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Spring, 2012 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Volume 14 Issue 2 Staying on Track the past 60 years, as well as our share Celebrating God’s Faithfulness of trials. Praise God for them all; & Trusting Him with Our Future we are who we are because of them. We are in a time of extraordinary ~Terry Meyer, Elementary Principal blessing from God: a new building, an incredible faculty that is growingIam sitting in my new office, looking at bare painted walls, considering in instructional skills and growing in how I might decorate them. I am having the worst time of it. I have mentoring relationships. Now is the dozens of artifacts from my past twenty years of teaching, coaching, and time when we should be most vigilantadministrating – pictures, plaques, and personal memorabilia all wanting a to fulfill our mission as a school. Nowhome. And I have other past events that no plaque will ever commemorate; not is the time, more than ever, not tothat I would want them memorialized. You see, for every success of mine, there depend upon our own human will orare a dozen faults and failures, being commemorated by the lines on my face and exertion. Ironically, it is also the timea premature number of gray hairs. when we are most apt to do so. Strangely enough, it is the difficulties, trials, and hardships that tend to keep What will define NWC for the nextus on track as individuals, and as organizations. The Lord uses these most to sixty years? Will we remain faithful torefine us, as they have the unique ability to keep us humble and reliant upon our mission of preparing minds andHim. Successes have a tendency to put us at ease, lulling us to sleep. But praise transforming hearts for God’s glory?Him, praise Him, praise Him, that whether we are doing well or struggling, it is Or will we slip like so many Christianby His grace that we will increasingly bear fruit for Him. “So then it depends not institutions into worldly successon human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” that lacks gospel impact? Princeton University’s crest still says “Dei sub At Northwest Christian, we have had our share of joys and successes over numine viget;” being Latin for “Under God she flourishes.” They still giveIMPACT NWC 2012 Welcomes Dr. Jeff Myers Him glory, yet not in the way we would wish for our school. God be gracious to NWC that we would remain faithful as a school until the end! Will we continue to grow in integrating biblical truth in every Continues on page 5Spokane Convention Center research, and compelling stories toSaturday, Oct. 27th — 7pm inspire audiences of teachers, business leaders, parents, and young adults.Northwest Christian Schools welcomes Dr. Jeff He will renew your enthusiasm for Myers as our keynote speaker for IMPACT NWC passing the baton of godly faithfulness.2012. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Myers has become Please save the date to be part of thisone of America’s most respected authorities on youth encouraging event.leadership development and is the president of SummitMinistries, a worldview training program based in Inside this Edition: p. 2-3Colorado, which has trained thousands of leaders who Alumni Notes p. 4-5are currently making a difference in all walks of life. Moving Day! Author Chuck Colson calls Summit the “gold standard Good-bye Barb Tusant p. 7for teaching the next generation a biblical worldview.” School Life p. 6-7As a communicator, Dr. Myers weaves together biblicalinsight, penetrating social commentary, fascinating

Alumni Notes Shortly thereafter, Connie began making friendships with girls who have remained her best friends to thisConnie (Shoberg) Rae very day. Connie is very thankful for Dr. Fadel’s absoluteClass of ‘56 concern for her as a young girl, new in her faith in Christ, and she looks at her time at NWC as crucial to the Connie recently published, Hope direction of the rest of her life. “Those four years at NWC for Parents of Troubled Teens. We basically were the foundation for my life.” asked Connie how the Lord brought her to the point of authoring this Since graduation from NWC, Connie married Dennis book, and what role NWC played in Rae (’56), taught piano, raised four children (one of the process. Here is her story... whom struggled with authority and became much of the training ground for her future work with troubled teens). Raised in a non-Christian She earned a master’s in counseling and has over 25 home, Connie began attending years experience as a counselor and speaker. Her book Hillyard Baptist’s VBS while in Jr. is a biblical approach to counseling families of troubled High. There she met Eugene Fadel teenagers. She hopes it will encourage parents to maintainalong with many of her future classmates from NWC. relationships with their children through difficult yearsInitially, Connie’s father refused her request to attend while trusting in God to do mighty work in their lives.NWC; however, after Dr. Fadel approached her parents Connie shares that her once rebellious son has sincewith a scholarship covering the first year’s tuition, they humbled himself before the Lord and is now a lovingreluctantly agreed. Then, Connie’s father had a change husband of 27 years with a family of his own.of heart. Two weeks after the start of school when shewanted to quit, he adamantly insisted she remain enrolled.Jason Arthur Josh McQueen, Kelly (Charbonneau)Class of ‘77 Class of ‘94 Broker, Class of ‘92 My wife, Lilly, I graduated I live in Klamath and I have three from Falls, Oregon, sons. (Jason: Northwest with my husband 18; Josh: 17; University Sean and our Ben: 13) Our in 11-month- oldest son is Kirkland, old baby girl, attending college WA, in Abigail. With and plans to 1998 two engineers study law while with a BA for parents wethe other boys are busy in their in Philosophy. The same year I have no idea how we ended up withrespective schools. We attend Grace married my wife, Neely, who recently such a socialite as Abby. It must be aCommunity Church in Gresham, authored the book, 99 Things balance we needed as Abby keeps usOregon, where we both have worked Every Girl Should Know. In 2007 I laughing by babbling non-stop. Herin childrens’ ministry for ten years. graduated from Fuller Seminary with favorite game is getting strangersLilly works as a teacher’s aid in the a MA in theology. We have three to talk to her. Looking back, part ofkindergarten classroom while I sell children: Simeon (7), Jedidiah (5), what drew Sean and I together wasreclaimed, recycled wood products and Bethlehem (5) who we adopted a common background of privateand am currently moving towards self- from Ethiopia. Currently, I serve as a Christian education in which we stillemployment. God is good. Missions Pastor at Overlake Christian strongly believe. Both Sean and I work Church in Redmond, WA. as senior engineers for construction product companies and attend FirstNoah Hindman Presbyterian Church in Klamath Falls.First Class Petty OfficerClass of ‘98In 2000, I enlisted in the US Navy and served in Naples, Italy for three years. Followed by ElectronicTechnician and Information System Technician training, I was attached to support the Navy SEALs. Ihave since served on six overseas deployments with the SEALs, completed Basic Airborne paratroopertraining in January 2007, and am scheduled for the Military Freefall School this August. I live inVirginia Beach with my wife WeiJie and immensely enjoy my work. Crusader / Spring 2012 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.

In Memoriam Alumni NotesAudrey Eve Olson (‘67) Alice Faye Beckwith (‘62) Mrs. Harriet Adams1948-2011 1944-2011 (March 1, 1921 - March 1, 2012) Audrey went to be Alice Faye Beckwith Former Music Teacher with her Lord and (’62), passed away Savior on October September 19, 2011 Mrs. Adams went home to her 19, 2011. Audrey at Hospice House in Lord and Savior is survived by her Spokane, WA. Born on her 91st sisters Jeanette on January 24, 1944, Birthday. (Olson) Smith (’55), Alice is survived by During the and Norma (Olson) her parents Ben and late 1960’sFrye (’53). A Memorial Service was Bessie; sons Kevin and Clifford; six and 1970’s,held on Tuesday, October 25, 2011 grandchildren; sister Linda; niece Malia Mrs. Adamsat First Church of the Nazarene in Miller; and nephew Andrew Waddilove. passionatelySpokane, WA. The celebration of her life was held served as Sunday, October 23 at the First Free NWC’s choirClass of 1976 Reunion Methodist church in Spokane, WA. director. The Lord greatlyThe Class of 1976 gathered at the Back: John Wolfe, Dan Huffman, Michelle McConahay, used Mrs. “A”home of John Wolfe for food and Pat Bren, Ray Plopper, Rhonda Hotchkissfellowship back in October of 2011. A and the Sounds of Faith Choir tojoyful group of 10 alumni were able Front: Diane Meredith Gordon, Becky Curryer Bren, minister throughout the entireto attend. Classmates and family Ron Craig, Bill Robertson Inland Northwest, which includedmembers were invited to the 35 year performances at the Expo ’74reunion via email, facebook, and word Back: Casey Moyer, Stephanie (Getman) Gronholtz, World’s Fair. Known for her greatof mouth. Many have kept in touch Lance McDaniel, Priscilla Dalton love for people, she always had aover the years, while some had not smile and a song ready to greetseen one another since graduation. Front: Kurt Icenogle, Crystal (Walker) McDaniel, everyone. Even after retirement,They hope to meet again in 2012. Alyssa (Hume) St. Clair, Katie Farnes, Levi Mulkey, Brian Janke she continued directing choir at the Orchard Crest RetirementClass of 2001 Reunion Home. Mrs. Adams is survived by her five children: Mike Adams,A decade passes quickly, as the Class Keith Adams, Molly Fazio, Wendyof 2001 learned last summer. Meeting McIndoo, and Laurie Wendt, plusat Zola’s in downtown Spokane, class numerous grandchildren andmembers from around the country great-grandchildren. Mrs. Adams’were brought together for a few hours life was celebrated on Saturday,to share in some refreshment and tales March 17, 2012 at Spokane Valleyof the last 10 years. The evening was Bible Church.a relaxing, stress-free environment tocatch-up with classmates, some whom NWC needs a new piano* forwe haven’t seen since graduation.Everyone left glad they came and excited our elementary and middleto see what the next 10 years holds for school choir programs. Thiseach classmate. piano will be a memorial to Mrs. Adams and her legacy2012 All Alumni Reunion Open House Class of 1982 – 30 Year Reunion that remains in the hearts Friday, May 11, 2012 August 3 – 4, 2012 of her students.  The total Alumni Becky (Curryer) Bren amount needed is $6,305. Reunions [email protected] Val Dobias Zivojinovic If you would like to help, [email protected] please designate your gift to “Mrs. Adams’ Piano.”  A Class of 1962 – 50 Year Reunion Class of 1992 – 20 Year Reunion permanent plaque will be Saturday, June 2, 2012 Summer 2012 mounted on the piano to Merrill Peterson honor her memory and legacy. 509.892.6162 Michael Graham   [email protected] *Yamaha P22, light oak finish Class of 1976 – 36 Year Reunion Class of 2002 – 10 Year Reunion Crusader / Spring 2012  Fall 2012 August 11, 2012 Beck (Curryer)Bren [email protected] Samantha (Spears) Chernak [email protected] CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.

Movin’ on Up! This March, NWC volunteers moved the entire elementary school from the Central Campus where we have been located for more than 60 years, to the new facility at the Colbert Campus...finally re-uniting the two campuses after nearly 20 years. Let’s thank the Lord together for His amazing grace in providing for us once again. On Thursday, March 22nd, we drove our elementary students up to the new campus for a tour of their new “home.” Everyone had a passport to get stamped at various locations throughout the building. Elementary Buildin “Fill Those Tanks!” Walls Going Up! In the fall of 2009, July 28th, 2010, the our septic system was block walls began installed. going up. “Move That Dirt!” “A Firm Foundation” “Teacher Tour”In the fall of 2009, ground In the spring of 2010, Before the roof wentwas broken for our new footings were poured. on, Randy Wright gaveelementary school. our teachers a tour on October 28th, 2010.

Staying on Track: (Continued from page 1) by: Terry Meyer The very next day, March 23rd, the faculty, staff and nearly subject? For us the danger is not ridding 100 volunteers loaded the entire Central Campus into four ourselves of biblical integration completely, semi-trucks to be hauled to the new building. Elementary it is far more subtle. It is thinking that we Principal, Terry Meyer, Administrative Assistant, Linda Klaja are a healthy Christian school merely because and Teacher, Betty Rutherford, are seen in these photos. we have bible classes or pray in the morning. Our instruction should not compartmentalize Later that same subjects such as Chemistry, English, History, day, the semi-trucks with Bible being one of them. We should pulled up to the new investigate all subjects through the lens of a building and many biblical worldview. Praise God that we are people began moving growing in this regard! This approach is rare on up! Here you can and requires courage and intentionality and see Receptionist, we are committed to staying on track. Kelley Potter, teachers Melanie Allen and Finally, one aspect of NWC that is Stefani Peterson, and particularly attractive is our school family, parent, Henry Salzano. which includes you! Members of a healthy community sacrifice for one Project Timeline Through Christ we have accomplished a remarkable goal – being in this incredible new facility. We marvel at the blessing of watching members of the Body of Christ exercise their unique gifts. But the work doesn’t end here. Since we are preparing minds and transforming hearts for God’s glory, our work in doing so won’t end until His return. There will be other challenges that lie before us that will require a continuing level of sacrifice from each NWC family member. So, back to my office… I’ll leave the accolades for my great, great grandkids to find in an attic box. The family lore I will have created will likely not be generous with me. They will wonder how a portly duffer like myself had accomplished anything of worth. I hope they will be left with knowing that God is so great, He uses the least of men for His wonderful purposes... Perhaps a nice plant would go well in that corner… March 2011 Finishing Concrete “Movin’ on Up!”Plumbing and The floors were poured over On March 22nd, 2012,electrical crews began several weeks during 2011. NWC board membersgroundwork despite the Praise the Lord for dry received the keys to ourwet Spring. weather! new school building...three days early. Thank you Lord! Finishing Touches Drywall began this past November, followed by a flurry of painting, carpet, and other finish work.

School Life Pep Band State B - Basketball Northwest Christian’s pepCongratulation to our Boy’s Varsity basketball band, underteam for finishing 2nd place in the State B. the leadershipNWC’s Athletic Coordinator, Stephan Fritsch, of Tom Brown,expressed his appreciation for the boy’s terrific supported oureffort and deep respect for the godly character basketball teamwhich they displayed on the court during throughout theand after the games. Coach Ricks wishes to season of play.thank the NWC community for maintaining a Great job guys!“championship” level of support, prayer andencouragement throughout the entire season.Thank You Lord! Dakota Winward Congratulations to our Varsity Girls Basketball team for advancing to the State B Tournament for the third time in five years. Winning their game in the first round of the tournament, the girls completed this season with the best season finish in NWC Girls’ Basketball history. Great Job! To God be the Glory! Treasure Farmer Sarah Batterton Class of 2012NWC Wrestling Back Row: Sarah Batterton, 2010 All John Wilson, Kyle Fritsch, League Bi-County Volleyball MVP, received a “full-ride” Andrew House, Jacob scholarship to the University Slawter, Marshall Hart of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Front Row: Ben Alford, Sarah signed her national letter Clark Rabe, Tim Kopplin, of intent on November 9th at 3pm in the Activity Center of Walter Harris NWC at Colbert.Northwest Christian was fortunate to have both Clint Harris and PeteKopplin head up our first ever High School wrestling team. This team wasvery successful, qualifying eight wrestlers to Regionals with two boys goingon to compete at the State Tournament.New Head CoachCoach Dan Ferguson “Congratulations” to NWC High School teacher, Dan Ferguson, who brings 25 years of baseball coaching experience to the table this spring as the new head coach. Coach Ferguson expressed his gratitude as he inherits a wonderfully developed baseball program from Shawn Henry. Additionally, he is excited to work with Assistant Coach, Mr. Jack Hancock, with whom he has coached the Middle School baseball team for the past two years. Both coaches desire to see the boys play sacrificially as a cohesive team and will integrate various scripturally thematic units every week. Topics will be chosen as needs arise throughout the season from work ethic concerns to the holding of oneanother accountable for actions as brothers in Christ. Dan’s heart is for the boys to compete with their best effort asan expression of worship and he desires for these young men to love the Lord God with all their heart, soul, mind andstrength. Crusader / Spring 2012 NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC.

School LifeWe Will Miss You Barb!Barb Tusant Moves On to a New ChapterWith a mixture of both joy and sadness, Northwest Christian said good-bye to Mrs. Barb Tusant last monthafter nearly 28 years of faithful service. Known as a funny,energetic team player, Barb has worn a variety of hats duringher time at NWC. She has passionately served as both 4th and5th grade teacher, Elementary Principal, mentor, friend, andthe “Queen of Skits.” An intense love for the Lord, His Gospel,and her students has been visible daily through the care andcompassion she has shown to everyone around her. For yearsto come, Barb’s impact will be felt as our 5th grade studentscontinue to memorize the entire book of James and participatein the Living History Museum where Early American historical characters are brought to life.After attending a mission’s conference with her husband in the fall of 2010, both Barb and John felt called to servethe people of Mongolia. For the next five months, they will be learning conversational Mongolian in preparation forteaching English to Mongolian Jr. High and High School English teachers. Please pray for Barb and John as theyfinish their training and move into this new phase of life. Julia Vogelsang Grand Finale Class of 2012 What will it be like, Lord, Julia Vogelsang was selected as one of the When you order the Grand Finale trumpet call? “Fab 14” Queen and Royal Court candidates for the 2012 Lilac Festival. Julia’s favorite Will I hear it? Will I heed it? “Fab 14” event was helping to bag cookies All the music of life sounds in this one, for airmen at Fairchild and overseas during “Operation Cookie Drop.” Additionally, the Last true sound of the trumpet. Spokesman Review listed her favorite quoteas Psalm 33:20-22: “We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help Lord, all my joy is this:and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy I will hear the joyous May Your unfailing love be with us, Lord, even as we putour hope in You.” You will call to me, And the grand overtureJubliee Girl’s Choir Will usher me to a new Glorious Life. Jesus will take me by the hand, and say,Serving the Spokane Community “this is your eternal home, where joy abounds!Jubilee, Northwest Christian’s select girl’s choir directed by Come in, my child.”Stefani Peterson, beautifully sang the National Anthem at a by Mrs. Harriet F. AdamsSpokane College Women’s luncheon at Red Lion River Inn thisspring. Soli Deo Gloria – To God be the Glory! NWC Theatre Presents Published by Norhwest Christian Schools, Inc. Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Development Director Raelene Vogelsang Over 70 students enthusiastically and exceptionally Editor / Designer Dana Peterson presented the rip-roarin’, feel good musical “Seven Brides for Seven Brothers” under the direction of Rick Taylor. Alumni Relations Jana Baldwin Before each of their nine performances, Mr. Taylor Pictured here are five of expressed his desire for the students to see their effort as 5104 E. Bernhill Rd., Colbert, WA 99005 the seven brides. an act of worship for an audience of “One.” PH: 509-238-4005 FAX: 509-238-2242Rachel Peterson, Katie White, The Crusader is a bi-annual publicationRebekah Nixon, Julie Nowak, Kendal DavisNORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Crusader / Spring 2012

WHY SUPPORTING NWC IS VITAL AND EFFECTIVE ~Integrating Biblical Truth – We teach the Word of God in all curriculum and actively encourage students to pursue arelationship with Jesus. Bible classes are interactive and probing. Weekly chapels focus on practical application andjoyful worship.Encouraging Critical Thinking – Reading comprehension is the cornerstone of critical thinking. Students are taughtto critically evaluate and articulate effectively in both written word and speech.Honoring Our Nation’s History – Our Nation’s founding documents reflect Judeo-Christian values and honor ourCreator. The freedoms we hold dear were hard fought and won. Although imperfect, we love and pray for ourcountry and its leaders.Providing Accountability – Personal responsibility is modeled and expected; grace and truth walk hand-in-hand.Thoughtful guidelines and involved teachers, staff, and coaches encourage individual expression that is modest andactions that are honoring to others.Mentoring the Heart – Our halls are filled with joy and laughter. Students develop deep relationships with teachersand coaches who daily invest in their lives. Prayer happens. Hearts are transformed. God is glorified....Be transformed by the renewing of your mind... Romans 12:2 NIV Pray for Our Alumni in Uniform Financial Aid and Scholarships !!! Pat McGlade, ’88 Many families need help to send their children to Northwest Bryan Zeski, ’95 Christian Schools, especially in these tough times for our Glen Miller, ’96 country. Even after making great sacrifices, the gap can be Eric Pederson, ’98 daunting -- particularly for parents of multiple school-aged Jack Pederson, ‘99* children. An NWC education is an excellent value that for many Angela (Smeltz) Scharnhorst, ’98 would not be attainable without our generous donors. Thank Nathan Thew, ‘01 you to those who are able to give to help others; you are making David Blair, ‘02 a real difference. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, Alicia Jasper, ‘03 please designate your gift to current financial aid or scholarship Jeremy Meyers, ‘04 endowments. Our students and their families thank God for Bethany Indahl, ‘05 you! To His glory! Kalina Schmidt, ‘06 Jared Shaw, ‘07 Nathan Robar, ‘07 Ryan Rabe, ‘07* Nolan Wright, ‘10 Noah Hindman, ‘98*Former studentIf you know of an alumnus or former student Bank of America Wells Fargo Communitythat should be on this prayer list, please U10n/i1t1e–d3W/12ay C ampaig$n300.00 3S/u11p–po9r/t11P ro gram $282.40contact us! 1S0h/a11re–d3/A12d va ntage Pr$o3g0r0a.0m0 Microsoft Volunteer Y20o1k1e ’s F res h Market $e2s6c1r.3ip6 NWCS Foundation H10o/u11r–s 3P/r1o2g ra m Endowments $272.00 Glen Arneson Award Fund In Memory of Glen M. Arneson, Class of ‘56 Dr. Eugene Fadel Fine Arts Chair United Way $429.34 Lew Button Memorial Scholarship 1C0o/n11tr–ib3u/1t2io n s With Love, a gift from Evelyn Arneson Fund Bonnie (Murray) Ryan, Class of ‘56 Dorothy Allen Memorial Correspondence & Scholarship Fund Gifts Via Mail (At the end of each school year, this fund helps Arnold Pierce Memorial NWCS Development Team high school seniors pay tuition costs if needed.) Scholarship Fund 5104 E. Bernhill Rd. Moody Harmon Memorial Colbert, WA 99005 Scholarship Fund Joshua William Wright Memorial Scholarship Fund Valentine & Winifred Kreidel Scholarship FundTo Donate Online visit and click on the GIVE TO NWCS NOW buttonPlease email us at [email protected] to be included in the PRAYER POINTS emails. We value ALL gifts, especially your gift of prayer. Call Us at: 509.238.4005 ext. 145 - we love to hear from you!NORTHWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS, INC. Crusader / Spring 2012

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