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Home Explore Skritt Scribbles on Wallet

Skritt Scribbles on Wallet

Published by pauperprince, 2015-09-23 16:08:27

Description: Skritt Scribbles on Wallet

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A Skritt's Introductory Guide (For Scavenging Scavengers) To Wallet Currency and Currency Use (And other Skritt)

Key Points Outlined  Plan-ahead and Reserve certain amounts of Currencies for later use.  Beware of 'Get Rich Quick' ideas. Remember you are competing with a few hundred thousand players of similar goals, ideas, and experiences.  Trading Coins for Gems, is an average of 27% loss in Coin purchasing power. This means, acquiring Gems by way of Purchase, Redeem Code, and Achievement Points is more efficient than trading Coin for Gems.  Trading Laurels for Large Crafting Bags is only worth 75 silver per Laurel, which is not a good use of Laurels.  Play the Game, the way you enjoy too and you will naturally increase your Wallet doing so. Choosing to Farm or Grind, may leave you feeling burnt- out on the game.  Consider your overall lifetime on the game and how you want to spend that time. Prioritize for relaxing fun, instead of seeking the immediate gratification of obtaining items and status that others took years to acquire.  Black Lion Trader is profitable, but is also time consuming. It takes many listings across multiple Categories for serious returns. Rarely 'Buy Now' or 'Sell Now', always Bid and List if feasible. Consider time, volume, and the Trading Post Fees before investing. 'It takes a lot of Work, to have a little bit of Fun.' - Jade Prince -

Wallet Contents Gems Coins Karma Spirit Shards Laurels Transmutation Charges Badges of Honor Fractal Relics Guild Commendations Geodes Bandit Crests

Wallet Contents Ascalonian Tears Seals of Beetletun Deadly Blooms Manifestos of the Moletariate Flame Legion Charr Carvings Symbols of Koda Knowledge Crystals Shards of Zhaitan WvW Tournament Claim Tickets

Gems Gems are the in-game currency required to make purchases from the Gem Store. Gems are acquired in 3 ways: 1. In-Game, Black Lion Trading Company panel, Gem Store tab  Buy Gems — used to purchase gems with real-world money.  Redeem Code — used to enter a gem card code purchased from various retailers. 2. Currency exchange tab allow players to trade Coin for Gems. 3. Achievement rewards offer players 400 for each 5,000 achievement points earned. Note that option 2, to trade Coins for Gems, is an average of 27% loss in Coin purchasing power. This means, acquiring Gems by way of Purchase, Redeem Code, and Achievement Points is more efficient than trading Coin for Gems. Gem Purchases: There are arguably many items, which one could say are worth spending Gems on. However, this guide will only cover two key items. Watchwork Mining Pick: Used to mine all metals (nodes). Unlimited use. (Also found in the Gadgeteer's Gathering Pakage) Has a small chance to reward a Watchwork Sprocket on each swing in addition to mining results. Copper-Fed Salvage-o-Matic: Double-click to salvage crafting materials from an item in your inventory. 10% chance of rarer materials. 20% chance of recovering upgrades. Requires 3 copper per use. Back to Contents

Coins Coins (generally called Gold) are the most common form of currency. Coin is the only Currency tradable between players, via the Trading Post or mail. Coins are obtainable from:  Looting fallen enemies  Completing dungeons  Opening containers  Map completion  Completing Events  Achievement rewards  Selling items to vendors  Exchanging Gems  Trading with other players Getting the most out of your coin is important. Here are a few key points on acquiring Coin and putting it to use. Acquiring Coin:  Play the Game, the way you enjoy too. Choosing to Farm or Grind for Coin, may leave you feeling burnt-out on the game.  Flipping on the Black Lion Trader is profitable, but is also time consuming.  Generally speaking, sell all loot worth over 2 Silver, via Black Lion Trader.  Beware of 'Get Rich Quick' ideas. Remember you are competing with a few hundred thousand players of similar goals and experiences. Putting Coin to use:  You do not need Pricey Nourishments' like Omnomberry Bars, which boost a petty and un-noticeable 40% more Gold from monsters.  Avoid Trading Coins for Gems, which is an average of 27% loss, in Coin purchasing power, incidentally wasting Coins.  When reasonable, place Bids and make Offers, avoid Buy Now or Sell Now on the Black Lion Trader.

Karma Karma is used to purchase items from Karma Merchants, including Renown Heart NPCs and Master Craftsmen. Karma is obtainable from:  Events  Fractals of the Mists  Hearts  Karma consumables Putting Karma to use:  Approximately 1 Million Karma will be needed for crafting a Legendary.  Level 80 Armor is available from Temple Karma Merchants, costing 252,000 per set. Furthermore, there are many skins obtainable throughout Tyria via Karma Merchants.  Do not waste it on Mystic Forge schemes or Lost Orrian Jewelry Boxes. Back to Contents

Spirit Shards Spirit Shards may be traded to Miyani and Mystic Forge Attendants for items that are typically used in Mystic Forge Recipes. Shards are obtainable from:  Tome of Knowledge if used by a level 80 character  Dessa's Experiment Journal (35 Fractal Ralics)  A Small Bag of Spirit Shards is the reward for completing Dailies Let these sit until you need them. As always, Beware of 'Get Rich Quick' ideas. Remember you are competing with a few hundred thousand players of similar goals, ideas, and experiences. Therefore upgrading materials with no other purpose than to sell a higher tier material is likely a waste of time and currency.

Laurels Laurels are a Limited, or also known as a, Time Gated Currency. Laurels are obtainable from:  Login Rewards  Achievement Chests  Special Daily Achievements Due to the scarcity of the currency, it is wise to spend it on a few important items first. Trading Laurels for Large Crafting Bags is only worth an avg of 75silver per Laurel, which is not a good use of Laurels. Laurel must haves:  Ascended Amulet (Only from WvW Vendors) (see also Badges of Honor)  2x Ascended Rings (Only from WvW Vendors) (see also Badges of Honor) Note: Ascended Equipment is interchangeable across Characters of the same Account. Back to Contents

Transmutation Charges Transmutation Charges change the look of equipment. Ideally, this is something, best used on long-term (level 80) equipment. Obtainable from:  Gem Store  Map Completeion  PvP Reward Tracks  Achievement Chests  Black Lion Chests  Daily Login Reward Chests

Badges of Honor Badges of Honor are earned by participating in World versus World. Badges earned by:  Looting fallen enemies  WvW Achievement Chests  Completing WvW Events While there are several WvW items, like Siege Blueprints and Armor, to spend Badges on, this guide will cover two key uses. Badges of Honor use:  Ascended Amulet (Only from WvW Vendors) (see also Laurels)  2x Ascended Rings (Only from WvW Vendors) (see also Laurels)  Reserve 500 for Gift of Battle (used to craft Legendary) Note: Ascended Equipment is interchangeable across Characters of the same Account. Back to Contents

Fractal Relics Fractal Relics are earned by participating in Fractals of the Mists. Awarded by:  Fractal Chapter End Chests  Bonus Chests  Breaking Pristine Fractal Relics When the time arrives that you will need them, priority will be obvious. However, here are a few notes to keep in the memory vault. Few Notes:  Pass up the unnecessary 20 Slot Boxes for now  Probable need is for Versatile Simple Infusion (Agony Resistance)  Reserve 500 for an impending Gift of Ascension

Guild Commedations Guild Commendations are received at the successful completion of each Guild mission in a small chest that appears on the lower right of the screen. Guild missions are a type of mission exclusive to guilds. The missions reward guild merits and influence for the Guild, and Guild Commendations for participating members. One Key use:  2x Ascended Accessories (Earrings) from the Guild commendation trader (Great Alternative to Laurels and Ecto from a Laurel Merchant) Note: Ascended Equipment is interchangeable across Characters of the same Account. Back to Contents

Geodes Geodes are an account bound currency obtained in Dry Top from various creatures and events as well as advancing the Living Story. Usage:  Zephyrite Lockpicks (opening Buried Locked Chests)  Nomad Equipment Recipes  Mawdry Ascended Back Item Ingredient (Living Story The Dragons Reach: Part 2 Required)  Ambrite Weapon Recipes (Ambrite Weapon Collection) (Unidentified Fossilised Insect Drop Required)

Bandit Crests Bandit Crests are currency earned by participating in events in the Silverwastes, Drops from Bandits, Lost Bandit Chests, and turning in Mordrem Parts. Usage:  Bandit Skeleton Keys (opening found Bandit Chests)  Sinister Ascended Trinkets  Extraction Devices (Basic Collection Achievement)  Carapace Armor Skins Note: Ascended Equipment is interchangeable across Characters of the same Account. Back to Contents

Ascalonian Tear Ascalonian Tears are earned by completing the Ascalonian Catacombs dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Tears:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Soldier's  Power  Toughness  Vitality o Magi's  Healing Power  Precision  Vitality o Rampager's  Precision  Power  Condition Damage  Gift of Ascalon (used to craft Legendary)

Seals of Beetletun Seals of Beetletun are earned by completing the Caudecus's Manor dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Seals:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Rampager's  Precision  Power  Condition Damage o Rabid  Condition Damage  Precision  Toughness o Shaman's  Vitality  Condition Damage  Healing Power  Gift of the Nobleman (used to craft Legendary) Back to Contents

Deadly Bloom Deadly Blooms are earned by completing the Twilight Arbor dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Blooms:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Rabid  Condition Damage  Precision  Toughness o Magi's  Healing Power  Precision  Vitality o Rampager's  Precision  Power  Condition Damage  Gift of Thorns (used to craft Legendary)

Manifesto of the Moletariate Manifestos of the Moletariate are earned by completing the Sorrow's Embrace dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Manifestos:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Carrion  Condition Damage  Power  Vitality o Soldier's  Power  Toughness  Vitality o Knight's  Toughness  Power  Precision  Gift of the Forgeman (used to craft Legendary) Back to Contents

Flame Legion Charr Carving Flame Legion Charr Carvings are earned by completing the Citadel of Flame dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Carvings:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Berserker's  Power  Precision  Ferocity o Carrion  Condition Damage  Power  Vitality o Rampager's  Precision  Power  Condition Damage  Gift of Baelfire (used to craft Legendary)

Symbols of Koda Symbols of Koda are earned by completing the Honor of the Waves dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Symbols:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Rabid  Condition Damage  Precision  Toughness o Magi's  Healing Power  Precision  Vitality o Soldier's  Power  Toughness  Vitality  Gift of the Sanctuary (used to craft Legendary) Back to Contents

Knowledge Crystals Knowledge Crystals are earned by completing the Crucible of Eternity dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Crystals:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Berserker's  Power  Precision  Ferocity o Rampager's  Precision  Power  Condition Damage o Dire  Condition Damage  Toughness  Vitality  Gift of Knowledge (used to craft Legendary)

Shards of Zhaitan Shards of Zhaitan are earned by completing The Ruined City of Arah dungeon in explorable mode. Purchasing Armor for Salvage is not efficient use of dungeon currency. What to do with Shards:  Exotic Equipment with the following Stats o Berserker's  Power  Precision  Ferocity o Knight's  Toughness  Power  Precision o Rabid  Condition Damage  Precision  Toughness  Gift of Zhaitan (used to craft Legendary) Back to Contents

WvW Tournament Claim Tickets WvW Tournament Claim Tickets are rewards to players who have competed in various WvW tournaments. They can be exchanged for weapon skins and other items at the Battle Historian.  Recommendation on usage is simply this, do what you can afford here. Depending on the Place your Server obtains and your individual participation, you will have enough for an Ascended Trinket or perhaps multiple skins as well.  Holding onto them for later use should be subject to your over all game life time expectancy.

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