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Home Explore Jade Prince Shocking results

Jade Prince Shocking results

Published by pauperprince, 2014-12-02 10:02:19

Description: Jade Prince Shocking results


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The Uncanny Adventures of #2ISSUEJadePrinceShockingResults

Alright Krewe. OHno.Rumors are precise, we are to battle the Aeronotics Krewe. The Prooji-Coll We shall rematch with Hydrone, only if we win. Krewe.So you know of this new Krewe, My ears. Yes! would you say apprentice? They are Great! Indeed, they are… yet, we are as well.Also, I approximate Rukka, is losing her over-Hydrone-ated-mind over this.AHH! HUH! We should be the KreweI am loosing crunching Incenergenmy MIND over this! Meanwhile, near the Aeronotics Lab…….

Prooji and Krewe, are well along, collecting energy for the upcoming battle. Dynamo  Server  Charged. Power  Core  Stable. A humming sound rises from the Golem and ends with an echoing crack of lightning. AER-0000's Secret Prototype, Static-Necro-Chromatic Over-Field is armed.POW

My computations have oursuccess dwindling into a minuterange. If we are to triumph this day.KA-1080 will require an upgrade.Perhaps a genius idea, to counterthe Lightning Cryoneuro Circuit of AER-0000, is called for, Jade. Hmmm. Give me 30 Marks. I will tweak the Multiphased Polarity. … mmhm… Ahh yes. I think, Invert the Mood Matrix while I am at it. The Markometer was ticking … and all the Incenergen krewe could do is prepare …..but for what?

AnnouncerHere we have facing off for their initial sequence together!Please welcome back! The Incenergen krewe and KA-1080! Fighting them today! And! Appearing for the first time! The Aeronotics Krewe and their AER-0000 Golem! *Soft clapping* *Rude Whispering* Announcer Lets have a Clean Fight! No kicking in the Kanibble Pin! The fight is over When one, or Both of you are Destroyed!

Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's! Get Ready to! ALTERCATE! Ding! Ding! KA-1080 erupted with precisely calculated fiery volleys. But AER-0000 did not move and seemed to be ignoring the abuse.Slowly… A humming sound rises from AER-0000 and ends with an echoing crack of lightning!

BOOOOOPP! CRACK!! The Incenergen Golem has been struck with a beam of Static-Necro-Chromatic Energy AnnouncerKA-1080 is clearly Dazed! i.e. NOT computing!CRACK!! BOOOOOPP! AnnouncerAnd yet another! Is this the end for KA-1080?

From the Plaza steps, the Incenergen Krewe looks on Is KA-1080out of programs? I am afraid the AER-0000 Static-Necro-Chromatic Over-Field is simply too much for our calculations No Apprentice. I could not configure precisely for unknown variables. So I tweaked the Multiphased Polarity to accumulate a wide spectrum of positronic fields. KA-1080 is not out of programs, it is compiling them, absorbing them. A little skill I like to call Mimic.

After .21 Marks of ciphering and uncomputable abuse The Incenergen Golem appears discombobulated. CRACK!! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP! AnnouncerWAIT! What is this! That hum is resonating from the Incenergen Golem.By the Alchemy! What has Jade Prince and Krewe configured that wouldcause Battleground Plaza to shudder erratically!?!

THAWACK!! CRASH! Announcer WHAT an Upset! KA-1080 has reconfigured, to distribute theStatic-Necro-Chromatic Energy, right back, at the Aeronotics Golem! Ding! Ding!

Announcer The altercation is over! Winning by an unpresedented discharge! I give you! K! A! 1080! Prooji, my Krewe and I are fortunate to have a glimpse at your skill level. We will be honored to meet you in the Plaza again. For now. As will We.Till then and the honor is ours.

…. To Be Concluded By Cephus

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