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Home Explore Christchurch Bridge, Reading, Design Engine Architects

Christchurch Bridge, Reading, Design Engine Architects

Published by it, 2017-02-02 05:50:46

Description: Christchurch Pedestrian Bridge, Reading, Design Engine Architects, 2013-2015


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THAMES PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Christchurch Meadows, Reading 1

THAMES PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Reading Designed in collaboration with engineers Peter Brett Associates, the new bridge provides an important new link for pedestrians and cyclists between Reading Town Centre, the upgraded rail station and Caversham’s riverside areas, considered key to the overall spatial strategy for Central Reading. The location of the new bridge is just to the north of Reading Town Centre, between Fry’s Island and Reading Bridge. The area to the south west mostly consists of two storey Victorian terraced houses with some taller residential blocks facing onto the river. The area to the southeast comprises of office buildings rising to four and five storeys. In contrast Christchuch Meadows to the north comprises of open space laid out as playing fields. Pedestrian and cycle paths cross the grassed areas with a route along the side of the river, forming part of National Cycle Network Route 5. The design also had to permit future adaptation to allow a new southern approach ramp to be formed through to Vastern Road and onwards to the train station and the town centre through the Southern Electrical substation site.2



MAIN BRIDGE AND MASTThe location and alignment of the bridge followed a rigorousoptions appraisal process that took into account environmental,aesthetic and amenity impacts.The confined site on the SouthBank and the possibility of future extension to allow directaccess to the Town Centre led to a two-part solution, thefirst part being the main bridge span across the river and thesecond being the ramp and stair on the Southern side. Tomaintain the purity of the bridge span these were conceived astwo separate elements both structurally and visually.A single masted cable stayed structure was developed for theprincipal river span due to its lightness of appearance, valuefor money, deliverability (including ease of construction), andclear navigation width. The structure creates a river span of68m and a land span of 54m supported by a mast of 39mheight located above the north bank of the River Thames.The single slender mast was positioned on the north bankwith the land span continuing straight on into ChristchurchMeadows to balance the river span visually and structurally.The slenderness of the mast is reinforced further by continuingthe two side elements of the main mast structure beyond theline of the last cable, creating a crowning or tuning fork effect,allowing sky to be seen through the mast top.The bridge deck gently tapers from its widest point around themast towards either end. A timber-clad bench folds out of themast at this point offering panoramic views of the river and themeadows beyond.A continuous handrail provides the lighting for the bridge aswell as a convenient place to lean on while enjoying the newviews opened up by the bridge.Conical cable shrouds fabricated in perforated stainless steelwrap around each of the cables as they connect to the bridgedeck. The perforations will allowing a small amount of light tofall through the shrouds containing small colour changing spotlights which will highlight the cables at night.Concept Sketch 5


“I am confident that the structure will soon becomesynonymous with Reading…I believe it will become a destination in its own right.” Cllr Tony Page, Deputy leader of Reading Borough Council 7


CORTEN BALUSTRADEEven though the bridge is the key structural component it hasbeen necessary to develop a different approach to how thebridge deck meets the southern towpath. Unlike the northernside of the river, the south side has very restricted accessresulting in the need to create a staircase and ramp at 90degrees to the bridge direction.It was considered important that due to the relationshipbetween the single mast and the bridge deck that the overallimpression is that the bridge is in balance. These two elementswere therefore treated as a separate entity.The ramp and stair structure sit within the River Thames inorder to ensure clear access along the existing towpath. Agentle curve to the ramp and stair gives a breathing spacebetween the new structure and the towpath that increases asthe structure rises to meet the bridge, helping to avoid thetowpath being oppressed by the taller ramp. The balustradingto the ramp is formed from a series of random vertical barsat different angles to echo the natural reed banks which formpart of the river edge along this part of the Thames. Fabricatedfrom weathering steel and integrated into the new planting, theramp and stair will mature naturally into the environment. 9

THAMES PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE Chritstchurch Meadows, Reading Project Details Project Team Location Client River Thames, Christchurch Reading Borough Council Meadows, Reading Architect Design Engine Completion Date 2015 Structural Engineer Peter Brett Associates Contract Value £5.9m Services Engineer Peter Brett Associates Area N/A Landscape Architect Influence Per sqm Cost £2150/sqm Planning Consultant Peter Brett Associates Awards Main Contractor Civic Trust Award Balfour Beatty National Award 2015 (Level to be announced 2016) Steel Fabricator Hollandia10


Design Engine Architects LtdThe Studio, Coker CloseWinchester SO22 5FF+44(0)1962

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