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Home Explore Kelas9_buku_siswa_bahasa-inggris


Published by maria zefanya, 2022-05-19 05:52:22

Description: Kelas9_buku_siswa_bahasa-inggris


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Communicating Family MAIN IDEA De nition 1) A family is a group of people who live together in the same house. 2) It is called a nuclear family. 3) This big family is called an extended family. Elements DETAILED FACTS 1) A complete family consists of parents and one or more children. 2) In many countries, a family can be extended to include relatives such as grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews and nieces living together under the same house. Characteristics The members of a family share the housework and take care of each other. Functions 1) With the family we feel safe and happy. 2) To go home means to return to our family in order have a rest, to watch TV, to eat together, and to share happiness and sadness with each other. 3) With our family we grow up to be healthy and useful individuals. Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 245

Communicating Work in your group. On the next page is a paragraph about the school. But they are not yet punctuated nor written properly. Rewrite them in good sentences. Handwrite your paragraph on a piece of paper. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. Then, present your paragraph in front of the class. Say your sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. 246 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Communicating school a school is a place where students go to learn today children in most countries must go to school for a number of years teachers help them to learn a school is headed by a principal or a headmaster at school students can learn skills and knowledge that are useful for the life now and in the future in most countries students learn basic subjects—science, music, geography, history, and languages they also learn extracurricular activities in indonesia, religion is a compulsory subject with their teachers and their friends students also learn to be good people who can di erentiate between right and wrong and between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 247

Communicating Now it is your turn to write one text about an animal, one text about a non-living thing, and one text about people. For each text, choose one from the three objects. 1) ant, cockroach, mouse 2) desk, blackboard, bench 3) football team, English club, choir group First, plan what you are going to write by using the table of analysis appropriate for each object. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. Then, present your work to the class. 248 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Communicating In your journal, write your re ection on your learning process in this chapter. My Journal I have just learnt to ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I like most were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I found most di cult were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What I need to do better is/are ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 249

“There is no elevator to success. You have to take steps.” UNIQUE TEACHING RESOURCES 250 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

CHAPTER XIIICome and visit us! I will learn to understand the promotion of goods and services in short and simple advertisements

Observing & Questioning Here are two advertisements, Fried Kepok Banana Sensation and Grandma’s Sambal Uleg. Let’s read the recipes together, one by one. First, listen to me carefully. Then, repeat after me. Say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. 252 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Observing & Questioning Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 253

Observing & Questioning Work in your group. Look closely at the advertisements again. Use the tabel below to identify the di erent kinds of information available in the advertisements. Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. The analysis of the advertisement of Fried Kepok Banana has been done for you as an example. First, copy the example. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. 254 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Observing & Questioning Goods / services * Fried kepok banana Varieties Chocolate, coconut, original Price IDR 3,000 nett/packs of 3 pieces Time / Place Wednesday & Friday, 12 pm – 3 pm At the school canteen Contact number / email address Maria, 0812345678 Murni, 0812098765 Selling points / promoting words hot and sensational * Cross the one that does not refer to the object promoted Goods / services * Not available Varieties Price Time / Place Contact number / email address Selling points / promoting words * Cross the one that does not refer to the object promoted Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 255

Experimenting Work in your group. Use the same table to identify the di erent kinds of information about the goods or services. Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. 256 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Experimenting Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 257

Experimenting 258 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Associating On the next page is another kind of advertisements. They are called classi ed advertisements. Work with your group. Use the same table you have used before to identify the di erent kinds of information about the goods or services stated in the classi ed advertisements. Hand-write your work on a piece of paper. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 259

Associating 260 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Communicating In your journal, write your re ection about your learning this chapter. My Journal I have just learnt to ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I like most were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I found most di cult were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What I need to do better is/are ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 261

“You may encounter many defeats. But you must not be defeated.” MAYA ANGELOU 262 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

CHAPTER XIVYou can always come back home. Here I will learn - to get the message of a song

Observing & Questioning Here is a very good song about fathers’ and mothers’ nature to always protect their children. Their home is always open for their children to return for their protection. Let’s read the lyric together. First, listen to me carefully. Then, repeat after me. Say every line loudly, clearly, and correctly. 93 Million Miles Jason Mraz 93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready get ready, ‘cause here it comes it’s a light, a beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother She told me, “Son in life you’re gonna go far, and if you do it right you’ll love where you are Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come home” 240 thousand miles from the Moon, we’ve come a long way to belong here, To share this view of the night, a glorious night, 264 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Observing & Questioning over the horizon is another bright sky Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father, He told me, “Son sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know, you’re never alone, you can always come back home” Ohh…ohh…ohh… 2x You can always come back…back… Every road is a slippery slope There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope You can see that your home’s inside of you. Just know, that wherever you go, no you’re never alone, you will always get back home Ohh…ohh…ohh… 5 x 93 million miles from the Sun, people get ready get ready, ‘cause here it comes it’s a light, a beautiful light, over the horizon into our eyes… Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 265

Collecting Information Work in your group. Copy the song in your note book. Hand-write it. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly. Use the punctuation marks correctly, too. At the same time, talk about the lines that you nd are interesting in your group. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. 266 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Associating Here are some of lines from the song. Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my beautiful mother She told me, “Son in life you’re gonna go far, and if you do it right you’ll love where you are Just know, that wherever you go, you can always come home” Oh, my my how beautiful, oh my irrefutable father, He told me, “Son sometimes it may seem dark, but the absence of the light is a necessary part. Just know, you’re never alone, you can always come back home” Every road is a slippery slope. There is always a hand that you can hold on to. Looking deeper through the telescope. You can see that your home’s inside of you. Just know, that wherever you go, no you’re never alone, you will always get back home Work in your group. Fill in the blank spaces below with the lines that have more or less the same meanings with the statements. Hand-write it. Make sure you know the meaning of every word and spell it correctly . The rst one has been done for you. First copy the example. While you are writing, say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. Use a dictionary. If you have any problems, come to me. Then, present your sentences in front of the class. Say your sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 267

Associating 1. If you are a good person, you will always be happy wherever you are. _________________________________________________________ 1. If you are a good person, you will always be happy wherever you are. Son, in life you’re gonna go far, and if you do it right you’ll love where you are. 2. When you nd a problem, don’t worry, because there is always something that you can learn from it. _________________________________________________________ 3. Your parents will always be with you and help you when you have a problem in your life. _________________________________________________________ 4. Life is not always easy, but don’t worry, your parents are always ready to help you. _________________________________________________________ 5. In your life, when you have a problem, come to us and we will always be ready to help you. _________________________________________________________ 268 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

Communicating In fact many people can sing the song. It has always been a popular song. Ask them to teach you to sing it. Or, you can also download it from YouTube. If possible, sing the song together in your class. It will be more interesting if you can sing it with a musical instruments like the guitar. Bahasa Inggris / Think Globally Act Locally 269

Communicating In your journal, write your re ection about your learning this chapter. My Journal I have just learnt to ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I like most were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ The activities I found most di cult were ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ What I need to do better is/are ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 270 Kelas IX SMP/MTs

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