Image Database DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS \\ May 2022
Image Database What is it? An online open asset database of all Design Engine's images. The images are used for reference and for use in a range of documents from design reports, to fee bids and marketing material. They are typically presentation images but should also include images that capture the design process. It includes a wide range of image types; visualisations, drawings, sketches, model photographs, and completed building photographs. It doesn’t include site progress photographs with the exception of photographs of a particularly key or interesting moments. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 2
Image Database Where is it? The link to the Image Database can be found in the ‘pink’ Design Engine database. To log-in you’l need your email address and your computer log-in password. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 3
Image Database Home Page Images are arranged in ‘Projects’ which can be scrolled through on the home page or… Images can be searched for by keywords. These keywords are dependant on the keywords assigned when the image was uploaded and is limited. The best way to search for an image is by job name and if you know the job number that would also help. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 4
Image Database Project Page Once you’ve selected a project you’ll see a preview of all the images assigned to that project. Tip: Each image is assigned a green, amber, or red code which indicates whether the range is suitable for external use, internal use only, or for reference only. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 5
Image Database Image Page By clicking on an image’s preview you’ll be taken to the image page The image page has additional details on the image selected and allows you to edit/add information. It also provides a larger preview. You wont need to use this view unless your editing the data associated with that image. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 6
Image Database 2. 1. Selecting images Once you’ve found the images your after select them by clicking on the tick in the top left hand corner of the image’s preview. You can select more than one image. Then click download on the right hand tool bar, and you’ll be taken to a download pop-up. Note: There is a drag and drop option but this has limited compatibility with the software we use regularly. 1. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 7
Image Database 1. Downloading In the download pop-up select a file size and then press download. This will automatically download the image(s) to your computer’s download file. Bear in mind what your going to use the image for and select the most appropriate file size, not just the largest. We have a custom ‘pages’ option which downloads a file of a suitable size for pages. However, even ‘pages’ size image can quickly increase the size of a pages document if its is a long report. 2. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 8
Image Database Uploading Adding images is easy and quick. Oliver will do the uploading for you, but you’ll need to do a few simple things to enable this to happen. Add a folder into the ‘Image Upload’ file, the location is indicated in the screen shot on this page. Drop your images in here at the largest format size you have. No live files please, Jpeg or PDF format is fine. Drop Oliver an email or Teams message to let him know you’ve added something. DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 9
Image Database Adding images to the Image Upload folder Naming Your Folder Group images by time period / project stage and create more than one folder where necessary. The folder name is important Your folder names should include your Initials, Project Code and Project Name. At the top of the ‘Image Upload’ folder is Example: SR 1610 Goodwood Aero Club instructions on how to name the folder this should For each folder, add a completed copy of the '00-UploadDetails' file found in Zeus/Studio/5- include your initials, project code and project Databases/Image Upload. name. There is also a file called upload details. Copy this Please duplicate and fill out the file for each into the folder and complete as much information folder you upload and put the copies in each as you know. folder. Do not delete or unlock the original file. This is important as it gives the uploader (who may know nothing about this image or the project) as ========================================================================= much information as possible, and saves them 1. Your Initials having to ask you at a later date. 2. Project Code 3. Project Name DESIGN ENGINE ARCHITECTS | 10 4. Photographer 5. Copyright Holder 6. Access Level (External/Internal/Restricted) • External is available to share with the public • Internal is shareable with the client • Restricted is just for company use 7. Project Stage 8. Date Created 9. Keywords The more keywords that you can add the better! 10. Album Name As an example: \"1414 Visualisations Renders 2014 Buro Happold Newman Street\" =========================================================================
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