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Home Explore English Newsletter

English Newsletter

Published by vinantirekhan, 2020-09-26 03:47:59

Description: English Newsletter


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India has recorded 216,919 total confirmed cases, 6,075 deaths, 104,107 cured cases, according to the latest update released by the Union Ministry for Health and Family Welfare on Thursday evening. Fatalities across the world are 741,420 (over 20.29 million Steps taken by government to fight against Corona Virus Precautionary Steps: It conducted heavy screenings and mandatorily quarantined incoming International travellers and also conclusively suspended all visas, except for diplomats and employment, till April 15.   All cross-national borders were sealed, and railway operations were suspended.  Further, all schools, gyms, malls, clubs, hotels, community halls, etc. were shut.


WATER QUALITY Since there was no boats and beaches were also closed so waste was not being thrown in the oceans ,the water has cleared up. In areas like Venice, the water became so clear that fishes could be seen and there was better water flow. even the oceans are recovering and marine life is thriving.

AIR QUALITY After the lockdown was put in place in many countries, there was lesser travelling done by people, whether it be by their own cars, or by trains and flights. Even industries were closed down and not allowed to function. This in turn led to the pollution in the air dropping significantly

The Dust of Snow Poet: Robert Frost about the poet Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, 1874 was an American poet. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American colloquial speech, He  is the winner of four Pulitzer Prizes. Famous works include “Fire and Ice,” “Mending Wall,” “Birches,” “Out Out,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and “Home Burial.” His 1916 poem, \"The Road Not Taken,\" is often read at graduation ceremonies across the United States

Poem Summary The way a crow The short poem by Robert Frost throws    Shook down on me light upon the unimaginable healing    The dust of snow power of nature and tiny things. From a    From a hemlock tree bad mood to ill-health, there is nothing   that cannot be cured by nature. The   Has given my heart author was experiencing one such bad   A change of mood day when a crow’s movement near a   And saved some part hemlock tree dusted snow upon him.  Of a day I had rued. The snow instantly makes him happier. His day gets a lot better. Thus, the supremacy of nature made him realize how petty his problem was. The fact that hemlock tree is poisonous combined with crow being the indicator of doom and fear are used in the poem as the carriers of happiness in the life of narrator is ironical. The poet, through these objects has tried to highlight that sometimes creatures linked with negative aspects of life can be the bringer of change and happiness. Being outdoors in nature, with all its unpredictability can benefit anyone, anywhere at any time.

tone of the poem The tone of dust of dust of snow is light and cheerful. It reflects the change that has already taken in the poet’s heart from sullen to joyful, after the showers of snowflakes upon himself. It is thus clear that this poem has been written post that experience. The poet has almost forgotten what a bad day he had been having and has embraced the brightening of his mood fully. Now he feels lucky to be alive and able to watch such beautiful sights as that of snowfall. poetic devices and rhyme scheme ALLITERATION: Has given my heart And save some parta SYMBOLISM: In this poem, symbolism is used as hemlock tree and crow are symbolized as positive things that changed the bad and disappointing mood into a happy and cheerful one. RHYME SCHEME: Rhyme Scheme is the pattern of rhyming lines in a stanza or throughout the poem. The rhyme scheme is: abab

Fire and Ice Robert Lee Frost was born on March 26, 1874 was an American poet. Known for his realistic depictions of rural life and his command of American  colloquial speech, He   is the winner of four Pulitzer Prizes. Famous works include “Fire and Ice,” “Mending Wall,” “Birches,” “Out Out,” “Nothing Gold Can Stay” and “Home Burial.” His 1916 poem, \"The Road Not Taken,\" is often read at graduation ceremonies across the United States Poem Some say the world will end in fire Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favour fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice

Summary The poem written by Robert Frost says that the world will end either by fire or by ice. He says that he himself did not know by which method the world will end. The poet says that he stand with those who says that world will end by fire, He says that if the world had to perish twice then the world will end by ice as there will be enough hatred in the world. Theme Fire and ice is an extremely compact little lyric. Not a syllable is wasted. the theme of the poem is the age-old questions. the question is whether the world will end in fire or ice. the poet decides that any of the two options would achieve its purpose sufficiently well. The poet shares the common belief that everything that exists will have its end too. People are divided on this issue. Some think that the natural element of fire will cause destruction of this world. others believe that the ice will be the cause of end. even hate born out of cold and icy reason is sufficient to cause destruction and the end of the world.

The Ball Poem John Allyn McAlpin Berryman  (born John Allyn Smith, Jr.; October 25, 1914 – January 7, 1972) was an American poet and scholar, born in McAlester, Oklahoma. He was a major figure in American poetry in the second half of the 20th century and is considered a key figure in the Confessional school of poetry. His best-known work is The Dream Songs. Poem What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, What, what is he to do? I saw it go                        Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then Merrily over — there it is in the water! No use to say ‘O there are other balls’: An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down All his young days into the harbour where His ball went. I would not intrude on him; A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now He senses first responsibility

Summary The ball poem written by John Berryman beautifully describes the boy who  has lost his ball. he gave a lesson that is full of wisdom through the loss of everyone, must learn to bear the pain associates with loss. The poet assumes a boy who is playing with a ball. Once the ball bounces of his control and consequently falls into water. The boy becomes sad. The poet feels that no other ball will be sufficient to lesson his sadness. Here, the lost ball stands for the general loss of a human being Theme The ball poem “looks like a simple story of a young boy who lost his ball. The poet watches a young boy playing with his ball. the next minute , his ball rolls away from him and fall into the water of the harbor. As the boy watches his ball disappear , he can also feel his childhood slip away from him . he feels himself growing up very fast as he learns that loss is a part of everyday life and that life goes on despite it . the sight of the sad littlle boy pains the poet , but he knows that growing up is an unavoidable process.

Nelson Mandela: A Long Walk to Freedom Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela, born on 18 July 1918 was a South African antiapartheid revolutionary, political leader and philanthropist who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999. He was the country's first black head of state and the first elected in a fully representative democratic election \"It always impossible until its done\"- Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela APARTHEID SYSTEM- Policy that governs relation between South Africa’s white minority and nonwhite majority and sanctioned Racial segregation and political and economic discrimination against nonwhite. In this system separate public Areas such as parks, schools, drinking area were made separate.

Summary Nelson Mandela is a famous personality of the world and the first black president in South Africa. After long time that means more than 3 centuries of white rule, celebrated very vividly of the first democratic non-racial government. Being afformed in he said radiantly that \"Never, never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the oppression of one by another\". He prays admiration to the freedom fighters like Oliver Tambo, Luthuli, Yusuf Dadoo. Nelson Mandela is the name of extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity. He regards the death of thousands of people who sacrificed their lives for the cause of courage. It is not the absence of fear but the victory over it. Every human has right to love rather than harassment or any kind of things. He says every man has his duties to his family, community, society, and country. Message Chapter Nelson Mandela gives the message of importance and value of freedom. Any race that is deprived of freedom raises its voice against oppressors and fights till they achieve freedom. In the chapter we read how Nelson Mandela fought for freedom of the colored people and made many sacrifices.