Reading Journal By Rawisara Charoensuk 6031006182 / no. 5This journal is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirementsfor English reading and writing 1 course of Liberal Arts in English Program, Mae Fah Luang University First semester 2018
Week __4_ Title: White tiger kills zookeeper in Japan but family urges mercy Author: _- ______________________________________________ Source: Summary A white Tiger from the Hirakawa Zoological Park in Kagoshima,Japan attacked a zookeeper. It clawed his neck and he died fromblood loss in the hospital. The white tiger was sedated and the policeare investigating to determine what actually happened.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ My reaction/reflection: A:It’s easy to understand because I’m interest it. I think thesituation was so empathy. B:I hope the zoo will look after the employee by giving theinformations about how to control the situation more carefully.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page 2 of 5
New words learned: (At least five new words that you have learned) New Words Definitions (Of an animal) wound (a person or animal) by1. Maul (v.) scratching and tearing. A rare white tiger has mauled a zookeeper to2. Sedated (v.) death in its enclosure at a zoo in Japan, officials say.3. Bereaved (adj.) Calm (someone) or make them sleep by administering a sedative drug.4. Enclosure (n.) The male tiger, named Riku, was sedated with a tranquiliser before rescue workers and5. Tranquillizer police arrived. Deprived of a close relation or friend through (n.) their death. \"We plan not to kill Riku and continue to keep it because the bereaved family asked us to do so,\" said Takuro Nagasako, a zoo official said, quoted by the AFP news agency. An area that is surrounded by a barrier. It is thought it happened as Mr Furusho went to clean the tiger's enclosure. A medicinal drug taken to reduce tension or anxiety. The male tiger, named Riku, was sedated with a tranquilizer before rescue workers and police arrived. Page 3 of 5
Articles Rubric for Independent Reading Journal (10%) 5 12341. Summary (4 %)2. Reflection (3%)3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Scores Total scores _______ ÷ 5 = _____ marksCriteria for the above categories1. Rubric for Article SummaryCategory 5-4 3 2 1-0Summarizing Provides a very Provides a clear Provides a clear but Provides a somewhatthe content thorough and clear and concise shallow summary of muddled, unclear and and concise summary of the the article; may be rambling summary of summary of the article context excessively brief or the article. article context and and content. may include some content. extraneous information.Identifying Student recalls Student recalls Student is not able to Student cannot locateDetails several details for details for most locate most of the details with accuracy. each main point. main point. details of the main point. Is characterized byParaphrasing Is characterized by Is characterized Is characterized by the substantial paraphrasing of the by paraphrasing the substantial copying of main idea and of the main idea copying of key indiscriminately significant details and significant phrases and minimal selected phrases or details paraphrasing sentences.Spelling & There are few or There are some There are serious Serious errors inGrammar no errors in usage, errors in usage, errors in usage, mechanics, usage, grammar, grammar, grammar, grammar, or spelling punctuation, punctuation, punctuation, that make the sentence sentence sentence fragments, summary difficult to fragments, or fragments, or or spelling. understand. spelling. spelling.Total ________/20 ÷ 5 = 4 %2. Reflection on the Articles (3%)Students who have completely and clearly responded to the guided questions stated in the reading journalform will get 3 marks.3. Vocabulary Learned (3%) Page 4 of 5
All correct = 3 marks ≥ 70% correct = 2 marks 1 ≤ 70% = 1 mark Page 5 of 5
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