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Home Explore Cafe Verlet

Cafe Verlet

Published by 953140, 2023-01-15 22:25:14

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Café Verlet Torréfacteur depuis 1880 Coffee Roaster Since 1880

Indian Mysore Coffee In the south of India, at the foothills of Mullayanagiri, careful harvesting produces this mild coffee with a round body and delicate hazelnut and milk chocolate flavours Cuba's Altura Lavado From the south-east, 800m above sea level, on flat, shaded land, this gentle Cuban Arabica captures deliciously silky, honey, chocolate and tobacco notes Brazil's Yellow Bourbon Yellow Bourbon Arabica from the sunny mountain plateau of a vast plantation in the Grama valley. The flavour is mild and generous. Kenya's AA+ Estate This sweetest coffee thrives under the intermittent shade of the highlands in ancient and weathered volcanic soil,1 800m above sea level. Wild currant fruity notes bewitch the senses.

Single Origin Teas India's Darjeeling Estate Rohini Hand picked in Doi Angkhan in Northern Thailand, the long curled leaves flecked with copper produce an outstanding tea. Fruity and woody notes. Japan's Gyokuro Tea Gyokuro (Dew Drop); a remarquable green tea. Cultivated away from direct sunlight, its taste is delicious, both smooth and tart. China's Monts Wuyi Black Tea One of the well-known oolong teas from the slopes of the Wuyi mountain range. The long brown curled leaves are semi fermented and roasted. The clear amber liquor reveals woody and caramel notes. Thailand's Royal Project Black Tea Hand picked in Doi Angkhan in Northern Thailand, the long curled leaves flecked with copper produce an outstanding tea. Fruity and woody notes.

Costa Rica's Tarazzu Amapola At the border of Panama and Costa Rica, on high volcanic plateaux at 1 600m, this Arabica captures rare notes of hawthorn and oak moss. Its flavour is marked by subtle buttery chocolate nuances. Panama's La Torcazza In the shade of the Baru volcano, 1600m above sea level in the Talamanca Range, the Arabica from this unique plantation mingles sweet fruity notes with chocolate undertones. Ethiopian Moka Harrar This distinctive and robust coffee is the forerunner of all the coffees in the world. It grows on gentle rolling hills in a sunny terrain. Scattered clouds bring refreshing mountain rains and generous early morning dew. The leather, spicy and ripened cherry notes hold a special place in enthusiasts hearts. Ecuador's Vilcabamba This deliciously complex blend is fragile.The green beans with a powerful aroma do not have the same storage life as many other coffee beans. Quickly enjoy this delectable coffee while it is still fresh! From Vilcambamba, the « Secret Valley » or the « Valley of Longevity ».

The Roastery In the roastery on the rue Montpensier, tucked behind the Palais-Royal gardens, Verlet is the oldest house to roast and brew all its craft coffees. Every day in the Parisian workshop, the beans are roasted according to type and depending on the weather. This traditional and skillful roasting dates back to the 17th and 18th centuries. It is a characteristic of exceptional French taste, renowned for its colour, « Robe de Moine ». If the beans are too green, the aromas are overwhelmed and the coffee too acidic. Over roasted, the coffee is bitter with a dulled fragrance. A delicate balance! If unripe, immature or under roasted, the coffee will be too acidic. Over roasted, it becomes bitter and too strong. Verlet always keeps in its cellars a selection of approximately 30 single origin pure coffees as well as rare and precious yields such as Bourbon Pointu from L’Ile de la Réunion in the Indian Ocean or the exceptional Sainte-Hélène from the eponymous small island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Protected in burlap bags, in discreet shades of pale green, beige or light yellow, they are still odourless and almost tasteless, depending on the region.

About Us Since 1880 Verlet has been a purveyor of teas and coffees, spices and candied fruit. At the same time, the house at 256 rue Saint-Honoré opened an exquisite gourmet emporium, one of the rare Parisian shops to offer top quality home roasted coffee brewed directly on the footpath in front of the shop. Every morning, a high temperature metal drum was hand cranked to evenly roast and brew pale green beans from the Americas, the West Indies and Africa, until the perfect roast « à la française » was achieved. The renowned colour « Robe de Moine » became a Verlet speciality. The delicious fragrance of coffee filled the neighbourhood and every connoisseur and reputable home shopped at Verlet. Café Verlet (123) - 456 - 7890 123, Street Address, Brampton, 123CAN

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