TABLE OF CONTENTS Volleyball Handbook 01 HISTORY History of Volleyball: Who made it? Where it came from? Why it was created? When it was created? 02-08 RULES AND REGUILATIONS Rules and regulations that players need to know. Includes how to officiate the game. 09 - 16 EQUIPMENTS The appropriate equipment for playing volleyball. 17 - 24 TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL SKILLS Skills that players need to have for them to play volleyball. Includes basic skills. 25-26 COURT DIMENSIONS Information about the size of court. 27 DEFINITION OF TERMS Definition of all used volleyball terms.
1 History WHO MADE IT? WHERE IT CAME FROM? WHY IT WAS CREATED? WHEN IT WAS CREATED? William G. Morgan, he was a physical director of the Young Men’s Christian Association in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morgan invented volleyball in 1895 and it was an indoor sports for businessmen who found basketball too tough. Volleyball was called \"mintonette\" first but the professor from Springfield College in Massachusetts changed it to \"volleyball\" because of it's volleying nature. The sport starts to spread across the world and can be played by both sexes.
2 Rules and Regulations INCLUDES VIOLATION AND HOW TO OFFICIATE THE SPORT. 3 ON THE FRONT ROW AND 3 ON THE BACK ROW, A TOTAL OF 6 PLAYERS. PHPI TOTSEI TE R MID D LE R O BLO C KE SETTER LIBERO PHPI TOTSEI TE R OHUITTSTIEDRE O MIDDLE BLOCKER POSITIONS: Setter Main contributor to the offense of the team. Player who sets the ball for the hitter/spiker to spike. They touch the ball most. Outside Hitter Also known as \"Left-side Hitter\". Lead attacker in the offensive strategy. Opposite Hitter Also known as \"Right-side Hitter\". A balanced player, a defensive and offensive player. Middle Blocker The tallest player, responsible for blocking the opponent's attack. Libero This position can't attack, they play a big role for the team's defensive strategy. They can only play on the back row. The player's jersey have different colors from the others. Rotation Rotation of players occurs every time your team makes a serve. If your team served and wins the point, your team will not rotate because the same server will serve again. The rotation is clockwise.
3 3 HIT RULE Each team has only 3 hits to return the ball. If the team exceeds 3 hits then it is considered as fault. PLAYER CAN'T HIT THE BALL TWICE IN A ROW The player can only hit or touch the ball once, except if the player blocked the ball and touched it again because block is not considered as a hit. A BALL IS \"OUT\" IF IT HITS: an antenna the floor completely outside the court any of the net or cables outside the antennae the referee stand or pole the ceiling above a non-playable area IT IS ILLEGAL TO CATCH, HOLD, OR THROW THE BALL The player can't touch the ball too long. They must pass it to the other immediately upon touching because volleyball is sport of constant motion. Serving is an exception.
4 A BALL HITTING A BOUNDARY LINE IS \"IN\" It is considered \"in\" because the rule says a ball is out if it hit outside the court. IT IS LEGAL TO CONTACT THE BALL WITH ANY PART OF A PLAYERS BODY The player can use all of their body parts to keep the ball in the air, like in the image below. A PLAYER CAN NOT BLOCK OR ATTACK A SERVE FROM ON OR INSIDE THE 10 FOOT LINE To simplify it, the player cannot block the serve. The player cannot spike back the serve also.
5 Violations THESE ARE THE FOLLOWING VIOLATIONS THAT RESULTS A POINT FOR THE OPPONENT. Failure to serve the ball over the net successfully Contacting the ball illegally Touching the net with any part of the body while the ball is in play. Touching or contacting the ball if it's still in the opponent's side and still not crossing the net. Crossing the court center line with any part of your body. If it's the hand or foot, the entire hand or entire foot must cross for it to be a violation. Back row player blocking Back row player attacking When blocking a ball coming from the opponents court, contacting the ball when reaching over the net is a violation if both: 1) your opponent hasn't used 3 contacts 2) they have a player there to make a play on the ball Stepping on or across the service line when serving Serving out of order.
6 How to Officiate Volleyball HAND SIGNALS AND THEIR CORRESPONDING MEANING AUTHORIZATION SUBSTITUTION TO SERVE When someone Indicates that the requested player can do substitution. their serve. TEAM TO SERVE MISCONDUCT WARNING AND Indicates which MISCONDUCT team will serve. PENALTY CHANGE OF COURTS Shows yellow card for warning and red Every time the set ends, both teams card for penalty. will change EXPULSION courts. If the player TIME-OUT repeatedly did rude conduct, they must Indicates that one of the team leave the playing area for the rest of requested time- out. the match. DISQUALIFICATION If the player repeatedly did offensive and aggressive conduct, they must leave the playing area for the rest of the match.
7 BALL NOT TOSSED OR RELEASED AT END OF SET OR THE SERVICE HIT MATCH When the player When the set is did not tossed the over. ball during service DELAY IN SERVICE hit. When the server BLOCKING FAULT doesn't hit the OR SCREENING ball within 8 When the blocker seconds. blocked the ball ROTATION FAULT illegally. The players are BALL \"IN\" not rotating properly. When the ball hits inside of the BALL \"OUT\" court. When the ball hits CATCH outside of the court. When a player caught or thrown DOUBLE CONTACT the ball. When a player touched the ball FOUR HITS twice in a row. When the team NET TOUCHED exceeded the 3 When a player hit rule. touched the net during the rally. REACHING BEYOND THE NET SERVED BALL FAILS TO PASS TO THE When a player OPPONENT touched or blocked THROUGH the ball when it's still not crossing the net. CROSSING SPACE
8 ATTACK HIT FAULT FOR LINE JUDGE: Any violation BALL \"IN\" committed during BALL \"OUT\" an attack hit. BALL PENETRATION INTO TOUCHED THE OPPONENT COURT OR BALL CROSSING SPACE CROSSING THE FAULTS, BALL TOUCHED AN LOWER SPACE OR THE SERVER OUTSIDE OBJECT, OR FOOT FAULT STEPPED THE END BY ANY PLAYER LINE OR THE PLAYER DURING SERVICE STEPS OUTSIDE JUDGEMENT THEIR COURT AT THE IMPOSSIBLE MOMENT OF THE When the line SERVICE HIT judge is unable to judge a fault within DOUBLE FAULT AND REPLAY their authority. When both teams commit a fault at the same time, the replay occurs. BALL TOUCHED When a player contacted the ball and eventually the ball went out of bounds. DELAY WARNING AND DELAY PENALTY When the team delays the game, they receive a warning (yellow card). If they delay the game again, they receive penalty (red card).
17 Technical and Tactical Skills BASIC TECHNICAL AND TACTICAL SKILLS IN VOLLEYBALL TECHNICAL SKILLS: SERVING Serving is the beginning of the play or rally. The team who wins the point will be the one who gets to serve. The players take turns on doing service by rotation. There are different types of serve but the image below is the most common.
18 PASSING / RECEIVING Passing is the first touch by the team, it is used when the opponent served and when the opponent attacked the ball. The goal of passing is to pass it to the setter to perform an attack. SETTING Setting is the second touch by the team and it's goal is to set the ball to the hitter. There are different types of setting and it depends on the hitter's preferences.
19 ATTACKING Attacking is to hit the ball towards the opponent's side of court. This can be done by spiking, setting, tipping, etc. as long as the ball fell to the opponent's side of court and done legally. BLOCKING Blocking is one of the defensive move in volleyball. The purposes of blocking is to deflect the ball that is coming from the opponent and to reduce the speed of the ball. Be careful on blocking, if the ball that you blocked landed outside of the court, the opposing team wins the point (Ball Touched).
20 DIGGING Digging is also part of defensive play of volleyball. Digging is passing the ball to the setter but the difference between them is that digging is used to a hard-driven spike.
21 TACTICAL SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES: By reading and analyzing the play or situation, you can come up with strategies. You can use these tactics and techniques to your strategies. SERVING There are different types of serve and you can use them to trick and to pressure your opponent. Serve is also a powerful weapon because no one is going to stop you. Here are some examples how you can use serve as a weapon. The serve that had been used in the video is what you call \"Jump Float Serve\", it's not rotating and just moving. That movement confuses the opponent because it changes it's direction while in the air. The best way to receive this serve is using the overhand pass. The player in the video took advantage of the lights in the ceiling and use the underhand serve, although it's just a normal serve but if you use it right — like in the video, it can be a weapon.
22 ATTACKING As mentioned previously, attacking can be done by spike, set, toss, etc. it doesn't matter what on what way you attack as long as it is done legally. Here are the few techniques that you can use in attacking: In this video, the setter used \"Dump\", it's a technique that tricks the blockers and can also trick your teammates — but it's a good thing that even your teammates got tricked because it will be more effective. Be sure to do not make it obvious when doing this. The hitter in this video set the ball that was set to him to another hitter. It's a good technique to trick the blockers but be careful on doing this, only trained players can do this.
23 \"Feint\" is also a good and easy technique to do in tricking the opponents. When doing this, be sure to check the opponent's court if they aren't near to the net so they can't save the ball. This is what you call \"Rebound\". If you're unsure about your spike because of blockers, you hit the ball a little weak to their palm to rebound it. The hitter purposely delayed his jump and let the blockers to jump first so when the moment he jumps, the blockers are already on the ground and too late to block his spike.
24 BLOCKING There are different ways to block and the purpose of blocking is to deflect the ball from the opponent and to reduce the momentum of the ball. Below, you can watch how to use blocking in different ways. \"Read Blocking\", the blockers keep their eyes on the ball and read and carefully analyze the situation. Although it's not always successful, it can pressure the hitters . The blockers move after the setter set the ball so you need a fast reaction speed. This is \"Guess Blocking\", it's a hit or miss block. It requires a lot of experience and should always be calm to analyze the situation. It's a little similar to \"Read Blocking\" but the difference between them is that the blocker moves before the setter could set the ball. In the video, the blocker purposely left an opening so he knows where the hitter will spike and when the hitter spiked the ball, he moved his hand to that location to block the spike.
25 Court Dimensions VOLLEYBALL COURT MEASUREMENT OF THE VOLLEYBALL COURT: C O U R T L E N G T H :18 meters CENTER LINE C O U R T W I D E : 9 meters H A L F C O U R T : 9 meters T H I C K N E S S : 5 centimeters F R O N T Z O N E : 3 meters B A C K Z O N E : 6 meters BOUNDARY LINE S E R V I N G A R E A : 3 meters C E I L I N G H E I G H T : 7 meters minimum T H I C K N E S S : 20 centimeters NET HEIGHT: Men: 2.43 meters Women: 2.24 meters
26 Court Dimensions VOLLEYBALL COURT The area outside the court is called \"Free Zone\", it's a 3 meters wide from the court and players can enter that area to keep the rally going if ever the ball went there, as long as the ball doesn't fall to the ground.
27 Definition of Terms SERVING OUT OF ORDER When the player served even though it's not their turn yet. A rotation fault. RALLY A play; both teams keeping the ball in the air and returning it to each other while not committing any faults. FAULT Any actions that violates the rules of the game and is judge by the referee to determine the consequences. SET Rounds of volleyball; 2 sets each match. Each sets have 25 points to complete. A \"deuce\" occurs when the two teams are tied on 24 points and will continue until one team wins by a 2 points margin. 3 sets occurs when both teams score is 1:1. HARD-DRIVEN SPIKE A powerful spike that travels forcefully downwards to the opponent's court.
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