uslan KhasonovKhasanov, his work, techniques, and morernate Capitals History of illuminated manuscripts and my own application to the style
uslan Khasanov (1987),designer and visual artist. His workis driven by the motto «Beauty iseverywhere» which Ruslan expressesin music videos, typography andillustrations.
he ability to express strongemotions through visual art,experimentation and improvisation playinga central role in his creative process. At theheart of Ruslan’s work is the desire to showsynergy between art, science and design,that these disciplines are not separate byacademism, but can be organized in workwith a mutual reinforcement.
rnate Capitals
Early Medieval period the text andillumination were often done by the samepeople, normally mTohneksi,llbuumt biynathteioHnigahnd decoration was normallyMiddle Ages the roplelsanwnereedtyaptictahlley inception of the work, and spaceseparated, Except rfoersreoruvteinde finoirtiaitls. However, the text wapsruodsuucainllgymanuscripts, and by theand flourishes, andwbryitattenleabset ftohere1i4lltuhmination bebgeagnin.ning of the 15th century these were producing most of the best work, and werecentury there were secular workshops commissioned even by monasteries.
hen Many incomplete manuscripts survive the text was complete, from most periods, the illustrator set to giving us a good idea of working methods. work. Complexdesigns were planned out beforehand, probably on wax tablets, the sketch pad of the era.The design was thentraced or drawn onto thevellum (possibly withthe aid of pinpricks orother markings, as in thecase of the LindisfarneGospels).
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