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Home Explore Pág.17_Chapter 2

Pág.17_Chapter 2

Published by lucasgrisotti15, 2023-04-24 20:13:23

Description: Pág.17_Chapter 2


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18 They were talking from all sides of the box. Another soldier, one of the tree who were pain- ted red and gold by the General himself - so for that reason had a higher statuts - said: - Aragon made me shoot my own brother today, João Metido! He was named João espichado because he was very long. - I saw João Calado shoot Rust! Can you guys see how the General’s eyes were shinning while he told his war stories? 200 men defeated at the left ank! For how much longer will we let them destroy us with his hands? - said one of the red and gold soldier. - That’s silly! - said Lamparino quietly. He wore a yellow fur hat. From everywhere we could hear the complaints: - It makes no sense! It’s an absurd! FAZER DISTINÇÃO E CONEXÃO Esta é uma habilidade de raciocínio que utilizamos para a formação de concei- tos. Queremos, nesta cena, que os alunos do 5º ano façam as distinções e conexões da história com as atividades apresentadas. O Início de uma Mudança

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