Body Systems Flip Book Aarya Patil
Table of ContentsIntegumentary System Special Senses System Digestive System ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and Careers Careers Careers ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled SystemMusculoskeletal System Cardiovascular System Urinary System ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and Careers Careers Careers ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled SystemNervous System Respiratory System Reproductive System ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Roots and Function ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Vocabulary ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and ⦿ Diseases/Disorders and Careers Careers Careers ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled System ⦿ Labeled System
Integumentary System Back to Table of Contents
Integumentary System - Roots and Function⦿ derm/o, dermat/o -- skin Function: Acts as a barrier to protect the⦿ kerat/o -- cornea body from the outside world, protect against⦿ xer/o -- dry disease, eliminate waste products, and⦿ xanth/o -- yellow regulate body temperature.⦿ erythr/o -- red⦿ pedicul/o -- fingernail ; toenail Back to Table of Contents⦿ onych/o -- pertaining to the nail⦿ myc/o -- fungus⦿ pil/o -- hair⦿ lip/o -- fat⦿ rhytid/o -- wrinkles⦿ albin/o -- white
Integumentary System - VocabularyVocabulary :⦿ Sebaceous Glands: oil glands⦿ Dermis: layer of the skin located below the epidermis⦿ Subcutaneous layer: located just below the skin; connects the skin to the surface muscles⦿ Keratin: a fibrous, water-repellent protein⦿ Hidrosis: the production and excretion of sweat⦿ Collagen: a tough, fibrous, and flexible protein material⦿ Lipocytes: fat cells⦿ Free edge: the portion of the nail that hangs off the finger⦿ Melanin: determines the color of the skin⦿ Heparin: released in response to injury Back to Table of Contents
Integumentary System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Dermatitis: inflammation of the skin⦿ Onychia: inflammation of the matrix of a nail often leading to loss of the nail⦿ Bulla: a fluid-filled blister⦿ Eczema: an inflammatory condition of the skin characterized by redness and itchingHealthcare careers:⦿ Dermatologist: the branch of medicine dealing with the skin, nails, hair and its diseases⦿ Plastic Surgeon: performs operations that change the shape or appearance of part of a patient's body Back to Table of Contents
Integumentary system - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System Back to Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System - Roots and Function⦿ my/o -- muscle Function: Supports and binds tissues and⦿ myel/o -- bone marrow; spinal cord organs, allows motion and protects vital⦿ oste/o -- bone organs⦿ cost/o -- rib⦿ crani/o -- of the brain⦿ -pexy -- relating to⦿ chondr/o -- cartilage⦿ arthr/o -- joint⦿ -plegia -- relating to⦿ kinesi/o -- movement Back to Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Articular cartilage: thin layer of cartilage covering the bone in the joint space⦿ Cancellous bone: spongy, porous, bone tissue in the inner part of a bone⦿ Compact bone: hard, dense bone tissue, usually found around the outer portion of bones.⦿ Diaphysis: shaft, or mid-portion, of a long bone⦿ Fissure: narrow, slit-like opening in or between bones⦿ Fossa: shallow cavity in a bone.⦿ Mastoid process: round projection on the temporal bone behind the ear.⦿ Medullary cavity: central, hollowed-out area in the shaft of a long bone.⦿ Osseous tissue: bone tissue.⦿ Sella turcica: depression in the sphenoid bone where the pituitary gland is located. Back to Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Osteoporosis: the thinning and weakening of the bones⦿ Arthritis: painful inflammation and stiffness of the joints.⦿ Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon, mostly caused by overuse but also from infection or rheumatic disease⦿ Muscular Dystrophy: a hereditary condition marked by progressive weakening and wasting of the musclesHealthcare careers:⦿ Chiropractor: specializes in problems with skeletal system, muscles, joints and ligaments⦿ Physical Therapist: helps people who have injuries or illnesses improve their movement and manage their pain Back to Table of Contents
Musculoskeletal System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Nervous System Back to Table of Contents
Nervous System - Roots and Function⦿ neur/o - nerve Function: a complex collection of nerves and⦿ encephal/o - pertaining to the brain specialized cells known as neurons that transmit⦿ myel/o - spinal cord, bone marrow signals between different parts of the body.⦿ ambu/o - walk⦿ -esthesia - condition⦿ mening/o - brain⦿ psych/o - mind⦿ concuss/o - shaken Back to Table of Contents
Nervous System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Epithelial Tissue: includes glands and tissues that cover interior and exterior body surfaces⦿ Connective Tissue: provides support for the body and connects its parts⦿ Neurons: cells that transmit impulses⦿ Axon: long fiber that carries impulses away from the cell body⦿ Dendrites: short branched extensions that carry impulses towards the cell body⦿ Cell Body: largest part of the cell; contains cytoplasm and nucleus; controls metabolic activity⦿ Meninges: connective tissue wrapping the brain and spinal cord⦿ Spinal cord: controls reflexes; carries signals from brain to the rest of the body⦿ Somatic Nervous System: part of motor division; regulates conscious activities⦿ Autonomic Nervous System: part of motor division; regulates involuntary activities Back to Table of Contents
Nervous System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Cerebral Palsy: a disturbance in voluntary muscle action due to brain damage⦿ Poliomyelitis: a disease of the nerve pathways of the spinal cord which can cause paralysis⦿ Hydrocephalus: a disease in which there is an increased amount of cerebrospinal fluid within ventricles of the brain⦿ Epilepsy: a disease in which abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells cause seizuresHealthcare careers:⦿ Neurobiologist: Studies the biology of the nervous system⦿ Neuropsychologist: Studies brain/behavior relationships especially cognitive function Back to Table of Contents
Nervous System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Special Senses System Back to Table of Contents
Special Senses - Roots and Function⦿ irid/o - eye Function: allows the body to react to⦿ -cusis - relating to environment by providing sight, hearing, taste,⦿ -iopia - relating to smell, and balance⦿ ot/o - ear⦿ tympan/o - eardrum⦿ opthalm/o - eye⦿ -metry - of or relating to the treatment of diseases and injuries Back to Table of Contents
Special Senses - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Lens: biconvex transparent body situated behind the iris in the eye⦿ Iris: muscular diaphragm that controls the size of the pupil⦿ Pupil: Contractile aperture in the iris of the eye⦿ Eyelids: protect the eyes anteriorly⦿ Lysozyme: enzyme that destroys bacteria⦿ Eyeball: eye itself that is a hollow sphere⦿ Papillae: small rough elevations on tongue and roof of mouth; contain taste buds⦿ Endolymph: thick fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth⦿ Vestibular Apparatus: the equilibrium receptors of the inner ear⦿ Otolithic Membrane: a jellylike mass studded with otoliths Back to Table of Contents
Special Senses - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Conjunctivitis: inflammation of the conjunctiva,⦿ Color Blindness: inability to distinguish one or more of the three colours red, green, and blue⦿ Astigmatism: nonuniform curvature of the cornea⦿ Otitis Media: inflammation of the lining of the middle earHealthcare Careers:⦿ Optometrist: the practice or profession of examining the eyes⦿ Ophthalmologist: a doctor whose specialty is diseases and conditions of the eyes Back to Table of Contents
Special Senses - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Cardiovascular System Back to Table of Contents
Cardiovascular System - Roots and Function⦿ cardi/o - heart Function: Transport of nutrients, oxygen, and⦿ angi/o - lymph hormones to cells throughout the body and⦿ hem/o, hemat/o - blood removal of metabolic wastes.⦿ brady - delayed, tardy⦿ tachy - swift, fast⦿ thromb/o - clotting⦿ -emia - relating to the treatment of diseases⦿ leuk/o - white⦿ erythr/o - red⦿ arteri/o - artery Back to Table of Contents
Cardiovascular System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Aorta: Largest artery in the body⦿ Atrium: One of two upper chambers of the heart⦿ Endocardium: Inner lining of the heart⦿ Pericardium: Double-layered membrane surrounding the heart⦿ Myocardium: Muscular, middle layer of the heart⦿ Pulmonary Artery: Artery carrying oxygen-poor blood from the heart to the lungs⦿ Pulse: Beat of the heart as felt through the walls of the arteries⦿ Sphygmomanometer: Instrument to measure blood pressure.⦿ Systole: Contraction phase of the heartbeat⦿ Ventricle: One of two lower chambers of the heart. Back to Table of Contents
Cardiovascular System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Ischemic Heart Disease: problems with the circulation of blood to the heart muscle⦿ Cerebrovascular disease (Stroke): refers to a problem with the circulation of blood in the blood vessels of the brain⦿ Heart failure: occurs when the pumping action of the heart cannot provide enough blood to the rest of the body as it is needed⦿ Congenital heart disease: a problem with the structure of the heart arising because of a birth defectHealthcare Careers:⦿ Cardiologist: The medical study of the structure, function, and disorders of the heart⦿ Cardiac Surgeon: Performs heart bypass surgeries and other cardiovascular surgeries Back to Table of Contents
Cardiovascular System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Respiratory System Back to Table of Contents
Respiratory System - Roots and Function⦿ bronch/o - bronchial tube Function: To take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide as⦿ cyan/o - blue we breathe.⦿ laryng/o - larynx (voice box)⦿ -oxia - oxygen Back to Table of Contents⦿ oxy- - swift, sharp⦿ pleur/o - pleura⦿ pneum/o - lung⦿ pulmon/o - lung⦿ thorac/o - chest⦿ trache/o - trachea (windpipe)
Respiratory System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Pharynx: Throat; including the nasopharynx, oropharynx, and laryngopharynx⦿ Larynx: Voice box (Contains the vocal cords)⦿ Trachea: Windpipe⦿ Mediastinum: Region between the lungs in the chest cavity⦿ Bronchioles: Smallest branches of the bronchi⦿ Alveolus: Air sac in the lung⦿ Pleura: Double-layered membrane surrounding each lung⦿ Lobe: Division of a lung⦿ Pleural cavity: Space between the folds of the pleura⦿ Respiration: Process of moving air into and out of the lungs (breathing) Back to Table of Contents
Respiratory System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Influenza: A common viral infection that can be deadly, especially in high-risk groups.⦿ Pneumonia: Infection that inflames air sacs in one or both lungs, which may fill with fluid.⦿ Asthma: A condition in which a person's airways become inflamed, narrow and swell, and produce extra mucus, which makes it difficult to breathe.⦿ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): A group of lung diseases that block airflow and make it difficult to breathe.Healthcare Careers:⦿ Pulmonologist: A person who is specialized in diagnosing and treating patients with lung problems and diseases.⦿ Oncologist: A doctor who treats people with cancer. Back to Table of Contents
Respiratory System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Digestive System Back to Table of Contents
Digestive System - Roots and Function⦿ cholecyst/o - gallbladder Function: Breaking food into small molecules⦿ enter/o - small intestine and then absorbing into the body.⦿ col/o, colon/o - colon⦿ hepat/o - liver⦿ gastr/o - stomach⦿ or/o - mouth⦿ -pepsia - a state of digestion⦿ chol/e - bile; gall⦿ proct/o - anus; rectum Back to Table of Contents
Digestive System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Tongue: organ that mixes food in the mouth⦿ Pharynx: common passage for food and air⦿ Rugae: folds of the stomach mucosa⦿ Colon: organ primarily involved in water absorption and feces formation⦿ Vestibule: area between the teeth and lips/cheeks⦿ Soft Palate: uvula hangs from its posterior edge⦿ Anal Canal: region containing two sphincters, through which feces are expelled from the body⦿ Parietal Peritoneum: serosa of the abdominal cavity wall⦿ Haustra: saclike outpocketings of the large intestine wall⦿ Greater Omentum: extension/modification of the peritoneum Back to Table of Contents
Digestive System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Severe “heartburn”which can result in chest pains which can mimic that of angina.⦿ Jaundice: Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes from a backup of bile.⦿ Dysphagia: Difficulty swallowing⦿ Peritonitis – Inflammation of the lining of the abdominal cavityHealthcare Careers:⦿ Proctologist: A physician specializing in diseases of the rectum and anus.⦿ Gastroenterologist: A physician specializing in diseases of the digestive system including esophagus, stomach and intestines Back to Table of Contents
Digestive System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Urinary System Back to Table of Contents
Urinary System - Roots and Function⦿ -cele - swelling; hernia Function: To remove liquid waste from the blood in the⦿ -lysis - breaking down form of urine; keep a stable balance of salts and other⦿ cyst/o - cyst; bladder substances in the blood; and produce erythropoietin.⦿ nephr/o - kidney⦿ ren/o - kidney⦿ -uria - presence of a substance in the urine⦿ -pexy - fixation⦿ -ectasis - dilation⦿ pyel/o - renal pelvis Back to Table of Contents
Urinary System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Arteriole: small artery⦿ Catheter: Tube for injecting or removing fluids⦿ Glomerulus: Tiny ball of capillaries (microscopic blood vessels) in the kidney⦿ Hilum: Depression in an organ where blood vessels and enter and leave⦿ Meatus: opening or canal⦿ Nitrogenous waste: substance containing nitrogen and excreted in urine⦿ Renal artery: Blood vessel that carries blood to the kidney⦿ Renal pelvis: Central collection region in the kidney⦿ Urea: major nitrogenous waste excreted in urine. Back to Table of Contents
Urinary System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders:⦿ Nephrosis: A noninflammatory disease of kidneys.⦿ Enuresis: Involuntary release of urine, most often in reference to “bedwetting.”⦿ Urethritis: Inflammation of the urethra, the final pathway for urine in both sexes, and the common pathway for urine and semen in the male.⦿ Nocturia: Frequently getting up and urinating during the night.Healthcare Careers:⦿ Gynecologist: A doctor who specializes in care for female health problems.⦿ Nephrologist: A physician who studies and deals with the adult and pediatric study of the kidneys and its diseases. Back to Table of Contents
Urinary System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Reproductive System Back to Table of Contents
Reproductive System - Roots and Function⦿ cervic/o - cervic; neck Function: The reproductive system is a collection of⦿ salping/o - fallopian tubes internal and external organs --- in both males and females ---⦿ ov/o - egg that work together in the process of procreating.⦿ orchid/o - testes⦿ oophor/o - ovaries Back to Table of Contents⦿ men/o - menstruation⦿ mamm/o - breast⦿ gynec/o - woman; female⦿ colp/o - vagina⦿ prostat/o - prostate gland
Reproductive System - VocabularyVocabulary:⦿ Amenorrhea: absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow⦿ Areola: small circular area such as that around the human nipple⦿ Cervix: the opening to the uterus⦿ Circumcision: surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis⦿ Clitoris: organ of sensitive erectile tissue anterior to the opening of the female urethra⦿ Foreskin: a fold of skin covering the tip of the penis⦿ Fundus: part farthest from opening of an organ⦿ Gamete: specialized cell involved in sexual reproduction⦿ Fimbriae: finger or fringe like projections at the end of the fallopian tubes⦿ Impotence: inability to sustain an erection Back to Table of Contents
Reproductive System - Diseases/Disorders & CareersDiseases and Disorders: ⦿ Amenorrhea: Absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow ⦿ Chlamydia: A sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria of the genus Chlamydia ⦿ Cryptorchidism: Failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops ⦿ Genital herpes: An infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) that is usually transmitted by sexual contactHealthcare Careers: ⦿ Gynecologist: A physician specializing in diseases of the female reproductive system and surgery of this area. ⦿ Obstetrician (midwife): A physician specializing in the diagnosis and management of pregnancy and delivering babies. Back to Table of Contents
Reproductive System - Labeled System Back to Table of Contents
Bibliography⦿ Des Moines Univ. \"Online Medical Terminology Course.\" Des Moines University Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016. <>⦿ \"Quizlet.\" Quizlet. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2016. <>⦿ Rettner, Rachael. \"The Human Body: Anatomy, Facts & Functions.\" Live Science. N.p., 10 Mar. 2016. Web. 25 Oct. 2016. <>
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