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Home Explore Practice Manual-Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding

Practice Manual-Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding

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Description: Practice Manual-Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding


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TerracottaRainscreenCladdingDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS \ JAN 2018Practice Manual


Contents 1 Materials & Components 2 Designing with Terracotta 3 Drawings 4 Mock-ups 5 Specification 6 ReferencesDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 2


Introduction This document provides some general guidance on the design and specification of terracotta rainscreen claddings. The document uses the Perrodo Building and the J-Block part of the London Met development as case studies. Whilst the Perrodo Building is a small scale project that has been built using standard panels, the J-Block (London Met) is a large scale project that has been designed using bespoke elements. We thought that using these two buildings as case studies would give us a wide understanding of the design process and assist further projects using this type of cladding. It is intended that this is a live document and should be amended and added to as further experience is gained and other innovative solutions explored. Please note that the J-Block (London Met) has not been built yet at the time of writing this guide.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 4


Materials & components Basic things to be aware of when using particular materialsDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 6

MATERIALS & COMPONENTSTerracotta Small-format Fig.01 Fig.04 Solid tilesMossos building at El Vendrell by Josep Maria Botey In this section we are showing small terracotta cladding elementsCeramic elements by Ceramica Cumella Fig.05 that can be handled by one person. Most of the standard tiles that can be done in mid-format can also be done in small format but we Fig.02 Fig.06 will learn about those ones in the next section.Spanish Pavilion at the 2005 World Expo in Aichi by FOA Maat Contemporary Museum in Lisbon by Amanda Levete.Ceramic elements by Ceramica Cumella Ceramic tiles by Ceramica Cumella The solid tiles shown (Fig.04, Fig.05 and Fig.06) here are bespoke three-dimensional crackle-glazed tiles which are hanged Fig.03 individually leaving a small gap between them and achieving aCeip Martinet in Cornella del Llobregat by Mestura Arquitectes wide range of effects depending on the lighting and the directionCeramic brise-soleil by Ceramica Cumella from which you look into them.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 7 The tiles in the projects shown have been developed and manufactured by Ceràmica Cumella a family business of artisans with a long tradition of working with architects to develop unique pieces. NBK within the Terrart product range offers a large number of special ceramic shapes. In individual cases, customised production for the special object is possible. Latticework elements Another small format application can be the one that is used to create a latticework that could be used as a brise-soleil or as an internal partition. The latticework effect is achieved by putting together a repetition of ceramic elements that sit on top of each other. They may need steel rods (like in Fig.01) or a steel subframe (like in Fig.02) to support them or they may be bonded together with mortar (like in Fig.03)

MATERIALS & COMPONENTSTerracotta Mid-formatMid-format (Terrart Shingle) Mid-format (Terrart Light) Mid-format (Terrart Mid) Medium size tileshollow chamber element hollow chamber element hollow chamber element In this section we are showing medium size tiles which conform a suspended ventilated facade construction whose visibleLength: Length: Length: elements are exclusively made of terracotta. These tiles are used100mm - max. 1800mm 100mm - max. 1800mm 100mm - max. 2000mm in a rainscreen cladding facade format which is back-ventilated ensuring that no water reaches the building envelope. In addition,Height: Height: Height: the natural stack effect ensures that the building is not only dry to150mm - max.450mm 150mm - max.500mm 150mm - max.600mm reduce maintenance, but also helps to save energy.Thickness: Thickness: Thickness: The dimensions shown in this document are the dimensions24/40mm 24/28mm 30mm achievable by NBK but other companies like James & Taylor offer similar products like the Duoskin Alphaton terracotta tiles which areMass per unit area: Mass per unit area: Mass per unit area: 30mm thick and weight approx. 50Kg/m2.approx.65kg/m2 approx.38-42kg/m2 approx.55kg/m2 Companies like James & Taylor and Faveton could be consulted to understand which are their limiting dimensions as these may vary slightly from those ones offered by NBK. Fig.07 Fig.08 Fig.09Art Gallery by Carusso St John Architects Inacap Campus by Estudio Larrain 215 East 68th Street building by FXFOWLECeramic tiles by NBK Ceramic tiles by NBK Ceramic tiles by NBKDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 8

MATERIALS & COMPONENTSTerracotta Large-formatLarge-format (Terrart Large) Mid-format (Terrart Light) Large size tileshollow chamber element solid ceramic element In this section we are showing large size tiles which conform a suspended ventilated facade construction whose visibleLength: Length: elements are exclusively made of terracotta. These tiles are used100mm - max. 3000mm 100mm - max. 1800mm in a rainscreen cladding facade format which is back-ventilated ensuring that no water reaches the building envelope. In addition,Height: Height: the natural stack effect ensures that the building is not only dry to150mm - max.800mm 150mm - max.600mm reduce maintenance, but also helps to save energy.Thickness: Thickness: Some of this panels offer the potential to create unbroken floor-to-40/80mm 15/30mm floor vertically orientated full height individual tiles.Mass per unit area: Mass per unit area: The dimensions shown in this document are the dimensions thatapprox.65kg/m2 approx.35kg/m2 can be achieved by NBK but other companies like James & Taylor offer similar products like the Longton terracotta tiles which are 40mm thick and weight approx. 65Kg/m2. These tiles from James & Taylor measure up to 3000mm long by 900mm wide and can be installed vertically or horizontally. Fig.10 Fig.11Art Gallery by Carusso St John Architects Inacap Campus by Estudio LarrainCeramic tiles by NBK Ceramic tiles by NBKDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 9

MATERIALS & COMPONENTSTerracotta BaguettesBaguette (Terrart Baguette) Fig.13 Baguettes The Terracotta baguettes are ceramic pipes with square, circular orLength: Studen Housing by Atelier Phileas oblong cross-sections, which can also be made as curved elementsmax. 2000mm Ceramic tiles by NBK or as double baguettes/coffer element on request (Fig.15) . This flexible product is mainly used to cover window areas or for anHeight: “open” facade and are always produced individually for eachmin. diamtre 48x48mm project in the colour and shape desired by the customer. They can be used for parapets and balcony elements and they can also assistMass per unit area: in mitigating solar gain, acting as ‘brise-soleil’ (Fig.13)approx.3.75kg/m2 for adiameter of 50 x 50 mm Fig.15 Available in both horizontal and vertical format (Fig.12) they can Fig.12 Fig.14 be utilised in conjunction with terracotta tiling, or as a facade treatment on their own, fixed back to a rigid pre-assembled ladderMinto Arcaden by Kadawittfeld Architektur East Ham Library by Rick Mather support framework. Alternatively, James & Taylor have designedCeramic baguettes by NBK Ceramic tiles by James & Taylor a unique fixing solution that allows for individual baguettes to be individually removed and replaced if required, which is increasingly becoming the preferred design solution. James & Taylor offers baguette sizes of up to 900mm x 120mm like the ones used in East Ham Library (Fig.14 & Fig.16) Fig.16DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 10

MATERIALS & COMPONENTSTerracotta Cladding SuppliersNBK Ceràmica Cumella• International Architectural Terracotta Company part of Hunter Douglas • Family business with a long artistic tradition• Based in Germany but with representatives in the UK • Based in Catalunya but with some international presence. Represented by Telling in the UK.• They offer a wide range of standard products (the Terrart range) and a wide range of colours • They are used to work in conjunction with architects to develop bespoke facades. They have and finishes worked with renowned architects like Renzo Piano, Enric Miralles, Amanda Levete, FOA or• We have used them in the rainscreen cladding for Perrodo Patxi Mangado• They have an extensive portfolio of built buildings int he UK • They don’t offer standard products and all what they develop are bespoke elements• Their sizes can be too restrictive • They work in restoration projects as well as new builds• They can develop bespoke profiles if the project is big enough • They could develop bespoke elements for small project• Good experience working with them on Perrodo, not so good working with them on La Others Mare de CarteretJames & Taylor • Faveton (Terracotta rainscreen cladding specialists) based in Zaragoza (Spain) but with international presence.• Specialists in rainscreen cladding and facade engineering• Based in the UK but with some international presence • Sannini Impruneta (Terracotta cladding specialists) based in Florence (Italy)• They offer a wide range of standard products (the Alphaton, the Longton and the baguettes).• Their colour and texture range is not as wide as the NBK one but they can develop special colours if required depending on the project size• We have used them during the detail design of J-Block (London Metropolitan University) because they were the only ones that could achieve the panel & baguette sizes that we were after.• They have an extensive portfolio of built buildings int he UK• They can develop bespoke profiles if the project is big enough• Good experience working with them on London Met at the beginning but it became impossible to work with them by the end of it as there was only one person that we could contact and he wasn’t responsive at allDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 11

MATERIALS & COMPONENTS Baguettes Fig.20 James & Taylor will offer a fixing methodology that will beFixings designed bespoke to suit your project requirements. However it Back fixing normally involves a carrier rail, which passes through the The back fixing solution requires the drilling of two back- side holes Fig.17 perforations in the baguette, not only to facilitate the end to accommodate the hardware (Fig.21). fixing plate connections, but also to act as a restraint, holding Back fixing is used whenever there is a requirement for an invisible the baguette firmly in position should they become subjected to substructure system or when the design does not permit a side impact damage in work. Connections to the support framework attachment solution. can either be at the ends of the baguette, or at intermediate This solution is the one that we have used both in Perrodo and positions through its length. NBK offers two fixing systems: London Met projects. Side fixing Aluminium flexible bracket adapts to the hollow chamber cross section without additional fixing. An aluminium sliding block is installed directly to the vertical aluminium profile (Fig18 & Fig.19) After installation of the Baguette the bracket can be blocked with an aluminium fastener and cap so that the Baguette cannot be dismantled without the correct tool.Fig.18 Side fixing details from NBK Fig.19 Side fixing 3D detail from NBK Fig.21 Back fixing detail from NBKDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 12

MATERIALS & COMPONENTS Panels Fig.25 James & Taylor will offer a fixing methodology that will be designed Fig.26 Plan details from NBKFixings bespoke to suit your project requirements. Depending on the size of the tiles they will be fixed at the top and at the bottom or they Fig.22 will be side fixed. There will usually be a bottom shelf for dead load at the bottom of the panels and a fixing at the top or the sides to restrain the panel. NBK offers a standard fixing system for all their Terrart products called Terrart-Flex (Fig.24). It is very easy to handle and its flexibility enables the smooth integration of any Terrart system with any classic and modern wall construction. This system comprises just 15 individual components. The substructure is concealed and invisible to the beholder. The size of load-bearing, vertical, aluminium profiles are orientated to the sizes of terracotta elements. Its concept allows a three-dimensional alignment.Fig.23 Typical plan and section details from NBK Fig.24 Fig.24 Fig.27 Fig.28 Fixing 3D detail from NBK Rails and brackets from NBK Exploded 3D detail from NBK Section detail from NBKDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 13



Designing with Terracotta Things to take into consideration when designing a building with Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding. What have we learnt so far?DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 16

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTAStandard vs BespokeConsideration when using a Standard system Consideration when using a Bespoke system When to use as Standard system and when to use a Bespoke system• It is important to check with each company which are the • Unique look it is easier to achieve. limiting dimensions and we should design within their • It is more difficult to detail because special details may • Small project with tight budget: it is preferable to use a parameters. Standard system so there isn’t any additional cost attached to need to be developed with the help from the manufacturer in producing dies.• It is easier to detail because we will be able to use the order to make the cladding work. standard details from the manufacturer. • It will take a while to know what can and what can’t • Big project with tight budget: it is worth exploring if there they do and we may not know the weight/sqm until later is any Standard system out there that would work for the• We will know exactly what is the weight/sqm from the on. This may add some extra complexity when designing the project but it would possible to go for a bespoke solution as beginning so it will be easier to take that into consideration structure and substructure of the building. long as we try to minimize the number of dies (3 dies would when designing the structure and substructure of the • Testing may be required to ensure the designed pieces be an acceptable number considering that each die is likely to building. work and can deal with the loads. This may affect de be around £5000) dimensions of the final product right until the end of the• There will be restrictions on what we can and what we design process. • Small project with a healthy budget where we are after cannot do. • It offers more flexibility with the design. a unique look: this would be the perfect project to go with • It will be more expensive to build. a company like Ceràmica Cumella who can help you develop• It will be cheaper to build and it won’t need extra testing. • Pieces can still be cut and glued together to adapt to unique elements even at a small scale.• We’ll be able to visit an existing project using that same special situations without having to produce special pieces. • We need to be aware of the number of dies that will be • Big project with a healthy budget where we are after system. needed to try to keep the costs down. a unique look: With this type of project we can decide• We can still make it look non-standard by using colours whether to go with a bigger company like James & Taylor or NBK or with a smaller company like Ceràmica Cumella to and textures in a smart way. develop those unique elements.  • Pieces can be cut and glued together to adapt to special situations without having to produce special pieces. Fig.29 Fig.30DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 17

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTA Textures The beauty of natural ceramics arises out of more than just itsFinishes & Glazing options colour. Specific techniques create surfaces that develop a character that is entirely their own. Creative ideas can thus be implemented 01 02 03 04 05 06 impressively. Fig.31 Terracotta textures. In Fig.31 we can see different textures that can be achieved. (01) Fig.32 Small range of possible colours by NBK. More colours and nuances on request. Fine pealed, (02) pealed, (03) fine combed, (04) medium combed, (05) sandblasted and (06) honed are just some of the textures thatDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 18 can be achieved. The ceramic can also be grinded to achieve a smooth finish that shows the microstructure and achieves a subtle shine. Natural Colours The application of a microstructure, of the unfired ceramic ware, and its colouring and shading after firing depends on mineral admixtures, their grain sizes, the firing level and firing procedure as well as the organic material content. In this way, a large number of fired colours can be achieved; their effect is strengthened by the ease with which the surface can be structured in its natural character. The spectrum of natural fired colours (Fig.32) ranges from white, sandy, yellow and taupe right up to colours that tend towards grey. There is also an immeasurable range of red tones spanning all the way up to brown and black tones available for selection.

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTA Engobes or cold glazing The engobes are applied as a uniform coloured slip layer (Fig.33).Finishes & Glazing options They cover a colour spectrum that focuses on subtle colours and permits very special effects that bring pastel colours to mind. This Fig.33 Engobe terracotta colours. means that specific decorative concepts can be brought to life and the mechanical and chemical resistance of the ceramic carrier Fig.34 Glazed terracotta samples. material is also increased. The coating creates a slip layer, the ceramic substructure is not coloured.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 19 The colours that can be achieved can easily be combined with natural hues and are created by using oxides and pigments. By applying the sintered engobe, surfaces with a metallic structure reminiscent of cast iron are created using metal oxide in the reduction firing technique. Single fired Glazing Lead-free formulations are used for single fired glazing. With the single- firing technique, both matt as well as glossy surfaces can be created, as can all the usual effect glazes based on selenium. Advanced glazing techniques ensure a frost-resistant, consistent and anti-fade finish. Double fired Glazing With the double-firing technique, façade elements of the highest quality can be created. This makes it possible to cut the shard after the single-firing and to glaze the resulting clean edges during double-firing. In addition, the glaze has a particularly brilliant, expressive colour effect (Fig.34) The wide range of opportunities for designing with glazes permits transparent glazes as well as opaque, non-transparent glazes.

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTAConsiderations when choosing a finishSize of kiln available • Reflections: Just be aware that if a dark glossy glaze is used this may act as a mirror of theThe kiln where the terracotta is glazed may be different to the kiln where the terracotta is fired surrounding areas. The reflection of the material can be part of the design and can be usedand this means that despite the supplier being able to provide a certain size terracotta panel or to reflect different coloured lights like in the Maat project in Lisbon.baguette, they may not be able to fully glaze it. Once the panel/baguette size is determined it isimportant to ask the supplier what finish options are available for that size of panel/baguette. • Whether or not is in contact with pedestrians: When the terracotta panels will be in contact with pedestrians we may want to consider a smooth finish rather than a very texturedIt is important to think about how the terracotta panels or baguettes will sit in the kiln when being one so it is pleasant to the touch even though terracotta is quite a fragile material and wefired. In order to have a fully glazed (on all 4 faces) baguette, the baguettes need to sit vertically may not want to use it at ground floor level on areas where it can be vandalised.within the kiln and that will restrict the size of the glazed baguette than can be achieved. James &Taylor can fully glaze baguettes of up to 1m high. If we want to use taller baguettes we will need Costto consider a 3 face glaze + 1 face engobe or reconsider the idea of using glazed baguettes. Thereason why a 3 face glaze is possible with taller baguettes is because they can sit on one side It is important to take into consideration the cost involved in each of the finishes options. As a rulewhile being fired horizontally. of thumb we can say that a glazed finish or any bespoke texture finish will be more expensive than a natural finish.MaintenanceSome of the Terracotta properties that may affect how the material is maintained are as follow:• The low percentage of water absorption ensures that dirt does not penetrate the tile and makes it look dirty• Low maintenance material with an inert material colour that will not fade with time• Outstanding colour consistency• Uses no sealants and is graffiti resistantTaking the above into consideration we can be sure that choosing terracotta as a rainscreencladding is a safe, low-maintenance option no matter what the finish is. A glazed finish though,will provide a slightly easier surface to be cleaned specially in comparison with textured finishes.The environmentThings to take into consideration when choosing a finish will be:• Interaction with sunlight: the sunlight won’t affect the colour of the terracotta cladding but if we are using a glazing this may produce some unwanted glare.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 20

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTAThe rainscreen cladding build-upRainscreen cladding definition The drainage plane and different types of cavity on a Fire protection considerations rainscreen claddingThe rainscreen cladding system is a form of double-wall After the Grenfell tower accident it has become more and moreconstruction that uses an outer layer to keep out the rain A rainscreen drainage plane is the separation between the difficult to design rainscreen claddings that are accepted byand an inner layer to provide thermal insulation, prevent exterior cladding and the weather resistant barrier of the insurers and Building Control.excessive air leakage and carry wind loads. The outer layer rainscreen. It provides predictable, unobstructed path drainagebreathes like a skin while the inner layer reduces energy losses. The for liquid moisture to drain from a high point of the wall (where it Our recommendation and what it has work so far with projectsstructural frame of the building is kept absolutely dry, as water never enters) to a low point of the wall (where it exits) the wall detail. The like West Downs is to use phenolic insulation (e.g. Kingspanreaches it or the thermal insulation. Evaporation and drainage in the drainage plane must move the water out of the wall system quickly Kooltherm K15) even though mineral wool could be an alternative ifcavity removes water that penetrates between panel joints to prevent absorption and consequential rot, mould, and structural we don’t have space restrictions. degradation.In a rainscreen cladding the air gap allows the circulation of air It is also important to consider fire breaks and cavity closers aroundon the moisture barrier. This helps direct water away from the In a barrier wall system, the exterior cladding also serves windows to stop the spread of fire.main exterior wall. Keeping the insulation dry helps prevent as the principal drainage plane and primary line of defenceproblems such as mould formation and water leakage. The vapour- against bulk rainwater penetration. The fire breaks need to allow the cavity to work as a drainage planepermeable air/weather barrier prevents water molecules from and only block the flow of air in case of fire. The product we shouldentering the insulated cavity but allows the passage of vapour, thus The drainage plane should have a minimum cavity depending on use needs to have an intumescent edge strip on the cavity sidereducing the trapping of moisture within the main wall assembly. the joints in the exterior cladding: which will expand to cover the cavity space in case of fire (e.g. • For a baffled or labyrinth jointed cladding: a minimum Lamatherm CW-RS or Siderise RH) Fig.39. 38mm cavity is required (at rail locations it can close down to 19mm (Fig.37 & Fig.38) • For an open jointed cladding: a minimum 50mm cavity is required (Fig.37 & Fig.38)Fig.35 Drained Cavity Fig.36 Pressure equalized Cavity Fig.37 Type of joints Fig.38 Cavity dimensions Fig.39 Fire breaks in cavityDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 21

DESIGNING WITH TERRACOTTA Setting out & Tolerancesbaguette edge edge baguette edge edge curtain walling edge edge profile A2 profile A1 profile A3 profile A JAMES 69 134 &TAYLOR Sixty Two, Barwell Business Park, Leatherhead Road, Chessington, Surrey KT9 2NY T. 020 8942 3688 E. see 1066-003 200 90 15 12 Fig.40 Setting out for J-Block (London Met) for details JAMES & TAYLOR Ltd 520 ALPHATONMOEDING R flashing interface to be developed52S0 etting out 600 max. NOTES: C:\Users\johnholland\Desktop\Timesheets\entec3.JPG Tolerance1066-003 Terracotta Baguette Fixing Details 400 1066-004 External Corner Treatment. 150 250 42.5 61 01 2mm ALUMINIUM 77 6 HORIZONTAL 6mm STEEL SUPPORT 319 SUPPORT ANGLE CAPPING - 77.040 50 50 RAIL (PPC RAL 8017 MATT) 173° Scale: 1:3 @ A3 Following the manufacturer’s advise, the best way to set out(tipletphch)oelder 155 PROFILE A Doing the setting out from DOUBLE SIDED ADHESIVE 25 6 REVISION cladding is to determine the module that will be repeated 60 95 centre to centre of panel TAPE STRIP 15 40 39 ALUMINIUM A 126COPING 39 50 15 79 and show a grid which identifies the centre to centre of 100 100 100 60 allows for some tolerance that NVELOPE NV1 SUPPORT RAIL SYSTEM 60 will be determined by the 30 34.5 (85mm BKT C/W ISOLATOR PAD) 103 32 30 200 TITLE 60 manufacturer depending on 15 each module (Fig.40)1998 horizontal carrier 5.5x25 COLOURED HEAD FIXINGS TO 85.5 85.5 NVELOPE NV1 SUPPORT RAIL SYSTEM SLOTTED BRACKET CONNECTION East Elevation GL 1 Level 3 Details COPING @ 500 CTS (RAL 8017 MATT) (85mm BKT C/W ISOLATOR PAD) TO TOP OF BAGUETTE TO ALLOW T.O.S - 76.915 FOR DEFELCTION In this way the manufacturer can work out the tolerance betweenrail (mill finish) BKT TOP - 76.900 max span = 600mm 150x100x8 RHS FIXED POINT M10x30 CSK HEAD S/STEEL SET SCREW BY OTHERS WITH 2No. FORM C WASHERS & NYLOCK NUT 155 2mm ALU TOP HAT 246 FIXING TAB TO FEATURE ANGLE SUPPORT 60 (COLOURED TO MATCH SUPPORT RAIL) PANEL FACE 207 30 panels needed and the overall dimension of the panel without that 60 95 PROFILE A1 the size of the panel, the fixing 6.5 246 BAGUETTE SUPPORT RAIL NBK BAGUETTE affecting the detail design. 60 and the backing to which the BRACKET FIXED TO 5 rebated joint panels are fixed to. ALUMINIUM 75 100 2mm ALU TOP HAT FOAM BUFFER TAPE M10x35 BUTTON HEAD S/STEEL SET SCREW DWG. NO. 1:3 @ A3 C1018 319 In the case of Perrodo, which is a new build, it was easier to set In addition to the tolerance in CLADDING PANEL STRUCTURE AS REQD WITH SUPPORT WITH 2No. FORM C WASHERS & NYLOCK NUT up a module and stick to it as the overall building could be design 2No. M10x95 BLIND BOLTS ALUMINIUM FIXING TAB TO MAIN BRACKET GENERAL NOTES: 250 CLADDING PANEL (COLOURED TO MATCH SUPPORT RAIL) BEAM TO BE WRAPPED plan there is some toleranceDO NOT SCALE FROM THIS DRAWING. WITH TREMCO ME003 VCL 2mm ALUMINIUM CLADDING 6 2mm ALUMINIUM CLADDING SCALE @ A3 JOB NO. PANEL CONTINUOUS BASE RAIL PANEL CONTINUOUS BASE RAIL FOAM BUFFER TAPE FOAM BUFFER TAPE (BLACK) 6 (BLACK) 5 SOFFIT - 76.740 6.5 4000 345 6x15 DRAINAGE SLOTS IN BASE OF 21 6 6 21 6x15 DRAINAGE SLOTS IN BASE OF PANEL (2No. / PANEL) 30 15 310 15 30 PANEL (2No. / PANEL) following that modulation. THIS DRAWING IS TO BE READ IN CONJUNCTION WITH ALL RELEVANT JAMES & 1 needed in elevation too. It isTAYLOR, ARCHITECT'S AND ENGINEER'S DRAWINGS. PROFILE A2 LPRoOnJEdCoTi:nmNp7 ortant to leave enough MTITeLEt:rospoplitaancUenivberesittyw, JeBelocnk the baguettes APPROVAL In the case of London Met, which is an existing building, the and theTerracotta Facade module was determined by the existing building and the process1998 DETAIL: top rail so the ST PETERS COLLEGE CHECKED STATUS FDAixTEin: gbAarragngueemtetnet s can be hooked to find the right size module was a bit time consuming as it was on15.10.17 key for us that the module would allow us to have the right size PROFILE A3100DRAWN BY: and removedCHEiCfKEnD BeY:eded. 02 Scale: 1:3 @ A3 60 319 Fig.41 Profile types (J-Block) LINE OF UPSTAND TO LVL3 FFL -73.760 ADC 01 MAR 01 CAPPING AROUND COLUMN NBK BAGUETTE openings and produce nice corner details. At the end we went ARB In Perrodo, this gPaLOpT SLIZwEE: VaEsL 3 FFL - 73.760 PENETRATIONS - SECURE 278 42 50 AND SEAL AS REQD 2mm ALU CAPPING TO PARAPET SCALE: ADJACENT COLUMN CASING (PPC RAL 8017 MATT) FIXED POINT BRACKET CONNECTION DRAWN DATE 28 PANELS RAKED TO SUIT TO TOP OF BAGUETTE TO ALLOW 77 FOR DEFELCTION recommended to be 25mm1:20 / 1:10 / 1:5 CL - 73.600 DRAWING NUMBER: with a 155mm module that was achieved using 3 different types of A3 CAPPINGS REVISION: GLASS BALUSTRADE 6 PROJECT Fig.42 Section detail (Perrodo)(BYOTHERS) panels and 1 baguette (Fig.41) 1PL0O6T6DA-T(0EF0: 2ig.42) 00 202.5 162° 160 73 75 DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 22 ADDITIONAL VCL OVER GALV ROOFING MEMBRANE DRESSED OVER PAPRAPET AND DOWN BALUSTRADE SUPPORT AND SUPPORT BRACKET . FACE OF BREATHER MEMBRANE checked INSULATION TO PARAPET BY OTHERS 15 92.5 shelf angle (ppc) October 16, 2017 6:55 AM C James & Taylor Ltd - 2017 BEHING PANELS 88 5.5x25 COLOURED HEAD FIXINGS TO BREATHER MEMBRANE & VCL 10 REAR OF COPING @ 500 CTS BROUGHT OVER PARAPET 13 13 TREMCO ME011 BREATHER 50 MEMBRANE (BOND TO VCL) 200 1.2mm GALV SUPPORT BKT TOP - 73.560 HORIZONTAL STEEL SUPPORT BRACKET RAIL / FEATURE T (PPC RAL 8017 MATT) TREMCO ME003 VCL FIXED POINT S 17-03-17 DRESSED OVER PARAPET AND SEALED TO ROOFING VCL


Drawings How to go about communicating the designDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 24

DRAWINGSCommunicating the design intentJ-BLOCK (LONDON MET) JF JF JF JF 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 NOTE: The contractor is responsible for the checking of all site dimensions and levels. These RFS-01 checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site Fig.43 RFS-01 RFS-01 RFS-01 discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. Fig.44 SSL SSL KEY:DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 25 +47.140 +47.140 162 EWS-10 3632 SSL SSL 612 576+47.140 +47.140 EWS-02B 457 4000 EWS-02E 3 Scale Bar (1:25@A1) EWS-01C EWS-06A EWS-01A 0m 0.5m 1.0m EWS-01A SSL +43.010 Notes 1. Do not scale from this drawing. 2. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relev Architects and Consultants drawings, schedules and 3. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the late the Architect's Specification Key Reference Schedul 1620-SP-0100 4. All setting out to external finishes 131 EWS-10 SSL SSL SSL +43.010 +43.010 +43.010 EWS-02E EWS-02B EWS-01A EWS-06A EWS-01C EWS-01A 4000 4 3632 612 240 40 Details updated to take into consideration 457 information received from S.E. Please refe details for more detailed information. SSL SSL SSL SSL +38.880 +38.880 +38.880 +38.880 SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFO Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E openable on 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1100mm to allow natural ventilation. 2 DETAIL ELEVATION NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE CONSTRUCTION 1:25 MAINTENANCE / CLEANING 1 DETAIL SECTIONS NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE EWS-02B Windows to be cleaned from roof in L-01 1:25 reach and wash waterfed pole. Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E will be clean inside. Top windows being openable towards the in cleaning of the bottom panel. DECOMMISSIONING / DEMOLITION It is assumed that all works will be carried out by a contractor working, where appropriate, to an app statement. Fig.45 DETAIL PLAN (3RD FLOOR) NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE 1:25 3 02 18.12.17 TENDER ISSUE 01 01.12.17 TENDER rev date notes 644 project title date of origin 1:25 @ 453 1620 J-Block Refurbishment August 2017 and Extension Project 2724 1452 1332 679 867 EWS-01A client drawing title Terracotta vertical profiled solid London Metropolitan Detail North-West Elevation cladding panels University 4 DETAIL PLAN (2ND FLOOR) NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE status drawing reference 1:25 NOTE: The contractor is responsible for the checking of all site dimensions and levels. These should be STAGE 4 1620-5300checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site. All EWS-01A discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. 190mm Mineral Wool between EWS-01C 200mm Metsec profiles (Metsec EWS-01A EWS-02B KEY: Terracota Baguette with steel structure fixed to edge of the Terracotta vertical profiled solid Capless curtain wall window flush reinforcement beam) cladding panels with terracotta panels EWS-06A EWS-01A 679 EWS-02B ! Aluminium louvred automated 90mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 165 Insulated aluminium panel 1332 ventilation unit - acoustically (achieving a U-value of 0.18 attenuated W/m2K) 215 867 320 155 155 90 85 100 60 121 louvre 95 Scale Bar (1:5@A1) 250mm VN75 0mm 50mm 100mm 200 220 Notes attenuator 1. Do not scale from this drawing. 2. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant Architects and Consultants drawings, schedules and specifications. 3. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the latest revision of the Architect's Specification Key Reference Schedule: 1620-SP-0100. 159 ! EWS-01A Goal post to S.E’s details JOI-05 IWS-12 VCL Painted MDF window sill Internal lining on metal studs Fig.46 1 DETAIL PLAN NORTH WEST ELEVATION - VENTILATION GRILLE AND FIXED WINDOW 1:5 EWS-01A EWS-01C EWS-02E EWS-01A Terracotta vertical profiled solid Terracota Baguette with steel Capped aluminium curtain wall 190mm Mineral Wool between cladding panels reinforcement with side-hunged window inset 200mm Metsec profiles (Metsec

DRAWINGSCommunicating the design intentPERRODO A B EWS-03A Metal Casette Rainscreen cladding 50 50 EW-TypeA Inward opening window unit (note EWS-03A in this location has 25mm smaller EWS-03A Metal Casette Trim to outer face cavity than typical) 50 50 100 BRS-01 window jamb BRS-01 Cermaic Rod Brisse Soleil EWS-03A SUN-01 Recessed MDF Window Surround 10 BRS-01 Alumiun head support angle, finish to match EWS-03 EWS-03A Recessed Bronze Annodised Aluminium Trim BRS-01 Thermally broken suport bracket fixed back to steel structure to be coordinated with EWS-03 (above) 425 70 75 1 EWS-00 EWS-02 Vapour barrier (Air tightness line) 175 EWS-02 Insulation EWS-02 Breather membrane IWS-01D EWS-02 Cermaic rainscreen cladding EWS-02 Secret fixing sub-frame suport IWF-01A system with thermally broken fixings. EWS-02 EWS-00 IWS-02D IWF-01A Fig.49 450 Tile width TBC approx. 300 175 5 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 5 45 45Fig.47 RWP-01 Rainwater pipe within cladding ventilation zone. Note notched insulation. 2 1 Detail 1:5 Fig.48 Fig.50DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 26

DRAWINGS Client & Planners In developing the design of the cladding it is important that thisCommunicating the design intent is done in consultation with the client. The design of the facade will probably be one of the first things that will need to be signed Fig.51 off as it is the public image of the building and it is a key element in getting planning permission. With this in mind we should useDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 27 drawings, visuals, rendering and reference images to make sure both the client and the planners understand the design and sign it off. Contractor Usually the information that we issue for tender is a ‘dry’ set of information containing line drawings, mainly GA drawings and detail drawings. It may be interesting to introduce some visuals to accompany the details so the contractor gets a more clear idea of the look we are after. It has also proven helpful to introduce some diagrams explaining how the facade works. Content of the tender package • General Arrangement drawings (plans and elevations) • Detail drawings 1:20 • Detail drawings 1:5 • Key reference sheet (KRS) • Specification • Diagrams

DRAWINGSVisuals: the building and its context A 3D image showing how the building relates to the surrounding (Fig.52) is always very useful for people to understand the design intent as well as to get people on board. This is probably done at planning stage so it can be taken into consideration by the planners but it is important to keep updating the 3D model so it reflects all the latest changes and considerations made at detail design stage. Fig.52DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 28

DRAWINGSElevations Elevations are probably one of the most important drawings to reflect the cladding’s design intent. Elevation drawings (Fig.53) can be used to show the setting out as well as to identify the different types of panels / build-ups on NOTE: The contractor is responsible for the checking of all site dimensions and levels. These should be the facade and understand what the relationship is between thecheckedpriortoorderingofanycomponentsandbeforecommencementoftheworksonsite.All discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. KEY: rainscreenAluminium Curtain Walling cladding and the openings. They will always be tagged EWS-01 so they can be read in conjunction with the KRS.CeramicRainscreenCladding EWS-02 Aluminium Cassette Rainscreen Cladding EWS-03 External Vent Grille Louvre XL Brise Soleil Type 01 BRS-01 01 Brise Soleil Type 01-Cladding Fixing Point BRS-01 G F ED C BA 7 6 54 3 2 1 Aluminium trim to EWS-02 and BRS-01 1840 1735 450 3950 2035 1990 1825 1250 625 1230 870 1375Level 3 Coping Level 3 Coping+77.040m +77.040m Level 3 FFL RWO-02 +73.760m 1720 1720 Level 2 FFL 3440 +70.500m EWS-03B 3440 Behind 1720 Level 1 FFL 1720 +67.400m BRS-01Level 3 FFL Level 0 FFL+73.760m +64.300m 1550 1550 BRS-01 3100 3100 1550 1550Level 2 FFL+70.500m 1550 XL-A-03 1550 SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONEMWESN-0T4AL INFORMATION EWS-03A In addition to the hazards / risks associated with the types of Recessed work detailed on this drawing, the Designer's Risk Assessment and Access and Maintenance Strategy, note the following: 3100 3100 CONSTRUECWT-AIO-0N9 1550 1. Lifting/Installing Ceramic/glazing/annodised aluminium 1550 rainscreen EWS-02 MAINTENANCE / CLEANINGLevel 1 FFL+67.400m EWS-03A DECOMMISSIONING / DEMOLITION 1550 1550 3030 cItoisntarasscutomr ewdotrhkEainWtga-,Allw-0wh5oerrkesawppillrboeprciaatrer,ietdo oaunEtWab-pAyp-a0ro4cvoemd petent 3030 method statemEeDn-tA. -0-05 1480 1480Level 0 FFL 70 70+64.300m Fig.53 C2 23.11.16 STAGE 5 - CONSTRUCTION ISSUE RJ RRC RJ RRC C1 30.09.16 STAGE 5 - CONSTRUCTION ISSUE RJ RRC RJ RRC 07 11.07.16 STAGE 4 - FINAL ISSUE RJ RRC RJ RRC 06 24.06.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION RJ RRC RJ RRCDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 29 05 31.05.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION RJ RRC RJ RRC 04 26.05.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION drawn chkd 03 11.05.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION 02 29.02.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION 01 15.02.16 STAGE 4 - INFORMATION 00 08.01.16 STAGE 3 - FINAL ISSUE rev date notes1 North Elevation 1 1 East Elevation 1:50 1:50

DRAWINGSProduction details in plan (design intent) IWS-12 The most important set of drawings at Detail Design stage is theNOTE:Thecontractorisresponsibleforthecheckingofallsitedimensionsandlevels.Theseshouldbe Internal lining on metal studs checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site. All discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. KEY: one that contains 1:5 details of the cladding: plan (like in Fig.54) and section (like in Fig.55). 717 390 JOI-05 Drawing at this level of detail helps us understand how the different Painted MDF window revealJC JC elements of the facade are put together and this shows us the EQ 2690 Scale Bar (1:5@A1) design intent at a more detailed level which is key at this point of 50 0mm 50mm 100mm 250mm 1107 !EQ EQ Notes the design process. 1. Do not scale from this drawing. 2. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant Architects and Consultants drawings, schedules and specifications. 3. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the latest revision of the Architect's Specification Key Reference Schedule: 1620-SP-0100. 85 90 150 This set of information is put together gathering as much advise 200 as possible from the manufacturers so our design intent can be as close to reality as possible. EWS-01A 155 155 EWS-01A Once the Specialist Contractor is on board they will review this set Terracotta vertical profiled solid of drawings and produce their own set of construction drawings 190mm Mineral Wool between EWS-01C cladding panels based on our design intent. The closer to reality our details are, the Terracotta vertical profiled less the risk of changes in the look of the building. 200mm Metsec profiles (Metsec baguette cladding EWS-01A 90mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 structure fixed to edge of the EWS-02E Recessed radiator under window (achieving a U-value of 0.18 Curtain Wall window behind sill. To M&E specification. W/m2K) beam) baguettes1 DETAIL PLAN SOUTH EAST ELEVATION 1:5 IWS-12 Radiator recessed into lining. To EWS-01A Internal lining on metal studs M&E specification. VCL ! SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Windows opening only above 1100mm above internal FFL.J9 CONSTRUCTION 200 JOI-05 MAINTENANCE / CLEANING 85 90 Painted MDF window reveal Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E to be cleaned from the inside. 422 ! EWS-6D louvres to be maintained from the inside. DECOMMISSIONING / DEMOLITION J9 It is assumed that all works will be carried out by a competent contractor working, where appropriate, to an approved method statement. 02 01.12.17 TENDER LM JR LM JR 01 03.11.17 TENDER DRAFT drawn chkd rev date notes 155 155 155 EWS-01C EWS-01A EWS-01A Goal post around window to EWS-02E project title date of origin scale Terracotta vertical profiled Terracotta vertical profiled solid 190mm Mineral Wool between S.E’s details Curtain Wall window behind 1620 J-Block Refurbishment August 2017 1:5 @ A1, 1:10 @ A3 baguette cladding cladding panels 200mm Metsec profiles (Metsec baguettes and Extension Project structure fixed to edge of the EWS-06D EWS-01A beam) Aluminium louvred automated 90mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 ventilation unit with attenuation (achieving a U-value of 0.18 client drawing title (direct ventilation) W/m2K) London Metropolitan Detail Plan Level 02 University2 DETAIL PLAN NORTH EAST ELEVATION status drawing reference revision 1:5 STAGE 4 1620-5123 02Fig.54DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 30

DRAWINGSProduction details in section (design intent) JF Details in 1:5 should include tags which are coordinated with theNOTE:Thecontractorisresponsibleforthecheckingofallsitedimensionsandlevels.Theseshouldbe CPG-01 checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site. All PPC Aluminium coping discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. EWS-02B KEY: EPDM KRS which at the same time refer to the Specification. EWS-02B RFS-01 EWS-10 153 Insulated aluminium panel Details should also include key dimensions, key levels and the Waterproof membrane Metsec slotted track 150 457 153 alignments we are after as well as dimensions to grid to help 20 EWS-02B identify the location of the detail and the setting out.RFS-01 Steel post size TBC with steel 20 Curtain wall fixing bracket fixed toPIR tapered insulation (180mm plate on top to support copping 101 postaverage) to achieve U-value of 131 1120.13 W/m2K EWS-02B Capless curtain Wall Window RFS-01 flush with terracotta panels VCL (backpainted glass: toughened + toughened) JF ! EWS-10 190mm Mineral Wool between SSL Scale Bar (1:5@A1) 200mm Metsec profiles (Metsec +47.140 structure fixed to edge of the 0mm 50mm 100mm Steel edge beam updated to beam) 250mm match latest S.E's information EWS-10 407 Cement bonded particle board EWS-01C Notes Terracota Baguette with steel EWS-10 reinforcement 1. Do not scale from this drawing. 90mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 2. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant (achieving a U-value of 0.18 W/m2K) Architects and Consultants drawings, schedules and specifications. 3. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the latest revision of the Architect's Specification Key Reference Schedule: 1620-SP-0100. 300mm pre-cast concrete plank EWS-10 FPS-02 with 50mm topping as per S.E’s VCL Cavity Barrier specification JOI-05 JOI-06 18mm painted MDF window EWS-02E 22mm painted MDF creating reveal Capped aluminium curtain wall recess for blind (translucent glass: laminated + EWS-02B toughened) RBC-01 Capless curtain Wall Window Anti-glare manual operated roller 108 320 flush with terracotta panels blind (transparent glass: laminated + toughened)1 SECTION B-B: SECTION DETAIL NORTH-WEST FACADE - ROOF EDGE 637 1:5 Steel angle to offer support to 477 window flush with terracotta EWS-02B cladding JOI-05 150 154 100 Curtain wall fixing bracket (to cladding sub-contractor Painted MDF window sill 171 461 150 design) EWS-01C JOI-05 IWS-12 Bracket to support terracotta Painted MDF window sill 103 EWS-02B Internal lining on metal studs baguette fixed to post which is 215 Insulated aluminium panel (12.5mm plasterboard on 18mm fixed to existing wall (takes dead Cleat designed to fix stud directly EWS-02B plywood) load) onto steel beam 85 100 EPDM EWS-01C Packers to sit window sill EWS-01C 190mm Mineral Wool between PPC steel trim part of bracket to 200mm Metsec profiles 433 restrain terracotta panel 457 ALIGN EWS-02E 150 IWS-12 Steel structure size to S.E’s Bracket to fix curtain wall 400 EWS-02E SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Internal lining on metal studs design EPDM Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E openable only above (12.5mm plasterboard on 18mm JOI-07 240 41 1100mm to allow natural ventilation. plywood) EWS-01C Painted MDF flush skirting CPG-03 190mm Mineral Wool between Coping to existing wall sitting CONSTRUCTION EWS-01C 200mm Metsec profiles 30mm in front of wall most Metsec slotted track external point JOI-07 EWS-01C Painted MDF flush skirting Terracota Baguette with steel 350 reinforcement EWS-01C VCL EWS-01C 90mm Kingspan Kooltherm K15 50 155 (achieving a U-value of 0.18 Concrete edge beam to S.E’s MAINTENANCE / CLEANING W/m2K) details EWS-02B Windows to be cleaned from roof in L-01 with a 55ft reach and wash waterfed pole. EWS-01C SSL Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E will be cleaned from the PPC Aluminium sheet covering +43.010 inside. Top windows being openable towards the inside allow the insulation cleaning of the bottom panel. Steel edge beam updated to EWS-01C Steel edge beam updated to DECOMMISSIONING / DEMOLITION SSL match latest S.E's information Cement boanded particle board match latest S.E's information +38.880 EWS-01C Concrete ring beam updated to Bracket to restrain terracotta match latest S.E's information It is assumed that all works will be carried out by a competent baguette fixed to Metsec contractor working, where appropriate, to an approved method structure 297 statement. 183 300 200 ATE-14 Existing masonry external facade cleaned and repaired 05 18.12.17 TENDER ISSUE LM OM LM JR 04 01.12.17 TENDER LM JR LM JR Curtain wall fixing bracket fixed to 441 03 03.11.17 TENDER DRAFT LM JR underside of beam drawn chkd 02 15.09.17 INFORMATION 300mm pre-cast concrete plank with 50mm topping as per S.E’s 01 07.09.17 INFORMATION specification rev date notes RBC-01 Anti-glare manual operated roller 119 ! EWS-02E IWS-10 project title date of origin scale blind 171 Capped aluminium curtain wall Insulated lining (to achieve 1620 J-Block Refurbishment August 2017 1:5 @ A1, 1:10 @ A3 with side-hungued window inset U-value of 0.20W/m2K) and Extension Project (transparent glass: laminated + client drawing title London Metropolitan Detail Section BB - New Facade toughened) University2 SECTION B-B: SECTION DETAIL NORTH-WEST FACADE - BETWEEN SECOND & THIRD FLOOR 3 SECTION B-B: SECTION DETAIL NORTH-WEST FACADE - BETWEEN FIRST & SECOND FLOOR status drawing reference revision 1:5 1:5 STAGE 4 1620-5008 05Fig.55DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 31

DRAWINGSProduction details 1:20 (design intent) JF JF JF JF 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Details in 1:20 are sometimes needed in order to provide a stepNOTE:Thecontractorisresponsibleforthecheckingofallsitedimensionsandlevels.Theseshouldbe RFS-01 RFS-01 RFS-01 RFS-01 checked prior to ordering of any components and before commencement of the works on site. All discrepancies should be brought to the immediate attention of the Contract Administrator. SSL SSL 162 +47.140 +47.140 KEY: EWS-10 3632 612 576 in between the elevations in 1:50 or 1:100 and the 1:5 details. 457SSL SSL +47.140 +47.140 In J-Block (London Met) we developed 1:20 details of the cladding at different points in order to help with the setting out EWS-02B 4000 of the cladding and to understand the relation between the EWS-02E 3 Scale Bar(1:25@At1e) rracotta panels and the rest of the building (Fig.56) EWS-01C EWS-06A 0m 0.5m 1.0m EWS-01A EWS-01A 131 Notes EWS-10 Some areas were not only developed in section but in1. Donotscalefromthisdrawing. SSL SSL SSL SSL 2. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with all relevant +43.010 +43.010 +43.010 +43.010 Architects and Consultants drawings, schedules and specifications. EWS-06A 3. This drawing is to be read in conjunction with the latest revision of EWS-01A the Architect's Specification Key Reference Schedule: 4 1620-SP-0100 4. All setting out to external finishes elevation and plan too in order to provide a whole package of information on areas which describe the most representative areas of the building. EWS-02E EWS-02B EWS-01A Key dimensions as well as key levels and tags are also required EWS-01C here. 4000 3632 612 240 40 Details updated to take into consideration the latest 457 information received from S.E. Please refer to 1:5 details for more detailed information. SSL SSL SSL SSL +38.880 +38.880 +38.880 +38.880 SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E openable only above1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1100mm to allow natural ventilation. 2 DETAIL ELEVATION NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE CONSTRUCTION 1:25 MAINTENANCE / CLEANING1 DETAIL SECTIONS NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE EWS-02B Windows to be cleaned from roof in L-01 with a 55ft 1:25 reach and wash waterfed pole. Windows behind baguettes EWS-02E will be cleaned from the inside. Top windows being openable towards the inside allow the cleaning of the bottom panel. DECOMMISSIONING / DEMOLITION It is assumed that all works will be carried out by a competent contractor working, where appropriate, to an approved method statement. 3 DETAIL PLAN (3RD FLOOR) NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE 1:25 02 18.12.17 TENDER ISSUE LM OM LM JR 01 01.12.17 TENDER drawn chkd rev date notes 644 project title date of origin scale 1620 J-Block Refurbishment August 2017 1:25 @ A1, 1:50 @ A3 and Extension Project 2724 1452 1332 679 867 client drawing title London Metropolitan Detail North-West Elevation-Typical Bay University 4 DETAIL PLAN (2ND FLOOR) NORTH-WEST FACADE -NEW FACADE status drawing reference revision 1:25 STAGE 4 1620-5300 02 Fig.56DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 32

DRAWINGS As in all aspects of design working through the detail in three dimensions is an important part of developing the detail of the3D studies cladding package (Fig.57) It is important to update the 3D once the details have been Fig.57 developed to see what impact do the technical solutions have on the image of the building.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 33 Fig.58



Mock-ups Testing things firstDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 36

MOCK-UPS Cladding mock-ups are not always required and it will depend on the scale and value of the project.Testing the design In Perrodo, no cladding mock-ups were made due to the small size Example from A section of Architectural Specification of the project. Visual mock-ups: Mock-ups are required as described in individual work sections of the specification: For J-Block (London Met) a cladding mock-up would be • To aid design development of CDP designed work: Parts of the works are to be constructed recommended once the specialist contractor is on board. full size, not necessarily using the actual materials but sufficient to illustrate compliance with The mock-up will allow us and the specialist contractor to fine tune design intent. Construct mock-ups in time to allow adjustment to the detailed design. things and understand any issues. Ideally we would like the mock- • To agree particular details / setting out / colour mixing, etc. before work is started: up to include any variation in the cladding. In the case of J-Block These mock-ups are to use the specified materials / components and are deemed to (London Met) it should include an area with baguettes, an area with be confirmation of what is included in the specification unless specifically and formally ribbed profiles and one with flat profiles. confirmed otherwise by the CA. • For Client approval of what is included in the specification and to be incorporated in The timing of a mock-up is key to make sure lessons learnt can be fed the works. These may be incorporated with other work in particular parts / rooms of the into the process without delaying the works and this requirement building. should be picked-up in the specification. Benchmarks / control samples: • The first completed part/s of the works are to be used as quality benchmarks for subsequent work of a similar kind. • Incorporate related work where specified in individual work sections. • Co-operate with others in the preparation of benchmarks / control samples. • Timing: Allow enough time for the review procedure (specified elsewhere in specification) • Facilities: Provide suitable conditions for effective review, e.g. lighting replicating that proposed for the completed work. • Acceptance: Do not proceed without CA’s formal acceptanceDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 37



Specification Making sure everything is coveredDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 40

SPECIFICATIONSpecification (design intent)Example H92 clause defining package specific design responsibility • Areas of non-compliance with specification.CONTRACTOR DESIGN (CDP) Example H92 clause regarding terracotta rainscreen cladding• See clauses A/11 and A/14.• The Specialist Contractor will be responsible for developing the detailed design of the work TERRACCOTTA VERTICAL PROFILED RAINSCREEN CLADDING RAINSCREEN CLADDING [EWS- 01A] in this section, subject to achieving the design intent shown on the Employer’s Requirement • Description: Drained and back ventilated terracotta cladding system, comprising cellular (ER) drawings and the required performance. Refer to Preliminaries and General Conditions.• The drawings and specification describe the design intent, including required exposed terracotta tiles fixed to an aluminium support system. profiles, materials and thicknesses, none of which may be altered without written agreement • Primary Support Structure: Lightweight Steel Frame (SFS) refer to section G10. SFS framing from the EA. The Specialist Contractor may include alternatives, such alternatives must be clearly and separately identified, including the consequences of all proposed substitutions typically 200mm deep (refer to details). for which the Specialist Contractor will be responsible. Co-ordination is required at the • Rainscreen Cladding System: James & Taylor Large Format Terracotta interface with all adjacent/adjoining elements, including between elements of this section • Type: Fully Drained & Back Ventilated (terracotta cladding and metal rainscreen), brickwork, curtain walling and roof finishes - see • Manufacturer: James & Taylor Ltd, Sixty Two, Barwell Business park, Leatherhead Road, clause A/54. Chessington,INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED WITH TENDER Submit the following cladding particulars: • Surrey, KT9 2NY. Tel; +44(0)20 8942 3688. Email;• Typical plan, section and elevation drawings at suitable scales. • Rainscreen Panel:• Typical detailed drawings at large scales. - Reference: James & Taylor Large Format Terracotta Rainscreen System / System 3C• Technical information and certification demonstrating compliance with specification of - Bond Pattern: Stacked - Module (Width): 310mm (Profile A1) / 155mm (Profile A2) / 310mm (Profile A4) proposed - Extruded Specials: Profile A1• incorporated products and finishes. - Fabricated Specials: To all external corners / Tile Profile A1 requires fabrication / all • Certification, reports and calculations demonstrating compliance with specification of tiles to have rebate for cloaking of shelf angle support / External Corner to Profile A4 - Module (Height): 1998mm (typically but not restricted to) – see GA drawings for proposed cladding. setting out• Proposals for connections to and support from the primary support structure. - Tile Finish: Standard or glazed TBC. Refer to clause 275.• Proposals for primary support structure additional to that shown on preliminary design - Colour: TBC from full range. - Extrusion Profile / Drawing Reference: 1066-002 drawings. - Tile Thickness: 100mm Profiled Duoskin tile thickness, consisting of a front and rear • Schedule of builder’s work, special provisions and special attendance by others. leaf connected by ribs, symmetrical along three axis and true to shape.• Examples of standard documentation from which project quality plan will be prepared. - Material: Terracotta, free from cracks, fissures, discolorations or any other defects • Preliminary fabrication and installation method statements and programme. which may adversely affect strength, durability or appearance.• Proposals for replacing damaged or failed products. - Acceptable Tolerances:DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 41

SPECIFICATIONSpecification (design intent) - Width: ± 1.0% within one production (max. 4mm)- Edge Bending: ± 0.5% of -Mill Finish Tile Holders: Mill finish profiles fixed to horizontal support at tile modules. length of edge Vertical centres to suit support rails. Inclusive of inserted silicon rubber bumpers and - Longitudinal bending: ± 0.5% of length rapid spring clip. - Transverse bending: ± 1% of height - Vertical and Horizontal Joint: As detailed and in accordance with the system - Angle difference: 90° ± 0.5% manufacturers recommendations. - Water Absorption: According to DIN EN 539-2, Below 6.5% • Air Gap: Not less than 50mm, as CWCT requirements for open jointed rainscreen systems. - Frost Resistance: according to DIN EN 539, Part 2 accomplished (150 This 50mm to be measured from the rear face of the large format terracotta Douskin tiles. frost cycles) • System Weight: 82kg m2 - Raw Density: According to DIN EN 772-113, Minimum 2.0g/cm3 (DIN • Fasteners: All fasteners to be stainless steel and suitable for a Marine Environment. 105 Part 4 Ceramic-Brick) • Isolation & Separation: Unless stipulated otherwise, these are to be manufactured from PTFE - Linear Thermal Expansion: 20-100°C Range (0.4mm/m) or Durethan Fire Protection: The terracotta tiles, the tile holders and the support profiles - Efflorescence: Nil as well as joint profiles are non- combustible (material class DIN 4102-A1 according to DIN - Load Bearing Capacity: 3 point bending torque by breakage; spacing 4101-4). between supporting points 3/5 of the tile length. Bending torque; • Material: Typically secondary aluminium support rails. Stainless steel rivets to be used to Average = 2.0 KNm /m, smallest measured value = 1.5 KNm /m. connect the Terracotta System to the secondary support/ framing.• Surface Condition / Texture: Requirement according to DIN EN 1304, Appendix B • Vapour Control Layer: As clause 780A accomplished. Not restricted to, but including: • Thermal Insulation: As clause 776A - Bubbles (local surface bumps of the material which are produced in • Breather Membrane: As clause 785A manufacture): = 10mm - Craters (loss of material due to expansion of a grain (eg. • External sheathing of SFS as K11/495 lime): = 7mm • Accessories: Ventilation profiles to any openings larger than 10mm / Closer flashings to - Chips (detachment of parts of the ceramic body):= 7mm cavity if cavity is viewed from external or internal views. - Hair Cracks (cracks): Cracks and crazes in the ceramic body. • Incorporated Components:• Restraint System: - Bespoke channels as detailed: - Components; Starter Shelf Angle, Retention Rail, Tile Holders + Silicon Rubber - Secret fixed and to allow adjustment to ensure consistent line and level with adjacent Bumpers. components and as the design intent. - EPDM washers at fixing locations to maintain airtightness line. - Bespoke flashings and trims as detailed: - Shelf Angle: Fixed using S/S POP rivets at no greater than 600mm centres. - Secret fixed and to allow adjustment to ensure consistent line and level with adjacent Twice fixed at each junction with the vertical support rail. Rail will span no greater than components and as the design intent. 600mm. PPC RAL 9005 • Other Requirements: - Retention Rail: Fixed using S/S POP rivets at no greater than 600mm centres. Twice • Integration and co-ordination into the overall external walling system (EWS) consisting of SFS, fixed at each junction with the vertical support rail. Rail will span no greater than boarding,insulation and membranes as detailed. 600mm.DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 42

SPECIFICATION The specification is a critical component of the tender and the construction package and should be included in all but theSpecification (design intent) very smallest projects. It should be used to communicate key requirements of the design intent. Recommendation from the Perrodo team in regards to the specification: • Anything visible part of the rainscreen cladding should be Polyester Powder Coated For rainscreen cladding specifications we would recommend to refer to the following projects: including screw heads. • Make sure that the bottom of the baguettes are not sealed so they allow for water egress. 1514 SPC Perrodo 1620 London Met Phase 1 An example of some general clauses (NBS Specification section H92) can be found in the previous two pages. Fig.59DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 43

SPECIFICATIONMake it safeGenerally Example 1 Example 2When developing the cladding design consideration has to be When Terracotta panels or baguettes go all the way down to the There may be times when Terrracotta baguettes will need to begiven as with all aspects to the general principles of prevention Ground floor, the last panels to be installed should be the ones glued together in order to achieve the required height. This is(ERIC): in the Ground floor to minimize the risk or breaking / damaging possible but people doing the handling of the baguettes will needEliminate them. to be extra careful on the glue line as it is quite fragile (Fig.63).If you can eliminate an identified hazard, by taking a different In the case of Perrodo, the base detail was installed in the followingdesign decision, you must do this. But otherwise so far as is order to reduce the risk and make it safer: Additional rods / flat bars on the inner side of the baguettes will bereasonably practicable. • 1st: Ground Fixing (Fig.60) required to offer an extra level of safety should the baguettes break • 2nd: Installing Floor (Fig.61) while being handled manually or once they are in place (Fig.64)If the identified hazard cannot be eliminated: • 3rd: Installing Baguettes (Fig.62)ReduceThe designer must reduce the remaining risks associated with the Fig.60hazard, so far as is reasonably practicable (SFARP*). The measureto reduce the risk should be added into the SHE box in the Fig.63appropriate drawing.If significant risks remain:InformProvide information on these risks to the contractor, or those usingor maintaining the structure. The risks should be highlighted in theSHE boxes.ControlSafe Systems of Work resulting from information provided. Fig.61 Fig.62 Fig.64DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 44


References Someone else has done it before and we have done it before!DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 46


REFERENCESOther projects: Brighton College, Allies & MorrisonDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 48

REFERENCESOther projects: Laboratories, Eric ParryDESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 49

Practice Manual-Terracotta Rainscreen Cladding

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