complete assignmentmanagement software PTaurgne
Global & domestic assignments and mai-assignment comes pre-configuredtheir associated costs can be difficult to with a ‘standard’ data set, covering typicalforecast, track and manage. There are so cost estimate scenarios, documents andmany different factors to consider in each workflows, reducing implementation timeassignment that keeping on top of costs and providing a solid platform on whichand compliance issues can be a daunting to build a personalized solution. Flexibilitytask. & customization are key attributes and all aspects of mai-assignment can be easilyWhich is why we created mai-assignment. configured.mai-assignment is a complete assignment Built as a ‘mobile first’ responsive system,management system, designed to ensure mai-assignment leverages the latest webthat every aspect of an assignment, technologies to provide an intuitive andwhether financial or operational, is visually appealing user experience acrossmanaged with a minimum of fuss and all platforms - phone, tablet and desktop.effort. Producing detailed cost estimatesis fast and easy but mai-assignment goes Contact us for a demonstration to seemuch further than simply calculating costs how mai-assignment brings a fresh,- it provides everything a global mobility new approach to managing global andteam needs in respect of workflow domestic assignments.automation, compliance tracking, vendormanagement, quality control, analyticsand reporting.
Imagine everything you need to know Details of every relocation serviceabout an assignment being available in provided to your mobile talent, includingone place - outgoing & incoming email, home finding, orientation visits, visa ¬es, conversations with the assignee, immigration, property management andcosts, benefits, allowances, exceptions household goods shipping are available& approvals, relocation service details, instantly. Service providers can keep youvendor rates & contacts... updated either through the on-line portal or by using the mai-assignment API forNow imagine being prompted every tighter integration.time an action is due or when anassignee uploads a vital document. mai-assignment will even track themai-assignment does this and a location of your assignees, both long termlot more. and business travellers, allowing you to pro-actively address compliance risks.mai-assignment records every detail andtracks every action on an assignment, GIVES YOUgiving you complete control from initiation COMPLETE CONTROLto repatriation.
Estimating the cost of an assignment can If circumstances change during anbe a slow, tedious process with constantly assignment, you can re-calculate thechanging factors requiring many re- costs as often as required, keeping acalculations. history of the costs at each calculation point.mai-assignment changes all that. Costestimates are produced quickly & easily, If changes are required ‘across the board’,drawing on data from a variety of sources then mai-assignment allows you to re-to calculate home & host tax, hypo tax, calculate costs for multiple assignmentsgross-ups, COLA, international premiums, based on location or policy type.moving costs and any number of otherbenefits & allowances. With mai-assignment, the task of assignment cost estimating andYou can add and compare multiple considering the most appropriate policydifferent scenarios with ease. for your assignees becomes faster and much more efficient.Editing of costs for ‘what-if’ scenariosis easy while at the same time a COMPARE MULTIPLEcomprehensive exception control SCENARIOS WITH EASEsystem ensures any deviation fromthe compensation policy is recorded.
Compensation Taxes Expense Posting •••PBASeadanyjlueaPfsrittrymsofeinlets •••THHaHyoxposmoCt ealculator ••VPAeapnypdmrooervnaBtslills Cost Profile Actual vs Projection Home Host Cost Balance J. Smith Projection Actual DifferenceCountry Country Projection Sheet Gross gross up •••YYYeeeaaarrr321 •••116120000,0,0,0000000 •••11713250,00,0,0000000 •••11520,00,0,0000000to Net Adjustment Expatriate etc... to Net costs ••SBBeyyrVvSeiecnredvoTicraeriff ••HBCHyitGVyetTnoadCroiirftyf •CCOitLyAto City Year End TaxRelocation HHG Move Cost of Living Services
Cost estimates are of limited value if Vendors can post their charges foryou cannot compare them with actual relocation services through the on-linecosts. mai-assignment allows you to portal. Vendor invoices are comparedsee how actual costs stack up against against their quotations for the work,your estimates during the lifetime of the reducing the likelihood of over or repeatassignment. charges.Assignees can easily post their expenses mai-assignment will also process assignee& upload receipts from mobile devices. reimbursement requests and vendorExpenses are automatically approved payments. If appropriate, expenses canor declined based on the assignee’s be recharged back to the assignee’scompensation policy. Exception controls business entity.provide for flexibility in approvingexpenses that are outside of the policy Using the dashboard and reportingallowances while ensuring the appropriate system, mai-assignment allows you toapprovals are in place. analyze expenses for tax & cost center reporting. COMPARE ESTIMATES WITH ACTUAL
Compliance is one of the main concerns Assignees update their travel diary ontoday for any company with a mobile their mobile devices so the time spentworkforce. Poor compliance can result in each tax jurisdiction is tracked. Rulesin litigation, financial penalties and can be configured in mai-assignment toreputational damage. provide prompts if there is a danger that an assignee will fall foul of local tax laws.mai-assignment allows you to track mai-assignment provides the tools tocompliance in two key areas - immigration avoid costly compliance failures.documents and time spent in different taxjurisdictions. THE TOOLS TO ENSURE YOU’RE COMPLIANTTimely prompts for renewal of allimmigration documents (visa, workpermits, security clearance, medicalcertificates etc.) and personal documents(passport, id card etc.) for both assigneeand dependents are triggered by theworkflow, with escalation rules to ensurecritical dates do not pass unnoticed.
With so many different people involved in Vendors can update relocation servicean assignment, keeping everyone on the data and also post their invoices, reducingsame page can be a challenge. workload on the mobility team.The mai-assignment on-line portal meets Useful documents, forms, guides & articlesthis challenge by providing a single point can be published in the ‘Library’ whichof contact for mobility specialists, HR, provides a one-stop shop for assigneesassignees and vendors. when looking for useful information about their assignment.At the heart of mai-assignment, theon-line portal is a cloud-based platform Management can also use thethat aims to ensure that everyone knows comprehensive dashboards and reportsexactly what is going on with each to access key data & analytics 24/7.assignment. And of course the mai-assignment portalHR can initiate, approve & track can be accessed via mobile devices,assignments while assignees can keeping everyone in touch at all times.complete online forms such as needsassessment, travel diary, quality surveys KEEPING EVERYONEand visa applications. ON THE SAME PAGE
mai-assignment excels in providing Although mai-assignment comes with adetailed reporting and analytics. large number of standard reports, custom reports can be quickly produced with theMultiple dashboards are available to built in report writer. Reports can be runmanagement, HR and mobility specialists at local, country, regional or global levelcovering key data such as assignee with security controls to restrict access topopulation, spend, compliance and quality sensitive information. Any report can befeedback. Each dashboard is made up delivered in PDF, HTML, CSV, MS Excel orof a number of ‘widgets’, which contain MS Word format.graphs and charts. The level of detail held in mai-assignmentEach user can easily customize their own provides a rich source of analytical datadashboard by changing the layout, adding to give real insight into the mobilityor removing and re-sizing widgets. process. MULTIPLE DASHBOARDS
moveassist international Ickleford Manor Turnpike Lane Ickleford Hertfordshire SG5 3XE Great [email protected] +44 (0)1462 452186Mai.assignment @mai_assignment moveassist-international
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