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Home Explore Submental Liposuction: Sculpting a Sleeker Chin and Neck Profile

Submental Liposuction: Sculpting a Sleeker Chin and Neck Profile

Published by Diehl Plastics Surgery, 2023-07-26 07:38:18

Description: Submental liposuction, also known as chin liposuction or neck liposuction, is a cosmetic surgical procedure designed to remove excess fat from the area beneath the chin and jawline. It targets the submental fat, often referred to as a "double chin," which can be challenging to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. Visit our website or call us at (919) 381-5540 for any information.

Keywords: Liposuction Raleigh,Chin Lipo Raleigh


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Submental liposuction – also known as double chin removal – is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates stubborn fat on the neck and under the chin. This procedure is safe and effective, and it uses local anesthesia, allowing you to achieve a more sculpted neck without the risks associated with more invasive procedures or general anesthesia.

With submental liposuction in Raleigh, it’s never been easier to attain the slim facial silhouette that you’ve always wanted. Highlight your natural beauty with this transformative procedure at Diehl Plastic Surgery.

Join Us 10208 Cerny St, Ste 204, Raleigh, NC 27617 (919) 381-5540

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