DLA IN-DEALER Training That Gets Results!Our intensive in-dealership training programs are typically one to two days, every four to five weeks.Each month the trainer will focus on a different area pre-determined in advance by you and yourmanagement team. Each training day is divided into 2 repetitive sessions to enable everyone toattend. All training is in a structured environment with workbooks and assignments to be completedfor the next visit. With the In-Dealership Training program you also receive access to:DLA TRAINING CENTERS DLA ONLINE DLA RECRUITINGTraining Staff - All Training is conducted by DLA Certified Trainers who are employed by David Lewis & Associates. Our Trainershave extensive backgrounds in specific areas of the Dealership and come from a wide range of Retail Automotive experience.Feel confident that your Dealership will engage in a superior Training Program with a strong curriculum and top-notch Trainers. “Since signing up with David Lewis & Associates In-Dealership Training, our profits have doubled.” Scott Casebeer, Dealer – Capital Auto Group
SHIP TRAINING Bring any of our intensive training programs to your Dealership. With our In-Dealership training solutions, your Dealership will receive personalized training designed to meet your specific needs. Whether it is Sales, Service, Internet/BDC or any of our many courses offered, with our In-Dealership workshops, your Dealership will receive personalized training designed to meet your specific needs. Your team will learn new ideas and concepts that will move them to the next level of success. Our training is designed to make steady monthly improvements in both your Sales and Service Departments. Over 30 In-Dealership Workshops to choose from in: SALES MANAGEMENT INTERNET/BDC F&I FIXED OPS SECONDARY FINANCE
DLA TRAINING CENTERS The only complete Automotive Training Centers in the country!PHILADELPHIA AREA • NY/NJ METRO AREAAbout the Training Centers We Offer Courses For:The DLA Training Centers are located in King of DealersPrussia, PA and Paramus, NJ. We offer superior General Managerstraining away from the Dealership and in an Service Managersenvironment advantageous to learning. Our10,000 square foot, state-of-the-art facilities are Sales Managersdesigned to offer a full range of classes to meet F&I Managersthe training needs of every one in your DealershipWe offer controlled classroom sizes that allow for Secondary Financeboth group and individualized training. ManagersTraining Staff Internet/BDC Managers Internet/BDC RepsAll Training is done by DLA Certified Trainers who Salespeopleare employed by David Lewis & Associates. Our Service AdvisorsTrainers have extensive backgrounds in specificareas of the Dealership and come from a widerange of Retail Automotive experience. Feelconfident your Dealership will engage in a superiorTraining Program with a strong curriculum andtop-notch Trainers.Certification ProgramTraining at the DLA Training Center is recognizedthrough the DLA Certification Program. We areproud to distinguish our students for the skillsthey achieve and do so by officially recognizingthat they have completed and mastered theseprograms successfully.
DLA ONLINE MSMCoSAodOdAuLuleMLlEe#E#1SM2SOPNEOMPILSETAMKAEKSEIndustry Leading Online TrainingThe DLA Online Training Program is designed to MFo&duIle #3let you train at your own pace. It can be used as a MSFoEIdNuCleAO#N4NCDEARYcomplete training environment or as a reinforcementtool subsequent to attending a class at the PhiladelphiaTraining Center or following an In-Dealership workshopsession. DLA Online provides you and your staff accessto over 1,000 training videos of great material and is MLoEduAleD#5ERSHIPavailable 24/7 on any device.What You Will Learn MTToRdRuAAleII#NN6 ETRHE MWVMoSdSoIEudN.lueRNlLe#V7O#E8IRSCESERASDVISORDLA Online was developed by car people who train carpeople. Included with DLA Online is both an extensivereporting and certification program that will ensure videosare being watched and comprehended. Our online courseswill help your Dealership capitalize on every opportunity inevery aspect of your Dealership. Build your team and yourprofits with DLA Online training! MSMoEdAuRlNeV#A9ICGEEMENT MSMoTdAuRlNeE#A1S0GSEMENT MSMoAdEuLlEeE#T1S1ING
DLA RECRUITINGSuccess has two ingredients: people and training. Let DLA help you with both 6. 1.Once a hire is made, our Training Liasion Ads placed in your local area inwill enroll the hiree into the appropriate Career Builder, Monster.com,course depending on the position Indeed, Craigslist and your localthey accepted. workforce agencies. 5. DLA 2. RECRUITINGCandidates who meet Recruiters begin reverserequirements, are WILL: resume researching andscheduled with a face marketing, as well as,to face interview with • Find Candidates resume prospectingthe designated • Screen Prospects throughout your area.Dealership contact. • Schedule Interviews 4. 3.Phone interviews are conducted to Applicants are screened basedconfirm eligibility and skill level on your desired hiring criteria.for the desired position. We Recruit:Salespeople, Internet/BDC, Service Advisors and Administrative staff
SECONDARY FINANCE PROGRAM Over 1.5 million people per year file for Brankruptcy Protection. Get the names when they file and then again when they are discharged. DLA BANKRUPTCY LISTS FILED • DISCHARGED • DISMISSED CHAPTER 7 • CHAPTER 13 Software Program • Weekly Lists Access list directly from your desktop or deviceOption to print the BK Letters right from the retrieval screen SECONDARY FINANCE SOFTWARE Secondary Finance & Inventory Control Software BOOK OUT SHEET To include with deal jackets QUICK BOOKS Value a vehicle without thumbing through a book / Includes NADA, Kelly Blue Book and Black Book CUSTOMER INVENTORY SORT Find the most profitable vehicle WATER REPORT Shows if you are buying vehicles over book value Accessorize your vehicles to maximize your profits!
1986 2016 CELEBRATING 30 YEARS CORPORATE OFFICE 10 Suntree Place Melbourne, FL 32940 For more information please contactMary Mannella at 800-374-3314 ext. 215 www.davidlewis.com
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