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Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan Maintenance Task Schedules Welplan – Printed: 30/11/2015 Prepared by Welplan Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Penrith Cumbria CA10 2BX

1 Introduction This document has been prepared by Welplan to assist in the specific planned maintenance for carrying out service tasks, tendering, service level re-modelling and auditing. The safety of persons working with plant and equipment and the environment it is situated within is a fundamental part of good maintenance practice and should be taken into account at all times. 2 SFG20 Overarching Introduction Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you have read and understood the SFG20 Overarching Introduction which is the first schedule included in this Book of Standards and provides essential guidance concerning: • Statutory Compliance • Safety • Points to Consider during Maintenance Works • Maintenance of Systems • Proprietary Equipment • Records • Efficiency and Emissions 3 Modelling (as shown at the top of each schedule page) All intervals of service and inspection are expressed as D (Day) W (Week) M (Month) i.e. 1D, 1W, 3M, 6M, and 12M. SKILLING KEY AA Not-specified BL Building Trade CO Contractor E Electrical FO Fire Officer GS Gas Safe LO Locksmith M Mechanical ME M&E MN Manager MS Multi-skilled OP Operator PA Plant Attendant PN Painter PO Prison Officer PP Plumber PT Pool Attendant RE Refrigeration Engineer SP Specialist TE Technician ASSET CRITICALITY KEY Statutory To ensure legal compliance Mandatory To ensure regulatory and sector/organisation compliance Function Critical To maintain business critical assets and avoid under/over maintaining applicable assets Discretionary To maintain non-critical assets sufficient to protect value and meet sustainability commitments UNIT OF MEASURE KEY Nr Number System System M 2 Metre Squared Not Specified Not Specified Page 1 of 18

Table of Contents SCHEDULE REF SCHEDULE TITLE 00-01 Overarching Introduction Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan 01-01 Introductory Procedures 01-02 Pre-Maintenance Procedures 01-03 Thermal Actuators 01-04 Pneumatic Actuators 01-05 Hydraulic Actuators 01-06 Motor Driven Actuators 01-07 Power Fail - Motor Return Actuators 01-08 Power Fail - Spring Return Actuator SUMMARY INFORMATION Asset Profile including Service Timings Whilst reasonable steps have been taken to ensure that the information contained within this report is correct, you should be aware that the information contained within it may be incomplete, inaccurate or may have become out of date. Accordingly, B&ES Publications make no warranties or representations of any kind as to the content of this report or its accuracy and, to the maximum extent permitted by law, accept no liability whatsoever for the same including, without limit, for direct, indirect or consequential loss, business interruption, loss of profits, production, contracts, goodwill or anticipated savings. Any person making use of this report does so at his or her own risk [and it is recommended that they seek professional advice from their own adviser whenever appropriate]. Page 2 of 18

Schedule Title : Overarching Introduction Schedule Ref : 00-01 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Page 3 of 18

Schedule Title : Introductory Procedures Schedule Ref : 01-01 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Not specified Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS The following procedures apply to all types of actuator and require that before any maintenance is undertaken all safety precautions must be strictly adhered to. Care must be taken to ensure that any maintenance does not unduly interfere with the system's environmental conditions. When working on equipment it should be noted that any auxiliaries fitted may have supplies fed from a separate circuit to that of the actuator. Therefore should the actuator supply be disconnected it should not be taken for granted that the auxiliary supply has also been disconnected. To check that the actuator is performing its correct task, it is immaterial as to whether it is mounted on a damper, louvre, valve or any other piece of equipment. Its purpose is to control to a position between two limits, by either opening, closing or moving appropriate pieces of equipment. Other Actuator Types The function of an actuator can be split into two main categories: ON/OFF or MODULATING. Falling within these two categories are the seven types listed in this section. Although the majority of actuator types are covered in the following pages, new developments may mean that the engineer is not fully aware of the operating characteristics of the device under scrutiny. If any doubt arises it would be preferred if the manufacturer were questioned prior to any checks or adjustments being carried out. An example of the above is the VAV actuator sensor controller. This is a type of actuator that has the controller built into the actuator housing. The sensor is connected via a length of cable and will commonly be sensing air velocity or pressure. The controller will have been set to the required VAV box demand and these settings should not be altered without prior consultation with the client, the VAV box manufacturer and the actuator manufacturer. In this example, cross-referencing should be made between the Actuators, Controllers and Sensors sections. Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. Page 4 of 18

Schedule Title : Pre-Maintenance Procedures Schedule Ref : 01-02 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Not specified Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Should any discrepancies occur with the following checks the client should be informed as soon as possible to avoid the possible uneconomical running of his plant. The frequency of checks should be used as a minimum in the event that the actuator is performing a safety function (i.e. on a fire and smoke damper). Lives and property could depend upon this actuator working properly. 1. Cables. Check for signs of heat, damage, chafing or water ingress. 2. Mounting. Check mounting is in accordance with the manufacturer`s recommendation. 3. Anchor points. Check security. 4. Mechanical protection. Check for soundness. 5. Earth bonding. Check connection. 6. Actuator torque. Check torque with a torque wrench. This check is of particular importance on spring return type actuators because the spring will have a maximum life span. Elasticity of the spring and hence the torque will reduce with time, if the torque is insufficient to complete the action, this could be a hazard to life and property. 7. Working conditions. Check actuator is operating within its design ambient conditions. Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. Page 5 of 18

Schedule Title : Thermal Actuators Schedule Ref : 01-03 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M (6 mins) 12M (10 mins) 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 34 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order If supply voltages are not found, Where applicable, check supply check to see if supply is via a 1 1. Electricity supply. 12M voltage and that polarities are M&E controller. Refer to correct. manufacturer's data sheet. Where applicable, check for Refer to manufacturer's data 2 2. Control signal. 12M presence and that polarity is sheet. The previous note can M&E correct. also apply to the control signal. 3. Auxiliary control functions i.e. on/off See relevant manufacturer's 3 switches, frost 12M Check operation. M&E data sheet and auxiliary section. protection, position indicators. Check to prove actuator will Ensure that the actuator is 4. Manual operation 4 12M mechanically open/close valve returned to the 'auto' position M&E (if fitted). or damper to its working limits. after check is completed. This will entail interrupting the power to the actuator at a 5. Actuator position Check for correct position for 5 12M convenient point. Do not forget M&E on power failure. application when power fails. to reconnect the supply when the check is complete. 6. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes See relevant control/sensor 6 safety signal i.e. 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). section for this operation. fire/smoke. 7. Reaction to Check for correct response to 7 12M See relevant controls section. M&E control signal. signal. 8. Running time (if 8 12M Check See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E applicable). Page 6 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order Check for signs of leakage of 9 9. Leakage. 12M fluid around actuator seals. See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E Change seals if necessary. SCHEDULE LEGISLATION Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 7 of 18

Schedule Title : Pneumatic Actuators Schedule Ref : 01-04 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M (6 mins) 6M (5 mins) 12M (10 mins) 9 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 44 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Pneumatic actuators do not have an electrical supply but function by air pressure alone. Therefore should there be any loss in pressure, the performance of the actuator (and thus the whole system) will be impaired making it inefficient. Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. Notes: Electro/pneumatic controllers will have an electrical supply to them and therefore all necessary precautions will need to be taken to isolate supplies. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order 1. With a variance in pressure from Check operation between 1 Pressure/Leakage/S 12M the controller, the actuator will M&E actuator and controller. eizure. modulate. Check condition of glands and 2. Pipe Replace defective glands and 2 12M seals. Check pipework for M&E connections. seals. deterioration. If water and/or oil is present, Check that any filters are clear of trace pipe work back to identify 3 3. Air quality. 12M water and oil (filter may not be M&E the source of the water or oil and local to the actuator). rectify the problem Check to ensure actuator 4. Manual operation Ensure manual override is reset 4 12M achieves stroke limits. Check for M&E (if fitted). to correct automatic position. minimum/maximum setting. 5. Linkage assembly, i.e. nuts Check a) wear b) security c) Lubricate/replace/tighten as 5 bolts, spring, valve 12M M&E corrosion necessary. stem or damper assembly. 6. Lubrication and See manufacturer's data sheet. 6 12M As recommended. M&E cleaning. Only use manufacturer's Page 8 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order recommended cleaning agents and lubricants. Check calibration - controller Note control pressure operation output to actuator position. More 7 7. Actuator function. 6M range is correct (could be M&E Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan than one actuator may be fed sequenced control) from the control supply. 8. Auxiliary control units. e.g. Refer to manufacturer's data 8 positioners, electrical 12M Check operation. M&E sheets. feedback units and end switches. 9. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes See relevant control/sensor 9 safety signal i.e. 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). section for this operation. fire/smoke. SCHEDULE LEGISLATION BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 9 of 18

Schedule Title : Hydraulic Actuators Schedule Ref : 01-05 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 08 Apr 2014 Schedule Version : 2.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M 12M (15 mins) 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 15 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Ensure the correct grade and type of hydraulic oil is used for any topping up purposes. Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order If supply voltages are not found, Where applicable, check supply check to see if supply is via a 1 1. Electricity supply. 12M voltage and that polarities are M&E controller. Refer to correct. manufacturer's data sheet. Where applicable, check for Refer to manufacturer's data 2 2. Control signal. 12M presence and that polarity is sheet. The previous note can M&E correct. also apply to the control signal. 3. Auxiliary control functions i.e. on/off switches, frost See relevant manufacturers data 3 12M Check operation. M&E protection and sheet and auxiliary section. feedback potentiometers. Check to prove actuator will Ensure that the actuator is 4. Manual operation 4 12M mechanically open/close valve returned to the 'auto' position M&E (if fitted). or damper to its working limits. after check is completed. This will entail interrupting the power to the actuator at a 5. Actuator position Check for correct position for 5 12M convenient point. Do not forget M&E on power failure. application when power fails. to reconnect the supply when the check is complete. 6. Reaction to Check for correct response to See the relevant controls 6 12M M&E control signal. signal. section. 7. Running time (if 7 12M Check. See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E applicable). Page 10 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order Check for signs of leakage of hydraulic fluid around actuator seals. Change seals if 8 8. Leakage. 12M necessary. On completion of the See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E works, bleed through the system Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan to ensure there is no air trapped in the pipework 9. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes See relevant control/sensor 9 Safety Signal i.e. 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). section for this operation. Fire/Smoke SCHEDULE LEGISLATION BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 11 of 18

Schedule Title : Motor Driven Actuators Schedule Ref : 01-06 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M (6 mins) 12M (10 mins) 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 34 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order If supply voltages are not found, Check supply voltage and that check to see if supply is via a 1 1. Electricity supply. 12M M&E polarities are correct. controller. Refer to manufacturer's data sheet. Refer to manufacturer's data Check for presence and that 2 2. Control signal. 12M sheet. The previous note can M&E polarity is correct. also apply to the control signal. 3. Auxiliary control functions i.e. on/off See relevant manufacturer's 3 switches, frost 12M Check operation. M&E data sheet and auxiliary section. protection and position indicators. Ensure that the actuator is returned to the 'auto' position Check to prove actuator will after check is completed. If the 4. Manual operation 4 12M mechanically open/close valve actuator is of the direct coupled M&E (if fitted). or damper to its working limits. type, ensure that the clamp assembly is not worn and the fixings are tight. This will entail interrupting the power to the actuator at a 5. Actuator position Check for correct position for 5 12M convenient point . Do not forget M&E on power failure. application when power fails. to reconnect the supply when the check is complete. The signal could be in any form 6. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes from a fusible link in the supply 6 safety signal i.e. 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). or gear box to an independent fire/smoke. signal from a control. If the Page 12 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order actuator is integrated into the fire alarm circuit, checks may have to be made whilst a fire drill is in operation. See manufacturer's data sheet on this actuator and Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan relevant control and/or sensor section. 7. Reaction to Check for correct response to 7 12M See the relevant section. M&E control signal. signal. 8. Running time (if 8 12M Check. See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E applicable) SCHEDULE LEGISLATION BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 13 of 18

Schedule Title : Power Fail - Motor Return Actuators Schedule Ref : 01-07 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M (6 mins) 6M (5 mins) 12M (10 mins) Not Specified 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 9 10 11 12 8 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 44 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Power fail - Motor return actuators are commonly enabled to return to the desired position by means of an electricity supply independent from the rest of the building. Care should be taken to monitor the amount of operations left in the batteries and they should be replaced according to the manufacturer's instructions. The disposal of batteries calls for special arrangements, which should conform to all environmental and Health and Safety requirements. If the following actuators perform a safety function e.g. fitted to a fire/smoke damper, the frequency of checks should be taken as the maximum time between checks and reference should be made to the particular manufacturer's recommended frequencies. It should be remembered that people's lives and property could depend on the actuators functioning correctly. Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order If supply voltages are not found, Check supply voltage and that check to see if supply is via a 1 1. Electricity supply. 12M M&E polarities are correct. controller. Refer to manufacturer's data sheet. Refer to manufacturer's data Check for presence and that 2 2. Control signal. 12M sheet. The previous note can M&E polarity is correct. also apply to the control signal. 3. Auxiliary control functions i.e. on/off switches, frost See relevant manufacturer's 3 12M Check operation. M&E protection and data sheet and auxiliary section. feedback potentiometers. Check to prove actuator will Ensure that the actuator is 4. Manual operation mechanically open/close valve 4 12M returned to the 'auto' position M&E (if fitted). or damper by moving to its after check is completed. working limits. 5 5. Actuator position 12M Check for correct position for This check must be performed M&E Page 14 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order before power is restored to the on power failure. application when power fails. system or actuator. 6. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes 6 safety signal, e.g. 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan fire/smoke. Note use by date and consider life expectancy of battery. See 7 7. Battery. 6M Check condition. M&E heading note above regarding disposal. 8 Auxiliaries Not-specified Check to ensure that the switches are made to make or 9 8. Switches. 12M break at the correct position and M&E that they perform their correct function. Check to ensure that: a) If the winding is broken, do not winding/tracking is not dirty or attempt to repair. Provide a 9. Feedback broken, b) wiper is making replacement. If the wiper is not 10 12M M&E potentiometers. contact and is not dirty, c) making correct contact, gently potentiometer performs its bend it until smooth contact is correct function. attained. Where required, clean and lubricate parts i.e. ball joints and Check for: a) corrosion b) sockets and moving parts. Refer 10a. Linkages - deformed or bent component c) to manufacturer should any item 11 12M M&E visual wear on moving parts and deem to be in need of mounting brackets. replacement. Refer to data sheet on manufacturer's maintenance instructions. Ensure that the actuator 10b. Linkages - 12 12M achieves the required stroke M&E physical check. limits. Adjust if necessary. SCHEDULE LEGISLATION BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 15 of 18

Schedule Title : Power Fail - Spring Return Actuator Schedule Ref : 01-08 Schedule Type : Core Schedule Date : 09 Nov 2012 Schedule Version : 1.0.0 Unit of Measure : Nr Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan TASK FREQUENCIES (SERVICE TIMINGS) 3M (6 mins) 12M (10 mins) Not Specified 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 11 12 13 9 ANNUAL TIMING (MINUTES) 34 SCHEDULE INTRODUCTIONS Please refer to the overarching introduction (SFG 00-01) to make sure you are of the correct skill level as indicated within the task schedule to carry out the described works. Ensure you have read and understood the manufacturer’s recommendations, carried out risk assessment(s) on each item of plant to identify the correct frequency of maintenance, identified all safety procedures that need to be applied and recorded in order to carry out the work in a safe and reliable manner. SCHEDULE TASKS Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order If supply voltages are not found, Check supply voltage and that check to see if supply is via a 1 1. Electricity supply. 12M M&E polarities are correct. controller. Refer to manufacturer's data sheet. Refer to manufacturer's data Check for presence and that 2 2. Control signal. 12M sheet. The previous note can M&E polarity is correct. also apply to the control signal. 3. Auxiliary control functions i.e. on/off See relevant manufacturer's 3 switched, frost 12M Check operation. M&E data sheet and auxiliary section. protection, feedback potentiometers. The actuator may be fitted with the facility to manually wind up the spring, if so the spring must be wound up with the recommended tool. See manufacturer's data sheet. If the tool is capable of being Check to prove actuator will removed, do so at the end of the 4. Manual operation 4 12M mechanically open/close valve test and ensure that the actuator M&E (if fitted). or damper to its working limits. is left in the original position. Ensure that the actuator is returned to the 'auto' position (if fitted) after the check is completed. Care must be taken in winding up the mechanism to ensure the spring is not over Page 16 of 18

Display Item FQ Action Notes Skilling Order tensioned. This check must be performed 5. Actuator position Check for correct position for 5 12M before power is restored to the M&E on power failure. application when power fails. system or actuator. Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan Times should be within the 6. Running times of 6 12M Check. tolerances specified in the M&E spring and motor. manufacturer's data. This signal could be in any form, from a fusible link in the supply or gearbox to an independent 7. Reaction to Check that the actuator assumes signal from a control. If the 7 safety signal, e.g. fire 3M M&E correct position (if applicable). actuator is integrated into the fire smoke. alarm circuit, checks may have to be made whilst a fire drill is in operation. 8. Reaction to Check for correct response to 8 12M See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E control signal. signal. 9 Auxiliaries Not-specified Check to ensure that the switches are made to make or 10 9. Switches. 12M break at the correct position and See manufacturer's data sheet. M&E that they perform their correct function. Check to ensure that: a) If the winding is broken, do not winding/tracking is not dirty or attempt to repair. Provide a 10. Feedback broken, b) wiper is making replacement. If the wiper is not 11 12M M&E potentiometers. contact and is not dirty, c) making correct contact, gently potentiometer performs its bend it until smooth contact is correct function. attained. Where required, clean and lubricate parts i.e. ball joints and Check for: a) corrosion, b) sockets and moving parts. Refer 11a. Linkages - deformed or bent component, c) to manufacturer should any item 12 12M M&E visual wear on moving parts and deem to be in need of mounting brackets. replacement. Refer to data sheet on manufacturer's maintenance instructions. Ensure that the actuator 11b. Linkages - 13 12M achieves the required stroke M&E physical check. limits. Adjust if necessary. SCHEDULE LEGISLATION BS 9999:2008 Code of Practice for fire safety in the design, management and use of buildings. Page 17 of 18

Uncontrolled Copy - Printed: 30/11/2015 | Welplan Service Timings are displayed in minutes in brackets Total Annual Timing (mins): 205 0U Page 18 of 18 12M (10) (10) (15) (10) (10) (10) 6M (5) (5) 3M (6) (6) (6) (6) (6) Annual Timing 0 0 34 44 15 34 44 34 UoM Not specified Not specified Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr M&E / Not-specified M&E / Not-specified Skilling M&E M&E M&E M&E Introductory Procedures Pre-Maintenance Procedures Thermal Actuators Pneumatic Actuators Hydraulic Actuators Motor Driven Actuators Power Fail - Motor Return Actuators Power Fail - Spring Return Actuator Title Code 01-01 01-02 01-03 01-04 01-05 01-06 01-07 01-08 Asset Profile Type SFG20 SFG20 SFG20 SFG20 SFG20 SFG20 SFG20 SFG20

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