Body Systems Flipbook Kaitlyn Joe - Health Science I - 1B - Mr. Pickett
Integumentary System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders derm/o; dermat/o: skin The Integumentary System acts as Apocrine Glands: a type of gland Albinism: a disorder where mutant kerat/o: horny tissue a barrier to protect the body from that secretes parts of secretory melanin genes are inherited that xer/o: dry; dryness the outside world. The system cells. cause non pigmented skin. xanth/o: yellow; yellowish retains the body’s fluids, defends Dermis: thick layer of skin Cutaneous Carcinomas: second erythr/o: red against diseases, excretes waste underneath the epidermis. most common type of skin cancer, pedicul/o: louse; lice products, and regulates the body’s Eccrine Glands: sweat glands that where abnormal accelerated onych/o: nail temperature. regulate body temperature. growth of squamous cells occurs. myc/o: fungus Epidermis: most outer layer of the Cutaneous Melanoma: irregularly pil/o: hair Health Occupations skin. shaped spots of pigmented melanin lip/o: fat Eumelanin: substance responsible on the skin. rhytid/o: wrinkle Dermatologist: medical for dark hair. Cyanosis: bluish discoloration of albin/o: white professional specializing in Keratinization: process in which the skin due to lack of oxygen to the diagnosing and treating skin cells form fibrils of keratin and blood. disorders. harden. Dermatopathologist: medical Melanin: dark pigment in skin and professional specializing in hair. diagnosing and treating skin, hair, Melanocytes: melanin producing and nail diseases, along with the cells. identification of diseases Sebaceous Glands: glands that microscopically. secrete sebum. Sweat Glands: exocrine gland that secretes a mixture of salt, water, urea, and other wastes.
Musculoskeletal System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders my/o: muscle The Musculoskeletal is responsible Articular Cartilage: thin layer of cartilage Tendinitis: inflammation of the myel/o: bone; spinal cord for giving the body support, form, covering the bone in the joint space. tendons. oste/o: bone stability, and movement. Cartilage, Bone: hard connective tissue, long, short, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: cost/o: rib tendons, ligaments, joints, and flat, sesamoid. numbness, tingling, or crani/o: skull other connective tissues help bind Calcium: mineral constituent in bone, weakness in the hand. -pexy: surgical fixation tissues and organs together. calcium phosphate is the major calcium salt Osteoarthritis: condition in chondr/o: cartilage in bones. which the protective cartilage arthr/o: joint Health Occupations Cancellous Bone: spongy, porus, bone tissue that cushions the end of the -plegia: paralysis in the inner part of a bone. bones wears down over time. kinesi/o: motion Orthopedic Surgeon: a physician Cartilage: flexible, rubbery connective Fibromyalgia: musculoskeletal who corrects congenital or tissue, immature skeleton, epiphyseal pain accompanied by fatigue, functional abnormalities of the growth plate, and on joint surfaces. sleep, memory, and mood bones with surgery, casting, and Collagen: dense, connective tissue protein issues. bracing. strands found in bone and other tissue. Physical Therapist: movement Compact Bone: hard, dense, bone tissue, experts who improve quality of life usually found on the outer portion of bones. through prescribed exercise, Cranial Bones: ethmoid, frontal, temporal, hands-on care, and patient occipital, parietal, sphenoid. education. Facial Bones: lacrimal, mandibular, zygomatic, nasal, vomer, maxilla Fontanelle: soft spot between skull bones in an infant.
Nervous System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders neur/o: nerve The Nervous System’s three main Central Nervous System (CNS): consists of the Alzheimer’s Disease: affects encephal/o: brain functions is sensory, integration, brain and the spinal cord, which occupy the brain functions, memory, and myel/o: bone marrow; spinal cord and motor. The sensory functions dorsal body cavity. causes behavioral issues. ambul/o: walking are to receive information and Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): the part of Bell’s Palsy: sudden weakness -esthesia: sensation; feeling monitoring the body’s internal and the nervous system outside the CNS, consist or paralysis of facial muscles mening/o: meninges external conditions. Integration is mainly of the nerves (bundles of axons) that on one side of the face. psych/o: mind to process all the information and extend from the brain and spinal cord. Cerebral Palsy: congenital concuss/o: shaken decide on action. The motor Somatic Nervous System (SNS): composed of disorder of movement, muscle functions are to stimulate efferent somatic, motor nerve fibers that conduct tone, or posture. neurons. impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles. Epilepsy: a disorder in which Neuroglia: neurons associated with much nerve cell activity in the brain Health Occupations smaller cells. is disturbed, causing seizures. Neuron: the structural units of the nervous Neurologist: a doctor who system. diagnoses and treats neurological Nissl Bodies: the Rough ER of the neuron cell diseases and conditions. They are a body. specialist in the anatomy, Axon: impulse generating and conducting functions, and disorders of nerves region. and the nervous systems. Dendrites: are short, tampering, diffusely Neurosurgeon: a surgeon who branching extensions, receptive regions. specializes in surgery on the Myelin Sheath: fatty insulating sheath that nervous system, especially the surrounds all. brain and spinal cord. Synapse: junction that mediates information transfer from one neuron/effector cell to the next.
Special Senses Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders irid/o: iris Special Senses allows the human Special Sense Receptors: either large, complex Pinkeye: caused by bacteria or -cusis: hearing body to detect environmental sensory organs, or localized clusters of viruses that are highly -opia: vision condition stimuli and to transduce energy receptors. contagious. ot/o: ear into electrical impulses. The Accessory Structures: includes the extrinsic Conjunctivitis: inflammation tympan/o: eardrum central nervous system is conveyed eye muscles, eyelids, conjunctiva, and lacrimal of the conjunctiva that results ophthalm/o: eye the sensory neurons, where they apparatus. from reddened, irritated eyes. -metry: process of measuring are processed, and a response is Eyelids: protects the eyes; meets at the medial Cataracts: a dense, cloudy area produced. and lateral corners of the eyes. that forms in the lens of the Medial and Lateral Commissure (Canthus): eyes. Health Occupations The medial and lateral corners of the eye. Blindness: the inability to see Palpebral Fissure: the space between the anything, including light. Otolaryngologist: physicians eyelids in an open eye. trained in the medical and surgical Eyelashes: projects from the border of each management and treatment of eyelid. patients with diseases and Tarsal Glands: modified sebaceous glands disorders of the ear, nose, and associated with the eyelid edges. throat (and related structures of Conjunctiva: a delicate membrane that lines the head and neck). the eyelids and covers part of the outer surface Optometrist: specializing in the of the eyeball and ends at the edge of the examination of the eyes and other cornea by fusing with the corneal epithelium. parts of the visual system. Ciliary Glands: modified sweat glands that lie between the eyelashes. Lacrimal Glands: located above the lateral end of each eye.
Cardiovascular System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders cardi/o: heart The Cardiovascular System has Aorta: largest artery in the body. Arrhythmias: condition where angi/o: blood vessel many functions, delivering Arteriole: small artery. the heart beats at an irregular hem/o; hemat/o: blood nutrients to the body’s cells, Artery: largest type of blood vessel. It carries rate or rhythm. brady-: slow protecting the body from blood away from the heart to other parts of the Congenital Heart Defects: this tachy-: rapid immunities, filtering metabolic body. condition is present at birth thromb/o: clot waste, and circulating oxygen and Atrioventricular Node: specialized muscle and involves defects of the -emia: blood condition carbon dioxide throughout the fibers connecting the atria with the ventricles walls of the heart, the valves of leuk/o: white body. and transmitting electrical impulses between the heart, and the arteries and erythr/o: red them. veins near the heart. arteri/o: artery Health Occupations Atrium: one of the two upper chambers of the Heart Attack: the death of a heart. segment of heart muscle Cardiologist: diagnoses and treats Atria: one of the two upper chambers of the caused by a loss of blood patients with heart and heart. supply. cardiovascular problems. This can Capillary: smallest blood vessel. Materials Coronary Artery Disease: involve consulting with patients pass to and from the bloodstream through the when the arteries that supply about their symptoms, performing thin capillary walls. blood to the heart muscle tests and surgical interventions, Carbon Dioxide: waste gas released by body becomes hardened and and prescribing treatment for cells, transported via veins to the heart, and narrowed. ongoing conditions. then to the lungs for exhalation. Cardiovascular Surgeon: Coronary Arteries: blood vessels that branch specialists trained to perform from the aorta and carry oxygen-rich blood to surgery on the heart, lungs, and the heart muscle. esophagus. Deoxygenated Blood: blood that is oxygen-poor.
Respiratory System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders bronch/o: trachea The Respiratory System is Larynx: voice box Asthma: condition where the cyan/o: blue responsible for gas exchange and Trachea: windpipe airways are narrowed and laryng/o; larynx providing the bloodstream with Nasal Cavity: the cavity behind the nose and swell and may produce extra -oxia-: oxygen oxygen. Gas exchange occurs with above the roof of the mouth that filters air and mucus. pleur/o: pleura the exiting of carbon dioxide and moves mucous and inhaled contaminants Chronic Bronchitis: pneum/o: lung the entering of oxygen into the outward and away from the lungs. inflammation of the lining of pulmon/o: lungs bloodstream. Bronchi: passages that branch from the bronchial tubes, which carry thorac/o: chest trachea and direct air into the lungs. air to and from the lungs. trache/o: trachea Health Occupations Lungs: two spongy organs that are responsible Pneumonia: infection that for respiration. inflames air sacs in one or both Pulmonologist: a doctor Bronchioles: progressively smaller tubular lungs, which may fill with specializing in the respiratory branches of the airways. fluid. system, which includes treating and Alveoli: tiny sacs of lung tissue specialized for Lung Cancer: a cancer that diagnosing problems involving the the movement of gases between air and blood. begins in the lungs and most respiratory system. Cilia: short structures projecting from a cell often occur due to smoking. Respiratory Therapist: specialized and containing bundles of microtubules that Other causes may include healthcare practitioner trained in move a cell through its surroundings or move secondhand smoking, exposure critical care and cardiopulmonary fluid over the cell’s surface. to certain toxins, or family medicine in order to treat people Mucus: protective secretion of the mucous history. with acute and critical conditions. membranes. Breathing: passing or able to pass air in and out of the lungs normally.
Digestive System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders cholecyst/o: gallbladder The Digestive System is responsible Teeth: bony projections located on the maxilla Stomach Flu: an intestinal enter/o: small intestines for turning consumable products and mandible that aid in consuming food. infection marked by diarrhea, col/o; colon/o: colon; large intestine into energy and nutrients. The Saliva: a liquid that is released in the mouth cramps, nausea, vomiting, and hepat/o: liver secretion of fluids and production that aids in eating and digestion. fever. gastr/o: stomach of digestive enzymes also are part Amylase: the enzyme found in saliva that Inflammatory Bowel Disease or/o: mouth of this system. breaks chemical bonds found in the sugar (IBD): ongoing inflammation -pepsia: digestion monomers of starches. in all or part of the digestive chol/e: bile; gallbladder Health Occupations Bolus: a chewed mass of food. tract. proct/o: rectum Epiglottis: a cartilaginous valve-like device in Constipation: When a person Gastroenterologist: a professional the throat which prevents food from entering passes less than three bowel specializing in the normal function the trachea. movements a week, or has and complications associated with Esophagus: tube through the body which the difficult bowel movements. the digestive system. bolus passes to reach the stomach. Irritable Bowel Syndrome Proctologist: a doctor specializing Peristalsis: smooth muscle contractions in the (IBS): an intestinal disorder in the colon, rectum, and anus. area surrounding the esophagus which push characterized by pain in the the bolus toward the stomach. belly, gas, diarrhea, and Cardiac Sphincter: a thick ring of muscle that constipation. closes the esophagus after food has passed through it. Stomach: large muscular organ that digests food both mechanically and chemically. Chyme: a mixture of stomach fluids and food.
Urinary System Combining Forms Function Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders -cele: hernia The Urinary System is responsible Arteriole: small artery. Nephrolith: a kidney stone. -lysis: breakdown for filtering the blood and expelling Kidneys: two bean-shaped organs that remove Nephrosis: non-inflammatory cyst/o: cyst the byproducts from the filtered waste products from the blood and aid in disease of the kidneys. nephr/o: kidney blood. maintaining water and electrolyte balance. Urethritis: inflammation of the ren/o: kidney Trygone: triangular area in the urinary urethra. -uria: condition of the urine Health Occupations bladder. Nocturia: the need to urinate -pexy: surgical fixation Urea: major nitrogenous waste excreted in during bed hours. -ectasis: dilation; expansion Gastroenterologist: a professional urine. pyel/o: renal pelvis specializing in the normal function Ureter: one of the two tubes from the kidneys and complications associated with to the urinary bladder. the digestive system. Urethra: tube leading from the urinary Proctologist: a doctor specializing bladder to the outside of the body. in the colon, rectum, and anus. Uric Acid: nitrogenous waste excreted in the urine. Urinary Bladder: hollow, muscular sac that holds and stores urine. Urination: process in which urine is expelled or released from the body. Electrolyte: chemical element that carries an electrical charge when dissolved in water. They are necessary for proper muscle and nerve function.
Reproductive System Combining Forms Function cervic/o: cervix The Reproductive System is Vocabulary Diseases/Disorders salping/o: tube responsible for producing eggs and ov/o: egg sperm, depending on the sex of the Gonads: reproductive gland, males, testes. Endometriosis: a painful orchid/o: testicle individual, to transport and sustain Gametes: reproductive cells, have only half the disorder in which tissue found oophor/o: ovary those cells, and to nuture number of chromosomes as body cells. inside the uterus grows outside men/o: menstruation developing offspring in the female Sperm: the male reproductive cell. the uterus. mamm/o: breasts reproductive system. Ova: also known as eggs, the gametes HIV/AIDS: sexually gynec/o: woman produced by females. transmitted disease and causes colp/o: vagina Health Occupations Testes: the male gonads, which produce sperm flu-like symptoms with no prostat/o: prostate gland and secrete male sex hormones. cure. Gastroenterologist: a professional Seminiferous Tubules: small convoluted Gynecologic Cancer: any type specializing in the normal function tubules in the testes where spermatogenesis of cancer originating from a and complications associated with takes place. female’s reproductive system. the digestive system. Interstitial Cells: in the testes, these cells lie Interstitial Cystitis: chronic Proctologist: a doctor specializing between the seminiferous tubules and produce condition causing bladder in the colon, rectum, and anus. the hormone testosterone. pressure, bladder pain, and Epididymis: coiled duct on top and at the side sometimes pelvic pain. of the testes that store sperm before emission. Scrotum: the external pouch that contains the testes. Oocyte: ca female gametocyte that develops into an ovum after two meiotic divisions.
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