Mayflower TheatreAuditorium RefurbishmentProjectFee proposalJanuary 2017
Mayflower TheatreAuditorium Refurbishment Project
About UsRichard Rose-Casemore, Richard Jobson and Rodney Grahamformed Design Engine Architects as a Private Limited Company inDecember 2001.Design Engine Architects deliver award-winning national andinternational architecture, masterplanning, interior and graphicdesign from its Winchester studios.We undertake work in most sectors but specialise in education, thearts and public buildings. A key aspect of our service to institutionsis our understanding and inventiveness in creating strategies tomaintain continuity of service delivery whilst working on ‘live’ sites.Our client’s projects are designed and delivered by a dedicatedteam of staff, trained and motivated to offer a first-class qualitydriven service. The practice has a wealth of experience working onnew buildings but also within sensitive historic settings and withconstruction budgets ranging to date from £0.5 million - £85million in value.Design Engine's work holds the synthesis of high quality designand sustainability as a core value and consequently manycompleted projects have been honoured with awards, includingRIBA Stirling Mid-list, an RIBA International Award, the LEAF(Leading European Architects Forum) Sustainability Award andnumerous RIBA, Civic Trust, RTPI and BCI awards andcommendations. The Practice has received 48 Design Awardssince 2001.Currently the practice is 36 people strong, formed from 22qualified architects and 9 assistant architects as well as a fulladministrative team.Design Engine Architects were awarded RIBA Architect of the Design Engine StudiosYear Award (South Region) and received RIBA Building of theYear Award (South Region) 2014.
Key External Stakeholder EngagementWorking in the realm of the arts is of enormous significance to us,since it affords us an opportunity to exercise one of our passions forcombining modern, sustainable architecture within the context ofrenowned creative arts environments, often which are seeped inhistory and tradition and which therefore often consist ofinteresting and sometimes challenging heritage asset.From this unique position we have been fortunate to develop newarchitectural strategies and responses that are both respectful ofthe place but which are driven by progressive thinking about theclient’s future needs and aspirations.A key to the success of a project in the historic environment is toobtain the support of the key external stakeholders such as theLocal Authority Planning and Conservation Officers,representatives of Historic England and local community individualbodies and/or groups.As with all external consultation, we work with the client todevelop a carefully considered strategy of engagement which isprogrammed to work well with the key milestones identified for theproject. This ensures that the time-periods for consideration andresponse arising through the consultation process are dovetailedwith the clients own expectations of progressing the designs withthe backdrop of statutory matters such as planning/listed buildingsapplications procedures and any statutory notice periods etc.The role of the design team and in particular the architect is tosupport the engagement process with the necessary material toenable presentations and face to face consultation to occur, as wellas being involved in the presentation/consultation events inperson. Very often we will provide physical models of a proposal asthese are very often the most easily understood medium.We are well experienced in the consultation process itself and withmanaging feedback and resistance that might arise during theengagement cycle so that the ambitions of the process can beachieved through a process of sensitive negotiation. Renovation of Winton Chapel at University of Winchester (2016)
Client CareDesign by dialogue. We pride ourselves on our approach to our work, in particular how we listen to our clients. Our focus is to treat the client as a key part of the design team andwhilst we expect to be the ones doing the hard work, we recognise the enormous insight and expertise that the client can bring to the design process. For us the key tounderstanding the clients brief is to understand the clients approach to their long-term vision of public arts delivery and values of the institution and the constitutional arrangementsin respect of how decisions need to be made by the client body. We will often need to consult directly with senior client-users who are responsible for specific aspects of theorganisations operation.Whether we are working on a design for a specific building or a wider strategic masterplan, we adopt an approach which we refer to as ‘design by dialogue’. The phrase captures theessence of the process we undertake, which is to work closely with our clients in order to consolidate the brief and to establish different and appropriate options in response.Our preference is for our designs to emerge in face to face workshops, where the client has direct involvement and input in the process alongside the many professional consultantsthat need to be involved in both masterplan and building projects. Finding the most appropriate means to engage in dialogue and ultimately to present the outputs of the work bothwithin the project and with the many stakeholders that surround a project is a major consideration. Our approach is very much dictated by the type of project, the physical context ofthe project and client sensitivities including their previous experience in delivering projects.To support the design process we hold a range of skills in-house, including physical model-making, realistic computer generated images, fly-through films and a vast range of 2-dimensional drawing types. Often a project has benefitted from making study tours to completed buildings where there has been a similar brief or an interesting aspect about aproject relating to the brief.Set out overleaf are further aspects of the service we provide our clients during the course of a project.
Director-led design An aspect of Design Engine’s service to its clients which sets it apart from other architects is that each project is director-driven from inception to completion.The project director will attend design meetings, presentations and be in communication at all times through the process. In addition to a director lead, we also have a reviewdirector allocated to the project. They undertake an impartial review of the project at fortnightly meetings and can offer a viewpoint on design-direction, resourcing, programmingand the content of presentations etc. which serves to provide an alternative viewpoint. Behind the project director and review director are a full team of project architects, assistantarchitects, interior and graphic designers and administrative staff will complete the architect team as required.Site analysis The early enquiry about the site, in particular about such things as services capacity, the location of below ground features, are as important to a project as those aboveground, such as the sensitivities of existing buildings or orientation etc. We undertake very careful analysis of the site which we use to lead us to the development of potential site-specific concepts arising from the brief. Experience shows that our client knows most about their site and can give genuine insight into issues which a new pair of eyes would notnecessarily see.Exploring options By maintaining an open mind and a flexibility through the stages of design, we are well positioned to manage conflicting issues surrounding a project as theyemerge. This might be due to a site constraint or from a need to maintain continuity of use of an aspect of the existing building, which would otherwise be affected by the design. Afurther example might arise from the project cost being exceeded, thereby requiring a change in approach. Exploring options through the design process are a normal part of ourservice.Cost awareness Although we would expect that a cost consultant would be appointed to the project to control the budget, we recognise that it is the designers outputs that dictatethe cost of the project. Site strategy, structural and constructional strategies and the specification of materials are all significantly influential on the cost of the project and weendeavour to evaluate the options with the wider project team, including client to assess the best value that can be achieved within the design for the client’s stated budget. Similarly,we recognise that cost in use (whole life cycle costs) i.e. future maintenance issues, replacement costs and the manner in which maintenance/replacement can be safely achieved aregiven similar consideration through the design process.Team approach We like to work closely with our client and consultant team alike and to date have enjoy long-term and fulfilling working relationships with the many clients andprofessionals we have encountered. The key to harnessing the best from the design team is through good communication. Not only do we think about how we present our ideas butwe also ensure that they are properly considered and recorded. Team management forms an important part of our service and will normally flow from our role on a project where weare appointed as either lead consultant and / or lead designer. We are happy to help our clients in the design team selection process. In order to govern the design process throughthe many decision gateways we have adopted the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 as our principal organising tool (see page right). This process is underpinned with the use of a risk register,established from the outset and maintained in parallel with the RIBA Plan of Work to enable immediate and future foreseeable risks and unforeseen but potential risks in the context ofthe progressing design.Award-winning delivery We pride ourselves on the delivery of our projects. We invest as much in the process of technical design and production information as we do in clientbriefing, scheme design, the making of planning applications and the delivery phases of a project. Our staff receive the best training possible in preparing for all phases of a projectincluding site work and the role of contract administrator, where this is required. We will also help our clients in the selection of the principal contractor.As a consequence of our approach we have had the pleasure of sharing the successes arising from our completed projects by winning over 42 awards for our clients buildingsincluding awards for our clients themselves. The States of Guernsey Education Department received the RIBA Client of the Year Award in 2014.Lessons learnt The majority of our clients commission us for either multiple-phased projects spanning a number of years or will re-appoint us for new projects as and when theyrequire. For this reason we will always carry out some form of post-completion analysis to reflect on the positives and negatives of the outcome so that approach to any future projectscan be adjust accordingly.
The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 organises the process of briefing, designing, constructing, maintaining, operating and using building projects into a number of key stages. The content of stages may vary or overlap to suit specific project requirements. The RIBA Plan of Work 2013 should be used solely as guidance for the preparation of detailed professional services contracts and building contracts. Stages 01 2 3456 7Tasks Strategic Preparation Concept Developed Technical Construction Handover In Use Definition and Brief Design Design Design and Close OutCore Undertake In Use servicesObjectives Identify client’s Business Develop Project Objectives, Prepare Concept Design, Prepare Developed Design, Prepare Technical Design Offsite manufacturing and Handover of building and in accordance with Case and Strategic Brief including Quality Objectives including outline proposals including coordinated and in accordance with Design onsite Construction in conclusion of Building Schedule of Services. and other core project and Project Outcomes, for structural design, building updated proposals for Responsibility Matrix and accordance with Construction Contract. requirements. Sustainability Aspirations, services systems, outline structural design, building Project Strategies to include Programme and resolution of Project Budget, other specifications and preliminary services systems, outline all architectural, structural and Design Queries from site as parameters or constraints and Cost Information along with specifications, Cost building services information, they arise. develop Initial Project Brief. relevant Project Strategies Information and Project specialist subcontractor Undertake Feasibility Studies in accordance with Design Strategies in accordance with design and specifications, and review of Site Information. Programme. Agree Design Programme. in accordance with Design alterations to brief and issue Programme. Final Project Brief.Procurement Initial considerations for Prepare Project Roles Table The procurement strategy does not fundamentally alter the progression Administration of Building Conclude administration of assembling the project team. and Contractual Tree and of the design or the level of detail prepared at a given stage. However, Contract, including regular Building Contract.*Variable task bar continue assembling the Information Exchanges will vary depending on the selected procurement site inspections and review project team. route and Building Contract. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will set of progress. out the specific tendering and procurement activities that will occur at each stage in relation to the chosen procurement route.Programme Establish Project Programme. Review Project Programme. Review Project Programme. The procurement route may dictate the Project Programme and may result in certain stages overlapping or being undertaken concurrently. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work*Variable task bar 2013 will clarify the stage overlaps. The Project Programme will set out the specific stage dates and detailed programme durations.(Town) Planning Pre-application discussions. Pre-application discussions. Planning applications are typically made using the Stage 3 output. A bespoke RIBA Plan of Work 2013 will identify when the planning*Variable task bar application is to be made.Suggested Review Feedback from Prepare Handover Strategy Prepare Sustainability Review and update Review and update Review and update Carry out activities listed in Conclude activities listedKey Support previous projects. and Risk Assessments. Strategy, Maintenance and Sustainability, Maintenance Sustainability, Maintenance Sustainability Strategy Handover Strategy including in Handover StrategyTasks Agree Schedule of Services, Operational Strategy and and Operational and and Operational and and implement Handover Feedback for use during the including Post-occupancy Design Responsibility review Handover Strategy Handover Strategies and Handover Strategies and Strategy, including agreement future life of the building or on Evaluation, review of Project Matrix and Information and Risk Assessments. Risk Assessments. Risk Assessments. of information required for future projects. Performance, Project Exchanges and prepare Prepare and submit Building commissioning, training, Updating of Project Outcomes and Research Project Execution Plan Undertake third party Undertake third party Regulations submission and handover, asset management, Information as required. and Development aspects. including Technology and consultations as required consultations as required any other third party future monitoring and Updating of Project Communication Strategies and any Research and and conclude Research and submissions requiring consent. maintenance and ongoing Information, as required, in and consideration of Common Development aspects. Development aspects. Review and update Project compilation of ‘As- response to ongoing client Standards to be used. Execution Plan. constructed’ Information. Feedback until the end of the Review and update Project Review and update Project Review Construction Update Construction and building’s life. Execution Plan. Execution Plan, including Strategy, including Health and Safety Strategies. Consider Construction Change Control Procedures. sequencing, and update Strategy, including offsite Review and update Health and Safety Strategy. fabrication, and develop Health Construction and Health and and Safety Strategy. Safety Strategies.Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability Sustainability SustainabilityCheckpoints Checkpoint — 0 Checkpoint — 1 Checkpoint — 2 Checkpoint — 3 Checkpoint — 4 Checkpoint — 5 Checkpoint — 6 Checkpoint — 7Information Strategic Brief. Initial Project Brief. Concept Design including Developed Design, including Completed Technical Design ‘As-constructed’ Updated ‘As-constructed’ ‘As-constructed’Exchanges Required. outline structural and building the coordinated architectural, of the project. Information. Information. Information updated services design, associated structural and building Required. in response to ongoing(at stage completion) Project Strategies, services design and updated client Feedback and preliminary Cost Information Cost Information. maintenance or operationalUK Government Not required. and Final Project Brief. Required. Not required. Not required. developments.Information Required. As required.Exchanges*Variable task bar – in creating a bespoke project or practice specific RIBA Plan of Work 2013 via a specific bar is selected from a number of options. © RIBA
Example projects
The Lighthouse, PooleRefurbishment ProjectThe Lighthouse Poole is a bespoke 1970‘s-built facility andthe largest art centre in the south of England, boasting a1500 seat concert hall, 669 seat theatre and 132 seatstudio theatre, art gallery and cinema. It is also the home ofthe Bournemouth Symphony 2012, Design Engine were appointed following acompetitive bid to support the Lighthouse in making anapplication for an Arts Council Capital Grant. This wassuccessful and provided £5 million of funding towards therefurbishment of the facility.Much of the work involved focussed on improvements tothe environmental conditions of the building, especiallythe air quality of the concert hall but also includedsignificant improvements to the appearance and quality ofthe building, both internally and externally.One particular space which has received attention is thestudio theatre. This space has been wholly reconfiguredwith the significant input of theatre specialists CharcoalBlue. The studio project received additional fundingsupport from an external benefactor enabling significanttransformation.Like the Mayflower Theatre project the physical works hashad to be ‘shoe-horned’ into the summer close-downperiod. In this case it was split across two summers (2015and 2016) and although there were significant issues interms of managing the works the planned events, includingthe very important first concert of the BSO 2016programme in October, took place successfully.Design Engine’s involvement was as lead consultant,architect and interior designer, including ContractAdministrator for the works.
5 January 2017 To whom it may concern Design Engine have been engaged by Poole Arts Trust Ltd to design and lead the refurbishment of Lighthouse which was completed this autumn 2016. This was a £5.3m two phase project that has been substantially supported by Arts Council England and Borough of Poole. I have worked closely as Client Project Director with lead architect Rod Graham to develop and deliver the capital improvements over the past 4 years, from feasibility to completion and have really enjoyed collaborative working with him and his team. Ours has been a complex project covering spatial redesign, structural changes, interior design and a significant programme of mechanical and electrical works. Design Engine has worked collaboratively and sensitively with Lighthouse and we have found them to understand our business and the multi purpose needs of a range of our users from resident orchestra, visiting artists, audiences, staff and building users. Design Engine has helped to find innovative solutions as well as to support our team to traverse the process and ensure the project detail was realised early on. We are really delighted with the outcome of the design. If you have any further questions, please do feel free to contact me. Elspeth McBain Chief Executive Officer
London School of EconomicsRefurbishment ProjectThe London School of Economics has buildings dispersedacross a wide central-London campus. The Grade II listedOld Building is the original heart of the institution and it ishere where foreign dignitaries are received by the LSEahead of them delivering their well known programme ofinternational VIP lectures.Design Engine were commissioned in 2009 to undertake asignificant refurbishment and restoration of the OldBuilding’s reception, VIP green room and circulationspaces, including the introduction of wheelchairaccessibility throughout the lower levels.As a part of our proposal we also designed and procured aseries of newly branded interpretation and informationpanels designed to provide visitors with both a history ofthe LSE and also useful way-finding information.
University of Winchester Performing Arts StudiosThe University of Winchester is strong in the subjectof performing arts and commissioned Design Enginein 2010 to deliver a new Performing Arts buildingconsisting of six ‘state of the art’ studios.The project needed to be completed within a veryshort programme and so the design was carefullyworked to enable rapid constructuon withoutcompromising on the quality of the spaces or theenvironmental performance of the building.The building consists of five day-lit studios and one‘black-box’ studio. All spaces throughout thebuilding are naturally ventilated.Design Engine’s involvement was as lead consultant,architect and interior designer, including ContractAdministrator for the works.The project received a Civic Trust Award in 2012.
St Peter’s College, OxfordRefurbishment ProjectSt Peter’s College is one of the youngest college’s inOxford, established in 1929 but sited on the location oftwo former medieval halls. Hannington Hall is one of itslisted buildings and serves to this day as its dining hall.The building is listed Grade II and was formed from one ofthe original halls namely Old New Inn Hall of 1485.Design Engine have been appointed by St Peter’s Collegeto work on several new build and refurbishment projects.One of these is to refurbish Hannington Hall with aparticular emphasis on conservation of the earliest fabricand to address the quality of lighting and acoustics withinthe space.The project is currently on site and is due for completion in2017.Design Engine’s involvement is as lead consultant, architectand interior designer, including Contract Administrator forthe works.
John Stripe Theatre Auditorium Refurbishment ProjectThe John Stripe Theatre, Winchester is a 1960’s facilityoriginally belonging to King Alfred College. It was purposebuilt for both lecture and theatre accommodating circa 330seats.Design Engine were commissioned in 2004 by its newowners University College Winchester (Now University ofWinchester) to carry out a wholesale refurbishment of theauditorium space which was particularly worn after fortyyears of uninterrupted service.The refurbishment required a review of the suitability of theraking to the seating floor, which was considered tooshallow, full seat replacement, new interiors finishesincluding carpeting, stage and wall cladding and a newservices provision including lighting, dimmers, rigging, air-handling, PA and acoustics.Design Engine’s involvement was as lead consultant,architect and interior designer, including ContractAdministrator for the works.
Following an approach from Graham Williams of Denley Kingwe have prepared an short fee proposal which gives details ofour proposed scope of service and costs to perform the role oflead consultant, architect and interior designer for therefurbishment of the auditorium (plus the potential for smallerprojects outside of the auditorium) at the Mayflower Theatre,Southampton.We feel that we are able to undertake this commission to theexpectations of the Mayflower Theatre and can offer someadditional reasons why we consider that we would suit theproject in the capacity described:• We are currently involved in a major capital refurbishment project at the Lighthouse, Poole, which is successfully nearing completion.• We have significant experience in designing within Listed Buildings.• We are geographically close to the project (we are based in Winchester) and can therefore respond quickly to the needs of the project.• We have strong relationships with both Charcoal Blue and Seymour and Bainbridge.• We have our own interiors and graphics designers who are capable of bringing expertise to the project.• We have successfully delivered numerous projects within the realm of Performing Arts.• We have enjoyed positive engagement with both Planning and Conservation Officers at Southampton City Council. Reconfiguration and extension of Radley Chapel
We have based our fee proposal on the outcome recommendations of the feasibility study undertaken by Charcoal Blue in 2015. We understand that the programme requires that all of the works is to be undertaken during a 2018 summer ‘dark weeks’ shutdown of no more than 8-10 weeks in duration. We understand that our role on the project would encompass RIBA workstages 0-7. At Stage 5 the Contract Administration of the project will be undertaken by the Project Manager with Design Engine inspecting the works for compliance with the specification and for workmanship. A brief summary of our roles are given below: Lead Consultant Role. Design Engine would oversee progress of the various design disciplines and outputs required to fulfill the clients brief and to ensure that all design team consultants properly coordinate their information as required. The process will also require regular liaison with the Project Manager to advise on design/information progress and to ensure that it meets with the requirements of the Project Managers established programme for design and for procuring the works. The role would require regular attendance at client project meetings (PM responsibility) and Design team meetings (Design Engine responsibility). Minutes would be taken by Design Engine at Design Team Meetings and distributed accordingly. Architect Role. Design Engine would take responsibility for the design interface between the work of Charcoal Blue, the proposed m and e / structural consultants and conservation architect responsibilities. We will also engage with Historic England officers, Conservation officers, Planning officers and Building Control officers. We expect that there will be a need for conservation expertise and our proposal is for Seymour Bainbridge’s current role to be extended to cover at least the following: historic fabric survey, conservation and repair advice, heritage statement (for the formal Listed Buildings and Planning/ Conservation applications) and possibly the applications themselves (including drawings, reports and form-filling). This is to be agreed and currently a fee for the conservation element of the work is embodied into Design Engine’s fee as shown. Interior Design role. Design Engine would take responsibility for the selection and specification of interior finishes, including fabrics for seating, paint colours, carpets and trims plus any extraneous elements such as handrails, internal doors, ironmongery and fixtures/fittings as necessary. Principal Designer role. Our fee currently excludes this service.New accessible entrance to LSE Old Building Reception
Scope of Work• Obtain necessary existing building information from client and organise further surveys (cost not included in this fee proposal).• Assist Client / PM with other consultants appointments.• Attendance at project team meetings as required.• Schedule, Chair and Minute Design Team Meetings as required.• Regular liaison with all consultants - re design/programme etc.• Presentations to client body as required.• Liaison with Statutory Authorities and Building control (Approved Inspector if selected).• Prepare Stage Reports using other consultants submitted material.• Prepare Listed Buildings / Conservation Area / Planning application information, submit and monitor progress through to determination.• Assist/coordinate information of other consultants with architectural drawings / specification to support Stage 4 tender information.• Support client/PM in contractor selection.• Attend works as required and inspect regularly for compliance with specification and workmanship RIBA Stage 5.• Prepare weekly site report for presentation to client/PM.• Note: we have assumed that we will produce materials sample boards and 3-D visualisation to assist the client /other stakeholders with the approvals process but that high-definition .• Attend Handover meetings as required RIBA Stage 6.• Assist PM during defects period and report on outstanding defects as required.• Undertake post-occupancy feedback RIBA Stage 7.Exclusions:Contract administration.Contractor claims assessments.All costs related to application fees.
FeesWe have assumed an immediate involvement in the project from the beginning of January 2017 through to completion at the end of September 2018. A period of21 months.Although an interior focussed project of some technical complexity the overriding consideration is that the building is listed, raising the potential for extendedconsultation at Statutory Authority level.We have assumed that the construction cost falls between £2 - 2.5 million and have based our fee on a full involvement in the project.For the lead consultant role we have applied a fee of 1.25% of £2.25 million = £28,125For the architect/interior/conservation architect role we have applied a fee of 2.75% of £2.25 million = £61,875Fee total £ 90,000 plus VAT (currently at 20%).All normal printing and travel fees are included.Note: This proposal assumes that all necessary survey information required to complete the commission will be made available to Design Engine at theOther consultantsThe following additional consultant input will be required to varying degree (fees not included in the above).Principal DesignerStructural EngineerBuilding Services EngineerAcousticianSpecialist conservation advisors as deemed necessary
Design Engine Architects LimitedThe StudiosCoker CloseWinchesterHampshireSO22 5FFT. 01962 890111E. [email protected].
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