Fall, 2010 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Volume 13 Issue 1IMPACT NWC 2010 Additionally, Dr. Meyer shared highlights from his book, Signa-Northwest Christian blessed by Dr. Stephen C. Meyer ture in the Cell, demonstrating how the DNA (the instructions inside honored. The evening included every living cell) contains highly beautiful singing from our elemen- sophisticated information used for tary and secondary choirs, student the building and maintenance of produced videos, delicious desserts, the cell. Dr. Meyer pointed out that and passionate words from our Headmaster, Jack Hancock. Continues on page 7On Saturday, October 30th, Dr. Meyer’s masterful Elementary Choir “Pure Joy” singing at approximately a thousand survey of recent scientific IMPACT NWC 2010people gathered at the Spokane’s discoveries, which point to anConvention Center to support Intelligent Designer, “wowed”Northwest Christian Schoolsat IMPACT NWC 2010 – our 9th the audience.Annual Fundraiser. The keynote message from Dr. We began by lifting the evening Stephen C. Meyer challenged theup to the Lord. Then the flag and worldview of the “new atheists”veterans of our dear country were who deny God’s involvement in the creation of the universe. Dr. Meyer provided evidence from the latest scientific research that clearly points to the existence of the Designer.Building on a Our theme this year is “Build- planted in the gospel of JesusFirm Foundation: ing on a Firm Foundation” based Christ. How is this possible? How on I Corinthians 3:11 where Paul does the gospel relate to academ-NWC Theme for ‘10-‘11 tells us that this foundation is none ics? One example is in the field of other than Jesus Christ. Later in science. The psalmist declares in Every fall at NWC we choose his letter, Paul gives us even more Psalm 19:1-3, “The heavens declarea spiritual theme to focus upon the glory of God; the skies proclaimthroughout the school clarity when he states,year. This theme is “For what I received I Continues on page 7emphasized in cha- passed on to you as ofpels as well as in the first importance: that Inside this Edition:classrooms as teachers Christ died for ourencourage students sins according to the Alumni Notes p. 2-3to make connections scriptures.” School Life p. 4-5between spiritual Truth and At NWC, we desire that every In Memoriam various academic disciplines. subject taught has its roots deeply Other Highlights p. 6 Giving Opportunities p. 7 p. 8
Alumni Notes of Christ made known on cam- ministry, he responded…”Coming puses in Portland, Oregon and from a single parent home, GodMatt McComas, around the world. Today, more used NWC in my life to give me aClass of ‘90 than ever, Matt is convinced that glimpse of godly male role models. the most dangerous and, most Jim Orr was probably the most Matt and his wife Jody, along exciting place in America is the influential in my life, being a Biblewith their two children, are a fam- college campus. They desperately teacher and a strong male figure.ily committed to seeing the name want to see students hear the These men gave me a picture of life changing message of Jesus what could be true of me as I fol- Christ. It is to that end that they lowed Christ.” help lead the campus team in Portland, Oregon, where there You can find out much more are over 100,000 students wait- about Matt, his family, and their ing to hear about Christ. ministry to college students in Portland at: When asked how God used www.mccomasministry.org his time at Northwest Chris- tian to prepare him for life andCoach Greg Hayashi, Jeremy Affeldt, ‘97Congratulations! Pitches in World Series We would like to congratu- Congratulations to NWC graduate and San late former NWC cross country Francisco Giant’s relief pitcher, Jeremy Af- coach, Greg Hayashi, who was feldt, who recently pitched in the World Series inducted into the Washington against the Texas Rangers. Jeremy is de- State Cross Country Coaches scribed as a devout Christian, hard-throwing Hall of Fame on Friday, left-handed reliever who is a strong advocate November 5th at a ceremony in for children living in poverty. Quoting from Pasco, WA. the Spokane-based youth ministry website, Generation Alive, Mr. Affeldt seeks “to compel As Head Cross Country young people through the radical love of Jesus Coach between 1978 and 1990, Christ to help other young people who are liv- Hayashi led the Crusaders to ing in extreme poverty and pain.” six League Championships and seven District Championships. Jeremy & his wife, Larisa (Walker, Class ofAdditionally he had eight teams finish between 3rd and ’97) reside in Spokane with their two little boys.8th at the State Championships, and he coached individualState Champions Mike McGlade and Kelly Charbonneau. In his twelve years as theCrusader’s Head Coach,Hayashi was nominatedtwice for Cross CountryCoach of the Year. Greg currently teachesand coaches at HawaiiBaptist Academy in Hono-lulu, Hawaii. Congratulations Coach Hayashi! Crusader / Fall 2010 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.
Alumni NotesClass Reunions Front: Mary Ann Kennedy, Doris Carlson Michelle (Alderman) Hayashi, Jon Hayashi, Roger Stanley, Jana (VanderBeek) Baldwin, Tim Orr, Middle: Bonnie Baird, Mary Martin Dodd Severn, John Eaton, Heather (Cox) Frampton, Damon Kramer, Matt McKinneyBack: Larry Knauft, Dave Carlson, Rafe Payne Class of 1990: back setting for our backyard get together which included a tacoClass of 1960: This August, eleven of us 1990 bar from Qdoba and a bounce graduates and our families came castle for the kids. Mostly local Seven members from Class of together for a 20 year reunion. alumni attended, but some were1960 met for their 50th reunion on Including spouses and children, able to travel from Idaho andthe Colbert campus of Northwest we had 42 people in attendance. Western Washington. It was aChristian on June 5, 2010. Bon- The estate of Dave and Jan wonderful opportunity to catchnie (Crabb) Baird, Mary (Bridge) Severn provided a quiet and laid up with one another.and her husband, Mike Martin,Dave and Doris (Wendt) Carlson, Class of 1990: Breanne Taylor:Larry and his wife, Claudia Knauft, Satellite Reunion Class of 2010Rafe and his wife, Jan Payne, andMary Ann (Rhoads) Kennedy were Alicia (Anderson) Wall recently Breanne placedrecognized during the graduation moved with her family to the Den- first in the Longceremonies for the Class of 2010. ver, Colorado area. Andrea (Guen- Jump competi- ther) Craig has lived in the area for tion at the Spring Afterward we sat around tables several years. They recently met State Track finalsin the fellowship hall of the church for lunch. Since neither of them with a new per-where Doris had worked for the were able to attend the 20 year sonal record of 16’past 25 years and looked through reunion, they had a mini-reunion 9-3/4”. Way to goold yearbooks and photo albums of their own. Breanne!remembering the “good old days.”We recalled all the antics and fun Development Director Raelene Vogelsangwe had as teenagers on “musicales,”and crashing the senior class’ Editor / Designer Dana Peterson“senior sneak day.” We enjoyed adinner together at a local restau- 1412 W. Central Ave., Spokane, WA 99205rant where we each gave a synopsis PH: 509-328-4400 FAX: 509-328-4403of our lives over the past fifty years,and how the Lord has blessed us 5104 E. Bernhill Rd., Colbert, WA 99005with his grace and mercy. PH: 509-238-4005 FAX: 509-238-2242NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Crusader / Fall 2010
School Life Middle School Spirit Day CRAZY FUN!NWC Soccer Team went to State Quarter Finals! Volleyball Team Great Job NWC!!! Our middle school students had aBoy’s & Girl’s Cross Country blast showing their spirit by dress- All three of our fall sports ing up in diverse sports regalia... teams did an outstanding job this year. Our soccer team was UPCOMING HOME GAMES one of the top eight teams in Men’s & Women’s BBALL Washington, making it to the State Quarter finals in Yakima. 12/17 - NWC vs. Davenport Our girls volleyball team placed 12/21 - NWC vs. Reardon 5th at the State Championships. 1/7 - NWC vs. Liberty Boys Cross Country placed 8th 1/8 - NWC vs. Lakeside in State and our Girls Cross 1/15 - NWC vs. Lind/Ritzville Country placed 2nd. Great job 1/21 - NWC vs. Springdale everyone. 1/25 - NWC vs. St. George’s 1/29 - NWC vs. Colfax (Cheerleading Night) “We trust that students get 2/8 - NWC vs. Kettle Falls (Senior Night) far more out of the season 2/11 - Bi-County Playoffs Begin ... than just ‘placing;’ we hope they are growing in relationships with God and with each other.” Stephan Fritsch, Athletic Director Congrats NWC water and aid station at the top Cheerleaders!!! of Doomsday Hill, and provided plenty of enthusiastic encourage- Congrats NWC cheerleaders! ment to the competitors. The Our NWC cheerleading squad, NWC Cheerleading Squad placed under the leadership of Krystal first out of six squads entered in Weaver, was recently chosen as the competition. Race organiz- the best squad to help cheer run- ers said the Northwest Christian ners in the Spokane Marathon. Cheerleaders won by a landslide and presented our team with a The ten person squad was check for $300. on hand to help runners at the Crusader / Fall 2010 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.
School LifeJennifer O’Bannan and Stefani Peterson Meet Mr. Tom Brown, performing at IMPACT NWC 2010 NWC’s New Band TeacherMeet Our New Our new band director, Mr. Tom Brown, Tom Brown performing in theStrings Teacher has been teaching band in the Spokane area lobby before IMPACT NWC 2010Mrs. Jennifer O’Bannan for nearly a decade. Mr. Brown is excited to be part of a community that loves the Lord and loves to make music. He is looking for- ward to the upcoming NWC band competi- tions and performances and ministry oppor- tunities he has planned for this year. For information on upcoming band events, please check out the new band website: www.ce-windows.com “ I am very excited about the Math Teacher Speaks at A Call to Pray...birth of a string program at North- Veterans’ Day Chapelwest Christian. As a violist myself, As aI have a love for the sound that is When Northwest Christian Christian,expressed through stringed instru- secondary school students at- it is oftenments. It is important that these tended their Veterans’ Day Chapel difficult toinstruments are played in a skilled on Wednesday, Nov. 10th, they know whatway. Music is one aspect of God’s were surprised to see NWC High God’s will isincredible creation, and I believe it School Science and Math teacher, for our lives;should be used in a way that shows Mr. Don Comi in his “dress blues.” however, inHis character and attributes. Long before Mr. Comi started teaching Geometry, Calculus, and I would love to see the string pro- Physics, the area ofgram at NWC grow to a point where he was a prayer, God “Devote yourselvesan orchestra, made up of many Lieuten- has madeinstruments, is a part of the school’s ant Colo- to prayer…”fine arts program -- where students nel in the Himself very Colossians 4:2can learn to play well, learning dis- United clear. Hecipline along with the joys of play- States desires thating music for the glory of God.” Air His people be devoted to prayer. He is so Force, committed to our lives of prayer that His serving own Son was crucified so that we may be Jennifer O’Bannan as a pilot made fit to “come into His presence with for over UPCOMING ARTS EVENTS 20 years. thanksgiving.” God continually calls out Mr. Comi spoke about “Service to His people to “draw near” to Him. InElementary Christmas Concert Before Self,” sharing stories of First Thessalonians we are urged to “pray12/7 - 7 p.m. - Calvary Chapel North the sacrifices made by friends in without ceasing.” the military, and by emphasizingMS/HS Christmas Concert Christ’s statement that “no greater The Lord has impressed on us at12/15 - 7 p.m. - Colbert Campus love is there than this, that a man Northwest Christian to become men and lay down his life for a brother.” women dedicated to prayer. Our leader-Theatre - “Beauty and the Beast” ship has given a strong call to make prayer3/10 - 3/18 - Colbert Campus a greater priority in each of our lives. WeDinner Theater - 3/12 would like to invite you to join us in praying for Northwest Christian Schools. Humanities “Scholastic Showcase” 5/19 - 6 p.m. - Colbert CampusNORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Crusader / Fall 2010
In Memoriam Deborah Joy (Slater) Walsh (Class of ‘78) On Sunday, May 30, 2010, Deborah changed her address from Half-Moon Prairie to Heaven. Debbie was the loving wife of Timothy Walsh and the dear mother and mother- in-law of Dusty and Erin Walsh. Her parents, Paul and Lois Slater, and her sister, Doro- thy (Lynn) Greenamyer, reside in Spokane. Debbie led Bible studies at her home and at BSF for many years. She was the “Secret Mouse” for Northview Bible Church’s youth group where she always gave words of encouragement. In lieu of flowers, Debbie request- ed “Stuffed animals be given to underprivileged children.” Elaine Ovida (Johns) Hambly (Class of ‘55) Elaine went home to the Lord on Oct. 20, 2009, at the age of 72. Moving to Spokane in 1947, Elaine sang in the choir and graduated valedictorian from NWC High School in 1955. Elaine fell in love with Raymond Phinney while at NWC and they married in 1956. Elaine and Ray taught the youth group at Fourth Memorial and served in many ways at Othello Assembly of God. Ray passed away in 1982 and in 1992 she married Leroy Hambly – she was “the love of his life.” Elaine is survived by Leroy, her three younger sisters, her four children and two stepchildren, plus many grandchildren and great grandchildren. Timothy Mutch (Class of ‘70) Tim passed from this life on June 4, 2010. The 14th child in his family, he served in the Marine Corps after high school. Later, with a teaching degree from EWU, Tim taught for 20+ years in Nevada, where he was a popular and successful coach of many boys and girls basketball teams. Ted Manz, close friend since high school, was considered his “brother,” summed up his life this way: “He lived for his family of many brothers and sisters. He loved all of us unconditionally, and we will never forget our beloved brother, Tim, who was happiest when he was doing a service for others…”Velma Jean Denny (NWC Teacher ‘75-’77)A memorial service was held for Velma Denny this past May. She was born in North Platte,Nebraska in 1946 and her family moved to north Idaho the following year. After graduating fromCoeur d’Alene High School, Velma went on to graduate from Bethel College in 1968 with a B.A.in English. Having a huge love for children, she enjoyed teaching Sunday school, AWANA, aswell as helping children read well and relish good books. She was known affectionately as “Aun-tie Velma” by many. She was a woman of “faith in action!”Joshua William Wright, Age 16 On August who impacted I hear God’s voice… staff. And his mother, Lisa, 23, 2010, everyone he came I see the temptations of this is a member of our Thrift Northwest in contact with world… Store team. We are com- Christian by his caring and I want a movement in our forted by knowing that Josh Schools servant’s heart. Church… is in the loving arms of his experienced I feel the pain others have been Savior and we continue to the tragic loss No words can through… express our sympathy and of Joshua express the depth love to the Wright family. Wright who of anguish of this I touch those in need of At left, is an excerpt from was just be- prayer… a poem Josh wrote for hisginning his Junior year. Josh was loss, especially I cry when others do… youth group which was reada bright light and dear young man as his father, Mr. at his memorial service. Randy Wright, is I pray for the lost… I believe in a God that can a longstanding save… and respected Crusader / Fall 2010 me mber of ou r NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.
Other Highlights Pray for Our Soldiers continued from page 1: Please pray for these alumni and former IMPACT NWC 2010 students who are currently serving: whenever we see information, be Pat McGlade, ’88 it words on a page or writings on a cave wall, we understand that it has Bryan Zeski, ’95 its origin from an intelligent mind. He concluded that cell DNA points Glen Miller, ’96 toward the existence of a highly intelligent Author of that informa- Eric Pederson, ’98 tion. Jack Pederson, ‘99* The evening concluded with a piano and viola duet played by two Angela (Smeltz) Scharnhorst, ’98 of our own music teachers, followed by a worship song lead by members Nathan Thew, ‘01 of the high school worship team. David Blair, ‘02 Alicia Jasper, ‘03 Jeremy Meyers, ‘04 Nolan Wright Kalina Schmidt, ‘06 (Class of 2010) Jared Shaw, ‘07 Thursday, November 18th,Nolan Wright graduated from Nolan Wright, ‘10both Boot Camp and MilitaryPolice training at Fort Leonard- *Former student IMPACT NWC 2010 was anwood, Missouri. He is currently incredible event that celebratedat his parents’ home in Spokane If you know of an alumnus or former Northwest Christian School’s vi-for three weeks before leaving for student that should be on this prayer sion, mission and commitment toKansas where he will be stationed list, please send information to Dana Biblical Truth. We are honored andat Fort Riley. Peterson: [email protected] or call humbled to bring an event of this him at 509-238-4005 (ext. 135). caliber to the Greater Spokane Re-Amanda gion. The financial blessings that Tufts Annual Dinner Auction help to keep tuition affordable and March 26th - 5 p.m. salaries honorable are the “icing on(Class of the cake” -- and we are profoundly 2006) Info: Contact Kathy DeLaMatter grateful. 509-238-4005 (ext 117)AmandaTufts won continued from page 1:the Psi Chi Undergraduate Re-search Award this past year while Building on a Firm Foundationat Whitworth University. Herproject, “Optimism and Personal the work of his in understanding the Gospel.Growth Initiative in Abused and hands. Day after The reason that Jesus ChristNon-Abused Women” was pre- day they pour needed to die is because we,sented at the Western Psychologi- forth speech; people who have been madecal Association. Amanda, also a night after night by Him, have rejected our allPresident’s Cup winner, is now at they reveal powerful creator who madeLewis & Clark College School of knowledge.” As the heavens and the earth.Law on a full-ride scholarship. our students learn Please join us in praying for our about the amazing universe and the teachers as they strive to faithfully complexity of life on earth, they are lay a biblical foundation into the in fact observing God’s handiwork. lives of the young men and women This created world is declaring to who walk the halls of Northwest them not only that He exists, but that Christian Schools. Thank you for He is very powerful. This expanded your prayers. view of God is a critical componentNORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Crusader / Fall 2010
Giving Opportunities McKinstry Annual Giving CampaignElementary Building Project Update 4/10 – 10/10: $500.00 School Takes Shape ... Upper Grades - 4th-6th (left), United Way Contributions Gymnasium (Center), and Lower Grades - pre-3rd (Right) 4/10- 10/10: $537.18 Macy’s West Gift Campaign 4/10 – 10/10: $75.00 Wells Fargo Community Support Program 4/10- 10/10: $942.40 Shared Advantage Program 4/10 – 10/10: $653.60 “Unless the Glen Arneson Award FundLORD builds the In Memory ofhouse, its build- Glen M. Arneson, Class of ‘56 ers labor in vain...” With Love, a gift from Evelyn Arneson Psalm 127:1a Bonnie (Murray) Ryan, Class of ‘56Thank you to (At the end of each school year, the fund helps high school seniors pay tuition those who are mak- costs if needed.)ing it possible. Godis using ordinary NWCS Foundationpeople to accom- Endowmentsplish this good workand we are grateful • Dr. Eugene Fadel Fine Arts Chair– grateful to know • Lew Button Scholarshipthat future generations of children will have a place to grow, to learn, and • Dorothy Allen Memorialbe nurtured where Truth is taught in love, Excellence is encouraged, andthe name of Jesus is lifted up. Scholarship • Arnold Pierce Memorial Visit www.nwcs.org to Donate Online and for Project Updates. Check Out Our blog. Scholarship • Moody Harmon MemorialPlease email us at [email protected] to be included in the PRAYER POINTS Scholarship emails. We value ALL gifts, especially your gift of prayer. • Joshua William WrightCorrespondence & Gifts Via Mail: NWCS Development Team Scholarship Fund 5104 E. Bernhill Rd., Colbert, WA Information & on-line givingOr Call Us at: 509.238.4005 ext. 145- we love to hear from you! on the web @ www.nwcs.org Crusader / Fall 2010 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.
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