18 They were talking from all sides of the box. Another soldier, one of the tree who were pain- ted red and gold by the General himself - so for that reason had a higher statuts - said: - Aragon made me shoot my own brother today, João Metido! He was named João espichado because he was very long. - I saw João Calado shoot Rust! Can you guys see how the General’s eyes were shinning while he told his war stories? 200 men defeated at the left ank! For how much longer will we let them destroy us with his hands? - said one of the red and gold soldier. - That’s silly! - said Lamparino quietly. He wore a yellow fur hat. From everywhere we could hear the complaints: - It makes no sense! It’s an absurd! FAZER DISTINÇÃO E CONEXÃO Esta é uma habilidade de raciocínio que utilizamos para a formação de concei- tos. Queremos, nesta cena, que os alunos do 5º ano façam as distinções e conexões da história com as atividades apresentadas. O Início de uma Mudança
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