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Design Engine Higher Education 2017

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INTRODUCTION Founded in 2001 by Richard Rose-Casemore, Richard Jobson and Rodney Graham, Design Engine Architects is a practice of 35 people delivering award-winning national and international architecture and interior design from its Winchester studios. We work across all sectors and scales but have developed a specialist team for the design and delivery of exceptional academic facilities. As a practice we are fascinated by the exploration of new teaching and learning environments. We have lectured at education conferences on these ideas as well as researching emerging trends in the UK and abroad. Ultimately all of our work, designed closely with our higher education clients, is focused on improving the student experience. This involves creating exciting, vibrant, uplifting buildings, which remain serious in their respect for academic teaching and learning, whilst at the same time being cognisant of the need to be sustainable, affordable, robust and maintainable. We have delivered a wide range of projects for higher education clients including University of Oxford, London School of Economics and University of Southampton and are currently working on campus developments for London Metropolitan University and Brighton University. The next few pages focus on our work for three institutions: University of Winchester, Oxford Brookes University and Arts University Bournemouth. Featured projects are a mixture of new build and refurbishment, and are illustrative of the range and flexibility of spaces required in a modern higher education learning environment, all enlivened through the use of colour and materiality.Design Engine Architects \ Higher Education Higher Education \ 33

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CONTENTS 2Introduction 4 4University of Winchester 8St. Alphege Building 12University Centre 14John Stripe Lecture TheatrePerforming Arts Studio 16 16Oxford Brookes University 20John Henry Brookes BuildingAbercrombie Building 22 22Arts University Bournemouth 26Student Services Building 30Photography BuildingDesign Workshops & Studios 32Client List Higher Education \ 5

St Alphege Building University of WinchesterLocation: Winchester St. Alphege Learning and Teaching BuildingCompletion Date: 2012 The St. Alphege Building is situated within a central location of the King Alfred CampusContract Value: £3.8m and was officially opened in January 2013 by His Royal Highness The Earl of Wessex.Area: 1570 sqm The St. Alphege Building provides 10 flexible teaching studios, breakout spaces, a high-Awards: level rooftop extension and a glazed atrium linking the existing and new buildings.RIBA Regional 2013Civic Trust Award 2014 The building occupies a steeply sloping site and the southern elevation overlooks a large playing field with distant views towards the downs. A former 1930s Faculty of Arts building was demolished to make way for the new building.“Design Engine Architects have provided the University of Winchester an imaginative, professional and practical service over the 10 years, introducing a sea change in the quality of buildings which underpins the ethos of the institution and at the same time is cost effective.” — John Mann, Director of Estates, University of WinchesterSt. Edburga (highlighted) remodelled andextended, with newly built St. Alphegeconnected by a new atrium. Design Engine Architects \ 6

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3.1\ Primary TypefaceClient: University of WinchesterArchitect: Design EngineStructural Engineer: Heyne Tillet SteelBuilding Services Engineer: GrontmijQuantity Surveyor: Jackson ColesSpecification Writer: Design EngineAcoustic Consultants: English Cogger PartnershipCDMC: Allen Holmes LtdBuilding Control Inspector: WCC LA Building ControlBREEAM Assessor: GrontmijMain Contractor: Geoffrey Osborne Ltd 8 Design Engine Architects \ 8

The new building (St.Alphege) is physically connected to the existing 1970s St.Edburga teaching building, which has undergone extensive refurbishment works, as part of a second phase of the project. The University of Winchester’s brief was initially to provide 8 teaching spaces within a new building for approximately 600 students. The site with an existing 1920s examination hall, was adjacent to an existing 1970s teaching building, which had to remain partially operational during construction. Phase 2 of the works converted a further two lecture spaces in the existing building and provided two additional lecture rooms and an open learning space as part of a rooftop extension. As part of the University’s aspiration to drive higher standards of excellence for studying and the student experience, the building was set to achieve BREEAM excellent from the outset of the project. This has seen innovative technology and design used to harness and control passive environmental factors. This gives a more comfortable and controllable space that aids teaching and wellbeing. It also provides the obvious environmental benefits of natural light, natural ventilation and reduced energy consumption. As well as providing excellent teaching rooms, particular attention was given to the external areas between campus buildings, which form a critical social space and important frontage for the University of Winchester.“layered in a filigree drape of sheltering timber louvres that suggests both a sense of the big scale and a richness of detail” —RIBA Awards, St. Alphege Judging panel Higher Education \ 9

Location: Winchester University CentreCompletion Date: 2007Contract Value: £6.5m University of WinchesterArea: 3300 sqm The site forms an important boundary to the main campus and adjoins the point of mainAwards: entrance for the University but previously offered a very poor ‘public face’. The site wasRIBA 2008 steeply sloping and graded and there was a poor level of disabled access to the existingWinchester Trust Award 2010 building, and elsewhere across the campus.The new building reinforces the edge of the campus providing an improved threshold to the Sparkford Road. The building is conceived in two halves in terms of its section: the lower level consists of a series of stepped terraces in which the venue space is placed ‘inboard’ to the site and as buried within the topography as far as possible to mitigate any noise break-out, the upper level consists of the food hall, opens out to landscaped terraces and sits beneath a delicate lightweight roof structure. Design Engine Architects \ 10

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Client: University of Winchester Plinth, steps, terraces:Architect: Design Engine The lower part of the building is seen as a series of interlocking landscaped terraces thatStructural Engineer: Price & Myers step up the site and form the ‘plinth’ of the building. The use of engineering brickworkBuilding Services Engineer: has been chosen to reinforce the idea that this is a landscape element rather than part ofMichael Popper Assoc. LLP the ‘building’. The south facing terraces incorporate generous steps using a silver greyQuantity Surveyor: Jackson Coles paving ideal for students to meet and sit.Acoustic Consultants:English Cogger Partnership Sculptural roofFire Engineering Consultant: Safe The roof is seen as a lightweight umbrella, which forms a ‘canopy’ over a section of theBuilding Control Inspector: STMC external landscaped terraces. The envelope to the foodhall and internet café is largelyLandscape Consultants: glazed with sunshading to prevent overheating of the internal environment. The formJoy Jardine Garden Design of the zinc roof was developed over considerable time and aims to create a unique 5thMain Contractor: Geoffrey Osborne Ltd elevation to the scheme.Planning Supervisor: Jackson Coles Cellular wing The linear block is seen as a counterpoint to the ‘lightweight’ food hall. It is a more solid element, reinforcing the edge of the campus. The use of an insulated render system ties the building back to the Stripe Theatre, which also uses this material. This element contains offices, meeting rooms, a service core and a bookshop. The roof top plant is hidden by a continuous enclosure using Trespa cladding panels to match the colour of the windows and curtain walling. The roof of this building is extended over the access road to the campus to create a porte cochere and literally a gateway to the university. “As architects for the new Student Centre, Design Engine provided imaginative, efficient and cost effective professional input at all times.” — John Mann, Director of Estates, University of Winchester Design Engine Architects \ 12

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John Stripe Lecture Theatre University of WinchesterCompletion Date: 2005 One such project where early studies proved that re-use was the cost effective route toContract Value: £1.8m a new facility was the Stripe Theatre at University of Winchester. Built in the 1970s, theArea: 1190 sqm building was proving inadequate both as a teaching facility and a performance venue. Our solution was to retain the brick structure, re-rake the theatre seating for betterAwards sightlines, add a floor above for new seminar rooms and introduce a double-height foyer.Winchester Trust Award2007 The result is now a University and a city venue of the highest calibre, where auditorium comfort, acoustics and lighting are universally admired. Design Engine Architects \ 14

Client: University of WinchesterArchitect: Design EngineStructural Engineer: Buro HappoldBuilding Services Engineer: Buro HappoldQuantity Surveyor: Burnley Wilson FishAcoustic Consultants: English Cogger PartnershipBuilding Control Inspector: STMCCDMC: Buro Happold Higher Education \ 15

Performing Arts Studio University of WinchesterLocation: Winchester The University needed to provide their Performing Arts Faculty with new and dedicatedCompletion Date: 2009 accommodation. This follows a re-organisation of teaching space between Business StudiesContract Value: £1.8m and Performing Arts within the campus.Area: 1200 sqm The design had to respond to a tight programme with just 14 months from conception toAwards: completion, and a budget of approximately £1,800,000. A ‘stripped down’ aesthetic wasCivic Trust Award 2012 therefore chosen to meet these requirements, to create a robust environment and promoteBCIA Finalist 2012 creative freedom for the users.Structural Engineer: Gyuory Self The studios provide a flexible teaching environment for physical theatre and humanBuilding Services Engineer: Grontmij movement as well as seminars and academic workshops. The drama studios are also used toQuantity Surveyor: Jackson Coles teach stage management courses in conjunction with technical equipment for lighting andBuilding Control Inspector: STMC sound.Landscape Consultants: Creating PlaceMain Contractor: Geoffrey Osborne LtdCDMC: Allen Holmes Design Engine Architects \ 16

“The Performing Arts Studios are a delight, both to teach in and to learn in.” — Professor Anthony Dean, University of Winchester Higher Education \ 17

John Henry Brookes Building Oxford Brookes University“The John Henry Brookes building reflects well on both client and architect. It is a place of learning, administration and relaxation that works at various speeds and various levels of privacy from the ultra-public to the ultra-concentrated. It gives the institution a focus and a sense of physical stature that it previously lacked.” — Hugh Pearman, RIBA Journal Design Engine Architects \ 18

Completion Date: 2014 At the core of the concept is the ambition to bring cohesion to a disparate campus;Contract Value: £83m integrating existing buildings with new central student facilities. These links provide fluidArea: 24,320 sqm movement across the new campus for the first time, where academic spaces co-exist with social areas for the enjoyment of students and staff alike.Awards:RIBA Stirling Prize Midlist 2014 To achieve the University’s vision for a holistic approach the new building needed toRIBA Building of the year (South) 2014 contain a critical mass of accommodation. This includes social learning spaces, main library,RIBA Sustainbaility Award (South) 2014 lecture theatre, teaching rooms and catering. To give cohesion to the whole campus theRIBA Awards (South) 2014 core conceptual idea is of a central glowing box interpenetrated by pegs, which reach outOxford Preservation Trust Award 2014 to interconnect with the existing campus.AJ Retrofit Award, Higher Education (Over£5m) 2014 These pegs, whilst fulfilling the need for new and better university space, crucially provide the enclosure to a series of new but different external spaces. The Colonnade peg running towards London Road will form the Eastern boundary to the new Piazza. The Abercrombie peg creates a new façade to the Southern edge of a re-modelled central courtyard. The Library peg relates to the internal Forum and creates a new north/south street. And finally the Pooled Teaching and Food Hall peg forms the edge to a future courtyard behind Sinclair as well as a new western courtyard and terrace. The ribbon has been introduced to address a number of issues around and within the building. Firstly it acts to tie the various components (the ‘pegs’) together, running as a continuous thread through the building. This helps to enhance the principal point of entry as well as reinforce the primary circulation route at level 1. On a practical level the colonnade element of the ribbon helps to give unity to the retail units behind, and provides shading to the food hall at the south end of the building. Higher Education \ 19

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Client: Oxford Brookes UniversityArchitect: Design EngineStructural Engineer: RambollEnvironmental Engineer: GrontmijCost Consultant: Turner & TownsendFire Engineering Consultant: GrontmijAcoustic Consultants: Sandy BrownLandscape Architect: Land Use ConsultantsLighting Consultant: Speirs and MajorSignage Consultant: Holmes WoodInterior Design: Design EngineCatering Consultant: Tricon Higher Education \ 21

Abercrombie Building Oxford Brookes UniversityLocation: Oxford Brookes University The Abercrombie Building forms the first phase of the much larger New Library andCompletion Date: 2012 Teaching Building for Oxford Brookes University.Contract Value: £16mArea: 4800 sqm The extended Abercrombie building rehouses and consolidates the Faculty of Technology, Design and Environment, which includes the School of Architecture. The extension runs toAwards: the south of Abercrombie and engages with the main New Library and Teaching Building,AJ Retrofit Award, Higher Education 2014 helping to knit the new with the old. The new extension is linked to the existing buildingOxford Preservation Trust Award 2014 by means of glass bridges and shared meeting galleries, forming a dramatic interior withRIBA Building of the Year (South) 2014 internal spaces opening onto the void.RIBA Sustainability Award (South) 2014RIBA Awards (South) 2014 “this is absolutely exquisite…This is the beginning of a great modern cathedral of learning.”Structural Engineer: RambollBuilding Services Engineer: Grontmij — University chancellor Shami Chakrabarti, Director of campaign group Liberty.Quantity Surveyor: Turner & TownsendAcoustic Consultants: Sandy Brown Design Engine Architects \ 22Fire Engineering Consultant: GrontmijBuilding Control Inspector: HCDLandscape Consultants: LanduseConsultantsBREEAM Assessor: Grontmij

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Student ServicesArts University BournemouthLocation: PooleCompletion Date: Sept 2015Contract Value: £2.3mArea: 736 sqm Design Engine Architects \ 24

A suite of new buildings providing improved and expanded facilities for the University’sStudent Services, Student Union, and Facilities Management departments. Two-storeybrick-clad new buildings, together with re-clad and refurbished existing spaces, provideimproved reception areas, new staff offices and meeting spaces, including dedicatedconsultation and counselling rooms, and a GP surgery space, connected by a new foyer,stair and lift.A sculptural steel external canopy extends over the road to link visually the new spaces,as well as identifying the building entrance and adding impact in defining a newapproach to the AUB campus. The brickwork cladding and aluminium facades have beendetailed to appear both contemporary and also integrate with existing buildings on thesite. The construction system uses an innovative form of insulated concrete formwork,which together with triple-glazed facades, and bespoke mechanical and environmentalsystems, are designed to target ‘Passivhaus’ environmental performance standards,producing a highly insulated and air-tight building envelope that minimises the building’senergy consumption and running costs in use.Client: Arts University Bournemouth Landscape Architect: Hyland Edgar DriverArchitect: Design Engine Planning Supervisor: TurleyStructural Engineer: AKS Ward Passivhaus Advisor: WarmM&E Consultant: AVUS Consulting Main Contractor: Morgan SindallQuantity Surveyor: Capita Photography: Nick Kane Higher Education \ 25

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Internal structure and finishes have been optimised for acoustic control, and carehas been taken to select furniture and specify colours and fabric finishes that createa suitable sense of comfort and coherence to the building interiors that supports theatmosphere of communication and counselling which was at the heart of the client’sbrief for the project.The Arts University Bournemouth is nationally and internationally recognised as aleading university offering high quality specialist education in art, design, media andperformance. This project is an initial phase of a master plan by Design Engine for theexpansion and development of the Arts University campus at Wallisdown, Poole. Higher Education \ 27

Photography Building Arts University BournemouthLocation: Poole The new Photography Extension building infills a square site between wings of an existingCompletion Date: Sept 2015 1980s building, where the existing technical darkroom and studio areas are located.Contract Value: £3.2m The new four-storey building provides associated support spaces such as break-out,Area: 1500 sqm communal, social learning and general teaching spaces, lecture theatre and I.T. suites, as well as connecting to the existing building circulation routes at each floor level. Design Engine Architects \ 28

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Client: Arts University Bournemouth Conceptually, the design has been informed by photographic processes, the principalArchitect: Design Engine west-facing facade features an array of digitally printed glazed fins that act as anStructural Engineer: AKS Ward environmental filter to reflect, diffuse and moderate natural daylight into the buildingM&E Consultant: AVUS Consulting interior, utilising modern printing and imaging technology whilst referencing the early formsQuantity Surveyor: Capita and glass plate negatives of early photographic procedures. The building’s exterior refersLandscape Architect: Hyland Edgar Driver to early cameras, taking the form of a black box with apertures forming roof lights, windowsPlanning Supervisor: Turley and ventilation louvres allowing controlled natural light and air through the atrium andMain Contractor: Morgan Sindall circulation spaces providing low-energy environmental control.Photography: Nick KaneAwards:Civic Trust Award 2015 Design Engine Architects \ 30

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Design Workshops & Studios Arts University BournemouthLocation: Poole The project consists of the conversion of former campus halls of residence into modernCompletion Date: Aug 2016 studio and teaching space for Arts University Bournemouth.Contract Value: £5.8mArea: 3000 sqm Split into two phases, each phase is being delivered within a single university academicRole: Architecture, Interior Design year. The project is part of a wider campus masterplan to update facilities for its internationally renowned creative disciplines. As well as the conversion of the existing cellular accommodation into specialised workshops, new roof lights provide north-lit natural lighting and passive ventilation to the open-plan top floor drawing studios. A series of ground floor extensions spill out onto new landscaped spaces. These extensions act as shop windows advertising the output of the university’s highly regarded arts departments and continue the cross fertilisation of ideas across the wider campus. Design Engine Architects \ 32

Client: Arts UniversityBournemouthStructural Engineer: AKS WardBuilding Services Engineer: AVUSConsultingQuantity Surveyor: Selway JoyceMain Contractor: Morgan SindallAcoustic Consultants: ARUPFire Engineering Consultant: LFABuilding Control Inspector: MLMLandscape Consultants: HEDPlanning Consultant: TurleyCDMC: Scott White & MorganSindall Higher Education \ 33

Full Client ListHigher EducationArts University BournemouthLondon Metropolitan UniversityLondon School of EconomicsOxford Brookes UniversityRoehampton UniversitySt Peter’s College, University of OxfordUniversity of BrightonUniversity of OxfordUniversity of SouthamptonUniversity of Winchester Design Engine Arc3hi4tects \ 34

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Design Engine Architects LtdThe Studio, Coker CloseWinchester SO22 5FFT. +44(0)1962 890111F. +44(0)1962 Design Engine Architects \ 36