2 TABLE OF CONTENTSCOVER LETTER ............................................................................................................................ 3MANAGEMENT ADVANTAGES ................................................................................................. 4PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALTable of Contents
3 January 14, 2021 Tricia Brisbine [email protected] 612-968-2254 Tricia, Thank you for your interest in our Land Management services. Peoples Company manages farmland in a socially responsible manner addressing sustainability, conservation, and water quality issues. Our model embraces technological advances and compiles real-time data to make better decisions. We feel with the right balance and approach, we can achieve superior financial returns. Our base services include capital improvement projects, cash rent/hunting leases, tenant correspondence, USDA compliance/certification, fertility documentation, yield documentation, tenant insurance adherence, and annual aerial images of your farm. We document these deliverables in reports which include an annual farm ‘Business Plan’ and ‘Summer Report’.Without knowing specifics of your farms and the lease(s) in place, my starting point for a fee discussion would be $15 per leased acre. A percent of gross income is also an option, based on scope of work requested. My personal experience includes managing farmland since 2013 and representing Peoples Company in conservation initiatives/groups across the state. I also grew up in a family farming operation in northeast Iowa and now participate on the business side of the operation with my dad and grandfather. Please review the last page in this proposal which highlights my personal CV. Thank you for your time; a proposal detailing our general management process follows. Sincerely, Mollie Aronowitz, AFM Sustainability Director, Land Manager 12119 Stratford Drive, Suite B Clive, IA 50325 [email protected] 319-504-8182 PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALCover Letter 855.800.LAND PEOPLES COMPANY MANAGEMENT ADVANTAGES
5 Land Management is an asset management strategy utilizing farm-specific systems and practices to increase the property’s annual income and produce premium appreciation.Land Management differs from Farm Management in several fundamental aspects: • Traditional Farm Managementservices use a model of managing the farmer’s basic on-farm production decisions, collecting as much annual income as possible and charging the landowner a significant portion of that income. This traditional model has little, if any, focus on the appreciation side of the asset; and the farmer, landowner and farm manager are competing for their respective share of the annual income. • The Land Management model identifies progressive farmers that are aligned with the landowner's goals and objectives. The farmer that fits this model does not require constant production decision over-sight and is a farmer that utilizes best practices and emerging technologies to increase the productivity of the farm and the returns that flow to both the farmer and landowner. This asset management model has a long-term focus. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALLand Management Definition YOUR ADVOCATE Peoples Company will proactively manage all aspects of your farmland investment. You will receive meaningful and timely communication to fully understand the on-going operations, as well as opportunities to increase the income from and value of your asset. When you hire Peoples Company you have an advocate. Whether the issue is regarding USDA farm programs, a proposed or existing pipeline easement, a tax protest, or any other issue impacting your farm. We are experts, ready to provide advice and to represent your interests. IDEAL CLIENT The Peoples Company Land Management client is a farmland owner whose goals and objectives include high expectations for both income and appreciation. They also require that their farmland asset is managed and operated in a socially responsible manner with sustainability, conservation and water quality issues being actively addressed. These sophisticated clients understand the interrelationship between these objectives; income, appreciation and responsible management; will commit capital in furtherance of these expectations and that the Peoples Company Land Management approach is uniquely positioned to achieve these goals.
6 Our seven-step process is a results-driven plan designed to create a customized management approach that optimizes your goals for your farmland investment. Peoples Company proactively partners with industry leaders in the farm information and soil management industry. These alliances allow us to provide you with comprehensive strategies, leading-edge best practices and innovative tools to improve yields, reduce costs and increase your farm’s relative value.PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALLand Management Results Plan
7 Peoples Company will begin by gaining an understanding of your goals and objectives for your land investment. Your goals for income, risk tolerance, appreciation, conservation and investment principles will drive how we manage your farms. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 1. Landowner Goals & Objectives
8 Only after Peoples Company understands your goals and objectives can we choose an appropriate lease. Each type of lease reflects a different set of priorities. We will review each alternative with you to assure the lease terms align with your goals and objectives. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 2. Type of Farm Lease 1. Custom Farming: Landowner assumes all production and economic risks; pays all of the crop expenses and receives all crop revenue while hiring a local farm operator to plant and harvest the crop for a flat fee. 2. Crop Share Leases: Landowner and farm operator share in the expenses and revenue in proportions established in the lease document. 3. Flexible Cash Lease: Landowner receives a guaranteed cash rent payment, plus a bonus when gross revenue exceeds a predetermined base amount. 4. Cash Lease: Landowner receives a fixed rent payment annually. Choosing an appropriate lease is a vital step in our Land Management process.
9 Choosing the farm operator is a vital step in achieving your goals. Farmland represents a major investment and having an operator that is fully aligned with and committed to your goals is crucial to achieving the highest possible level of success. Peoples Company’s network of top operators extends throughout the Midwest allowing us to choose an appropriate operator. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 3. Farm Operator Young Beginning Farmers Established Operators Organic Farmers Alternative Crops
10 Peoples Company Farm Lease is a uniquely drafted proprietary document designed to communicate and implement your objectives, provide enforcement of the operator’s reporting requirements and other lease terms, and serve as a tool for achieving the comprehensive strategies and best practices to secure premium rents and maximum appreciation on your farm. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 4. Peoples Company Farm Lease
11 The Peoples Company Farm Lease includes terms requiring the farm operator to provide data concerning the operations on your farm. Peoples Company will gather and maintain the data, aggregate the data into meaningful information and analyze the information to make recommendations concerning productivity, conservation, stewardship and sustainability to enhance both income and appreciation. 1. Analytics: How is the information interpreted? What is causing yield variations? How do we predict results of alternative actions? What benefit can be expected and at what cost? 2. Information: What happened in the fields? What are the yields and how do they vary? What patterns can be identified and which require analysis? 3. Data: Soil type maps, soil test results, yield measurements, fertilization programs, seed type, weather, scouting reports, etc. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 5. Data, Information, Analytics Peoples Company utilizes the latest profitability software to identify acres that are consistently not profitable on managed farms. Once these areas have been identified, alternative practices can be applied. These alternative methods lower inputs and increase profits on an acre by acre basis which correlates at the field and operational levels. • 3 to 15% of all farm fields are not profitable. • Focus on ROI (Return On Investment) rather than revenue. • Maximize the profitable acres and protect the environmentally sensitive acres. • Environmental performance and financial performance are linked.
12 Peoples Company is experienced at identifying, evaluating and negotiating sources of income and added-value beyond the standard income from rents and crop production. Examples include tax credits for leasing to a beginning farmer, wind tower easements, hunting leases, cell tower easements, mineral royalties, manure easements, timber sales, conservation easements, wetland easements, development potential, etc. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 6. Additional Income
13 As a Peoples Company Land Management client you will receive a detailed annual report that includes: • Actual-to-budgeted financial performance • Production/yield performance • Fertility report • Lease status update • Conservation project status updates • Aerial Images PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALStep 7. Annual Review & Farm History In addition, you will be provided detailed recommendations for increasing production/yield to drive higher annual income and premium appreciation. These recommendations include a cost/benefit analysis.
14 Peoples Company has developed an industry leading Land Management website. This proprietary software was custom designed and allows our Land Managers to seamlessly update, track, and implement our approach in real time. The dashboard allows interaction with “drill down” maps and access to farm records with the latest mobile devices. The website was designed to be user-friendly and files can be downloaded as PDFs or JPEGs. Field Details • Field Name, boundaries, physical location, and size • Address, county, section, township, range, FSA farm and tract numbers • Acreage total and tillable, CRP contracts, CSR2 Crop Years • Multiple years of data • Operator, rent/mailing, management fees • Tenant contact info, lease details, income, easements, fees and notes Files • Accounting, aerial and ground pics, POAs, client info, management agreements • Legal Descriptions, deeds, FSA/NRCS farm information, farm specific maps • Leases, bid proposal, CRP contracts, Surety soils maps, Google, and FSA aerials • Yield and soil samples, insurance policies, annual and semi-annual farm reports PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALLand Management Website
15 Building a documented history of your farm’s actual production, fertility, soil health, conservation practices, tiling, capital improvements and financial performance is the ultimate outcome of the Peoples Company Land Management system. It is this documentation that will give farm operators the confidence to pay premium rents and buyers to pay top-of-the-market prices if you decide to sell. Since the data collection is a required lease term - and we will be gathering, interpreting, analyzing and reporting the information annually - you will always have possession and ownership of the information assuring you will never have problems in the future obtaining your farm’s history from the farm operator.PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALDeliverables
16 Peoples Company is committed to providing our management clients with annual high-definition aerial photos. We utilize the latest technology and deliver these images in our semi-annual reports. This allows our managers a ‘bird’s eye” look at each farm, allowing identification of problem areas. We are currently flying a DJI Phantom 4 Pro+ which offers 4K video and 20 megapixel high-definition images. –PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALHigh-Definition Aerial Photography
17 PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALAcreValue & Farm Market iD Partnerships AcreValue: AcreValue is the leading digital platform for farmland data and analytics, offered by California-based farm software company, Granular. The AcreValue site is used by tens of thousands of farmland owners, buyers and renters across the U.S. to understand the current value of their land and evaluate prospective land for purchase or rent. The Peoples Company and AcreValue partnership provides a robust technology platform for the agricultural land market. With AcreValue, our current and prospective clients will have more information, data and understanding than ever before. With good information our partners can make better decisions. FieldVision: FieldVision, powered by Farm Market iD, is a National farm operator database that uses USDA records to tie farm operators to specific tracts of land. Unlike other platforms such as AcreValue that attach Landowners to parcels of land, FieldVision allows user to identify who is actively farming a specific property. By utilizing this technology, Land Managers can quickly and efficiently identify farm operators anywhere in the country. The software allows Land Managers to see the selected farm operators name or entity, address, contact information, and map of all farms under that name. This platform is used primarily for operator due diligence and operator solicitation. MILTON FARMS INC 2189 150TH AVE VERNON & JULIE MILTON 515-468-9393 VERNON & JULIE MILTON MILTON FARMS
18 Peoples Company is committed to managing your farm for appreciation and sustainability through socially responsible farming practices. This involves aligning your farm with like-minded operators and working with the FSA and NRCS to ensure compliance. Our goals are to leave each property in a better position than the preceding generation. This includes reducing soil erosion, increasing soil health and fertility, and making ethical decisions focused on what's best for the farm and future generations. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALConservation & Landowners SOIL LOSS SCENARIO: 3 T/Acre - a moderate amount on rolling ground • 15 T/dump truck • 1 dump truck every 5 acres each year • A dump truck of soil spread over 5 acres is a very thin layer of soil, less than the thickness of a dime. • Equivalent to having 30 dump trucks show up every spring on your 160-acre farm with 150 tillable acres and load up top soil and take it away. • Implementing a simple continuous no-till system and continuous cover crops, soil loss calculations are often reduced by 50%. Soil Loss: Peoples Company works with outside vendors supplying soil loss calculation reports for our management accounts. Our first step is to understand and document how different farming practices effect soil erosion. A comprehensive and proactive plan is then established to minimize soil erosion and increase overall soil health.
19 Your soil health is the single greatest asset to protect for future generations. Soil health is the capacity of soil to function as a vital living ecosystem that sustains plants, animals, and humans. This includes macro and micronutrients naturally occurring in your soils, water management both above and below ground, and various living organisms such as bacteria, fungi, microarthropods, nematodes, earthworms and insects. Healthy soils translate to increased yields and profits. Protecting your farm’s soil health is a vital part of Peoples Company’s Management Approach. A few practices are highlighted below.PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALSustainability Practices COVER CROPS: • Whole field practice • Reduce topsoil loss • Improve water holding capacity • Reduce nitrate loss by 30-35% • Increase organic matter • Increase living organisms BIOREACTORS: • Field edge practice • “Trench” filled with woodchips at tile outlets. Bacteria in the wood chips feed off and reduce the nitrogen. • Reduces nitrates leaving tile lines by 40% • Average bioreactor treats 100 acres FILTER STRIPS: • Field edge practice • Reduce topsoil loss • Reduce nitrate and phosphorus runoff • Natural filters designed to intercept and prevent erosion
20 Peoples Company has partnered with Stine Seed Company to offer a paid-in-full cover crop program for new land management clients. Stine Seed is the nations largest independent seed company and widely recognized for superior corn and soybean genetics. The program, called the Sustainability Cover Crop Initiative, is available to landowners in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska and Missouri. To receive paid-in-full cover crops up to $30/acre landowners ––must agree to plant Stine Seed Company high-population corn (or other approved Stine Seed) at least one out of three years if in rotation or three consecutive years if planting continuous corn. In addition, landowners must commit to having their land professionally managed by Peoples Company during the three-year term. By combining the multiple benefits of cover crops with the land management philosophies of Peoples Company and the high-performance corn of Stine Seed, landowners can help protect environmentally sensitive acres while maximizing yield on the productive acres. To learn more about the program or to apply, please visit or contact a Peoples Company Land Manager. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALSustainability Cover Crop Initiative
21 Today’s landowners, farm operators, and ag service providers are being challenged with the staggering and complex global issues of: • How to feed nine billion people by the year 2050? • How to feed nine billion people in a manner that protects or minimizes the environmental damage? • How to feed nine billion peoples while accounting for the impact on local producers, landowners and laborers? • And, how to feed nine billion people at an affordable price? In our effort to make sense of these challenges, stakeout our role as a contributor in addressing these issues in a socially responsible manner, and to publicly demonstrate our commitment to issues of responsibility and sustainability, Peoples Company has become a signatory to the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI), an investor initiative in partnership with UNEP Finance Initiative and the UN Global Compact. This United Nations-supported initiative is an international network of investors and service providers working collaboratively to implement the six Principles for Responsible Investment. Peoples Company believes that the principles of socially responsible investing are good for the individual landowner, good for the farm operator and good for society. By working together –landowner, farmer and society - we can produce more food and conserve more land as we meet the challenge of feeding nine billion people, in an environmentally and socially responsible manner, while meeting the needs of the relevant stakeholders and all at an affordable price for the food. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALPrinciples of Responsible Investing Socially Responsible Farmland Investment A white paper highlighting how landowners can invest in farmland in a socially responsible manner. Written by Peoples Company President, Steve Bruere and Dr. Mike Duffy from Iowa State University. • Aging demographic shifts in farmland ownership • Attractive returns for farmland investment • Practical considerations focused on stewardship and conservation • Feeding the growing world population
23 WHY HAVE A PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGER MANAGE YOUR FARM: 1. Analyzing the pros and cons of various lease options requires detailed knowledge of the marketplace, production options and costs. Negotiating lease terms can be time consuming, complicated and even uncomfortable. An unbiased Land Manager with comprehensive farm production knowledge focused on obtaining an equitable lease helps facilitate an agreement that works for both parties. 2. The Land Manager provides all record keeping, accounting, expense control and invoicing. 3. Your Land Manager is available for any questions you have relating to your farm. Many landowners mention that they have wanted to ask questions of their operator or former farm manager but were afraid to ask for fear it would put them at a disadvantage in establishing an equitable rent or management fee. 4. Peoples Company Land Management philosophy focuses on conservation, sustainability, productivity enhancements and maximization of income and appreciation. To achieve these objectives your Land Manager will provide cost-benefit analysis for practical options to maximize yield on the highly productive areas of your farm while protecting any environmentally sensitive acres. In addition, high quality, technologically savvy farm operators are identified who can utilize techniques such as multi-hybrid variable rate planting, high population corn and prescribed planting to achieve these objectives. 5. The Land Manager works as your advocate in leasing your farms and has incorporated important landowner issues into the proprietary Peoples Company Farm Lease that typically are not included: • Farm liability insurance certificate annually from your farm operator • Liability insurance certificate from any contractor performing work on your farm • Fertilizers applied according to established crop removal rates • Reporting of all restricted use chemicals applied on the farm • Documentation of crop yields • Clearly defined hunting rights • Development clause to equitably compensate the farm operator if all or a portion of a farm is taken out of production for land development 6. Peoples Company Land Management includes an efficient and comprehensive system to collect, analyze and store all farm information resulting in a detailed farm history. 7. The Land Manager acts as your advocate for issues such as farm program deadlines, farm easement actions, opportunities for enhanced income and any other farm issue. Such issues are dealt with in a proactive and timely manner. 8. Your farm lease is always a formal written document and lease terminations fully comply with legal notification requirements. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALWhy a Peoples Company Land Manager
24 WHY HAVE A PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGER MANAGE YOUR FARM: 9. Peoples Company Land Managers Kyle Walker, Mollie Aronowitz, and Randy Luze are formally trained as Accredited Farm Managers (AFM) through the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. Kyle Walker has also earned the Accredited Agricultural Consultant (AAC) designation achieved by only 4% of the ASFMRA members nationwide. Continuing education classes are completed annually to maintain these certifications and stay abreast of developing farm issues. 10. Peoples Company Land Manager Kyle Walker has also earned the Certified Agricultural Consultant (CAC) designation through the American Society of Agricultural Consultants. 11. Your Land Manager takes the calls from the tenant when they need a signature on a document, a copy of a lease or information for 1099s. All such regular and on-going details will be handled for you without interruption to your schedule. 12. Government farm program details, including farm program signups, signup for CRP and other conservation practices, certifying CRP acres annually and all other program issues are taken care of for you. 13. You receive a summarized analysis of your farm data including a SoilCalculator report, soil test reports and yield maps. You are provided recommendations specific to your farm. You benefit from the experience of the Land Manager and the fact that they observe information from many farms every year. The Land Manager is able to benchmark the results on your farm against all the other farms managed. This benefit and insight is not readily available to self-managed farmland owners. 14. The money you pay the Land Manager buys not only the expertise and benefits covered above; it buys you time - time you can spend with your family or pursuing other personal and business goals. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALWhy a Peoples Company Land Manager
25 Peoples Company is a 100-person team comprised of brokers, auctioneers, appraisers, land managers, graphic designers, closing personnel, and accounting staff. We have a team that is strategically positioned to work with clients all across the country on land-related transactions. Peoples Company is licensed to sell and manage real estate in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Washington, and Wisconsin. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALPeoples Company Footprint
26 Our annual Land Investment Expo is catered to individuals and institutions that are interested in land management and investing. The Expo brings together varying facets of the land industry and provides knowledge, ideas, and networking opportunities for professionals and investors. Peoples Company' publishes an annual newsletter keeping clients up to date on the latest information in the land industry. Our latest ‘Fall 2019’ edition showcases topics such as: A Case for Custom Farming, Market Realities: Finding the Opportunities in Row Crop Production, and Paid-in-Full Cover Crop Program Offered to Landowners. Peoples Company's latest ‘white paper’ offers a raw and emotional look at succession planning. Written by Teresa Opheim with an introduction by Peoples Company President, Steve Bruere. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALPeoples Company Advantages
27 HISTORY Peoples Company’s proud history began in the 1960s and was established in the farm management department of Peoples Trust & Savings Bank in Indianola. In 1972, the farm management department and real estate brokerage was separated from the bank into what is now known as Peoples Realty Company. In 2002, the current ownership team acquired the majority interest of the company and began building the foundation for the organization we are today and the future growth of the Peoples Company brand. With an industry-leading website and aggressive marketing strategies proven to drive land sales, Peoples Company has grown into the leading provider of land brokerage, land management, land appraisal, and land investment services in the Midwest. Our rural heritage and our ties to the land are the core of our business and we hold true to the statement that “everything starts with land”. It is on this “everything starts with land” premise that - with a global perspective - Peoples Company built innovative real estate solutions into our vision, mission, and values with services now offered in twenty states across the country. COMPANY CULTUREVISION Create opportunities for landowners by being resourceful and influential in the global land business. MISSION Deliver innovative solutions to our clients with a team of cohesive land professionals focused on building lasting relationships. CORE VALUES Innovative - We provide solutions by being industry leaders and ambitious problem solvers who think outside the box. Consultative - We are flexible in our approach to understand and meet the needs of clients. Competitive - We are results-oriented and focused on growing market share. Empowered - We are led by our vision and we are self-managed in our decision making. Collaborative - We work together to maximize our resources and opportunities for the entire team. Integrity - We hold honesty and respectfulness as our highest values and follow through with what we say. Relationship Driven - We focus on building trust and respect by cultivating lasting and positive connections with clients and others in our industry. Knowledgeable - We differentiate ourselves by understanding the market to a degree not equaled by our peers. Abundance - We focus on the unlimited opportunities within the land business and embrace challenges with positive attitudes. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALHistory & Company Culture
28 LAND BROKERAGE & AUCTIONS Peoples Company's unique infrastructure, collaborative culture, processes, personnel, and marketing strategies deliver the best possible results for buyers and sellers through innovation, market knowledge, and communication. Peoples Company's experienced team of land professionals specialize in traditional listing services, public auctions, and online auctions throughout the country. LAND MANAGEMENT Peoples Company takes a different approach to managing farmland and does so in a socially responsible manner with environmental issues being actively addressed. Peoples Company land managers utilize advancing technologies to document and analyze yield and production history, fertility, soil health, conservation practices, and capital improvements to improve yields, increase income, and maximize appreciation of each asset. LAND APPRAISALS Peoples Company's dedicated team of appraisal professionals and consultants have the skill, experience, and resources to provide the most accurate property valuation available. Peoples Company's appraisers utilize the most up-to-date technology and a comprehensive real estate sales database to arm themselves with the latest market trends and intel. LAND INVESTMENT Peoples Company tailors its proactive land investment program around identifying investment-grade land acquisitions for investors and sources of capital for farmers who are looking for someone to purchase land they can lease. Peoples Company offers asset management for high net worth individuals and institutional investors in conjunction with its affiliate, Alternative Equity Advisors. PEOPLES COMPANY LAND MANAGEMENT PROPOSALPeoples Company Services
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