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Home Explore Learn Arabic with Arabophon

Learn Arabic with Arabophon

Published by jeroen, 2016-02-08 07:00:59

Description: Learn Arabic
Study Moroccan Arabic

Keywords: Arabic,Moroccan Arabic,Study,Fes,Language


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So you want to learn Arabic? Our lesson material comes in the form of Which Arabic should I study? written documents, audio files and flashcardsCongratulations! Even though Arabic might in both printed and electronic form to help If your main goal is to communicate withseem a difficult language with its different you memorize vocabulary. Moroccans, then Darija should be your firstalphabet and strange sounds, you’ve decided You only need to bring pen and paper for priority. Since it is also easier than MSA, youthat you want to learn it. At Arabophon we’d your notes and some device (like a will much quicker be able to get by in yourlove to show you that it’s not that difficult a smartphone) to record the oral exercises and daily contacts.task after all. And once you are able to to listen to the audio files and use theexpress yourself in Arabic, you’ll find that the flashcards. If your main goal is to communicate withlanguage will open a window to understand Arabs from different parts of the world, thenthe Arab mind. Modern Standard Arabic and you need to focus on MSA. However, we Colloquial Moroccan Arabic suggest that if you plan on staying for a while Why study at Arabophon? in Morocco while studying MSA, you may Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) is understood want to start with Darija first, simply becauseSince 1999 Arabophon has acquired a by every educated Arab throughout the Arab a little knowledge of the dialect will help youreputation for developing methods of world. It is used on television, on the radio, in with Standard Arabic, but more importantly,Moroccan Arabic to foreigners and for well- books and newspapers. Its role is somewhat since a basic knowledge of Darija will enabletrained teachers. similar to that of Latin in the Middle Ages in you to communicate directly with the peopleOur goal is to help you to communicate with Europe. you will meet while in Morocco.Moroccans in a way that feels natural to themso that they would feel at ease to freely Colloquial Moroccan Arabic or Darija is the At the same time, if you are serious aboutcommunicate with you as well. daily language of most of the 33 million communicating with Moroccans, you should Moroccans. It draws most of its vocabulary not stop with Darija but continue with MSA.Therefore our emphasis is on practice: what from MSA but uses a simplified grammatical Thus you will get a more comprehensiveyou learn in class can be used right away to structure. understanding of word formation rules whichcommunicate with Moroccans. will help you immensely with your active useThis is clearly seen in the way that the Moroccans are welcoming to foreigners and of the Arabic language. By daily usage oflessons are set up. Each lessons starts with a encourage you even if you speak only very Darija you will consolidate what you havedialogue or a story taken from everyday life little of their language. In many ways this is learned and by studying Fossha you expandsituations. These dialogues then serve as a the perfect country for an immersion program your treasure of vocabulary and idiomaticbasis from which you learn vocabulary, of Arabic Study. expressions.expressions, grammar and, also important,culture.

Our Courses Our Prices Learn Arabic withThe Curious Explorer course offers a taste of If you follow our normal program for Moroc- … and enjoy the bestArabic. In only half a day you can learn can Arabic, you will finish the intermediate methods…enough to no longer be taken for a naïve level in 40 weeks. The average price comes totourist. You will learn greetings, basic only 600 Dirham/week*. This includes ARABOPHONphrases, the first numbers and some everything, there are no additional costs. 80 Rue Jaafar Ibn Atiagestures. Ait Skato, FES For MSA, a week of 15 hours (10 sessions of Tel.: 0535-603475The Serious Explorer course takes 6 sessions 90 minutes), the price is 1090 Dirham*. [email protected] 90 minutes and will enable you go a bit In addition to this you would need to buy the www.arabophon.comfurther: ordering coffee, buying bread, taking textbook.a taxi. You can also begin to learn the Arabicscript. This course also serves as our We would encourage you to compare ourintroductory course for those who want to prices with those of others, but when you docontinue studying Darija. so, please keep a couple of things in mind: - don't just compare prices, also compareThe Salam Courses are for those who want to quality;master the language and culture of Morocco. - don't just compare what you would beWe recommend that you take 3 hours of paying per month, look also at how long itclasses per day for the first 3 months of will take you to reach your desired level andclasses and then go down to 90 minutes per compare the total cost for for the Salam 3 and Salam 4 levels and At Arabophon, you will reach the advancedour special interest courses. level in Moroccan Arabic after only 9 months of studying.For Modern Standard Arabic we use the series“Al-Kitaab” from Georgetown University The price for online classes is 1450 Dirham forsupplemented by other material. Most 10 sessions of 60 minutes or 1100 Dirham formodules have a length of 3 weeks (45 hours). 10 sessions of 45 minutes.Online Classes. If you can’t come to our * Price per person with at least 3 participants incenter, it is also possible to take classesonline, wherever you are in the world. a group. For smaller groups we recalculate theStudents from all over the world have greatly prices based on individual classes or classes forenjoyed our classes by following live sessions two.with our teachers. For more detailed information, see

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