects. Region) 2014. Lessons learnt We consider the delivery of a building to be a journey for all parties concerned. We believe it is vital that once it is complete an opportunity is made to reflect on the positives and negatives of the outcome so that future projects can be appropriately informed.
Design Engine have significant expertise in the private independent schools sector and are currently enjoying working on a diverse range of projects for several othersuch high profile schools in southern England, including Charterhouse, Winchester and Radley Our range of in-house skills allows us to deliver masterplanning,architecture, interior design, graphics and furniture design, which we feel are necessary interconnected skills needed to deliver a comprehensive design for leadingeducation institutions such as Sevenoaks School.Work of this nature is of enormous significance to us, since it affords us an opportunity to exercise one of our passions for combining modern, sustainable architecturewithin the context of renowned education environments, which are seeped in tradition and which normally enjoy great historic contextual interest. From this uniqueposition we have been fortunate to develop new architectural strategies and responses that are both respectful of the place but which are driven by progressive thinkingabout the client’s future needs and aspirations.Our experience has demonstrated that delivering such facilities, which become key focal points within the fabric of the institution, demands extensive engagement withmultiple, often sensitive stakeholder groups. In addition, in order to respond to the site and the brief in an all-encompassing and resounding manner we would rely onthe strength and interconnectedness of our proposed design team, drawing on the excellent skills of consultants we have previously successfully collaborated with,including, but not limited to landscape architects, structural, mechanical and electrical engineers, acousticians, cost consultants, CDM advisors and catering specialists.We believe that the design for the new boarding facility at Sevenoaks School should offer a pioneering response which celebrates the traditional values of the schooland its focussed aim of bringing a first-class education to its pupils within an inclusive and nurturing environment. The quality of the built environment is as important forboarding houses as it is within the schools main teaching spaces. This recognition that the delivery of an holistic education happens across the school’s campus,regardless of particular spatial function enables every aspect of the new design to hold the promise of something extra.It is also true that the individuality of every pupil and member of staff needs to be catered for, leading to thoughts of how spaces can function in the most flexiblearrangement whilst delivering a balance between the comforts of ‘home’ and spaces where the education process can be subtly empowered.Therefore we consider the following opportunities to be key driving considerations for the project:• create an environment which supports an individual’s personal educational and social development within the context of a group social structure.• provide a range of spaces which support diverse activities focussing on social needs with supporting spaces to study and which are sufficiently flexible to cater for ratio change in terms of year group numbers etc. year on year.• Provide a homely environment which is also sufficiently robust enough to accommodate young people but definitely without institutional character.• Create a building of the highest architectural quality which sits well in its landscape environment and which makes a significant contribution to the School’s more recent suite of ambitious building projects within the framework of the current masterplan.• Achieve a building of timeless quality within the constraints of the budget and to meet the aspirations of the School’s programme.Delivering the above considerations will be challenging but we believe that we can exceed expectation with our approach which would be founded on a clear andthorough connection with the mission and vision of Sevenoaks School and the specificity of its physical place, its values and the recognition of its exceptional positionwithin the private independent school sector.The prospect of extending our practice’s work at Sevenoaks School would bring a further unique and exciting challenge and we would very much like to be consideredfor the next stage of this unique project. Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Relevant Projects Case Study 1
Radley College classroom elevation at nightClocktower CourtClient: Radley College At Radley College, a significant new building has been inserted into a central campus space, replacing an earlierProject: Clocktower Court - Social Centre, History theatre building. The architecture of this £4.2 million scheme not only has to reconcile the numerous existing and Poli tics Facu lty, Art Gallery buildings that surround the site, including the adjacent Grade 2 Listed Rackets Court, but it also has to provideLocation: Radley, Abingdon fluid connections internally between these buildings (4 no. in total) of varying internal floor heights.Construction value: £4.2 million A key consideration was to achieve a building of a timelessFloor area: Approx 2,100 sqm quality, which sits and functions in harmony with its neighbouring buildings. Clocktower Court consists ofContract form: Traditional JCT academic teaching space of ten classrooms, a new art gallery and a social hub including catering facilities.Appointed: May 2009 Because of the building’s position in the site it also has toProject completed: September 2013 address three different external spaces, each possessing very different functions and qualities.Client contact: David Anderson (Estates Bursar) The principal elevation faces the most civic space within theServices provided by DEA: Architecture College and therefore has been treated with a double- height colonnade of brickwork. This elevation also Interior Design reconciles the scale difference between buildings which site either side. On one side, the Listed Grade 2 Rackets Court Lead Designer and on the other, a non-listed but period building which Contract Administration serves as the Fives Court. The other key elevation on the building is east-facing and fronts onto a garden space. This elevation also takes therear colonnade gallery between existing and new building form of a colonnade, but this time single storey, with teaching classrooms over. This provides a covered route into the rear of the building and access to the new art gallery.
the social space and cafe Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Relevant Projects Case Study 2
St Peter’s College, Oxford the ground floor social spacePerrodo Phase 2Client: St Peter’s CollegeProject: Perrodo Phase 2 BuildingLocation: OxfordConstruction value: £1.5mFloor area: Approx 400 sqmContract form: TBAAppointed: 2015Project completed: TBAClient contact: James Graham (Bursar)Services provided by DEA: Architecture Interior Design Lead Designer The Perrodo Project is a new scheme to make St Peter’s College,Oxford a better place to study, teach and live by improving its publicspaces. Thanks to a recent donation from the Perrodo family, thecollege is able to undertake a series of improvements that will helpto continue in this tradition.Design Engine’s competition winning scheme includes a new 4-storey pavilion building within a remodelled Chavasse Quadalongside significant re-imagining and refurbishment of existingaccommodation to provide both private and communal spaces. Theproject includes; six new study bedrooms, a seminar room and aground floor study and event space, as well as the refurbishment ofthe three existing seminar spaces in the Chavasse Building. The site is constrained for its lack of access, leading to us a typical study roomdeveloping an off-site modular construction strategy enablingcraning of the structural frame into the quad. Construction work willstart in August 2016 with completion of Phase 2 of the PerrodoProject due in June 2017.
view from Chavasse Quad Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Floor plan configurations
Construction sequence using modular off-site construction Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Relevant Projects Case Study 3
Downe House School approach viewLearning CentreClient: Downe House School Following an invited design competition Lear ning Centre in 2013, we were commissioned toProject: Newbury, Berkshire develop designs for the new Learning £ 5.1 million Centre at Downe House School. TheLocation: 1166 sqm competition brief asked for proposals Traditional for a visually and experientially inspiringConstruction value: 2012 building that would sit at the heart of the Due for completion September 2017 campus and serve as a hub for some ofFloor area: Alasdair Heath the key spaces of learning and day-to- Architecture day activities: a new library, multi-Contract form: Interior Design purpose auditorium, teaching spaces, Lead Designer cafe, shop, resources hub and offices.Appointed: Contract Administration The Centre is a physical and visualProject completed: draw into the campus from the main entrance, and reinforces connections toClient contact: the surrounding woodland which gives the School its unique setting. The three-Services provided by DEA: storey building sits into the natural topography; therefore minimising its height at the main entrance approach The building will play a central role at Downe House, both in terms of the accommodation that it will provide and as a focal building in the wider context of the school campus: the new ‘Heart and Soul’ of the school.early sketch looking at the main circulation stair elevational study
In-house site model Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
The social space
The building occupies a steeply sloping site Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Relevant ProjectsCase Study 4Charterhouse the East elevation relates to HodgsonitesFletcherites Boarding HouseClient: Charterhouse Fletc heritesProject: Godalming, Surrey £2.4 millionLocation: Approx 1,100 sqm Design and BuildConstruction value: March 2014 September 2015Floor area: Emma Humphreys ArchitectureContract form: Interior Design Lead DesignerAppointed: Contract Administration Project completed: Client contact: Services provided by DEA: a buttery Fletcherites comprises a new two-storey building to provide boardingaccommodation for 37 no. 6th form girls, house tutor and matron’s flat set inthe Surrey greenbelt and immediately adjacent to the enigmatic 1960’sboarding house ‘Hodgsonites’ by Richard Gilbert-Scott, to which it relates.The West extension provides approximately 1140m2 of new accommodationat a budget of approximately £2.4m. This represents 37 en-suite studentbed-spaces and supporting accommodation, including two tutor’smaisonettes, student social space and student walk-in surgery . Completed in September 2015 after a project inception of April 2014, the view from Hodgsonites entrance porticoproject was a case study example of a positive working relationship betweendesign-team, client and contractor. This was necessary in order to overcomethe hurdle of the demanding programme whilst not sacrificing the quality ofthe architecture or end product. The project was beset with challenges,including a late change of procurement method, change of preferredcontractor and changes to the method of construction six weeks before starton site.
view of Fletcherites and Hodgsonites from the West Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
NOTE: The contractor is responsible for the checking of all site dimensions and levels. These should be checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site. All discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. KEY: Common Room New External Terrace 1 Refer to 1420-201 for ExisCtionmgmHonouRosoemPlanHouse Master Private Side NOTES 1. To be read in conjunction with GA Sections and Elevations Key 1 Area of new hard landscaping Day Room New Soft Landscaping 2 Area of new soft landscaping Day Room 2 Denotes approximate outline of tree to be removed. Refer to Arbroculturist information Denotes building to be removed as part of application New External Path 1 Scale Bar 01 5 1420-P301 1420-P303 1420-P303 1420-P303 1420-P301 North Elevation Section CC Section DD Section EE South Elevation 2 1420-P300 EGL +101.000 East Elevation East Elevation 1420-P300 New External Path 1 Plant Single Room Single Room Single Room Single Room Single Room Section AA 1420-P302 Surgery Buttery EGL +99.800 2 New Soft Landscaping Stair 1 2 1420-P302 1 Circulation FFL +101.000 Circulation FFL +99.800Incoming Electrical Services IT Hub Section AA New Acc WC Single Room Single Room Single Room Single Room External Path b Staff Flat 1 Stair WC Services Store & Laundry Staff Flat 2 WC Staff Flat 1 New Staff Flat 2 Stair Staff Private b New External Path Garden Accesible Room Double Room Double Room Double Room Double Room Stair 3 1 Circulation Stair 2 EGL +99.800 New Soft Landscaping 2 1420-P300 1 EGL +101.000 1 New External Path 1 East Elevation West Elevation EGL +101.000 1420-P300 New Staff Private Garden New North Elevation Section BB Section CC Section DD Section EE South Elevation gate to car park 1420-P301 1420-P302 1420-P303 1420-P303 1420-P303 1420-P301 1 New Service Road 1 1 01 05.08.14 ISSUED FOR PLANNING DE RJ EGL +99.930 DE RJ - 18.07.14 ISSUED FOR PLANNING drawn chkd rev date notes Design Engine Architects Limited The Studios, Coker Close, Winchester SO22 5FF 01962 890111 project title date of origin scale Fletcherites Boarding House June 2014 1:100 @ A11 Girls Boarding House - Ground Floor Plan client drawing title revision 1:100 Charterhouse School Girls Boarding House: 01 Ground Floor Key Plan status drawing reference PLANNING 1420-P200
West extension Fletcherites (Northbrook) HodgesonitesThe views to and from the South elevation of the old house is preserved Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Emerging Design Direction
The site has an fascinating history and from The site currently identified for the Short and long views will be possibleour research appears to have been occupied byfirstly by a tudor timber-framed house and then new boarding house is enclosed by from the elevated position of the site,a grander residence known as Park Place. Thelatter was built of local ragstone* by landowner a band of mixed trees bringing the with views towards Knole and the widerThomas Lambarde and was situated on ornearby the existing Park Grange; At the time of + +opportunity for nature and building Kent Wield and the careful planPark Place the site was then a part of the much arrangement of a new building inlarger parcel of land known as Sevenoaks Park. to closely merge. The parkland nature of the site should be relation to these views will enable the retained for its a amenity value and full potential of the site to be unlocked. to perpetuate the history of the site as a former parkland.* RagstoneAlso known as greenstone or Kentish rag was extensively quarried in the Sevenoaks area. Many large buildings were constructed of rag:St Nicholas, Knole, the almshouses at the top of the town, and it was commonly used in the 18th and 19th centuries for walls aroundparts of Knole Park, and the Montreal Estate (where the more expensive dressed stone was used), and for private houses. Ragstone wasoften reused, for example the stone in the Sevenoaks School library came from a demolished building.
A consideration of the project will be the There are many ways in which the plan The existing house is considered to be a comfortable and charming boarding housemeans by which the building can be of the boarding house can be developed and it enjoys a presence on its beautiful garden site.constructed and subsequently serviced by and certainly the influence of the former The design should seek to compliment itsroad. houses and their typology should play a + existing neighbour - essentially to be a ‘good neighbour’ yet find an identity andCurrently the site has limited points of + part in this enquiry. presence of its own, which can be embraced by its users and contribute toaccess and there will be a need to cater for Other models may well come to the the School’s wider architectural character.significant construction traffic and once fore, such as clustered plans ( longcompleted both parent drop-off and pick- corridors are institutional in feel).up and to accommodate service /emergency vehicles. However the plan develops, it should enable a highly sustainableThis needs to be achieved without environmental strategy to adopteddetriment to the setting of the existing and wherever possible whilst retaining anew boarding houses. ‘homely’ feel which can be easily managed. Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Client References
Charterhouseprojects to date:•Masterplan - completed 2010•Sports Centre Extension and New Sports Pavilion - Planning Approval obtained 2012•Dining Extension - completed 2012•Founder’s Chapel - Proposal•Fletcherites Boarding House - completed 2015•Science Building - Planning Approval obtained - Currently under Tender.
Winchester Collegeprojects to date:• Masterplan - completed 2015• Currently preparing Full Planning Application for the following new facilities - Sports Building, Design Technology, Support Services, Sanatorium, Sports Pavilion and Residential property. Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Radley Collegeprojects to date:• Clocktower Court* (History and Politics/Social Centre and Cafe/ Art Gallery/Art Studios) completed2013• Rackets Professionals Room - Completed 2013• Tuck Shop - Completed 2013•Design Technology Extension - Completed 2013• Chapel Extension - Proposal• Bursary Extension - Proposal* Recipient of the following awards :• RIBA Award 2014• Civic Trust Award 2014• Oxford Preservation Trust Award 2014 Clocktower Court
Financial Information and PI Insurance details Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Financial Information 2015
Financial Information 2014'(6,*1 (1*,1( $5&+,7(&76 /,0,7(' '(6,*1 (1*,1( $5&+,7(&76 /,0,7('3URILW DQG /RVV $FFRXQW %DODQFH 6KHHWIRU WKH \HDU HQGHG 'HFHPEHU DV DW 'HFHPEHU 1RWHV 1RWHV
Financial Information 2013 DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS LIMITED (REGISTERED NUMBER: 04339814) DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS LIMITED BALANCE SHEET PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT 31 DECEMBER 2013 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2013 Notes 31.12.13 31.12.12 Notes 31.12.13 £ 31.12.12 £ £ £ 5 £ £TURNOVER 1,136,033 1,236,032 FIXED ASSETS 6 686,709 745,869Cost of sales 681,045 889,748 Tangible assetsGROSS PROFIT 454,988 346,284 51,500 64,038Administrative expenses 427,202 492,153 CURRENT ASSETS 194,927 236,959 27,786 (145,869 ) Work in progress 30,111 30,000 Debtors 171 30,710 57,897 (115,869 ) Cash at bank and in hand 4 51 246,598 331,707 57,901 (115,818 ) CREDITORS 7 12,598 8,530 Amounts falling due within one year 141,510 248,555 8Other operating income 45,303 (124,348 ) NET CURRENT ASSETS 11 105,088 83,152OPERATING PROFIT/(LOSS) 23,962 (27,895 )Interest receivable and similar income 2 TOTAL ASSETS LESS CURRENT 21,341 (96,453 ) LIABILITIES 791,797 829,021 CREDITORSInterest payable and similar charges Amounts falling due after more than one (265,897 ) (165,230 ) year (14,709 ) (17,941 )PROFIT/(LOSS) ON ORDINARY 511,191 645,850ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES NET ASSETSTax on profit/(loss) on ordinary activities 3PROFIT/(LOSS) FOR THE FINANCIAL CAPITAL AND RESERVES 12 102 102YEAR Called up share capital 13 511,089 645,748 Profit and loss account 511,191 645,850 SHAREHOLDERS' FUNDS The company is entitled to exemption from audit under Section 477 of the Companies Act 2006 for the year ended 31 December 2013. The members have not required the company to obtain an audit of its financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 in accordance with Section 476 of the Companies Act 2006. The directors acknowledge their responsibilities for: (a) ensuring that the company keeps accounting records which comply with Sections 386 and 387 of the Companies Act 2006 and (b) preparing financial statements which give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of each financial year and of its profit or loss for each financial year in accordance with the requirements of Sections 394 and 395 and which otherwise comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006 relating to financial statements, so far as applicable to the company. The notes form part of these financial statements The notes form part of these financial statements continued... Page 3 Page 4
Our Ref 290433 / ABW / 0009537590 Ref P16A290433P TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN VERIFICATION OF PROFESSIONAL INDEMNITY INSURANCEWe, the undersigned Insurance Broker, hereby certify that the following described insurance is in force at thisdate:Name and address of Insured: Design Engine Architects Ltd The Studios Coker Close Winchester HampshireBusiness: SO22 5FF Architects and as disclosed to insurersPeriod of Insurance: From: 18 August 2016 To: 17 August 2017 (both days inclusive at the address stated above)Limit of Indemnity: GBP 10,000,000 any one claim or lossInsurers: Spa Underwriting Services Select Ltd (on behalf of various London Market Insurers and Lloyd’s of London Syndicates) and C.N.A. Insurance Company LimitedPrimary Policy No: P16A290433PThe policy is subject to the insuring agreements, exclusions, conditions and declarations contained therein.The above is accurate at the date of signature.This document is furnished to you as a matter of information only and is valid at today’s date. The issuance ofthis document does not make the person or organisation to whom it is issued an additional Insured, nor does itmodify in any manner the contracts of insurance between the Insured and Insurers. Any amendment, changeor extension of such contracts can only be effected by specific endorsement thereto.Should the above-mentioned contract of insurance be cancelled, assigned or changed during the above policyperiod in such manner as to affect this document, no obligation to inform the holder of this document isaccepted by the undersigned or by Insurers.Signed: Signed on behalf of Howden UK Group Limited Dated: 23rd August 2016Broker at 16 Eastcheap London EC3M 1BD t: +44(0)20 7133 1300 • f: +44(0)20 7133 1500 • www.howdengroup.comHowden is a trading name of Howden UK Group Limited, part of the Hyperion Insurance Group. Howden UK Group Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority inrespect of general insurance business. Registered in England and Wales under company registration number 725875. Registered Office: 16 Eastcheap, London EC3M 1BD. Calls may bemonitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes. Sevenoaks School New Boarding House Competition - September 2016
Early print of Park Place, Sevenoaks
Design Engine Architects LimitedThe StudiosCoker CloseWinchesterHantsSO22 5FFT : 01962 890111E : [email protected]:
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