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Home Explore Climate Change e-Journal

Climate Change e-Journal

Published by Mahbup Ela Yalcin, 2021-05-31 13:14:44

Description: Climate Change e-Journal

Keywords: Big Steps Small Tracks


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AWAKENING Contents 4 What exactly is global 5 How Much Water is climate change? There on Earth? Discussion on what global According to the United Nations, climate change is, its water usage has increased at a consequences, and definition. rate more than double that of Information about its causes and population growth over the last changes around the earth. century. Water shortages would affect a projected 1.8 billion 8 News people by 2025, with two-thirds of the world's population living -HARVEST TIME OF WHEAT HAS in water-stressed areas as a result of consumption, CHANGED IN SIVAS development, and climate change. -SNOWFALL IN SIVAS IN APRIL 11 What are the things -WARNING FOR LAKE VAN we can do against global climate -THE BEES ARE IN DANGER! change? Editor: Sibel Akpulat -DAMS DRAINED IN SIVAS, GRAVES Here are some suggestions: Awakening UNEARTHED +903462279797 [email protected] -KURUGÖL WILL BE PROTECTED Eğriköprü Mah. Pilot Kaya FROM DRYING OUT COMPLETELY. İstektepe Cad. No.4 (383.67 km) -THE DANGER OF DROUGHT IN 58000 Sivas, Sivas Province, Turkey TURKEY'S LONGEST RIVER KIZILIRMAK

WHAT EXACTLY IS WHAT CAUSES GLOBAL GLOBAL CLIMATE CLIMATE CHANGE? CHANGE? One of the biggest causes of climate change is Global warming is believed to be caused by the increase in temperature in the the greenhouse effect caused by gases atmosphere. Heat exchange is caused by emitted into the atmosphere; it is people making various productions and characterized as a rise in average taking steps without thinking about nature. In temperatures observed on land, sea, and air recent years, there have been some observed throughout the world over the year. If global changes in weather and climate dynamics due warming occurs when summer temperatures to global climate change. Let's count these rise, global cooling occurs when summer changes with a few items; temperatures fall. To put it another way, - Rapid increase in forest fires, summer temperatures decide global cooling - Shrinking glaciers in the seas and rising sea and warmth. water level, - Natural events such as thunderstorms and 4| WHAT EXACTLY IS GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE? floods are more experienced.

HOW MUCH HOW MUCH WATER IS THERE ON EARTH? | 5 WATER IS THERE ON EARTH? According to the United Nations, water usage has increased at a rate more than double that of population growth over the last century. Water shortages would affect a projected 1.8 billion people by 2025, with two- thirds of the world's population living in water-stressed areas as a result of consumption, development, and climate change.

The problem we now face as we go forward is determining how to successfully store, maintain, and allocate the water we have. HOW MUCH WATER IS THERE ON EARTH? The earth has an abundance of water, but only a small amount of it (about 0.3 percent) is accessible by humans. The remaining 99.7 percent is in the oceans, soils, ice caps, and the atmosphere. Even so, much of the 0.3 trillion that is usable is out of reach. Water is becoming scarcer than ever, due to the effects of population growth, industrialization, and urbanization. Climate change is already putting a strain on scarce water supplies. 6|HOW MUCH WATER IS THERE ON EARTH?

WHAT ABOUT HOW MUCH WATER IS THERE ON EARTH? | 7 TURKEY’S WATER? Turkey is not a rich country with water and water supplies, contrary to popular belief, also not a country with a lot of water in its region. In water-rich countries, the annual amount of water available per capita is over 10,000 cubic meters. In Turkey, the annual amount of available water per person is around 1,350 cubic meters. In 2030, the amount of water per person will decrease to 1100 m3 with a population of 100 million and our country will be a water-poor country. In the past 50 years, 1.3 million hectares of wetland were lost as the size of 3 Van Lake. Today, 74% of our freshwater resources are used in agriculture, 15% in domestic use, and 11% in industry. So, water scarcity is not just due to less precipitation. It should often be associated with complex social, economic, and environmental factors. The solution we seek against water scarcity also depends on the participation of many stakeholders and action at different scales. REFERENCES: HTTPS://IWA-NETWORK.ORG/NEWS/INTERNATIONAL-STATISTICS-FOR-WATER-SERVICES-2018/ HTTPS://WWW.WWF.ORG.TR/NE_YAPIYORUZ/AYAK_IZININ_AZALTILMASI/SU/TURKIYESUZENGINIBIRULKEMI/ HTTPS://WWW.DOGRULUKPAYI.COM/BULTEN/TURKIYE-SU-FAKIRI-BIR-ULKE-OLMA-YOLUNDA-ILERLIYOR HTTPS://WWW.THEGUARDIAN.COM/NEWS/2018/JUN/18/ARE-WE-RUNNING-OUT-OF-WATER HTTPS://WWW.NATIONALGEOGRAPHIC.COM/ENVIRONMENT/ARTICLE/FRESHWATER-CRISIS HTTPS://WWW.MFA.GOV.TR/TURKIYE_NIN-SU-POLITIKASI.TR.MFA

Climate Change Effects from Turkey NEWS 8|NEWS

NEWS FROM TURKEY HARVEST TIME OF WHEAT HAS CHANGED IN DAMS DRAINED IN SIVAS, GRAVES UNEARTHED SIVAS In Sivas, water levels have decreased in many dams and It was stated that this year's rains in Sivas were late than lakes throughout the city due to the drought. Houses, expected and sudden warming caused some negative effects mosques, and tombs, which were flooded with the retreat, on the harvest. There was a 30-40 percent quality loss in emerged. wheat. Changing climatic conditions and expected rains in Due to the drought and low rainfall in Sivas in recent years, May and April extended to June, causing a problem. Wheat the water levels in the lakes and rivers have decreased. amount, which was 1 million tons in Sivas in the previous The lands of Pusat, Maden, and Alanyurt villages in Hafik years, decreased to 400-500 tons due to unfavorable climatic district were flooded with the completion of the Pusat conditions. | Drinking Water and Irrigation Dam, which was completed in 2009 and started to collect water. SNOWFALL IN SIVAS IN APRIL The villages of Maden, Pusat, and Alanyurt, which were completely filled with water in a short time, moved. The The snow that fell in Sivas's Kangal district in April surprised dam lake, which is emptied every year by the opening of and delighted the farmers. On the one hand, the farmers, irrigation channels, is filled again after rainfall, and this who were surprised by the snowfall, on the other hand, year the water in the dam lake has been drawn about 60 welcomed them, as the white blanket that covered their meters due to the low rainfall. fields like a quilt allowed the manure thrown to the crops to With the withdrawal of the water, the old cemetery of the melt. | village of Maden came to light completely. Human bones were also found in graves damaged by water. WARNING FOR LAKE VAN In addition, the mosque minaret and some houses of the village of Pusat, which was flooded, only the cone of which In Lake Van, a significant amount of water has been lost in is visible in spring, came to light. The water level in the 4 recent years due to global climate change and weather Eylül Dam, which is used as drinking water in the center, conditions. Experts say that due to global climate change, has dropped noticeably. the water level will gradually decrease and the lake area will In the Serpincik Pond, which is located near Karşıyaka shrink. | hü Neighborhood, 10 kilometers away from the city center and has different beauty in all four seasons, the water was THE BEES ARE IN DANGER! withdrawn about 30 meters from the shore due to the lack of rainfall and drought expected this year. | It was stated that this year's rains in Sivas were late than expected and sudden warming caused some negative effects NEWS | 9 on the harvest. There was a 30-40 percent quality loss in wheat. Changing climatic conditions and expected rains in May and April extended to June, causing a problem. Wheat amount, which was 1 million tons in Sivas in the previous years, decreased to 400-500 tons due to unfavorable climatic conditions. |

KURUGÖL WILL BE PROTECTED FROM DRYING OUT THE DANGER OF COMPLETELY. DROUGHT IN Kurugöl, located in the Hafik district of Sivas, will be registered and TURKEY'S LONGEST declared as a ‘’sensitive area to be protected’’ and will be taken under RIVER KIZILIRMAK protection before it gets completely dry. Kurugöl in Sivas, which is one of the rare natural beauties of Turkey with its appearance and WHILE THERE IS A DANGER OF natural structure, has been registered and declared as a \"sensitive DROUGHT IN THE 1355 KM LONG area to be protected\". Naming the village of Kurugöl in Hafik district, KIZILIRMAK, KNOWN AS TURKEY'S 55 kilometers from Sivas city center, the lake attracts attention with LONGEST RIVER, MASS FISH DEATHS its islets consisting of reeds and the species it hosts. The salt layer HAVE ALSO STARTED. that emerged in the lake, which dries rapidly due to the increasing drought in recent years, added a distinct beauty to the lake. Haşim When the water receded in Kızılırmak, Boztepe, who lives in the village of Kurugöl, stated that they are which was born in Sivas and irrigated the happy that the dry lake was taken under protection and said, “This Central Anatolian lands, mass fish deaths year is drier, there is no water. Our lake has dried up permanently. started to occur. The formation of dry We can get into the reeds. There were ducks and geese in our lake. regions with the withdrawal of the waters There was water in the lake in the spring, now it has dried up. It in the Kızılırmak bed, which has an hasn't been raining for about 6 months. We applied, he was taken important place in irrigation and fishing under protection. We are very happy. It is good to be put under for the people of Kırıkkale, was also protection, ”he said. Şükrü Balkı stated that it has not been raining noteworthy. for about 6 months and the drought has shown its effect on the lake. Kızılırmak, which irrigates the Unfortunately, there is no water since it does not rain. Our village agricultural lands, has started to flow cannot benefit much from the lake. The lake is dry, there is no water. very low due to the extreme heat and the I've been here for 5-6 months, I haven't seen it rain. There is no rain. closing of the dam gates. Alluviums “There is water in the lake in the spring,” he said. | appeared on the shores of Kızılırmak, islets formed. | 10|NEWS

WHAT ARE THE THINGS WE CAN DO AGAINST GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE? HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS: While consuming 40-60 liters of water by taking a shower, 120-150 liters of water will be consumed by taking a bath with a bathtub. That's why you can choose a shower instead of a bathtub. When you brush your teeth 2 times a day for 3 minutes without turning off the water for 1 year, you are wasting a family's 2-year kitchen water need. If you rinse your toothbrush in a glass of water, you will save 9,100 liters of water a year. Do not rinse your containers with direct running tap water. Thus, 30-60 liters of water per day is saved. Water your plants with the water you washed your greens. Give clothes you no longer wear to people who can wear them. CFC gas (Chlorofluorocarbon) contained in deodorants does not break down. It can rise in the atmosphere without combining with other molecules it encounters. Since it can go up to the ozone layer without degradation, it breaks down ozone molecules here. To reduce the use of deodorants. | WHAT ARE THE THINGS WE CAN DO AGAINST GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE? HERE ARE SOME SUGGESTIONS|11

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