GOWITH AN INTERNATIONAL MOVER THAT WILL GET YOUTHERE SAFELY – NO MATTER WHERE IN THE WORLD “THERE” IS.From Argentina to Zimbabwe, your move beginswith a call to North American International.Moving locally can be challenging. But an Trust northAmerican Internationalinternational move can seem insurmountable. to deliver – safe and sound.Far beyond packing and transporting yourbelongings, moving internationally involves Surprises are nice – on your birthday, notcustoms regulations, cultural barriers and on your moving day. Why take chances?countless other factors that add complexity North American International will do everythingand confusion. To help make your move possible to ensure your shipment arrives safely.simpler, choose a mover with specialized We’ll listen to find out what’s important to you,international resources and expertise: and make that important to us.northAmerican International. MAKE EVERY MOVE GO YOUR WAY. GO NORTH.2 NAINTL.COM
GOWITH INTERNATIONAL MOVE PLANNING EXPERTISETHAT GETS YOU OFF ON THE RIGHT FOOT.Smart planning is the key to asuccessful international move.Beginning with your first call to northAmerican Your move is in good hands,International, our comprehensive move right from the start.management process provides a clear roadmapto your new home. From specialized packing Within 24 hours of your call to northAmericanservices to help moving your pets, we’ll build International, your move will be assigned to aa move plan that meets your unique needs at move coordinator, a highly trained expert whoseevery step, and we’ll provide a complete quote job is to keep you informed and to orchestratewith details about timing, deliverables and costs. every element of your relocation. Your move coordinator will work directly with northAmericanReady or not? No, just ready. International and oversee your entire move, from developing your estimate to helping youWouldn’t it be nice to know exactly what to prepare for customs requirements in yourexpect on moving day? With northAmerican destination country.International, you’ll be as prepared for yourmove as possible. You can be confident thatyour belongings will be packed correctly andyour special requests will be taken care of, soyour new life gets off to a great start MAKE EVERY MOVE GO YOUR WAY. GO NORTH.4 NAINTL.COM
GOWITH SAFE AND SECURE HANDLING OF YOUR BELONGINGS –FROM SHORE TO SHORE AND EVERY MILE IN BETWEEN.From packing to customs, we go the distancewith care and courtesy.Moving day arrives. Now is when North We work hard to make sure your shipmentAmerican International’s exceptional service arrives on schedule – and you can see thereally shines. Your driver and crew will be helpful proof, 24-hours a day, at naintl.com. Just clickand professional. Your furniture will be wrapped “Track Your Shipment” under the “Internationaland cushioned properly, and crated if necessary Move” tab once you receive your password.to ensure protection. Your belongings will bepacked into double- or triple-sealed cartons, We’re accustomed to customs.with careful handling of delicate items. Andeverything will be clearly labeled, so it’s Heightened security concerns have madeunpacked in the appropriate room. clearing customs increasingly complicated. Count on our vast experience to see youOut of sight, not out of mind: track your through. Our expertise in the customsshipment worldwide at www.naintl.com requirements of countries around the world lets us provide accurate guidance regardingWonder “where is my stuff right now?” It’s the restricted items and paperwork procedures.one question every person asks at least once So there will be no surprises when yourafter the trucks pull away. Our online shipment shipment arrives.tracking service makes it easy to find out. MAKE EVERY MOVE GO YOUR WAY. GO NORTH.6 NAINTL.COM
GOWITH A PERSONALIZED INTERNATIONAL MOVING EXPERIENCETHAT MAKES YOU FEEL RIGHT AT HOME.Settle in and stay a while.You’ve arrived at your new home. Let us give government, dining and much more. So you’llyou a hand settling in, with thoughtful unpacking feel less like a stranger in a strange land, andprocedures that make it easy. Plus, we’ll more like a local.perform a careful inspection and inventory ofall your items, and clean up packing materials Just in case you need it . . .and debris. And in case you’re not fluent in Count on fast, fair claim service.the local language yet, you’ll be greeted by anEnglish-speaking crew leader, specially trained We take every precaution to make sure all yourto assist international movers. belongings arrive at your new home safely. However, in the event that you should need toFeeling lost? We’ll show you around file a claim, our in-house claims departmentthe neighborhood. makes it simple and hassle-free. With our convenient online claim settlement process,Our move coordinator in the destination you can easily submit a claim with the click of acountry will not only arrange delivery of your button, so you can focus on your new life.household goods. They are also a wealth ofinformation about local culture, climate, schools, MAKE EVERY MOVE GO YOUR WAY. GO NORTH.8 NAINTL.COM
GOWITH A SIMPLER INTERNATIONAL MOVE, DONE YOUR WAY.GO NORTH. NORTH AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL.Get your international move underway. Call yournorthAmerican International Agent today.When it comes to moving around the world, For more information, visit us at naintl.com.there’s just no substitute for experience. Or, call your local northAmerican InternationalNorth American International has helped Agent today to begin planning your move.hundreds of thousands of customers get off toa great start in their new countries, and we canhelp you make the journey, too. Bon voyage!10 NAINTL.COM
For more information, visit www.naintl.com. SIRVA is a leading partner forOr contact your local northAmerican International Agent. corporations to outsource their mobility needs, relocating and moving©2015 North American Van Lines, Inc. their executives and staff globally.North American International N.A., Inc. - FF-5243Item 62113 (02/15)North American and the North American ARROW DESIGN WITH TWO CIRCLESare registered trademarks and service marks of North American Van Lines, Inc.
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